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Everything posted by bd1972

  1. I found this for Capquest does anyone know if this is correct Helen Ashton Cap Quest Group, Fleet 27, Rye Close, Fleet, Hampshire, GU51 2QQ
  2. Yes I was using the po box address. I will google the CEO now and resend them.
  3. Hi guys I'm having a bit of difficulty with the above companies. They both hold 1 debt each which are statute barred. One with the old tsb bank and the other with egg credit card. They are both writing to me constantly I have sent them the statute barred letter from the library via recorded delivery. Checked with Royal Mail and they have been signed for both in October. Is there any other address I can send the letters to or individual people at the companies I can address the letters. As my attempt seems to have fallen on deaf hears. Thanks
  4. Just an update. Success PE have cancelled the ticket and no further action will be taken. When I get home in morning I will scan the letter of confirmation and post it up. I would like to thank you all for your input and views.
  5. Hi my partner as had the same problem. No service at home or work. We logged a complaint online and they duly rang us after 5 days of waiting. After a lengthy 2 hour calk they agreed to end contract as long as they recieved the phone with all accessories back. But this was after they offered various discounts and signal boosters. Stick to your guns and they will eventually cancel.
  6. Hopefully its looking promising then as receipts totalled nearly £100.
  7. Hi guys I've had a reply from PE. They ask if we can provide proof we was shopping the entire period. My in law can as she throws nothing away. So I scanned receipts from 4 stores and have emailed. Does any one know why they asked for these.
  8. Thanks Andy I have read info and because I had negative equity it was a mid sale. Now who should I appeal Barclay's or the gap company itself. As they have both turned me down. Saying its the other part who should address it .
  9. Hi guys I know I have mentioned this before. But now I have had 2 responses. I had gap insurance on a car purchase which finished this year but it was discovered it would never have payed out if I had needed it. This was because I had a negative equity on my part ex that I put in. So I borrowed more than the screen price of the car. I tried to reclaim it with Barclay partner finance they have replied saying it was not with them so I tried the actual insurance company who it was with. They have also replied saying it was not their issue even though its their policy. Any ideas what to do next?
  10. I've had a lot if texts off the above numbers but my mobile allows number barring.curiosity got the better if me so I rang number from payphone and the number was not recognised.that is the number that showed up as a local area code
  11. Hi guys I have just had a call off Lowell group of companies its regarding an old debt. I never answered the call As I didn't know the number however it was a local area code how do they do that and is it allowed
  12. Hi guys has anyone encountered this. I've just had a call on my mobile from a local area code to where I live. I never answered as I don't know number. They left a message for me. It was muccy hall and other linked companies. But why have got through on a local area number rather that their normal one?
  13. OK I'll do it later when I finish the dreaded morning shift.
  14. Thanks is there a basic template for this letter or do I write one up myself.
  15. Hi guys my in laws has received a Pcn from parking eye. She has ignored the 1st letter and as received another 1 now stating she owes £100. What do we do now please help.
  16. Ok thanks i will fill out reclaim form and send to BPF
  17. This is now my dilema when i rang BPF they told me they didnt supply my gap. Re read paoerwork its on there but supplied by auto insure.
  18. Thanks i rang my gap provider yesterday and they said i had to get it back off my garage where i bought car. Is this correct?
  19. Hi guys completely off key here. But I'm having problems asking a new question. I have been sorting ou old paperwork and came across a Barclay partnership finance agreement finished in may. It had gap on there can I reclaim that if so how do I do it. Only reason I ask is there was a negative equity part to the agreement and if I had needed to claim I would not have been successful due to negative equity.
  20. Hi Guys Just a quick question. I have nearly finished my account with them and i will be looking at reclaiming my penalty charges and payment protection. Question is where do i start i ve sent a SAR already and waiting for it to come. But reading posts on here they seem to not want to play ball as anyone had any sucess thanks as always for your help
  21. Hi guys just an update. I havd had no contact from BPO at all. Just wondering what to do next as i have had confirmation of a job change bit of a promition and i need a newer more reliable car. I have a good deposit saved but need a bit of finance. I was turned down because of default by bank. Is there anything i can do? Thanks as always
  22. I will do that. My main concern is the incotrect default and date.
  23. I will do that. My main concern is the incotrect default and date.
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