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Everything posted by Hacked_Off

  1. So, a month after putting in my grievance I've not heard a peep from The employer aside from an acknowledgement. I've then started conciliation with acas. So then he decides to get his finger out and I've recieved this: Following on from my e-mail below, I have completed my investigation with the Management Team who work from our Branch office and now need to arrange a meeting with you, to discuss your grievance in greater detail. I am aware that you have approached ACAS and entered into Early Conciliation; I have discussed the current situation with them and they are aware I will intend to hold a Grievance Hearing/Meeting with you. I have the following dates available: 25/02/16: 29/02/15 and 01/03/16. Would you be available to meet with me on one of theses dates? If so, I understand you live in the x area, so we have two options: Hold the meeting in our Manchester Branch Office. Hold the meeting in a suitable place of your suggestion at a suitable time. In order for me to formally write to you, please give this e-mail your urgent attention and let me have your preferential location, time and dates for the meeting. I have several issues with this. Firstly I am not available on those dates. Secondly, he suggests i come to them, which is inns different city and would incur costs. Costs he is not offering to pay. Secondly, am I obligated to find a suitable location? That's for them surely? Thirdly, am I compelled to attend a meeting when for one month no response has been recieved and the conciliation process has begun?
  2. Anyone know how info a warrant of execution on mcol? The guidance says you can but there's no option to do it? O_o
  3. I tried to submit his messages at the hearing. One in particular were he said the courts are open to bribery...judge wasn't interested
  4. Just had another off him "*#%* off you bully" Apparently being a con artist that is STILL operating on gumtree with several names and numbers selling faulty goods gives him the moral high ground!!
  5. Careful now whenever I mock him he accuses me of mocking his "disabled dislexia"
  6. As predicted, he hasn't paid. I'm instructing hceo.
  7. You are allowed to covertly record for personal use as per the data protection act. You can then use said recordings in a court room as per aricle 6 'the right tons fair trial' provided it is 'in the interests of justice'. There's loads of case law on this which I don't have to hand. I've done it myself against a previous employer.
  8. Will do. He's emailed me saying their doing "stage 1 of the investigation on the 15/2/16" I smell a stall to put me outside of time limits..
  9. Just had this off him lol must have been on a different court to me "I say f?!' off to bullys ...text me again I will get you for harassment. ...just because the judge taught you a lesson and you did not go your way ....waisted time on your court bundles like a amature ."
  10. Just to add, when I started this job they deducted money for uniform which is "refundable when uniform is returned". The uniform was left on site (there was no one for me to give it to). They have failed to refund this. I took dated photographs of the uniform left onsite
  11. There's no way on this earth I will give a conman my info.
  12. Just had my judgment in the post, he has until Wednesday to pay. He's refusing to pay by any other means than a bank transfer.
  13. He didn't, he genuinely thought he was in the right. His face when he lost was perfect.
  14. Now he's demanding my bank details to pay or hell "go back to court". Told him no chance, there's alternative ways to pay without me giving my bank details. The bank transfer was a suggestion by the judge, wasn't impressed.
  15. Final pay is showing correct with the payslip. On the payslip they've added my full months wage but then deducted all of it. They've failed to take into account the cut off/payment in arrears. I am missing two weeks wages. I've filled my formal grievance and they are "investigating your allegations". I've not heard a peep for a week.
  16. As predicted my wages were wrong, they've not paid any wages at all and my holiday pay is incorrect. I've had another letter from them saying they are "still prepared to resolve". I have a sneaking suspicion this is something to do with the fact the girl who replaced me quit because they changed the hours, again. They are advertising the job again. The fact that I got my p45 in the post two weeks ago contradicts this letter.
  17. Are you with a housing association? Most have there own welfare team that will help.
  18. Not much. Im waiting for my final pay day (tomorrow) which I'm sure will be wrong before putting in my grievance.
  19. He's just turned up! He has a bundle of stuff that I've not recieved.
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