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Everything posted by Hacked_Off

  1. Does anyone know how i ask for a summary judgment on mcol or does it have to be a paper n244?
  2. So after speaking to the guy two weeks ago and being assured of a call back because he was "away", unsurprisingly this didn't happen. I've been into his store today and was met with accusations of being a liar and aggression. "are you sure it was from here...have a word with her lad....£30 charge to come and see what's wrong with it". Needless to say I am not impressed. I have spoken with consumer direct and this has been passed to trading standards.
  3. Whoops should of said 'blinky' as in playing up. Purchased from a proper store, still can't find any info on him though. https://m.facebook.com/pages/Bold-Street-Appliances/681635908578654
  4. Hi all, I bought a second hand fridge freezer on the second of April. It's been blindly for a about two weeks and today has completely died. It came with a six month warranty that im still within. The problem is however i can't find the receipt. I've had a look on his Facebook and he's has five bad reviews (after I bought) all saying the same thing: broken in a few weeks...warranty worthless...aggressive...liar..etc. I haven't been in yet but in anticipating nothing being done. Also, I can't find any information of anykind regarding his shop on company check etc. What are my rights here? Thanks very much!
  5. Tbh I'm more concerned about th service charges. I've been charged £180 to have my building cleaned four times. Things in the service charge breakdown are not being provided.
  6. No, arrangement was made on the phone. I've already seen the void report and everything else. The repair issues were not on there. I do however have dated photographs from when I viewed the flat, two months before moving on of the issues.
  7. Just to add the notice is very amateurish! It's a template notice "delete this and delete that...this form should be used when..." There's also some guidance for them on when and how to use it But nothing has been deleted.
  8. I moved into a housing association property in January. For various reasons I have fallen behind on rent. Up until not I have paid my rent three months in advance. I have received no prior notification of rent arrears, they have gone straight to a 'ground 10'. I have spoken to them on the phone and will be paying in full in two weeks. However, when I first moved into the property there were several issues that were not dealt with; leaking pipe in bathroom, light fixtures/wires hanging from the ceiling, intercom system doesn't work, I couldn't lock my front door, double French doors not waterproofed/draft proofed so open to the outside, leaking pipe under sink , shower didn't work, sink is not attached to the wall properly, missing skirting board, and a few other bits and pieces. Also I was left without gas for a week in January because they hadn't arranged for it to be switched on. I was told these issues would be dealt with before I moved on but they were not. The issues were reported several times but we're not repaired. Their workmen would turn up when they felt like it without first calling me so of course I wasn't in. On one occasion he turned up on a Saturday morning again without calling and just let himself in the building. He came several times to see what needed fixing but didn't actually fix them. On one occasion I asked him how many times do you need to see what's wrong before actually fixing it?! He became abusive saying "I'd called you several times" etc. I told him he hadn't and he knew full well he hadn't. By this point it's March and the repairs still hadn't been done, I still could t lock my front door! I issued a formal complaint to the housing association pointing out that the tenancy States compensation is due when "qualifying repairs" are not done within a certain amount of time. The leak and front door qualify. I also provided call registers showing them that their contractor had been showing up when he ft like it without calling me first, he lied about it of course. Their response was basically 'soz abar that' and end of. I let it go because I am still on a starter tenancy. I then receive a call from the contracter to arrange a date for repairs when he again became abusive. I won't repeat what was said but I have put it in writing that I will not deal with person again and they will have to send someone else. To date, 6 months into the tenancy, some work still remains outstanding: wires hanging out the ceiling, broken intercom, etc. We also have a weekly service charge on our rent of £5.20. The tenancy agreement breaks down what this is for: weekly building clean, weekly window clean, intercom maintaince etc In 6 months the building has been cleaned four times, I purposely left a dated receipt out in the hall-it's been sat there for a month. The windows havnt been touched once. My intercom has not been working the entire tenancy. What can I do?
  9. http://www.independent.ie/business/personal-finance/latest-news/100000-borrowers-in-line-for-loan-writeoffs-after-illegal-loan-case-31304738.html
  10. Am I correct in thinking that you would get you water bill for 2014-15 in April 2014?
  11. Forms have gone away today. I saw my previous landlord as I was coming out the post office funnily enough!
  12. Ahhh it's marked as "bill" so obviously its my 2015 bill. So I'm correct in assuming im not liable for this seeing as I don't live at that property anymore, and deduct two months from the 2014 bill? I'm confused!!
  13. I have no idea but as of 6th March they have added £171 onto my bill with no explanation.
  14. More silly behaviour from uu. I have received a bill for someone else to my address and enquires as to why when they know I live here. They say the letters will continue "as the previous occupier hasn't informed us of their new address" !?! Also received a letter for this person from uu advising there debt collectors are coming. Ridiculous.
  15. No, I'm still a student. I can't seem to find much although it does say student finance comes under "exempt capital".
  16. Had a final response from uu. They are still refusing to amend amounts claimed despite admitting they know i don't live at the previous address. Ridiculous. They are also again demanding I withdraw my defence.
  17. Just got this: Our Chief Executive has asked me to thank you for your e-mail, and to let you know that we will be in touch with your further as soon as possible. Yours sincerely, Liz Lake (Mrs) PA to Steve Mogford United Utilities Tel: 01925 237005
  18. Nothing on my credit file, I've been checking. I've emailed them today advising of their numerous errors and I will not be withdrawing defence.
  19. So a month ago, I recieved a claim form from united utilities claiming unpaid water charges. Incidentally i recieved IT on the day I was moving out, which was lucky. There claiming 460 including fees. Now the thing is the claiming up until March 31st(claiming before it's technically due?)I moved out of that address in January so they are claiming two full months be paid for the old address. In my defence I have admitted I owe them but the figures are incorrect. I have also stated I am in a position to pay in full once the two months are removed. Northampton wrote back to uu telling them to investigate this. I have today recieved a letter from uu saying the amount is correct and I have not informed them of my chane of address. This is not the case. I tried to change my address online several times on the day j moved but the website would not allow me to do so. I then rang and was told "j am unable to put you through to the correct department". I then emailed advising of what had happened and my new address (to the ceo).They responded to this so I know it was Recieved. There also stating that I have ignored letters from them. Again this is not the case I have emailed several times requesting a payment card/payment plan all of which were ignored. If they are not certain of my address as they claim why are they sending highly detailed documents to my new address? They are also sending demands to the previous occupant. They have also attached a a form saying " I hereby give notice of my intention to withdraw the defence submitted in this matter. I admit to the claim in full, as shown above, and offer to make settlement by payment of x per month. I understand that this will result in a judgment being entered against me and a fee of £40 will be added onto the debt, which has been included in the above balance" I have no intention of signing this! I have made it clear to uu I will pay in full once the balance is altered but they refuse to do so.
  20. They paid ut because they set a cheque on the day of the deadline the ccj has gone live anyway. They seem to want to destroy themselves.
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