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Everything posted by Hacked_Off

  1. see wat i dont get is theyve said they "have a strong defence" now if u think u have a strong defence surely you wouldnt make an offer.
  2. sooooo acas have rang me today saying they want to make an offer "as a good will gesture and they think they have a strong defense" this being theyve said i signed a contract saying they can take money for tll shortages/stock which i didnt and i was given a "welcome letter" which said the same whic i didnt. So it boils down to who will the tribunal beleive and i could always walk away with nothing. Opinions please????????? Ive said ill let em know tomorra
  3. well im gonna go to the CAB tomorrow to see if theyll listen to them cos whenevr i say any of this i get told something different everytime i go in!!! Im convinced when they interview these people they are asked "are you a retard"
  4. Well thats exactly what ive been saying to them but everytime i go in im told different. grrrrr. Anyone got any idea how i found out which MP to get in contact with? thanks!
  5. well this is the problem i was never sent an award notice from te Job Centre. I asked about it and kept being told i'd get it in the post which i never did. I gave up asking in the end. I told the council i have my JSA signing on book and bank statements which clearly show JSA payments have gone in. They told me they wouldnt accept this and needed the ETD form from the job centre to proove i am in payment....
  6. so basically i had murder in dec when i signed off. I stil lhavnt ad a reply to my complaint i put in 6 months ago. Everytime i ask about it i just get fobbed off. Does anybody know who the obbudsman is for the job centre? or anone else higher up i can complain to? ive already writen to independant case examiner but as yet no reply. The job centre have also refused to give me there cheif exec address. Anyway now i have a whole new bunch of cock ups. So unfortunatly ihad to sign back on two months ago. They didnt get in touch with the council to tell them i was now in reciept of JSA. I had no idea about this until a mont later. I went to the council to ask why id been under payed. I have also recieved a council tax bill for the last two months when i am unemployed. The council told me to fill in a new form and told me it would be "done in two weeks" a month later nothing. So i went back yesterday and he told me the job centre still havn't told them i am in receipt of JSA. So according to there systems i am still employed and as such should be payig council tax and dont get the full housing benefit award. He showed me what theyd sent back. the EDT form whic is supposed to have the date my benefits started has been left blank. All they have put on the form is my name. The council have requesed this information twice now and both times have been sent a blank form with just my name on it. So i went to the job centre asking why they hadnt filled in this form properly. So he went off and came back saying they had filled it in. When i asked to see it like the council showed me he refused. He told me to tell the council to look in there "rat system" whic would hold the same information as the job centre. So i went back to the council and he told me they havnt had acces to the "rat system" in over a year. He said all he can do is request the information from them again but its unlikey they will actually fill it again. I have to wait 10 days to find out if theyve done it. Frankly i cant afford to wait ten days to be told it hasnt been done. then it will be another ten days...then another ten days...then another...etc. Two months has already elapsed and im getting futher being with my rent. So i went back to the job centre demanding proof of benefits. I was greeted by a patronising woman insisting i was wrong, they were right and i should basically bugger off. With all the murder i had in dec i went the CAB over it and they took no notice of them either despite three days of phone calls and being told 27 times "well ring u back". So im wondering if its even worth going the CABover this i can see them gettig passed back and forth also. Any advice appreiciated. Thanks. Oh also i have an online petition i plan to pass on to the press (if anyone other thna me actually signs it!!) so please go sign it The job centre suck Petition : [ powered by iPetitions.com ]
  7. so yeah. Were to start. Basically i put in a complaint in december. I physicaly handed it in. I asked about it 2 months ago and was told there was no trace of my complaint so i put it in again. i posted it four times and handed it in twice just to make sure they got one! Something needs to be done. They, to be blunt, take the ****!!! My local CAB is compiling a list of names of people who have had problems with the job centre. PLEASE SIGN. http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/jokecentre/ here is a copy of my second copy of the complaint. This will give u a general idea of the murder i had with them: In response to your letter received 19/05/09 regarding my complaint I handed into Kinglake House in Dec. First of all you state in your letter I made a telephone call to Edge Hill Jobcentre on the 13th May. This yet again is a mistake. I was there making my new claim for JSA and asked the lady who was seeing me about not receiving a response. She told me she would get someone to call me back later on in the day. Yet again this did not happen. I have checked the details and according to my records I signed off on the 26th November 2008 and started working on the 4th December 08. As I was signing on for 6 months and was on New Deal I was entitled to the Job Grant (£100.00), a run on of a month for my Housing Benefit and a month’s bus pass. My “personal advisor” Sue Devine was unaware of this and I had to tell her to ask someone else. This is basic lack of training. At first the job grant wasn’t mentioned, I checked up online to see what I was entitled to. If I hadn’t checked I would never have received it because of the mistake and been none the wiser. So I went back in the next day to ask about it, I was told it is automatically done and I’d have it usually in a week. She gave me a phone number to ring to see were they were up to. This incidentally was a 0845 number and cost me a fortune. I rang up and was told “it will be with you in 1-2 days”. This was a blatant lie. Two days later I check my bank, nothing. So I rang and was told the job centre had filled in my signing off forms wrong for some unknown reason Sue Devine had ticked the box saying my job wouldn’t last more than 5 weeks. This again is basic lack of training. The job lasted in total for 8 weeks I was never asked how long I thought the job would last. Jupiter House told me to get the job centre to e mail them just saying a mistake was made and I would be working for more than 5 weeks. Simple enough, apparently not. So I rang Jupiter house back to tell them it had been done, they told me it hadn’t. So I went back to the job centre yet again and they told me it had been done but they will do it again. [/font] So then I get a letter telling me my council tax and housing benefit had been stopped. I rang the council asking why it had been stopped as I was meant to get the 4 week run on. They told me the job centre had filled in my cancellation form wrong. This yet again is basic admin mistakes and lack of training. So I went back to the job centre, yet again, they told me to ring Jupiter house yet again they weren’t interested in the slightest and I got the impression they just wanted me to go away. In the meantime still no job grant. Two weeks later and I’m still getting passed back and forth. I had asked several times to speak to my “personal advisor” Sue Devine as it was her mistake I was told “she is on her lunch break” several times. No matter what time I came in 9am, 11am, 3pm I was always told she was “on her lunch” perhaps if she wasn’t spending the whole day “having her lunch” theses fundamental mistakes wouldn’t be getting made. [/font] The floor manager told me FOUR times he would ring me back and didn’t. Jupiter drive told me TWENTY SEVEN times they would ring me back and didn’t. The job centre was telling me to ring Jupiter House, Jupiter House were telling me to go the job centre. The job centre were telling me to go the council, the council were telling me to go the job centre. I went to Citizens Advice, they also were passed around and told “well ring you back by 4” so I waited in there until 4 and they never did. I went into the job centre to place a formal complaint, 10 minutes or so of me handing it in I get an aggressive phone call from a member of staff from the job centre screaming down the pone “how dare you complain about my staff” I simply said as it was them who made the mistake in the first place I am well within my rights to do so. She then proceeded to shout down the phone at me screaming that she “had evidence”, so I hung up. I went back to Citizens Advice again the next day and she rang the council about my housing benefit. He just said it was not there fault it had been stopped it was the job centre for filling in the cancellation form in wrong and couldn’t understand why they’d done it. He said he could see from my records that id been on the full benefit for 6 months and would ring Sue Devine at the job centre to make sure and sort out my run on. The CAB advisor then rang the job centre and asked to speak to Sue Devine. She was refused so explained the situation to the man on the phone. He said he was new and didn’t know what to do so would get the manager to ring back. No one ever called back. This again is basic lack knowledge and training. She then rang Jupiter drive yet again. They said it had been sorted and I would receive it the next day, which I did. Several people have tried to get hold of Sue Devine to find out why she made the mistake in the first place, the Citizens Advice, me, the council, Jim from Crosby Training and we have all been refused or told “she is on her lunch break” . I have spent £35 in phone credit ringing the 0845 number and I have had to turn down three days over time at my new job to attempt to sort this out. I was also refused in edge hill job centre the address for the chief executive. They have made basic admin errors which have affected me financially. The lack of knowledge, unhelpful and awful attitudes and aggressive phone calls has not helped to resolve this issue. I am willing to take this as high up as I possibly can and plan to write to the press, the chief executive, Liverpool’s mp and the independent case examiner. I have since been back to the Citizens Advice regarding another matter. The lady who helped me told me she has had several people in with exactly the same problem as me. This is unacceptable. I was under the impression the job centre was supposed to help people not make the situation 10 times worse. It’s no wonder people don’t want to work. Where’s the incentive when you have to deal with all this and end up worse off. I have recently lost my job and have had to sign back on at said job centre. I actually dread going in there. I am spoken to like dirt and treated no better. When I was filling in my forms 12th May 2009 (at 9.20am) I was told by the “advisor” as I hadn’t been signed off for more that 26 weeks I would be going back on new deal. I simply said this was not the case as it is actually 13 weeks you have to be working for. She was insistent that I was wrong. So I told her to check and guess what I was right. This yet again is basic lack of training and knowledge. Whilst waiting in the waiting area I heard an advisor telling someone there was jobs going in Tesco. I asked one of the staff and he said there was one in old swan and Wavetree road and to ask my advisor when seen. When I asked her (same one who thought it was 26 weeks) she had no idea and said “I have been off for a few days”. Do staff not get briefed in the morning with whats what? How can they effectively to there job after a few days off and not be told what jobs etc are available? Eventually she asked someone else and she gave her the reference numbers. She told me there were four jobs going and I would be sent four Tesco application forms in the post. Next day I received one. I was under the impression the job centre was to help unemployed people find and secure work not hinder it at every opportunity with lack of knowledge and basic mistakes. Once a fortnight I dread coming into the job centre. I am greeted by surly security guards and spoken to like dirt and asked inane questions. For example today I was asked “what kind of store is shoe zone” is the name not clear enough as to what kind of store it is. I handed in my complaint into Kinglake House in December. I also posted a complaint to Jupiter House. I didn’t receive a response from either. What a disgrace. I refuse to let this matter go after all the grief. I am seriously considering beginning a campaign against the jobcentre. Being treated like this is against my human rights. I look forward to your response but doubt I will be satisfied by it or anything will change. Yours disgruntled, Zara Rhodes So now unfortunalty ive had to sign back on. Several cock ups have been made again. As a result ive not had my housing benefit for two months. I am also back to going round in circles "We'll phone you back". They are a disgrace. Something needs to be done. PLEASE SIGN. Every name helps.
  8. ive just done a huge thread but my pc crashed. bummer. will do it again to morrow. in the mean time PLEASE sign my petition http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/jokecentre/
  9. sooooooooooo i have my court employment tribunal court date! its funny cos theyve sed loads of stuff which contradicts what was on the "three month probation report" He says i worked tere for 4 months, so wy the 3 month report after 4 months. i was actually there for 3 onths. He says i stole the money. with no proof. He says i was sacked for gross misconduct. there was no mention of this in the report. he says i signed a contract saying there allowed to make deductions from wages for stock etc. which i didnt. he says i was given a "starer letter" whic i wasnt. He says i was made to pay for the vodka because of my "contract". a contract i never seen/signed. in the repor he says i didnt pay for the vodka. AND he gave me a false last name. What a clown. just wondering if its advisable to ask the CAB to represent me in court? if i do it myself i know i will get a nark on!!!! has nayone else had the CAB represent them? Thanks
  10. just wondering if anyone knows if i can put a claim in for being left in debt!! theyve left me behind on rent, water etc no money to eat etc
  11. they "let me go for various reasons" on tuesday with no notice. They said they were going to give me a weeks notice but changed there minds because i said "id applied for another job and wasnt going to give any notice" i didnt actually say this i said i find out if i can go back to my old job because the girl i was covering lets them know if shes back or not. On my payslip they havnt even done the deduction of 115 from 116 official its just written on my payslip. they also gave me a "probation period review" i was never made awae that there was a probation period. Theyve said i was ate and left assistandt on till for 30 min. This is untrue i was 30 min early most days hence leaving assistant on the till for 30 min. Theyve said ive taken goods without paying for them. this again is untrue. I used to borrow a packet of ciggies the night before pay day with the store managers permission and i would pay for them in front of her the next day. this of course will be on the cctv. they say i show contempt towards employer. i dont know what they expect i get accused of allsorts, refused a reference because "there computer was broke" and the manager spread untrue rumours about me and spoke to me like dirt. apparantly im meant to e over the moon about this. they say i would only clean when told to. this also is untre. we had a cleaning rota i would ofeten do other peoples without being told out of sheer boredom. they say i "claim to be to busy but could always find time to have smoke breaks" not once did i ever claim to be to busy. as for the smoke breaks id be on a 6 hour shift with no proper break so i think im entitled to go out and have a ciggie. "other comments - trust a major issue, took goods without paying for them or permission to do so. substantial till discrepancy - theft of carelesness" i ha permission from the manager to borrow ciggies. She clearly had a problem with me and hasnt told them this. Again they cant proof theft. i know i didnt take a single thing and the cctv will confirm this. they are aslo claiming i didnt pay for the bottle of vodka i acidently broke. I did. The manager took it out my wages and then scanned a bottle and put it in the till. This again will be on the cctv and again she hasnt told them this. "training and regular feedback was provided" The only training was "this is how you use a till" and that was it. They have left e literally with nothing. No rent, no lecky, no food and no money to pay bills. This is obviously going to get me in debt I had an appointment with the employment specialist at the CAB yeasterday hes told me to come back today after we now weither or not they hve paid me. which they didnt. wasnt impressed with him really he said "icant see them taking money out of oyur wages" but im gonna go along anyway. he said he will write them a letter but in the mean time i have nothing. They also havnt paid me for the weeks notice i didnt get or the holidays they owe me (2 days) Also my p45 looks like its just a copy thats been printed off.
  12. i had this when kwik save went down the toilet. they owed me 3 years redunancy , no notice pay, and two months wages. altogether i got 600 odd which was no were near the amount i was owed and it took four months of phone calls, letters and e mails. sorry your wife is in the same situation.
  13. so ive just got back from the shop to pick up my wages. theyve paid me a pound!! when it should have been 116.00 shes written on my payslip " 115 taken for till shortage"
  14. As far as im aware it has to be in your tems and conditions of employment that they can take money back from your wages and there only allowed to take 10%.
  15. i had a similar situation a while ago because i was signing on for 6 months i was entitled to a months bus pass, 100 pound job grant and a months run on housing benefit.\The lady dealing with me was unaware of this, i had to print it off online to show her! Now for some unknown reason the lady in the job centre ticked a box on the form saying i wouldnt be working more than 5 weeks. which of course was rubbish. So i didnt get a thing. My housing benefit was stopped i was expected to live on nothing and get to work with nothing when this shouldnt have been the case. I was told bvy the job centre to "ring this number" which incidently was an 0845 number and cost me a fortune. I was told 27 times "well ring you back" unsuprisingly they never did. in the mean time my housing benefit has been stopped and im getting demands from my landlord. Eventually i had to take a few days off work to go the CAB. THey didnt even bother to ring the CAB back. So i had to take more time off work or loose my flat. In the end i got sacked becdause i was never there. I went into the job centre to demand to see the moron who made the cock up. I was told, no matter what time of day i went in "shes on her lunch" i put in a complaint to the job centre office and jupitor house who were dealing with me. That was in dec and i havnt recieved a reply from either. After putting the complaint in the job centre rang me up and screamed down the phone at me "how dare you complain about my staff" . |I live over the road from there now and i make it my purpose in life to bring them down. Ive been in the CAB today and the lady who helped me over the job centre has said she has had loads in with exactly the same problem from the same job centre. They are a disgrace. Dont give up mate if you do they will do it again.
  16. thanks alot for the help im going the CAB tomorrow to see what they say!
  17. i already have my p60 and all my payslips arnt written down. just wondering as i wasnt given a weeks notice are they supposed to pay me a weeks wages for that? thanks
  18. oh and when i started i was on emergancy tax for over a month despite me giving them my p45 so eventually they took me off but then i wasnt getting taxed at all the accountant said this was because instead of refunding the tax owed they arnt taxing me but after a few weeks off this i was getting taxed one week then it was refunded the next its been like that for a while now. all the accusations and wot not seem to have surfaced once i started to ask questions about why my tax was dodgy looking.
  19. thanks for the reply. they just basically said they were going to give me a weeks notice for "various reasons" but he watched me on the camera and heard me say i wanted to go back to my old job so because i said that he is letting me go as of today. They pay us weekly, one week behind. So they owe me 20 hours wages from last week,
  20. oh and there refusing to pay my wages from last week and i still have the shop keys!
  21. basically two weeks ago my till was 115 down. i just assumed i had done a banking wrong or whoever had been on before me had and it would be found in the safe. Then i am told it wasnt found and it will be coming out of my wages. i told them they werent allowed to do this as it has to be in your empoyment contract and i havnt got one. Then i accidently broke a bottle of vodka. they took this out of my wages . The owner checked the camera to make sure it was me who broke it. Yet she never checked the camera when the 115 went missing or the journal roll in the till which seems odd to me. Then today i get a phone call saying they were going to give me a weeks notice "for various reasons" and then thats it BUT "£11 has gone missing from the float and he watched me on the camera for two days" (which has sound on also) and heard me say to someone i wanted to go back to my old job in the linen warehouse so because of this there letting me go tonight. There was no actual proof on the camera that i took the money because i know i didnt. It seems like there just looking for an excuse. Ive had no written warning, no verbal warning...zip even though i havnt actually done anything wrong. HELP
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