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Everything posted by tobyjugg2

  1. interesting that the mobs which attacked the peaceful protestors on the campus sites seem to have been mostly identified as non student and 'counter protestors' although some are being labelled as pro Israel, and I'm sure some are - but many appear to be just right wing hate mongers playing the situation as we far to often see. I have no sympathy with ANY of the protestors who are behaving like Trump insurrectionists whatever they claim their aims to be. "The pro-Palestinian side, including Jews opposed to Israeli actions in Gaza, say they are being unfairly branded as antisemitic for criticizing Israel's government and expressing support for human rights." - Reuters
  2. Gove - like his consultant firm enriching consultant company pals, jolly squandering, target missing Homes England ... The taxpayer-funded agency says it is “extremely pleased with the strong performance and outcomes” it is achieving and well placed to deliver more housing. they have missed all of their targets last month an i investigation into the quango revealed concerns about a “dysfunctional”, “sick” organisation that had kept councils waiting for years and frustrated builders who ended up walking away. Leaders of the agency supposed to be tackling England’s housing crisis are under fire from their own staff for neglecting delivery and a “failure” to manage spending, including nearly £400k on an internal meeting, i can reveal. ‘Alarm bells’ at housing crisis agency Homes England where staff meeting cost £400k INEWS.CO.UK Leaders warned of 'lack of trust' among employees as quango is criticised over 'vanity show' conference
  3. Yep - even faulty/missing documentation - just wave em through 'protecting our borders' .. shouldn't that be 'protecting their businesses and smugglers, while making our businesses and smugglers pay'? or perhaps more 'catchy .. All of the costs, none of the benefits
  4. Quite interesting that the Conservative East Midlands Mayor candidate doesnt mention conservative on his promotion LOL but he does claim that he, a Conservative politician, is the man to fix the 14 years of Conservative devastation of the region - inc 'fixing' problems inc the utter devastation of the roads, bus and train services that his party have imposed Must all rotate around the meaning of fixing he actually means .. fixing noun dishonest activity to make certain that a competition, race, or election is won by a particular person: .. or perhaps he just means 'fixing' - preventing change
  5. they rely on the decent people NOT doing what they themselves would do in a heartbeat
  6. look on the bright side - it would allow Biden to do what he likes ...
  7. Heres a point, while we wait for @theoldrouge to condemn rather than promote and support right wing bigots spouting genuine and clear monstrous antisemitic rhetoric ... Isn't it actually specifically unlawful to promote violence against politicians on top of laws to criminalise such things? ... As is reported happening in these closed facebook groups run by Tory staff and where a Tory police minister and the Tory London mayor candidate are members and post? .. or do the Tories (seemingly like tor) only promote laws for protecting the hate spouting hard right ? "“Some of these (Tory facebook groups) posts constitute the most appalling racism and I would urge the Conservative Party to swiftly distance itself from these hate-filled groups and urgently investigate what role any Conservative politicians and officials have played within them. “Susan Hall and the Tory MPs who have belonged to these groups need to come out and explain why – and to denounce the content they have tacitly endorsed by their membership.” "Reporters found widespread racism and Islamophobia as well as conspiracy theories and celebrations of criminal damage on the pages, including sharing the white supremacist slogan and antisemitic videos. " "Unearthed found that 46 out of the 82 admins have clear links to the Tory Party, including a recent digital campaign manager for the party and a conservative activist. Conservative councillor for Haywards Heath, Rachel Cromie, is an admin on all the groups. " Also interesting that Facebook groups opposing 20mph speed limit in Wales are being run by English Tories Conservative-run anti-Ulez Facebook groups hosted racist and Islamophobic posts - Unearthed UNEARTHED.GREENPEACE.ORG Tory staff running Facebook groups described as 'cesspits of vile racism' WWW.THENATIONAL.SCOT TORY staff and activists are running Facebook pages which are riddled with white supremacist slogans and Islamophobic attacks... Conservative-run anti-ULEZ Facebook groups are rife with racist and violent posts Conservative-run anti-ULEZ Facebook groups are rife with racist and violent posts - London Post LONDON-POST.CO.UK A coordinated network of 36 Facebook groups opposing London’s ultra-low emission zone (ULEZ), run by Conservative councillors and...
  8. so when is England going to protect its borders? It was the No1 rabble rousing claim lie of the Brexitish wasn't it? Closely along with: * All the benefits, non of the risks * No one challenging our place in the single market * Cheaper fruit and veg * Protect our fishing grounds but all we really ended up with was: * Record immigration * All the risks none of the benefits * No place in the single market and our businesses going bust * 30% food price increase * OUR fishermen going out of business - or taking their catch to Europe to sell
  9. despite the evidence mounting against Chrichton, Vennells wrote in a meeting note that Crichton 'was possibly more loyal to her professional conduct requirements' "Vennells said Crichton was upset that the Post Office had ruined her reputation and compromised her by undertaking a further review of the Second Sight handling. Crichton was said to be ‘very emotional’ and her ‘ego and self-esteem have been undermined’." That it seems all about their own interests - says a lot about both Chrichton and Vennels views on 'professional conduct requirements' eh? Former Post Office chief executive Paula Vennells complained that general counsel put her integrity 'above interests of business' | Law Gazette WWW.LAWGAZETTE.CO.UK Susan Crichton was left waiting outside board meeting to discuss damaging forensic accountant's report, inquiry hears.
  10. If they can have a police minister and a mayoral candidate in right wing facebook groups promoting violence ... probably just selected some posters from those groups .. and called them judges ..
  11. In depth: Post Office Inquiry shocks even the cynical In depth: Post Office Horizon Inquiry shocks even the cynical | Law Gazette WWW.LAWGAZETTE.CO.UK Two former general counsel and a head of legal appeared at the Post Office Horizon Inquiry last week. What was revealed shocked even...
  12. Parliament passes Rwanda bill - but Law Society issues warning over 'defective' legislation | Law Gazette WWW.LAWGAZETTE.CO.UK Attention will now shift to the 25 courtrooms and 150 judges Rishi Sunak announced yesterday to deal with appeals.
  13. (not) surprising what rabid racists and their politicians do to hide their hate filled rhetoric eh? Same people who (with quite small justification) railed and railed against that labour Councillors (in private) conspiracy concepts support the Tory london mayor racist hate monger candidate Rather like hate monger bigots who support blatant antisemites, while shouting 'antisemitic' at anyone expressing horror at children being murdered by Israels IDF and 'settlers' - enough to make one think its the mass murder they support rather than any real Jewish issue sympathies or support eh?
  14. Of course they can, but then the wing nuts will be moaning about the cost of 'putting them up' for free - and then they would have to process them ... " This power may only be exercised if there is a policy reason to detain this person, and if they have not already been detained for an unreasonable length of time. "
  15. legal? They have declared rwanda safe, in perpetuity, so if rwanda security staff started murdering everyone in sight and its military shot commercial planes out of the sky and gassed whole townships - it would still be safe according to the tories and their bill The whole thing is in breach of International law - and British law apart from the Tories unlawful rwanda bii - which will be gone as soon as labour win the GE Seems most likely to me that no-one will every be sent - apart from civil servants - as Rwanda still has to agree to breaking international law - and they have repeatedly said they wont. This is all about sunak staying enough of a front man to the rabid right to avoid no confidence votes, and to hell with the UKs international standing - he'll be off back to California like his wife wants anyway
  16. thought for the day "Prime ministers need a big strategy that tells you where you’re going, you need a bunch of tactics that get you there, and you need the ability to take everybody else with you." Now I know you are all thinking 'why is the UKs destination Rwanda ???
  17. LOL LOL ‘Stormy weather’: Biden skewers Trump at White House correspondents’ dinner | US elections 2024 | The Guardian WWW.THEGUARDIAN.COM US president made fun of Republican frontrunner’s legal woes while critics of his handling of Gaza war protested outside
  18. LOL Inside the Home Office Rwanda revolt as officials run from Sunak’s ‘s**t show’ INEWS.CO.UK 'This law is unworkable, not just inhumane'. Insiders say there is 'a lot of discontent' in the Department over the scheme
  19. wonder if sunak will revoke/deny their passports when they get there? Then announce that deportations to Rwanda have started ..
  20. Sunack trying every option to get somebody/anybody on a flight to Rwanda ... Home Office asks civil servants to move to Rwanda for asylum scheme INEWS.CO.UK British officials will be deployed to Kigali to oversee asylum processing
  21. isnt this about the quantative easing which I'm sure was referred in a much more informative way earlier in the thread? Where post Cameron Tory policies turned a massive surplus from the plan into a gigantic hole?
  22. its not about the migrants .. Barrister Helena Kennedy warns that the Conservatives will use their victory over Rwanda to dismantle the law that protects our human rights here in the UK. Angela Rayner made fun of Rishi Sunak’s height in a fiery exchange at Prime Minister’s Questions, which prompted Joe Murphy to ask: just how low will Labour go? .. well .. not as low as sunak
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