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Everything posted by Gilbert_O'Sullivan

  1. Last time I went to Spain 2 year ago beer was just as pricey as UK including San Miguel in the bars but I remember buying some cans in a supermarcado for about £1.50 for 4.
  2. I'd happily collect off those who don't pay their parking fines. They obstruct traffic and cause hell for others then whinge like anything when they get booked-there is even a section on this site for them to have a gripe and squirm their way out of it. HAVE MORE CONSIDERATION AND LEARN TO DRIVE PROPERLY.
  3. Cats surprisingly drink very little water as they get enough fluids from tinned food but if you do give a lot of dry food then please make sure the little blighters have a water bowl.
  4. This job mentions £6.13 an hour, a bonus and the need for a driving licence with uniform and transport provided. Quite often a job that is so low paid is supplemented with a bonus where you could achieve just as much if not more than the basic. The transport provided is probably a small van and no doubt the jobholder will be able to take it home with them. So I guess that at least £400 take home a week with no travel costs. Probably 500 or 600 a week in the present climate. I reckon a staggering amount of people would forget their morals and quite happily do this job. I know I would if I was in a position of either losing my home due to not working or being offered this job. Who would rather lose their home?
  5. Ultima dry cat food is as good as IAMS and is on offer at Tesco half price-about £1.90 for 8oog.
  6. Oh c'mon Thai, I only defended supermarkets once when you said to support your local shop but I said it is too expensive to do so. As with cat food, my local shop sells single Whiskas at 72p as opposed to about 54p in Tesco. Clover butter in Tesco is about £1.55 for 500g but my local sells 250g for £1.41!! Milk, eggs, anything has a huge mark up compared to supermarkets. They would try and sell newspapers and postage stamps more expensive too if they could I'm sure. And I get rewarded with cashback each time I use a supermarket, all my local shopkeeper does is grunt when I go to the checkout. Why would my sister for example buy from her local when she lives on £60 a week? People have to watch the pennies and supermarkets enable you to do that which is great.
  7. Then maybe it is the manufacturer who has increased the prices and not Asda? Got to work both ways surely? Asda will not be making cat food but they will be supplied by a company who makes cat food and branded as Asda.
  8. Yes, not only that, but she used to fight the dog on a Sunday to chew on the bone of the roast. I'm well rid I tell thee.
  9. Surely it would be more impressive to predict that a retail business will actually do well these days!
  10. Thanks Godmother but online says it cannot deal with forms where the person is entitled to waived fees. Although I sent the defence in November 2007 it has not been transferred to our local court, the claim is just festering online.
  11. What? The link shows nothing other than a form to fill in to look for a job.
  12. Just watched this and two 18 year old lesbians were kissing each other. I intend to now watch this show every night. Corr!
  13. Yes, what about somebody falling over a kerb that has been covered in snow because the grit was ineffective to a heavy storm? Gritting is not a guarantee that ice or snow won't still form on top of it. I've never heard of anybody suing their council because they slip on ice. There would be millions of claims and all councils would go bust.
  14. Is the fee waived FOR n244 for my sister who is on JSA? The claim was made online but how would she be able to submit an n244?
  15. I usually shop around Lulu and my cat now adores kitekat which is about £8 for 24 in Tesco but bizarrely, buying 4 packs of 6 is cheaper than 1 pack of 24! Have you tried the website, madaboutbargains? It shows all special offers at supermarkets for everything.
  16. Hello Barclays started proceedings online Northampton against my sister for a CC in November 2007 but they fouled big time as they had never issued her with a Default Notice. I stated this within the Defence and Barclays have done nothing since obviously realising their mistake, they also had no agreement. This claim is still in the system but I guess stayed. Can I get this struck out instead of festering and I wish to claim LIP costs as it took me many hours to deal with? What form do I use?
  17. Is this Asda own brand? And were they cans or foil trays and how much for 24 now and before?
  18. I think the manhole cover is slightly different scenario to what was posted by the original reader, who in effect asks can they sue if they slip on ice on a pavement/road that hasn't been treated with grit. I'd say no to the original question as my council doesn't grit pavements, in fact, they only grit the one main road near me and ignore the other 30 or so streets. Litigation would be a nightmare for a start-what if a lady falls but was wearing unsuitable shoes anyway? What if she was walking too fast? Or after several drinks? The same could be for cars too-I know for a fact that some idiots would still attempt to drive at 30mph on ice then whinge because they skided into a wall. Again, people need to use their common sense, if it is icy then it will be slipery. And gritters can only do their best but a mixture of the elements, such as a severe downpour will wash a lot of it away and then that rain will freeze overnight.
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