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Everything posted by Gilbert_O'Sullivan

  1. I never thought anybody else other than Les 'Oooo, I don't really know Rita!' Dennis could make a career out of just one catch phrase!
  2. Wind up merchant. Be wary if that someone also says to you can you fetch them a bucket of steam!
  3. Good advice from Conniff. Maybe you could consider Premium Bonds too, savings rates at banks are rubbish now and the Bonds are fully protected by the government plus you have the chance of winning money too!
  4. For one, I operated a taxi firm up until 2 years ago and any driver taken on had to have an enhanced crb check via the council who would then either notify me of clearance of that driver or reveal a conviction that may or may not be a problem. Relevant convictions for this business were driving offences obviously and that of fraud and theft as the driver would handle money, also any sexual offences were a no no. I had to deal with numerous drink drive offences which doesn't actually bar a driver if it was some time ago and I dealt with numerous theft disclosures and I clearly remember at least 2 of benefit fraud. The disclosure revealed the offence (benefit fraud), the imposing court, the date, the sentence too. I remember interviewing one candidate who was very frank and said he couldn't survive on benefit so worked cash in hand too until caught. Also, the other I remember didn't declare he took in a lodger to help pay bills but didn't inform the DWP while claiming. Both simply stated benefit fraud as the offence on the crb. Two different offences but both described as benefit fraud. With drink driving there would also be an offence code as we were a taxi firm.
  5. You're talking in riddles pal, take a break from yourself. The poster asked in her first post 'how will a housing benefit conviction appear on a crb check?' The answer is that it will appear as 'benefit fraud.' Nothing else, no matter what you keeping harping on about. BTW, take notice of what the fourth word of the following Act says- Social Security Administration (Fraud) Act 1997 (c. 47)
  6. If I have toothache I go to see my dentist, should I have a legal problem I see a lawyer. Bizarre.
  7. No, the offence is benefit fraud, the reason for the benefit fraud was failing to notify a change of circumstance. The crb will record the offence as benefit fraud! Somebody who may have not declared savings may be convicted of benefit fraud, that doesn't mean the crb record it as 'not declaring savings' just as it doesn't record 'failure to notify a change of circumstance.' There are many instances of benefit fraud, just as there are for theft, but ultimately the conviction is that of benefit fraud or theft in the example. It would be up to BritishGirl to explain the circumstances of the benefit fraud to her prospective employer. Recording benefit fraud on a crb explains exactly that, Failure to notify a change of circumstance explains what? That I failed to notify who? The DVLA for when I scrapped my car? That I failed to notify the VAT that I now earn over the threshold to be registered?
  8. As your surgery was 5 years ago and on your spine you may now be considered as having a disibility within employment law and the potential employers may be guilty of discrimination. I'd see a lawyer.
  9. No, the conviction shows as benefit fraud. The failure to notify a change of circumstances is just the reason for the fraud. If I steal a mars bar from a shop I'm not convicted and recorded as stealing a mars bar-it is a theft. Benefit fraud is fraud, simple as. BritishGirl needs to know the truth as it will affect her on a crb check as she wants to work with vulnerable people.
  10. If you want to do something via employment law then you are well out of time as it happened 2 years ago, is that what you meant?
  11. Hi BG Considering you want to work with people with mental health problems then a conviction for fraud could well be a problem unfortunately, just being realistic rather than saying what you may want to hear. Give it a go anyways and see the responses and good luck.
  12. Depends on what kind of job you apply for, some may need a crb check. I believe that the conviction will show up as fraud I'm afraid. However, I'd suggest being honest and up front about it and that you regret it. Also, bizarrely, as an ex-offender you are afforded more help in finding work by the DWP than somebody else who has never veered off the straight and narrow. Completely unfair but hey-ho. Good luck.
  13. I'd say past experience counts for little as there has never been a crisis in the past the same as what we have now. Just before Xmas a fiscal expert on the news said he expected the downturn to be short and sharp and recovery by the end of 2009, just last week he now says it is much worse than expected and there will be at least a two years of hell and he couldn't even say that was for sure. The housing market with high property values will never return, just like had happened in Japan 20 years ago-even now they are about 25% down on the high of 2 decades ago! Consumer credit will also never again be as easy to get, this includes mortgages. And don't forget that an election will take place within a year or so yet nobody knows what the tories will do because they won't say! But on past experience of them, if you are down now you will be down as long as they are around should they get in, God help.
  14. If you are in a disadvantaged group, ie an ex jailbird or ethnic, then you get priority for certain jobs via Local Employment Partnerships, Royal Mail now only take on these people! Why should somebody who may have beaten up old grannies in the past get more of a look in for a job than someone who might have worked hard all their life and has just been made redundant? Its scandlous.
  15. oh dear, I didn't realise I've watched some much pornos since my wife left me.
  16. Hi You have to fill out a remission form to apply for help with court fees and your claim is assessed. But just because you are self employed doesn't mean you will get help-you may be self employed with a million pound business or just earning £10k a year. Have a look on the courts website, hope this helps.
  17. Hi loobyloo, it's to do with this- http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/debt-collection-industry/179827-urgent-help-optima-barclaycard.html
  18. If a provider issues proceedings without ever having sent a Default Notice, can they just issue a new one somewhere else down the line and start proceedings all over again?
  19. Why? I buy 12 tins of beer a week at Tesco, why should I have to pay more for them? Why does my 'attitude' have to be changed? In fact, this attitude to drink is well within the health guidelines of safe units a week. Why should you dictate otherwise? And just how will raising taxes on drink at a supermarket, and lower them in pubs, have a positive effect on 18 to 21 year olds behaviour when they are the most likely to get into trouble yet you will more likely find them in pubs and clubs than supermarkets anyway?! It is meddling like this into peoples (adults!) freedom of choice that really does make you wonder!
  20. Yes, thanks for those observations. But should we both 'walk away' then what prevents them from a future action? I already know that they will be entitled to continue to phone, send letters etc. Is it not better to have the claim struck out so that they are then prevented from at least enforcing through the courts again?
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