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Everything posted by Gilbert_O'Sullivan

  1. Please help. Barclaycard via Optima issued a claim in November 2007 for £7k card debt. They had no agreement, other than a rubbish application form, and they did not send a Default Notice either and I can prove it as they sent a seperate letter on the actual date they claimed to have sent a Default Notice and which I still have. I put all this in the defence and they realised their cock up and they didn't do anything so the claim has just been festering since. Last week I filled in N244 to have this claim struck out with £280 costs for me. I now receive this- What to do? I don't want to agree to anything and then they come back at me, is it best to proceed to a strike out as I'm sure this will be the finding?
  2. If you really think that in just 10 years the devastation caused by Thatcherism could/should have been rectified by now then I doubt you understand just how much damage was done to this country. The mass selling off of our country's assests cannot just then be brought back into state ownership at the stroke of a pen for financial and legal reasons. Our energy should never have been sold off because there is no good social/financial reason to put that into largely foreign hands and then charge the British population massive bills instead. The only winners were the likes of EDF who are effectively the French government! Our schools, hospitals and most other public services were neglected and crumbling, it was Labour who pledged to bring these into the 21st century and they have largely succeeded. These were quite rightly priority and even more time is needed to rectify the massive damage, especially now. However, I agree the council tax was a pledge by Labour to modernise and they have failed to do that and it is a scandal. But today's ill's building blocks were put in in the 80's.
  3. I've had these in the past, once with British Insurance, look them up, they were good and cheap. But like Buzby says be careful with the small print. You mention your hubby was out of work for 2 months, did he sign on? They often state you must not have claimed dole within the last 2 years and/or must have been employed in the same job the last 6 months continuous etc I've even heard of one insurer who will seek work for you so you then have to have a good reason not to take the job-could be shelf stacking!! And expect premiums to have rocketed now but good luck.
  4. Also, does His Holiness have to pay extra on his car premium for his Popemobile for using a modified vehicle?:-|
  5. As this obviously involves money then they are required to keep certain documents for a certain amount of time due to money laundering laws. I think this can be thrown into the pot to get their act together.
  6. If the Pope claimed on his insurance but the insurers refused due to An Act of God, but then the Pope disputed this as incorrect, would they then have to pay out?
  7. I like to walk around the house naked when I feel like this as it bucks you up. But don't try frying sausages for lunch.
  8. http://track.royalmail.com/portal/rm/product1;jsessionid=LTOWCVA4MRBEGFB2IGIVFHQ?catId=22700601&mediaId=22700528 When my father was village postmaster he had to know his beans!!
  9. As a subpostmaster you should know that RM are exempted from normal contractual laws as per Crown exemption. A customer using the service of RM for sending mail has only the right to compo at statutory rates, they can't sue for breach of contract because there is no contract to breach in the first place. And if you request a proof of posting receipt for a standard letter then that is only what you will get and it is primarily for claiming compensation should the letter not arrive. Nothing at all is recorded just proof of posting. However, a Signed For Recorded Delivery is actually inputted into RM's computer system, stage 1 of tracking, and if a signature is gained then that is stage 2 of tracking. That is not being treated the same as standard 1st/2nd class mail because the procedure of sending is different only the travel of the item is the same. Special Delivery is simply checked each step of the way with a guarantee of delivery, doesn't mean Signed For isn't tracked, just happens to be once at sending, and maybe again at delivery. Regardless of what you say, the postal services act considers Signed For Recorded as a tracked service for the purposes of compensation and it is advertised as such by RM on their website.
  10. Why don't you look at the ebay section of Royal Mail or even their general t&c's? The get out clause for them would be that often concert tickets are only for the original purchaser, such as Glasto tickets, RM would then not entertain any compo to somebody who bought them as a third party with no original interest in them. In any case, the poster didn't even pay directly for a service from RM, it was the seller.
  11. And the commission culture was born through deregulation and privatisation by Thatcher here and Reagan in the US. The free market economy advocated by this pair has ended in disaster and lasted less than 25 years-expert economists at the time said we will only be able to tell if it has failed in a generation or so. Now we know and have to pay for it. Even the Yanks have had to intervene with state bail outs-something that would have been unimaginable even just a few years ago. Thatcher cast her dark shadow over this country for 11 years until her own stabbed her in the back-yet her disastrous legacy will be felt for at least another 20 years or even more by which time this country will have returned to what she first abolished.
  12. Why do I read of prosecutions in my local paper on a weekly basis then?
  13. This is weird, I just tried to post the above in caps but it wouldn't let me!!
  14. Its Good To Have A Bloody Good Rant.
  15. Maybe because often concert tickets are forbidden to be sold on so they have gotten arsey.
  16. Their breakfasts are rubbish anyway, you only get one mushroom and sometimes it's so old and dry that its shrunk to the size of a button mushroom.
  17. What? Benefit fraud AND working cash in hand not paying tax since 2001 won't get prosecuted?
  18. I saw a show on tv not so long ago about benefit fraud and all they did was watch a claimant for a month and decided she was living as a couple with her ? partner because she stayed over about 3 nights a week and they went shopping together as a couple too! They then stopped her benefit but then she just reapplied and got a fresh claim paid up!
  19. I'm paying my sisters mortgage and the DWP pay £280 interest relief straight to the mortgagee for her too. We went to see them if ok and they said fine, it's not income or savings. Besides, the manageress said why would they stop this, then my sis is homeless, then the state pays much more in benefit for her?
  20. Is the court in Cheshire by any chance? I had to send amended poc by the 19th November 2008 and I haven't heard anything since so I phoned on Tuesday and the girl said 'oh, I'll put the poc to the judge tomorrow!' Now the order said I had to file by 4pm 19/11/08 or the claim would be automatically struck out, it is now more than 2 months and still waiting!
  21. PGH7447- What price decreases are these then? what with the price linked to oil and the oil cartel reducing production do you really think the prices are going to fall:shock: Don't really want to say I told you so, but, I told you so! Now pick #'s 7,8, 17, 24, 28, 43 for this Saturdays Lotto if you want some big moosh!
  22. Hello veester Did you pay anything by credit card? Even just a £100 like a deposit? The card company can be held liable you see. Also, it is hard to say who is responsible unless the contract can be looked over with very carefully to determine who is actually responsible.
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