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Everything posted by RETURNED TO SENDER

  1. Hi Ben I know the loan is mine, does section 77 cover bank loans and section 78 credit cards then ?
  2. I recently asked a DCA for a CCA request on a bank loan, the reply from the dca went as follows, "We are in reciept of your request for a copy of the executed credit agreement in accordance with Section 78 of the consumer credit act 1974. The agreement to which you seek is not a regulated consumer credit agreement and is not governed by by the terms of the above act" Is the DCA correct ? I also asked them to produce the deed of transfer as they said they had bought this debt from HSBC, they made no mention of this in their reply as well as not mentioning that i had also informed them that the debt was in legal dispute at their time of "purchase". Any help would be appreciated.
  3. Their downfall seems to be some of the claims are vague.
  4. Hello swiss Toni, the sale of goods act actually states a product should last six years, so if it goes faulty after one year threaten the retailer (not the manufacturer ) with the act, but read up on it so you get used to what to do.
  5. **** tried to apply rule 18 on my case, though they new it had no foundations in the small claims court, I let them know.
  6. I wonder what the total number of bank charge claims are currently being dealt with by the UK courts ?
  7. and this is the reason they are now finding in favour of the banks, this will save them having to employ more staff and return the courts to the usual state of affairs that they had for the previous fifty years. Bless em !
  8. How much are you claiming for after 2001 and how much before that date ?
  9. Hull cc would become very busy if the judge struck them out, a lot of appeals showing other courts finding in favour of claiments would come storming back !! I find it rather coincidental this has all come about since a senior judge said they wanted the banks to stop wasting the courts time as they were never appearinghttp://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/images/icons/icon12.gif Wink
  10. Have paypal given reasons for going to Luxumbourg ?
  11. I have just read the court document in full, can a single county court judge make the bank charges lawfull or does that have to be done by the high court ?
  12. How much money did they take from you and when was the last time you used the account ?
  13. I would settle personally, but what is the amount they wont pay for ?
  14. Nothing to pap your pants for, Northampton will allocate the court nearest to where you live.
  15. Well done Traci, It certainly makes you feel gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood !!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Get your figures right up to the date of your first letter to them, if your figures were indeed right accept the offer but state you will still be continuing your claim for the differance, thats what I did and then they offered me the full amount, it only took 3 seconds as they dealt with me over the phone. If you have had more charges applied since your first letter, claim again when they have fully settled the first claim.
  17. I thank you all, I am surprised they did not fight it like Lloyds tsb did.
  18. I rang customer service first and said I wanted my charges back, they refused, so then I wrote to customer services.
  19. Is this common ? I sent my first request letter to Halifax asking for my charges to be refunded. I received a letter back after a week saying they are looking into my complaint and they would get back to me within 4 weeks which I gave them as I think it works better personally to work to their time frame to an extent ( and if it went as far as court I think it would help at that point as well ). Anyway I received a telephone call from some poor girl at Halifax who first offered me half, then three quarters, and when I told her this was not the first time I had done this she offered me full settlement ! HSBC next me thinks !!
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