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Everything posted by RETURNED TO SENDER

  1. I have just had my claim against this firm of administrators moved to Leeds where they are based, when I enquired with my county court why this was done they could not explain why the judge had done it, they did say that if the defendant was a limited company the claim would not have been moved, guess what they are ! it was only because I did not put "ltd" on my original claim that this happened, the company I am suing do not put limited on their letterheads, is this info in any guides etc etc to check this out ???, I have now written to Leeds to get it put back in Cardiff County Court.
  2. Used moneyclaim and mastercare did not reply so now have issued judgement which was excepted online, do I give them time to pay up or should I send the baliff's in ???
  3. Will I have to pay a fee to get the stay removed if my claim is for only £484 ?
  4. Cheers Karnevil Is there a printable version ? It is a lot to type out !
  5. How do I give you the full details, can I fax it to you ? I will read the template but would it be better for me to wait and see the outcome of a similar case someone has with Barclays ?
  6. the outcome of a similar case in my local county court, I hope they win !!!!
  7. Thanks for your reply it's not a bank I am suing that's a separate one , this is against a firm of administrators.
  8. Thanks for your reply I have not used this online service before so I am a bit unsure of the way things are done from start to finish.
  9. I recently made a claim online through moneyclaim online, the defendants expectedly have defended the claim, what concerns me is the reply from the court stating that no further action can be taken online and the case will be transferred to the appropriate court for continuation, I will be told shortly where the claim has been transferrred to shortly. Is this normal practice using the moneyclaim online service ?
  10. My dad wants to start legal action to get the whole amount he paid out for absolutely nothing in return.
  11. My reply letter went as follows........................... Further to your letter dated 24th May 2006 You requested information under PART 18 OF THE CIVIL PROCEDURE RULES from me, further information gathered by me states that PART 18 OF THE CIVIL PROCEDURE RULES does not apply to small claims track as you should know, however I am enclosing the information requested to try and clarify the situation. I will also send a copy of this letter and a copy of the letter you sent me to the court. I also sent them info gathered online about the rules, just to rub their noses in it further !
  12. I have filed my claim against Lloyds TSB and I have recieved an acknowledgment of service of my claim that has been filed by solicitors acting on behalf of Lloyds TSB. When do I have to send evidence/documents to the court ?
  13. Thanks Bankfodder I will tell you what their reply is as soon as I get it back.
  14. I filed on the 20 May and then received a reply from a solicitor acting on behalf of Lloyds TSB who are based in Brighton, they have made a request under part 18 of the civil procedure rules for more information which is....... Each and every individual amount of the charge I am claiming, the dates and how I calculated the sum. They threaten that if they do not hear from me that they will get my claim struck out. What I would like to know is do I have to reply to them and why they cant ask Lloyds for the information. Has anyone else come accross this situation ?
  15. I have just started my claim with Lloyds TSB through the courts, just wondered how everyone else is doing ?
  16. Thanks all !!! I have just used moneyclaim today against them, I will let you know what happens.
  17. A firm I have worked for for over 4 years went out of business two months ago,for the last five months it was ran by an administration company, I never recieved my last wage and expenses for the final week and the administrators say I am not owed anything which I find strange as I was always paid a week in arrears. I have phoned them on numerous occasions and wrote a letter to them proving I am owed these amounts as I kept records since I started with the firm. Any advice please.
  18. About 4 1/2 years ago my dad bought a washing machine from Curry's, and with it a 4 year service warranty by mastercare coverplan to start when the manufacturers one year warranty expired. My dad ( 85 years old and still wobbling in the legs and brain ) paid the W/M in full on the day he bought it and the extended warranty by direct debit set up to take ten payments to pay the amount. About 3 1/2 years after he bought the W/M a fault developed and he telephoned the number on the Mastercare coverplan leaflet. They arrranged an engineer to come out from Indesit to fix the W/M. Nearly a year after the W/M was fixed Indesit write to my father saying that Mastercare will not settle the bill due to irregularities and also enclose an invoice to my father for approx £100. My father phones Mastercare to see what is going on and they tell him the extended warranty was cancelled by them just before the manufacturers warranty finished. My father writes to Mastercare to get full details and they reply because the last Direct debit payment was missed they cancelled the policy, they did not warn him of this or send any letters advising him to make a payment by a differant method for the last payment. My father gets copies of statements for that period and see's that the last payment due was never requested by Mastercare and that there was sufficient funds in place as well. My father writes back to Mastercare asking why they never took the last payment, he was astonished by their reply which said " It is up to the holder of the service plan agreement to ensure all D/D payments are met, and we also do not have to tell anyone when we cancel a policy ( anyone reading this count their D/D payments ??? ). My father had paid up to £129 pounds with one payment to go and was feeling this could be one hell of a [problem], lets say you never claimed you would never know it would have happened. Any way a few more letters back and forth to Coverplan got him nowhere, so I suggested trading standards, they wrote a very damning letter to Coverplan totally agreeing with my father and they ignored it. I then got in touch with the financial ombudsman who said as it was not an insurance policy they could do nothing, I wrote back to them to remind them that they are called the the Financial Ombudsman Service not the Insurance Ombudsman Service and get your heads out the sand and actually earn your wages, this is still ongoing but they seem like all the other toothless so called services around. I also emailed the BBC watchdog program who got back to me and ran through the problem and said they would be in touch at a later date as they were compiling quite a dossier of problems to do with Mastercare, so there may be hope there. A couple of things have me thinking........ Why did Mastercare instruct Indesit to fix the fault when the policy was cancelled some 2 1/2 years prior. Have Mastercare commited fraud and could I ask the police to look into it. How many people have Mastercare done this to ????? And lastly where does my dad go next to claim his money back in full !!!
  19. Does the bank get a default against them ?
  20. Where is this other highjacked thread ?
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