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  1. I have taken out three loans each one cancelling the one before , each time I was advised and recommended to take out the PPI , I am unsure if the PPI was paid off /cancelled before the next loan started ,I have written to my local bank asking to confirm this one way or another but have never received a reply. Each time the PPI was added at the beginning of the loan , but I am also still paying interest each month on the PPI. I did phone last year asking to cancel the PPI but was informed this was not possible. Do I have a case ?
  2. Money was in my bank this morning! Is there a standard letter I should send to the court. Is there another thread I should put my success on. Thanks for all the help.
  3. Sent in AQ, and informed SC&M . The court has said this will now go in front of the judge who will decide what is going to happen, I take it this will mean a court date. So back to getting the bundle ready again. Will be out of the country for 5 weeks so will not be going to court for a little while anyway. A person from SC&M told me it is taking approx 3 weeks for the monies to go in.
  4. Have phoned [problem] again, they said they would be phoning their client to try and get payment, have said they will ring me back later. Have told them the AQ will go i this PM if I do not hear. Do I then wait for a court date?
  5. Is this letter suitable to put in section G ? The defendant in its defence contends that this claim is not suitably particularised, the claimant disagrees with this as the defendant received a detailed schedule of the claim prior to the claimant taking the initial steps to file the claim. Additionally the defendant was served with this information on one other occasion previously. The defendant also states that part of the claim is statute barred by Section 5 of the limitation Act 1980, with this in mind and in an attempt to resolve the issue as advised by the court the claimant has written to the defendant on three separate occasions stating they would limit the claim to charges levied after 19.04.2001. The claims particulars clearly state the statutory and common law provisions on which this claim relies, and the claimant will of course elaborate upon the claim particulars at such time as is required upon the direction of the court. I have attached the correspondence sent to the defendant together with a copy of the schedule to this allocation questionnaire.
  6. I will attach the lettrs I sent to SC&M whereby I was trying to achieve a settlement as instruted by the court for section G, do I need to add anything else?
  7. Thank you G Have just phoned SC&M and said I would be issuing an AQ, they said they would look into it and see if a payment could be made today, I will be phoning them later but if no payment has been made I shall be sending the AQ to the court, copy to SC& M. will they accept a Fax?
  8. Update 16th is up and SC&M have not deposited anything into my account. Have Written a letter to the to the court (copy to SC&M) informing them of the situation. I also rang the court today asking if I still needed to submit an AQ , they said not as a letter would suffice. Still not 100% sure about this.
  9. many thanks , gratefully received - mgp
  10. I am surprised that they are called rrp s , I thought a contract would have been signed at the start with some form of charge band perhaps.
  11. My husband has had a life insurance policy for several years with Scandia , they have now said his premiums are to rise from £83 to £193 per month or his life insurance will halve by 50%. Does anyone know if they are legally entitled to do this.
  12. Lloyds have written to the court (29th june) saying they will pay me in full within next 10 working days (stay was up on 1st July) Also Sent me 2 letters , one saying they will pay me within 7 to 10 working days the other also saying the same but asking me to sign terms. Have looked at this in full and as I will not be making another claim think I may sign it . Thoughts please..............
  13. Just been told by the court not to bother with AQ but to send a letter to them saying no payment has yet been received this will keep the claim open, apparently they are asking all bank claimants to do this. Have had another look at the letter Lloyds are asking me to sign, there is really nothing in there that I particlarly object to, will not be claiming any more so may send this off, although part of me does not like the idea of them imposing terms when I was the one who brought the claim.
  14. Ok so what should I put in section G? , surely the court should know about the correspondence I received from the bank . It does say on the stay that where a selltement has been reached a list of those issues must be attached to the AQ. The letter Sc&M sent to the court stated that payment would be in my account within 10 working days this is prob the reason the court thinks it is settled. Do I let SC&M know I have sent an AQ to the bank? When I spoke to the court they said if I do not send an AQ a £65 fee is needed to reopen the claim.
  15. So would you advise sending AQ still?
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