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Everything posted by letshelp

  1. There is no quick fix which makes them go away you just have to weather the torrent of threatening letters. regards
  2. Photographs prove nothing, you are taking them far too seriously, follows Surfboys advice and ignore them from now on. regards
  3. You wont get any sense, nor any refund out of them when you do eventually get through to someone. regards
  4. Yes, I agree s40 sums them up spot on ut don't try and get anybody to do anything about it because they wont. Ignore is really the best policy, if you feel like giving money away for peace of mind is there not a charity more worthy of your hard earned cash? regards
  5. No they don't have any grounds to take you to court especially for the sums claimed as they in no way reflect their actual loss. regards
  6. Big Ern, STOP contacting them and just ignore them. The more you write to them they will think you are wavering and crank up the threats. regards
  7. As MIchael has stated, if they were going to issue proceedings they would have done it well before now. Anyway, now you have some emergency toilet paper if required. regards
  8. Relax, No heavies are ever going to be turning up at your door over this. You should not have bothered contacting Athena, ignore all the rubbish they send you, it is not that hard to do. regards
  9. You are near the end of the process now, you may get a final, final chance to send them some money before they give up, bear in mind we are close to christmas and times are gard for the poor ppcs. regards
  10. Just make sure you have 'ignore verification' switched on! regards
  11. Some do, some don't it is a gamble for the ppc who don't really fancy their own chances in court so they try to frighten the money out of you instead. regards
  12. Hi MPdollar, I would suggest that in the first instance you remove your private details from the claim form. Secondly, pm AL27 who has vast experience in preparing defences against the ppcs. regards
  13. Way to go mate, kick up a stink at the management company for releasing your details for a private invoice, just ignore whatever the ppc clowns send you. regard
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