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Everything posted by labrat

  1. I'm not going to name names (because there's too many to) But I'm seeing more and more threads where one person will say one thing to do, then another (or sometimes 2 or more) will jump in and say something else The thread then seems to degrade into a string of "I'm right because" which goes on for a page or so Then the person asking for help doesn't seem to come back and I can't help but wonder if its due to the above...
  2. I've been writing short stories for ages, it seemed logical to collate them, then I found I'd lost some... Oops I tried putting them all into one book but it ended up close on 700 pages, I trimmed it down to favourites and it ended up at 370ish Theres one of them on the forum here somewhere.. Not one of the best but its one of the ones included
  3. I don't think it will kill me, I have no major issues on here - works social media team is aware of my account and we have an agreement that I don't post on any of their issues Plus I missed the editing window... If admin think it's best to remove it there's a new version below
  4. Got this through today It's only a test print but I'm wondering about going full scale
  5. Not run across many of the soldered on ones I have an old seagate drive that a friends kid poured a glass of water on (regular thing with that kid) wouldn't show at all Clipped the casing off with a screwdriver and put in a £2 AliExpress caddy Still reads fine a year later and Crystal disk shows as fine, makes me wonder how many good hdds get chucked due to dead caddys
  6. Hmm did a search for his ebay user name, showed up a post of landyforum seems similar issue - be aware very ripe language used
  7. Oddly enough I took a look at my daughters bag I don't think theyre made to last anymore
  8. I think the only issue with that is that the site is voluntary run It relies on people helping between their day jobs and to be honest between other things that they have in their lives as well I'm sure things will be updated but it can't be expected to be instant unfortunately
  9. Not sure I could be carbon neutral yet but I'm getting there... Electric car, solar panels, already Looked at ground source heating but we don't have the sq footage needed Looking into either having a battery put on (doubtful car would drain it in seconds) or to have a two way charger put in which would be better (especially as I can charge free at work then use the car to run the house) Apart from that our main carbon usage is the gas boiler - looking at switching to a wood burner which might sound bad carbon wise but as the solar would heat the water tank during most of the months
  10. The base includes a manhole cover hence the need for it to movable Think we have made a solution by moving the position to a corner of the lawn, so it's moved to 4 uprights, 3 half height walls and a roof - and cut a chunk off the price, now deciding if to use 2x2 or 3x2s as the uprights thinking 3x2
  11. It is a solid concrete base May have to have a rethink though the frame is just to level out the ground but will be raised by an inch or 2
  12. I'm looking at building a hot tub enclosure and just wondered if anyone can see if this sounds about right The base is going to be 3x2 lumber, 7inch gap between beams with decking board across the top of that. This is likely to be raised about 2 inches at most to deal with uneven concrete but the supports are likely to be every 5-7 inches apart again It's only one of the inflatable tubs at 700l so not as heavy as a real tub but obviously I still don't want it to fall through
  13. Well the government minister for fracking just quit Apparently she didn't agree with the earthquake rules Tough rules are rules
  14. Well it's back and refunded as no more in stock well done to b and q To be fair we took it in and the lady on returns just mentioned she knew about it, as did the manager and apparently anyone else the twitter team and executive team could get hold of. Not sure what to replace it with yet so the old one is back up, it only came down due to a tear in one of the panels
  15. I'll pop the damaged guy ropes on the top of the box when I take it back, looking closer it seems more like string than actual rope, the other gazebos rope is about twice as thick Annoyingly I usually replace guy ropes on anything I buy with my own cord which is 100kg breaking weight but I ran out ages ago and the other ones in the post
  16. It was about 70 The instructions that came with it said nothing about taking down overnight or even anything about windspeed and was simply a single side of A4 the wind speed was taken from met office and I took an image of it (we are also in a sheltered part of the country) Oddly enough the other gazebo (a £25 special) is still standing but the guy ropes on that are triple the thickness of these Annoyingly I have more rope on order at the moment as well Good new is so far the store has agreed to replace but that may change when we get there
  17. before i slam like a ton of bricks on a store i need to ask if im being unrealistic we brought a gazebo on monday today we went outside to check only to find it upside down and half the poles snapped or bent wind speed here is about 18mph overnight the reason it flipped, the guy ropes had snapped in the middle of the ropes, to my mind that makes the rope unfit for the purpose they were designed - i just dont know if thats an unrealistic attitude i need to wait until 7 to phone the store but im going to go with the not fit for purpose role, any other suggestions
  18. Hi I mentioned this on the last thread but is it worth looking at any crowdfunding/go fund me I'm only mentioning it again as it is usually very very expensive to fight a council
  19. Currently wondering what noise a 3d printer will make if launched via an upstairs window... It's not worked fully for a couple of months so I brought a new nozzle for it, only to get the wrong one 6 nozzles later and I found although its advertised with a mk 10 it's actually a V6. Now I know its that I've got parts on the way but it's still a bit of a mick take
  20. Glad to say it's sorted Although there's no spare pitches due to work over running they have arranged a concrete base for the new statics to be available for us We are also to have the manager meet us at check in to make sure there's no other issues
  21. I have to admit I'm willing for another solution (although I doubt they will read this) If they keep the ferry booking and refund the holiday (£131 - ferry took it to £132) then I would be willing to pay the Extra £20 for a different site - I just can't afford the ferry without that special offer
  22. yes the ferry would also be cancelled As shown thats £419 extra cost there, to be frank the holiday fund for the family currently stands at £350 for the YEAR (camping holidays are not usually that expensive it's the ferries that are) A quick search on pitchup (camping/touring site) shows the cheapest currently available pitch is £152 If I add that to the ferry that makes £571 Well over what we have left, I could probably make it if I borrowed off family but if I'm Frank I owe family alot already (I'd rather not say how much)
  23. Possibly however with two weeks notice to a popular island its hard The booking for the ferry was done by away resorts - when we booked it was on a special offer of £1 for a return ticket I've put the same dates and times in on Wright link to give an idea of why this was such a saving
  24. If it helps I've tweeted as well if that helps Touring is basically booking a pitch and taking your own caravan - they arranged the ferry We had notification in October that these works were ongoing however we were told that they only effected the grass pitches therefore they had upgraded us to a hardstanding Now they are telling us that the works have overrun and that its "unforeseen circumstances" I find that hard to swallow when they have been planned since October The wife is under strict instructions to say that any further correspondence is via email Complaint sent to ceo team - email tk the one on ceoemail has bounced back but did a look up and found two other directors and used the same format (firstname.lastname@awayresorts.co.uk) these have not bounced back I'm assuming lots of people are in the same position rough estimate is 70 pitches (Google maps) for two weeks however I have not run across them
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