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Everything posted by ashmk

  1. Your rights are limited. You should have checked they fit, no store has to give refunds because the size is wrong, it is an individual stores policy on 'change your mind' refunds, they could just tell you tuff and that's that. As for the shoes being worn I think you will need to prove this which of coarse you cannot so basically you could continue to argue with them at a cost of your own time or you could just take the gift card and buy another pair the correct size and be done with it. If you were to take this to court you would lose. Take the gift card and buy yourself some new shoes. They are trying to meet you half way even if they don't make it sound like they are.
  2. The sales of good act has got you covered. I don't have much time so can't explain, someone else will no doubt but don't panic, you should be ok.
  3. These guys are as dodgy as they come. Have a search of the forum for 'legalcare' there is quite a few people who have had this happen.
  4. These trader websites are all rigged. Just look at the scores the traders have, they are all 9's and 10's. This is because these traders pay around £600 a year to the website to be listed on there, if the trader got bad reviews he/she would stop paying so the listing was cancelled and the reviews gone which would mean the website would lose that £600 so what they do is remove all the bad reviews and only leave the great ones. All the one's advertised on the radio and TV are at it, I know some unsavoury characters in my area and they have listings on there with great reviews and even they laugh at how they wouldn't trust it listing people like themselves. I'm not saying all traders are bad because there are some great traders out there but if you think for one second there are zero rouges on there you would be very wrong, in fact it's a great way for rouges to get work. Yes there are processes to get on the site but they are easily worked around by professional rouges. You are much better off going on personal word of mouth reviews from friends.
  5. The Smartmeters will join together and rise against us. Judgement day is coming!
  6. You could try to lie your way out of it and it might just work but if it does not they will come down on you like a ton of bricks. Only you can decide how you want to tackle it. If it were me I would contact the court and make an arrangement to pay. The total cost will only keep going up and one way or another, they will get that money from you.
  7. Almost a year of empty threats and you are still worrying about this? Don't you think if they were going to do something they would have done it by now? Just ignore them!
  8. I think your OH should contact the accountant and come up with a repayment plan. Your OH contracted him to work out the figures and send them off to HMRC which he did.
  9. There is only one store I would buy electronics from, Costco. If it develops a fault later they will refund you 100% there and then, no questions asked.
  10. As a very experienced ebay user take this advice: Don't waste another second on this. It happens, it always has and always will and you won't change anything. Just move on.
  11. If he has not been in your house the most he can do is huff and puff outside making threats he knows he can not carry out. If you have a car park it well away from the house just to be safe. Don't open your door, jut tell him you know your rights through the letterbox or an upstairs window. He will get the hump and threaten you with police or locksmiths but it's all to scare you. They are like demons, unless you invite them in first they can't get you. (excluding a car on the drive, they could try on that so move it.)
  12. All Hermes parcels have tracking numbers, log into whoever you booked through and get it. Signature or not it will still say delivered or not. If you could not prove you have returned then ebay would pay the seller back anyway through seller protection so I don't see what his/her problem is. Generally in cases like this ebay give both parties the benefit of the doubt and refund both the buyer and seller. However they won't tell you they refunded the other but the seller will be able to see this because it will be 'found in the buyers favour' but the seller will also find the money back in their account. So it is probable that the seller has already been refunded by ebay and is trying their luck. I'd try bluffing them and ask why are they requesting this money from you when ebay have already refunded them in full.
  13. this may help - http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/employment-status/#1
  14. Go after the idiot for your deposit. The judge may well award you 3x the amount paid. That will teach him.
  15. I shave my hair with clippers so it's very short. 1 bottle lasts me about 6 months. I think I can manage to afford that.
  16. BT 6500 phone set. I use one of them and they block them fine. Check ebay.
  17. And they wonder why so many people choose to use the pirate bay.
  18. Leave it. If you have got a fine you will find out either way soon. If not, don't rock the boat and give them a reason to find something, ie not updating your details for 4 years.
  19. I agree Asda are being fair. If it were the other way around I'm sue you would want the whole package back. You could try buying a genuine charger on ebay and returning it with that.
  20. Unless you go to court you won't get that money back. The buyer must have though Christmas came early! Lesson learned.
  21. Missed the voting but for the record I would have voted No. I think it's a good idea.
  22. Send them a quid then call them in a few dasys to see if they got payment.
  23. So sorry to hear this Andrew. I had a feeling something was wrong. I don't know how you could contact the owner. Try checking the online MOT service and see what garages have MOT'd it. Contact them, they might know the owner. Other than that. Sorry. I feel gutted for you.
  24. I use my ipad to monitor my CCTV via an ip camera app. It uses a huge amount of data so I only use it on WiFi. However the camera will send emails to my iphone every time motion is detected. That way I do not need to have it on all the time. This might be something to look in to if you cannot find an unlimited data plan for the ipad and I don't think you will. I can also view the camera live via the iphone app but it uses around 1 MB every 10 seconds which soon adds up. Tethering your ipad to your phone wont last forever. Three will block your internet on your phone when they notice you are tethering it all the time.
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