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Everything posted by ashmk

  1. Buy it online, it's knows if you are insured. https://www.gov.uk/tax-disc As for directly answering your question I don't know because I always do it online rather than the counter. Sorry.
  2. You own a TV but use it only for Playstation, Netflix and other on demand services. You do not watch live broadcasts.
  3. Nothing will ever come of this. They are chancing their luck until the next time their records are updated by ebay and you are removed from their system.
  4. I also did that. Must be a faulty batch. Lets build a super complaint!
  5. I have a number of cameras around my property. They hook up to my wireless router and sends images to a gmail account I set up and have on my phone so when the cameras motion detection is tripped my phone gets an email with 5 photos. I can also view it via my iphone and ipad (or any PC) if I want. The images stay on the gmail account should I ever need them, I just empty it every few months so it does not fill up. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Fo[problem]-FI8904W-External-Wireless-Viewing/dp/B00426FEL8 They do other camera but this one, in my experience (and I had the other brands) is the best in this price range. They only need power lead. If it's not long enough you can cut the power lead in half and fit some cable in the middle to extend it, this is what I did on 1 camera. It's pretty basic stuff.
  6. Welcome to the world of Sports Direct. They have not owned the brand for a year and already I would never shop in there again.
  7. I think you will have to pay the excess (assuming it's in the T&C's) after all you did drop it. If you don't pay the excess then the insurance won't kick in and they will just continue to charge you for the TV that is smashed which they are quite entitled to do. Pay the excess and get a replacement TV but don't settle for a lesser product than you paid for.
  8. Contact your local newspaper, this is the sort of thing they love to print.
  9. Try you luck by making a complaint first, you never know. Ultimately this is an act of god and unless you can prove is was caused by neglect you are just going to have to claim against you own insurance. Just one of those things. But try the HA first, slim but worth a try.
  10. HOW MUCH!!!! Total Payment for an iPad 4 is £1215.24! That's a total rip off. Give them the stuff back and tell them to stick it. BAYV are parasites.
  11. Not really because they have offered to refund you. I was quite lucky, I managed to pick one up on release day, I didn't even know they were out that day and spotted it behind the counter while I was shopping for something else. Glad I did if there is such a wait now. I've still not opened it, maybe I should, I feel lucky!
  12. This is how I'm reading this, I hope I am wrong. You son brought some materials on the builders account then stole them to cover the cost of money owed?
  13. Agree with Surfer01. The 3rd car is not your concern.
  14. The bumper may have fallen off but the fixings were likely to still be sticking out. Take the points, pay the fine. You could have and should have took a taxi. Lesson learned. And Edjama, please stop writing all your posts like a child, capitalising every word. Nobody will take you seriously until you learn to write.
  15. Thanks for this. I know a few people who use Butchers and I have told them about your story and they said they will be switching to another brand. It's not worth the risk if they have an attitude like that.
  16. Get on Twitter and create a stink. Keep nagging them, use @askebay
  17. You tell us. Do BT owe you £1014.80? Or did they just make a mistake. If someone owed me a grand I'd know about it.
  18. Sounds like she is making up exaggerated nonsense to scare you into letting her keep the £500 deposit 'as a settlement' without a fight.
  19. At best you could get a refund as a gesture of good will. Don't even mention compensation as you might get their back up and get nothing and they might ask you to prove you have not been viewing it which of coarse you cannot. Yes Sky did wrong but you are half to blame here for not checking your statements.
  20. I brought a TV this year also and had to fill their form in with some nonsense made up details.
  21. It looks like your post has been overlooked, I'll send an SOS to the site team to get you some help.
  22. They can call me from whatever number they want, my response will always be the same.
  23. Everybody else's fault except the person who left the CD's outside unattended. I think you need to take responsibility for your actions.
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