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Everything posted by Lula

  1. I would also cancel your debit card and get a new one, that will stop Lowells helpin g themselves, write to them and cancel your agreement to them allowing thm to debit your debit card and save a copy to show the bank should it happen again.
  2. Well, I really cannot help further, but I am going to hit the triangle and ask that someone how knows how to deal with the CSA come back and talk to you, it is all very well not wanting to rock the boat, but you have to stand up for yourself and you need money for yourself and youngest daughter to live on.
  3. When did they get a court order to do this? I'm sorry I am no expert in this, but your ex cannot just swap and change her mind as often as she does, it isnt fair, so you have no recourse to going back to court and asking that the attachment of earnings is stopped or at the very leave she is told that she cannot keep changing her mind?
  4. I think I would change my bank account number and request a new card also so that they cannot just help themselves, if you are paying regularly then they have no reason to do this.
  5. In my experience, if you dont know a road well, you slow down, not do nearly double the limit, sometimes, justice just isnt done, i do hope that he doesnt get away with it, one day he might be driving down any of our roads !
  6. I had a lovely pure white cat, his name was Norman, and it suited him, check the colour of its eyes, if they are blue he will probably be deaf then it wont matter what you call it lol. Other cat names I have had are Daisy, Lulu, Matty Catty. Lily, Jess, Zack.
  7. Congratulations, I too thought that your story was very compelling, and I am glad that you received justice, I think that a complaint against the police officers is very much in order, I too fully support our police but I expect them to act honestly and with integrity at all times. Good for you! :=)
  8. Ahhhhhhhh WAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaant maaaaaaaaa Muuuuuuuuuneyyyyyy
  9. HAve you rang the court to speak to them with regards to moving the date, seems the sensible option to me.
  10. It might be worth you contacting the ICO and see what they say.
  11. Go back and ask to see the Chief constable, also contact the isp of where the web site is and they will take it down., take screen shots first though.
  12. No you do not say anything about your daughter, it is for them to prove that a crime has been committed not for you to prove that it didnt, the sweets could have been bought using cash. Make sure you take detailed notes.
  13. OO can I have June? not sure that my hands are big enough to cover assets though
  14. Off the top of my head, I would say that your leave entitlement will be pro rata'ed down to 4/5th so 24 days and no, any bank holidays wont be added to your leave entitlement. I have always sad to people that if you wanted to work 4 days then take the Friday.
  15. NO not at all, not because of his nationality but because of the type of driving licence he carries. There HAS to be a way of being able to punish transgressors of the law, if it is by reason of points on a driving licence and the transgressor doesnt have a driving licence that can be endorsed then there has to be another available means. If it is not liked perhaps the law ought to be changed to only allow people that have passed their test in England and hold a british licence to drive in this country. Happy now?
  16. I think it is appalling that you are waving the discrimination card! You think you were discriminated again because you are foreign? You were discriminated against because you broke the law! ignorance of the law is not a defence.
  17. Taking my son to school and talking to the teacher about all the rubbish and litter around the school and being told that it blows in from elsewhere (so basically not their problem!) and also realising that I will have to teach my son to read myself because they only do reading once a fortnight ! WTF!!!
  18. you should also speak to his isp and report what he is publishing, he is breaking all sorts of rules by doing that and they will chuck him off their servers. I Would take copies of everything that he has written on his website and to you and report him to the police to harrassment.
  19. To take action against anyone they have to prove that you actually owe the debt and have a legally enforcable agreement, as any agreement that they might actually "find" was executed in a different country it is unenforcable in another country.
  20. How about a start with the Prove it letter and a complaint to Australias equivalent of an ICO, at no point should anyone ever (even in private) admit to the debt.
  21. On the other hand I have been into All of the supermarkets and seen people being served with alcohol and I have thought that there is no way they are 18 let alone 25 and yet they havnt even been id'ed
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