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Everything posted by Lula

  1. Just a load of officious sounding bow larks, just carry on doing what you were doing.
  2. Try googling Returning to Work after Maternity leave, should bring up legislation.
  3. Please dont. I have been laughing about this all day!
  4. Hopefully it wont be long before you are actually caught and banned, that is the only lesson that people like you heed.
  5. Cag are not known for bowing down to bullies and threatening behaviour, especially when it is very easy to find out the legality of their actions.
  6. I think it was more the fact that it was going round and round in circles and a user was just threatening legal action and was just plain unpleasent.
  7. It was for my nephews 1st birthday last year, honest guv !
  8. Dont get too excited, he is a techy type and liable to not even know where his kitchen is, still think freecycle is the way to go lol
  9. large cod for me please Actually I do know someone in Newcastle, I will ask if they can recommend
  10. so what? just knock on a few doors sheesh, and if it is a new build what could possibly be the problem?
  11. Is there a freecycle and a freecycle cafe, you can usually get recommendations from then
  12. The highway code says that you should park at least 15 feet away from the corner.
  13. Costco Rocks, I am a member through a friend who has his own business, this means that I can go in from opening times, can confirm that the meat is superior and cheaper, but know supermarket prices before you co and yes, the pizzas rock and the cakes are £10 for a HUGE one, and they are delicious!
  14. No, Up is definately not opening in the cinemas until October 9th
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