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Everything posted by Lula

  1. Up is only being released in the cinema on Friday, it is not available to buy on DVD anywhere in the world yet and isnt released on DVD until November 10th in the USA.
  2. I see that they sell TomTom Maps also, I have emailed Tomtom to ask if it is ok to buy from them
  3. subbing cos I love a good slanging match
  4. Also, Murderers get less (really though it is a fantastic achievement!)
  5. Congratulations! My friends have just celebrated their Silver Wedding Anniversary, she said that it would never have lasted so long if they hadnt invented pump action toothpaste tubes LOL
  6. I found this I beleive that this is from an American website, but I doubt that it is that much different, you need to ask a solicitor
  7. Th solicitor involved should know and be advising how to remove an executor.
  8. Did she get her two days pay back? she should do, they have no right to take her money
  9. If they have no enforceable agreement then they have no rights under the Data Protection Act to use your name and address in any correspondence to a third party.
  10. Dont bother, I think you are a very rude person.
  11. You can speak to whomsover you like, it is a free country (allegedly ) just because you are speaking to them, doesnt mean that you are joining a union. You dont have to tell your employer that you are speaking to them.
  12. you are going to tell me that it is yours now aren't you
  13. Well, I have just taken a look and it has to be one of the messiest websites ever, I shant be going back there
  14. Sorry I disagree, The students wear uniform, not the staff.
  15. when i wanted to leave vodafone in may, they offered me a trial of a phone for 14 days to see if I liked it, I didnt , sent phone back and got the iphone, so it does and can happen that you get 14 days to try a new phone.
  16. Fraud? are you saying that they intended to defraud you, I think that you need to calm down and think about what you are doing, if you proceed with this ill thought out action then your case will be thrown out, why dont you tell us chronologically what has happened, bullet points and paragraphs will help.
  17. Ignore it, it isnt legally enforcable, but others will be along in a while to tell you the same, they will keep sending these threatograms, just tell us where you were parked and what sort of ticket it is.
  18. I think that even if it is shown that the poor girl that died, died because of the vaccine (and I dont beleive that this is the case) she would be in a very small unfortunate minority, there are always going to be people that react badly to medicines or vaccines, and they cant all be catered for. P1, did your daughter have the vaccine in the end, as she was 18 surely the choice was hers to make, not yours Cervical Cancer is a horrible cancer, doesnt usually present with many symptoms till it is too late and is a horrible way to dye, look at Jade Goody, 27 years old, tragic! would you want that to happen to your daughter, just because you didnt want her to have a jab?
  19. HAHAHA yep you are right
  20. Surely they can just say UK or US Supreme court and dispel any confusion, but yes, all this is doing is bringing us in line with America, soon it will be us that is the colony!
  21. you mean he wants to pay you cash and not pay you any tax or NI? that is illegal! and if you declare yourseld self employed you will be responsible for paying them, either way Someone HAS to pay them if you are working.
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