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Everything posted by Lula

  1. I think that as it says they will not discuss it, you are going to have to go to court if you want to fight it, but try the complaints procedure first. We need to see the pictures that you took at the time though.
  2. YEs , complain and I would tick the box to go to court, the CPS have to consider whether it is likely that they would get a conviction and I dont think that they would in this instance, sounds like some jobsworth, go to your local police station and ask for a copy of their complaints procedure. I would fight this, can you post up the pictures that you took
  3. It is very harsh, the disc is there and sometimes just a slight adjustment is needed, I thought failing to display was for people who didnt have one not for slightly obscured. If it were me, and I am not advocating this course of action, I would let them take me to court and i would see what a judge though, take plenty of photos of it.
  4. If only a few digits at the top were missing then I fail to see how this is really an offence, what are the ways to pay, inluding any phone numbers that you can contact, does it give the officers name and badge number? can you scan the ticket obscurring and personal details?
  5. Is there anyway that you can scan it? I have heard of scams that purport to come from the police but the contact details are way way different. Was there a picture taken by the "officer" at the time?
  6. It is my understanding of the Statute Barred legislation that if you havnt acknowledged the debt or paid part of the debt in 6 years then it becomes SB'ed, sorry I dont understand what you mean by relisting. Once it is SB'ed then, to all intents and purposes that is it. Nothing to be done, flogging a dead horse IMHO
  7. You really are wasting your time and exposing yourself to further costs, your tyre was defective, saying that you were unaware is not a defence, end of story.
  8. They dont need producers now, they can check everything inside there own car. I would say that the OP might have gotten away with it, but dont bank on it, I would recommend wearing your seatbelt at all times, as stated for very good reason in law.
  9. I am sorry to disagree but I would never be photographing the back of my car and sending it to these or any other people, have none of you heard ofg photoshop?
  10. I have to say that this site is not in the practise of condoning debt avoidance, perhaps you would care to share your story and then an expert in the "credit agreement" area will be able to help you further.
  11. They are not allowed to close your bank accoount for a retaliatory reason, they wont close, I am on my 3rd case with Abbey, they have never even threatened it. I wouldnt worry about it, it is a rarity.
  12. it depends on when the agreement was taken out, the rules changed in 2007
  13. Thanks for clarifying that Andy, glad to know that we are not having to pay the police for this
  14. Well my advice would be, if you are stopped for a traffic survey, all you have to do is ask "Is this a police matter, have I been stopped for a legal reason?" If not, then I am sure that you will be free to go. But I would say that these surveys are conducted for a reason, they are not advertised because people would try and avoid them and then nothing would get done. People whine and whinge that nothing is done in traffic/accident black spots but when measures are starting to be taken to assess the problem, they are still whinging. If it is the police doing a random stop and check, tough, the police have the right to stop and search.
  15. The HAVE to have these traffic surveys otherwise, they wont know what is happening, and of course, the surveys HAVe to happen at the time that they want to have the information about, the police are just there for the numpties that start getting antsey at that time of the morning.
  16. Absolutly, the shop is well within rights not to serve anyone at all, I remember at least 10 years ago both my partner and myself were asked to produce photographic id for an alcohl purchase in the US, I was rather flattered lol.
  17. This might help UK tyre law legal requirements for manufacturer & motorist - fitment, condition, tread depth & wear
  18. Well thank you my dear, is the "Jove" a new car?
  19. My 1 year anniversary of giving up smoking, and I can honestly say that I havnt been tempted, no, not once. So now I suppose I am a non smoker as opposed to an ex smoker !
  20. Sorry., I am a bit confused, did the Landlord start a claim and then discontinue only to start an identical new claim? if so, that is an abuse of process and the judge would only allow it if he had a VERY good reason for discontinuing the original claim.
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