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  1. Hi, got some great help on these forums last time so thought i would ask this even though it may well be a long shot...i bought some nectarines from asda and basically chipped the front of my tooth on (presumably) the stone in the centre. i did not realise i had chipped my tooth until i had finished. the nectarine was very cold but i thought nothing of it and im also aware that nectarines have naturally occuring stones, which asda customer services pointed out!i have eaten hundreds of nectarines before and also have never had any problems with my teeth. i asked asda to refund the dental bill (worth a try) which was £30 but they said no. therefore should i put this down to my misfortune or does anyone have any other suggestions to get a refund. i realise its a small amount to most people but to me its relevant.many thanks for any help offered
  2. Hi Hedgey, Thanks for the reply, it has clarified things for me. Back to the drawing board I guess.. Thanks again. pt
  3. Hi Zoot, Many thanks for your response, it's much appreciated. Just wish to clarify, 2003 opened account and transferred money to it from another card. defaulted on a couple of payments incurring £48 in charges. 2004 Declared bankrupt. card debt goes to 0, account closed. 2007 Try and get charges, eventual offer made of £48 Send acceptance letter on condition they pay me by cheque or BACS. they send letter back saying they are applying the £48 to the account even though it is closed " ..we are refunding an amount which was previously debited. It is not a compensation payment, therefore we are within our rights to apply the credit to your account...." From what you are saying it seems that if I have never physically paid the charges I can't claim them. With other cards I had many charges that we made while I was still making payments but the balances were never cleared, do I have a claim here? Thanks for your help. pt
  4. Hi all. Apologies if this is in the wrong place, I couldn't find anything similar. Will be brief. I am discharged bankrupt (3 years ago) who has claimed £52 credit card charges back off mint. They offered £48 which I accepted providing they paid by cheque or into my current account (not with them). Their next letter states that as i have an outstanding balance with them (on my credit card account that's been closed for three years) so they are applying this £48 directly to my account. Wonderd if anyone else had this issue or could offer any advice on whether to take it further (it's got as far as FO, which is when they made their offer) Many Thanks.
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