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Everything posted by StokiePotter

  1. Sam, the letter I sent to them was this (sent on the 20th September 2009 ) The next thing I know.... 9 months later I start to receive txts off them, then find I have a default on my Credit File c/o Lowells. I didnt receive a letter off them telling me they were doing so either, so believe they have unlawfully added it? Ian
  2. Could somebody advise me on which way to go now as Shop Direct Finance have added a default back onto my Credit File.... The Last Letter I got from them was on the 25th Feb 2009, which went like this.... Now I have until the 25th to take it up with the FOS, or will I just have to accept the fact that I will have a default on my file?!? HELP!!
  3. I will go through all of my paperwork once I get in from work, plus the drive home should calm me down slightly as I am fuming at the moment.... May even go for compo
  4. and Lowells have also kindly added a default onto my Credit File without any notification or sent me proof that the alleged "debt" exists!
  5. Littlewoods have kindly added the default BACK onto my credit file. . . . I am fuming! I am in two minds whether to call them and wipe the floor with them as I have only checked following my refusal of finance for a new car (which was to be picked up this evening) Now just wondering on my next course of action... HELP!
  6. and littlewoods have added the default BACK onto my credit file... even though the "debt" is unenforacable Only found this out today as my application for finance for a new car was declined!
  7. I am absolutely FUMING!! Went to purchase a new car yesterday (both of ours are dead) so have no choice but to take advantage of the Scrappage Scheme.... Signed up for the car, got the deposit together and was supposed to be picking it up this evening, unfortunately I have just had a call to tell me that the finance has been declined.... checked my credit file and guess what?!? Default from Lowells, without any type of letter advising me that they were doing so. Right... Where do I start, to wipe the floor with these muppets!
  8. sam, Cheers for that.... It has taken me 5 years to get my credit report to a satisfactory level.... still have the odd blemishes but no CCJ's or defaults so, the last thing I want are these "Cowboys" adding info that is un-enforcable. The funny thing about it is I questioned the whole Red / Lowell / Hamptons harassment and reminded him that 3 companies chasing the same "alleged" debt is also in breach of OFT guidelines.... he replied "They arent 3 different companies, they are different departments" - so why waste money on different stationery you tools lol
  9. Yes.... for my sins Id prefer to be sunning it up on a beach somewhere, but instead Im in Dull / Wet Fenton dealing with muppets from Leeds.....
  10. LOL.... The annoying thing is, if I was not so clued up (thankyou CAG) I probably would cave in and pay-up. Which was my mistake last year, I panic'd and agreed to pay them £20p/m which I did for 3 months, and the "alleged" debt was from 5 1/2yrs ago after a little reading up realised I was within my rights to ask the for proof before they got a penny out of me, just a shame I didnt know this before hand. Well Ill sit and wait now.... I did remind him that any future contact would be recorded and they will be reported to the OFT for harrassment if they continued.
  11. I felt the need to call them this morning to say "Leave me alone" so I did.... The chap on the phone was fairly helpful and understanding to be honest, I explained that if they contacted me again without the details I requested back in October then I would report them for harrassment. He did the usual - well you are liable for this money etc... and I reminded him that without "proof" that the debt exists I owe them sod'all Now Ive either poked the fire or proved that I am not to be pushed around lol. Ill wait and see eh.... maybe following it up with a letter would be best for myself just to cover my tracks
  12. Morning All, Following on from my thread here.... http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/telecoms-mobile-fixed/155624-old-o2-account-link.html I send a SAR to them (Lowells / RED) last October as I was having a major "knuckle down" following years of ignoring numerous "Vultures". I heard nothing from them (Lowells) in regards to my enquiry, now 9 months later I have received 2 txt messages off them within 2 days to inform me that I need to contact them "Immeadiately".... Heres me wondering how they have managed to get their greasy hands on my mobile number in the first place and I quote "Mr XXXX, it is important that we speak to you today. Call RED on 01133086119 quoting ref XXX" I am soooooo tempted to call them and remind them that they are not adhering to their responsibilities or my request but know that I will end up "effing and jeffing" at them. Could anybody offer and advice on how I should approach them? or is it worth me just complaining direct to the FOS in regards to the way they have conducted themselves?
  13. Looks like Lowell / Red are about to rear their ugly little heads again... Just received a txt off them which goes a little like this, "Mr XXXXX, it is important that we speak to you today. Call Red on 01133086119 quoting ref XXXX" Firstly I am bewildered where they have got my mobile number from? and secondly I didnt receive any response from the letter I send them in October basically asking them to "Prove it!" I am sooooo tempted to ring up and tell them to politely "Go Away" but know my language would not be the friendliest
  14. Delayed the sending of the letter, but it will be off via recorded mail this afternoon / Monday. From past experience (I claimed charges from Crapital One), I assume I will get the usual speal from them?!
  15. The SAR will be off on its way, hopefully by the end of play today (or tomorrow) ;-) Thinking of it, I am almost certain that I wouldnt have agreed to the adding of the PPI, I have been in "Full-time" work since 2000 and would be paid 13 weeks full pay and 13 weeks half pay if I was off work through sickness etc.... Once I have the details back off them, could somebody advise on the next step?
  16. Good Morning... Just wondered if somebody could offer a little advice before I consider claiming back PPI which was added to a loan I took out in 2004. Upon having a "clear-out" I have stumbled across my initial agreement that was used to open my loan - 10K over 5years, which will be paid up in November of this year. I have noticed that PPI was added to my loan (@1.5K) and cannot for the life of me remember agreeing to it Now, A - Is it worth my persuing as my memory is vague to if I actually agreed to it or not, or B - As I am so close to the loan ending will I have any chance of getting the monies back? Thanking you
  17. pelham9 Thankyou for your responce... I had the feeling it was an "in-house" Company but as I have spent so much time trying to get my Credit File back to an acceptable state, I was a little worried that they may take me back to square 1. I have got EVERY intention of getting both my Gas/Electric paid so that I can change suppliers. I was virtually forced into getting a pre-payment meter installed for the electric so for some reason I no longer get "Dual Fuel" Discount.... Again, Thankyou for your reply.
  18. I didnt send the letter above as it quotes "High St Banks" Could somebody advice me accordingly?
  19. Sorry chaps, totally forgot Id posted this on here.... He received a call from Microsoft, who refused to budge on the issue, luckily enough he swapped it for another "working" Xbox (cost him £50 too though) Thanks for the input though
  20. Good Morning.... I received my bill from Scottish Power for my gas bill (£300+) and have been paying an amount that I could afford each month via Standing Order. I received a letter from "Stirling Collections" to inform me that unless immeadiate payment was made they would take the next course of action - send somebody round / cut off my supply etc. I rang and informed them that I planned to pay a minimal amount for the first coule of months after Christmas then would increase my payments to cover the outstanding amount. They told me to call Scottish Power with my proposal, who unfortunately would not budge until the outstanding amount had been paid. I have now got the bill down to about £200, and am going to be paying £100 this month and £100 next month (and so on for the next few months afterwards to get me back on an even keel) In the meantime though, I have again received another letter from Stirling which I have ignored as I have every intention of paying, plus I got nowhere with them last time.... and Scottish Power are as helpful as a "Chocolate Fireguard". Is there a letter I could send to Scottish Power to just say "Go Away, Im paying my bill" or am I running the chance of getting adverse marks on my Credit File (which has taken me near on 3yrs to get sorted lol) Thanking you...
  21. "SUCCESS!" Just thought I would update my link to let you know, I got there in the end! All Defaults removed and hopefully all sorted. For all those who are trying their damdest to put these Bullies in their place "Keep on it!" & "Dont give up!" SP
  22. Very interesting.... Its just the embarressment of the advisor saying, we cant offer you this deal because your credit application has been refused CapQuest really are a bunch of arseholes!!
  23. As my other thread related to quite a few accounts (which I have managed to clear barring Littlewoods - thanks to this wonderful forum). http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/debt-collection-industry/159684-sending-ccas-various-dca-3.html Littlewoods and capquest are now playing silly beggars! Firstly - I contacted Littlewoods and requested a copy of my CCA, along with the £1 fee on the 18th September 2008. I then sent them a letter to inform them that they were in default of my initial request on the 11th October. I finally received an aknowledgement off Littlewoods Finance on the 13th November to say they that they will invesigate their findings. I then received the following letter off Shop Direct Group on the 16th December 2008, I then received a letter off capquest on the 2nd January 2009 to inform me that they will be taking the debt to pre-litigation.... (Ive never heard off capquest in regards to the alleged debt) I sent them the following letter on the 3rd January 2009... I now have 2 defaults on my Credit File, 1 off Littlewoods and another c/o capquest (which was added on the 4th Jan 2009), both for the same account. I sent the following email to capquest yesterday in the hope that they will acknowledge that they have breached regulations and should not have issued a default, especially as the account is in dispute (see below) Im due to see my mortgage advisor on Tuesday and the only things that could have an adverse effect are the two defaults c/o Littlewoods & Capquest. Any advice would be massively appreciated.
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