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Everything posted by StokiePotter

  1. Morning All.... I'm like a dog with a bone now that Ive read on here that new legislation is in place which could possibly assist with my claim against Freedom Finance Now I want to try the water again and throw the CCA 1974 Section 56 at them to see if it makes a difference... I know you guys are constantly repeating yourselves with n00bies etc but I cant see anything for the life of me that says anybody has had any luck getting their cash back off FF or EPF or even Bespoke etc, just dead posts with no outcomes?!?
  2. How are you getting on? I got told "No" because the broker is not UK based.... but Ive read elsewhere that new rules and regs have come into place which safeguard against this... Ill be following your thread and will keep me fingers x'd for you.
  3. So in other words I can re-apply for my PPI? I was that annoyed with them after my initial refusal I contact the FOS who investigated etc... 8 weeks later I got a letter of them saying they could do nothing for me etc...
  4. sweetjane... did you ever get anywhere with your claim?
  5. lindav, I tried to get my PPI from Freedom.. .. unfortunately the got me via a "loophole", my broker was Freedom, the lender was Endeavour and the PPI part of the loan was via a company called Bespoke finance who... unfortunately for me were based outside the UK so I was unable to claim my PPI on a 10K loan !!! You might be lucky and find your lender etc were UK based, but from my experience Freedom made sure I couldnt have a penny back See my thread on it below... http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?200249-Endeavour-Loans-amp-PPI&p=2762871#post2762871 "Good Luck!"
  6. My OH was told by the chap on the telephone there were no backlogs so the monies "should" be paid within the 28 days.... still nothing as of today
  7. She rang them just before Christmas and was informed it could take "up to" 28 working days. They'd be sending letters daily if it was the other way around
  8. Outcome on this was.... Disclaimed the car and was able to transfer the plate (after telling the DVLA that it was legalised theft). Totally take the wrap for leaving the car on the road but due to their admin practises couldnt scrap it due to their slowness
  9. Good Morning All & "Happy New Year" I shoehorned my other half into claiming back PPI from her Lloyds Credit Card at the end of last year after noticing she was making a monthly payment for Payment Protection. Forms filled in and a response received back approx 9 weeks later telling her they would pay £XXX.XX into her account "as soon as possible" and would cancel the policy immeadiately (Letter dated 13th Dec) Now the 3rd Jan and still no sign of the money in her account?!? Anybody have any ideas on timescales or wether it is worth telling them they owe her £15 a day for each day the money hasnt been in her account (as they would do ) Thanks. SP
  10. OK - Now how do I get out of these blimmin contracts? Im now at the point where I dont even bother trying to make voice calls or send a txt message as the signal is that bad, which obviously defeats the whole objuct of having a "Mobile" phone. Anybody have any advice?!
  11. Just a quick question.... If I strip the lights etc, from the car and sold them on Ebay could I get into trouble?
  12. Just rang NSL to inform them of my no paperwork delay, they told me to contact the DVLA. After spending nearly an hour trying to get through to the correct department they have no record of receiving the paperwork or my V317 form either, even though I was speaking to Swansea and not Shrewsbury... I spoke to the wheel clamping department who had no record of the car, I asked if I was unlawfully clamped, she disappeared and informed me there was a record but not where she had initially been looking "fishy". I know that I shouldnt have kept the vehicle on the road, but I have declared it SORN and not driven it since the tax expired (I live in a Terraced Street with no off road parking), I have completed the forms to transfer the registration and paid the £80 "rip off" fee (I admit it should have been done sooner, the other half is terrible with paperwork (it is her car) ). I have emailed both the DVLA and NSL and expect the car to be picked up in the next day or two and crushed, I have no intention on paying £260+ for a car that was going to be scrapped anyway!!
  13. Morning All, The kind chaps over at NSL have provided me with the best antitheft device ever this morning (7:00am) a lovely big yellow Wheel clamp along with a demand to pay £100 release fee and a £160 Surity fee The vehicle is not taxed, it is SORN'd but as I live in a terraced street unfortunately have nowhere to store the vehicle. The reason I still have the vehicle is because I have been waiting on the DVLA to transfer the registration to another vehicle, obviously I do not have any log books to scrap the vehicle as they are currently at the DVLA offices at Shrewsbury. Now of course I know I have 24 hours to contact NSL to get this clamp removed before the price goes up but the issue being I dont have £260?!?.... If anything it took me 3 weeks to get the £80 together to pay for the reg transfer (R0bbing arses!!) Could anybody offer any advice / the mrs is panicing as the car is in her name, and being 4 months pregnant the last thing she needs is the stress of worrying about a traffic offence etc...
  14. Ok - The situation has sort of being resolved to a satisfactory outcome. Sent an email to the Chairmans office 2 weeks ago, I chased it up yesterday as our friends in the collection department were insistent on ringing me daily due to an outstanding balance on my Broadband Account. I kindly informed them that as I am not receiving the service Im paying for I would not be making any payments until my concerns were resolved. Spoke to a chap in the Chairmans Office who was extremely understanding and confirmed what I knew about 3 Mobile no longer "piggybacking" the Orange 2g service. He offered me a £80 Credit on my current mobile balance / along with clearing any outstanding balances on both my "old" number (which is now a FREE contract - discounted the fee of £5 per month ongoing) and the balance of my broadband account. He also discounted both my mobile / broadband account by £10 a month for the remaining term (nearly 18 months). Im prepared to continue to use them until the term of my contract expires Winner Winner Chicken Dinner.
  15. Im back.... This default has reared its horrible little head again. Anybody any advice on how I can get it "gone"?!?!? It will be 6 years in about 14months so know by law I can get it removed but obviously 14 months is a long time, especially when you are currently on a variable rate. Now my first option is a settlement letter, with the terms that they mark the debt as "satisfied", if the debt is £311, what percentage should I offer? 15? Hope we are all ready for Christmas.... I know we arent lol.
  16. Surfer01, cheers for your input. From reading that thread it looks like the 2g "piggybacking" has been turned off in my area which is causing the issue (annoyingly I can see a mast from my front window which is an orange mast) Well Ive emailed the Executives Office so lets see... I aint paying £75 for a service I arent getting
  17. Morning All, Ok, I have a few issues with 3 mobile that are getting me to a point that I feel as though I am at the end of my tether with them.... Firstly - I have had a contact with 3 for approx 4 / 5 years, no "major" problems to speak of up until recently. In July I went into my local 3 store and "upgraded" my handset to an IPhone (I was due an upgrade on my contract). In turn it turned out that the chap in the store actually sold me a new contract even though I was informed that my existing number would remain the same etc.... it turned out it didnt, I found myself with my existing number disconnected (I had that same number for 4 years). After speaking to an advisor I agreed to pay £5p/month on my "old" contract and diverted my calls to my "new" number (my old number was printed on 500 business cards), it was agreed that the £5 would be added to my new bill and it would come out on one D/Debit (which never happened, resulting in the number being disconnected AGAIN), I now have them chasing me for a £24 debt (from my old bill), I wont even mention lost earnings due to people not being able to contact me (4 previous clients have resorted to contacting me via email as they couldnt contact me via phone) Secondly - I am having issues with the network.... Im lucky if I get 1 bar on my mobile and the broadband is none existant (at my home address)! I have spoken to both the customer services department and technical department on numerous occasions and finally got an admission from one of their tech guys that due to changes "they" had made, it has affected the signal I can get from my residential property. In light of this he offered me a discount of £4p/month off my mobile bill. He assured me somebody from their broadband team would be in touch (still waiting on a call) Now obviously in total I am paying 3 mobile £75 a month (£40 for mobile and £35 for broadband), Id say I want to get out of the contract BUT know that will be near on impossible :-/ Any advice?!
  18. I have just made a complaint to the FLA (online) Lets sit and wait to see if I receive a response from them now.
  19. dx100uk. Im obviously at a brick wall then now aren't I? Firstly - I know what my PPI payment was but of course the loan was paid off early so.... Secondly - They tell me a rebate was made upon settlement which of course I am again guessing at.... Looks like Im gonna walk away with the £358 they paid me and made do.... unless I complain to the FLA? who would probably take it up on my behalf? or am I now past that stage?
  20. Heard absolutely nothing off them. Is it now time for my LBA?
  21. Morning All, Hope you are all "Fantabedozy"? Just after a little bit of advice.... I've recently made the decision that I need to get myself onto the "Fixed Rate" ladder and decided I would use an "Independant" Advisor to point me in the right direction. I registered my details via a well know Consumer Comparison site and was contacted to arrange a "No Obligation" meeting. After 2 meetings a product was agreed and a postdated cheque issued for the valuation fee (dated 26th Feb) plus a few forms signed :-/ After the chap had gone I went through the paperwork I was left with and noticed that a fee of £1,500+ would be added to my mortgage upon completion for the broker fees (plus they received a fee from the lender) On our first meeting it was explained that they operated a no fee service and I "assumed" that if fees were applicable then they would be paid by the lender (via commission), but it doesnt look like this is the case. In the meantime I have contacted another IFA and had the same product quoted "without" the £1,500.00 fees.... I have emailed the first IFA this morning and requested that he cancels any plans we put in place and return any paperwork he has (in a nice way of course) but wondered where I stood "if" he plays the... you signed this and that card. Regards, SP 8-)
  22. dx.... thats what it came back with BUT... thought thats a little bit too much (would be nice though). So I have hit them with a claim of £1340 this is guestimated on payments made and their non refund of the £690 they insist that they paid on Settlement.
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