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Everything posted by StokiePotter

  1. Just out of curiousity.... Has anybody actually claimed via FOS on here and if so how did it go? Take it now I've made an official approach its pointless starting my own pack? Its been nearly 2months and all I've had is a "No way hosay" letter off Lloyds TSB
  2. Sorry for not keeping this thread updated.... I received the usual letter (off Lloyds) telling me that the bank feel that their charges are fair etc and they would not be refunding my charges I had a form with my aknowledgement from The Financial Ombudsman Service to fill in and return if I was not happy with the Banks Response which I have filled in and sent, I received an letter from them last Thursday to tell me that they will investigate further and will be in touch with their findings :-| Will let you know their response once received. SP
  3. Ive once or twice (naughtly) transferred my money over to the other half's account If Ive known a charge is due to come out... (Only cause I know that it would leave me well and truely stumped!!) but they still take it out even though theres prob only a £1 the account... I fully understand that I signed an argreement when I opened my account and also that if the account isnt run properly then a penalty should be issued but £100's of pounds for summat that costs £4 to process is crazy IMHO! I've even rang the bank to say that after paying the charges I'd just be O/Drawn again but they just dont wanna know
  4. I will do PPman... thanks for the imput. I did print off the pack to do it myself in November but due to various things never followed it up... saw the FOS webpage and noticed that they would persue it for me, they even sent the forms to send back if I dispute what I get offered so hopefully going directly to them has helped my case as I'm sure its being monitored. Its amazing how the banks make us feel guilty about going O/Drawn isnt it... she even read out details of "What" had taken my account into the red and I found myself explaining to her why I'd made those transactions and what I'd purchased (Petrol & Cat Food :o ) The annoying thing is both me and my partner are salaried.. not a bad wage (not wonderful either) but I find myself constantly in a position where the banks leave me counting pennies instead of pounds, fingers x'd "If" I get some of my monies back, I can actually put some in a savings account instead of chasing my tail each month.
  5. Well the bank have made my mind up for me.... TBH I wasnt gonna persue but due to their stubbornness I decided enough was enough! Constantly been told... "Its you own fault" gets a bit teadious but I'm sure that if the person telling me this had £60 - £100 p/month taken from their bank account they'd notice it
  6. I contacted the Financial Ombudsman Service on the 4th April and they have contacted the bank for me to inform them that I am pursueing the last 6 years charges... I got a response back from Lloyds TSB (via Andover) post-dated the 15th April to inform me that they were looking into my account and they should be in touch within 4 weeks with an update on their investigation. As I said earlier on in my post... I know it is my responsibility to monitor my account and to make sure I dont go O/Drawn (What I was told this morning) but when you are down £60+ each month because of charges its a bit of a mare...
  7. Recieved me bank statement for this month and guess what.... another £90 charge Just rang them on 0800 3898766 to see if they could do anything about minimising the charges or splitting over 2 months to ensure I dont go overdrawn again but they dont wanna know... my responsibilty and my problem was the reply Spose I could always reclaim them after?? I swear once Im out of this spiralling blackhole of charges, Im gonna just shove me spare cash under me matress for a rainy day
  8. Lucid... Cheers for your reply... Luckily enough the only amount of money I owe to Lloyds at the mo is the £24 I'm currently overdrawn (Dont have any overdrafts with them anymore) Im also in the process of moving my account as me and my fiancee are looking at a joint bank account Not with LloydsTSB though After looking through alot of posts it looks like Im in or a rocky ride ahead but the Ombudsman have said that if I dont agree with the outcome then get back in touch so.... Fingers x'd
  9. Amzing how they will bend over backwards for "Investors" though... if you are a normal customer using the bank to deposit monies and to use your bank for day to day activities they dont wanna know.... Helpful aint they!
  10. Good Afternoon, After numerous headaches and constant arguements with my fiancee about having no spare cash, I have decided enough is enough and am standing my ground against Lloyds TSB... I contacted the FOS on April the 4th to complain about a recent charge and was informed that I could claim for upto 6 years worth of charges if I felt it was appropriate... Unfortunately after paying £300 for vehicle repairs and then noticing (3 weeks before payday) that I would be struggling "AGAIN" because of charges I felt enough was enough and asked the young lady on the phone to make a formal complaint about my account and to try to reclaim "some" of my charges back over the past 6 years. I fully admit responsibilty for my account BUT when institutions such as your bank take £60 / £80 or even £100+ you find it difficult not to get charges, especially if you need petrol to get to work or food in the cupboard.... Who could afford to give that amount of money away per month and not notice it??? (Alright I know one or two could, but I aint one of them...) Anyway I received a response from Lloyds on Monday advising me that.... They are sorry that I felt the need to complain.... even though I complained in January and ended up walking out of the branch with an extra £3000 loan to clear my O/Draft & Credit Card (They wavered that months charges "IF" I took out the loan) and they expect their enquiries to be completed within the next four weeks :-| Im extremely concerned as I get paid next Friday and dont want them playing silly games, especially as I am due to go away in May :-| and will need access to monies (I have budgeted for next months charges already ) As I have complained directly to The Financial Ombudsman will this help or hinder my case against them?? and would I be wiser to transfer my wages into my partners account?? Even though my mortgage etc, is due to come out of my account?!?!? My head hurts Cheers SP
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