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Everything posted by BigCol

  1. Martin, that would be very much appreciated. Back in the office tomorrow so I will read up about Witness Statements on the HMCS website(best place to start I guess). Solowka, cheers for that info, I may give Ross a quick call, although I may use Tommy's number first....not that I don't believe him or anything!!! BC
  2. Willow, that means you've got plenty of time to prepare your defence (should you need it!) and maybe even overtake my thread!! BC:cool:
  3. DH, eek, what witness statement?!! Wasn't aware that I had to do one. Back in the office properly on Friday so I'll read up about it then, I'm due in Court on 6th Nov so I'd better get a shuffty on. BC:o
  4. Clint, you should be able to get it anyway you want - oo-er!! BC:cool:
  5. Uni, Dim snags as they (may) say in Wales! BC:cool:
  6. Uni, I know you've got your own Parliament up there, but I thought you were still part of the UK!! BC:cool:
  7. But Martin, do you think if you ordered anything you'd get it or you'd just get ignored??? Surely she would have the upper hand, which would be an unusual situtation for her..... BC:cool:
  8. Hmm, I've often wondered what her visog would look like? No doubt there'll be a few more worry lines than there was a couple of months ago, dark bags under her eyes, hmm almost sounds like I feel now!! BC:cool: Mange tout, more coffee and fairy cakes pse!!
  9. Trouble is LL, being a high class establishment, nay Coffee Emporium, 50% would still be 'kin expensive for some hot water and floor scrapings! BC:cool:
  10. Martin, surely, as this is a high class establishment, or dare I say - Coffee Emporium, a Barrista would be more suited, especially for Ms B!! BC:cool:
  11. Drummyb, always count calendar days! Sounds good already, I think you're right Tomba, I bet Tommy is getting fed up, I emithered him on Friday!! Waiting for the fall out.....Cobblers seem quite busy too, for some reason... BC:cool:
  12. Angel, no dramas, glad to know you're still hanging in there. Well, I sent my emither to Tommy Mclean on Friday morning, and surprisingly I've heard nothing back yet:rolleyes: !! We'll see what today brings, I'm thinking of starting a count down to my Court date....21 days to go! BC:cool:
  13. A true sage, any predictions for this weekend? I can call in at the bookies on my way home, you could solve all my problems in one easy win....reminds me, must try the Euro lottery tonight......... Mange Tout! BC:cool:
  14. Lucy & Martin, thanks for that, I guess I just feel like grasping at straws, I'm not bothered about the contents ending up on Cobbetts' desk as I've told them that they are on the verge of being intimidatory. I've had the statutory letter from Tommy so I thought I'd ping him with it (although he did spell my surname wrong when he first wrote to me, and its not a difficult surname either)!! Back me up, I'm going in with the amended version. Thanks for the advice all. More later no doubt..... BC:cool:
  15. OK, quick update, Livelylad has won his dosh back along with several others. I'm getting fed up waiting, snot fair!! So, spoke to Ms B of Cobblers LLP. She sounded v v busy and has a cold, ah well. Once she had found my claim she seemed to be a few weeks behind with the admin. Anyway, the upshot is that she wasn't in a position to do a deal. Shame. So I'm constructing an emither to Tommy McLean: Dear Mr McLean, I am unfortunately one of your unhappy clients who is currently pursueing a refund of bank charges through the County Courts. I thought I would take this opportunity to express my concern about the behaviour of your appointed legal representatives, Cobbetts LLP of Manchester. To date I have felt that their behaviour has been bordering on the intimidatory at times and they have even written to me stating that my claim is against the Nat West. I understand that they are not just making mistakes or behaving in this manner on just my claim. Indeed, several people with whom I am in contact with appear to be encountering the same beligerence, which also extends to not replying to correspondence (whether written or electronic). My Court date is set for 6th November and I take this opportunity to attach a copy of my current schedule of charges that are in dispute. You will note that it currently stands at £3709.48 with costs to be added, as you will no doubt appreciate, the interest is increasing everyday whilst we wait for our date in Court. I still hope that we can resolve this matter out of Court. What do you think, ping it off first thing tomorrow? I'll wait overnight for your collective thoughts and comments. TTFN BC:cool:
  16. Willow, just constructing an emither to Big Tommy, almost did the same, had to think what Cobblers 'real' name was!! Oo-er, how funny would that have been!! BC:cool:
  17. Eek, Sueg, read Martin's post. I am a bear of small brain and don't really understand, but it may well be also mentioned in the Templates section. If not, plug it into the search function on the HMCS website. BC:cool:
  18. Lucy et al, just spoken to Ms B, seems v stressed and has a cold. Took her a while to find my case and stated that she has had no further instructions from her client, I did feel like asking her whether it was the RBS or Nat West that she was referring to, but I bit my tongue. I am now constructing an emither to Big Tommy up North. A few home truths, he may not be able to do anything but I feel like it is worth a try. Well done you again... LoL BC:cool:
  19. Just spoken to Ms B, LL, stressed doesn't do it justice. It took her a while to find my claim and almost missed the fact that I'd been given a court date, no joy from her though. Next stop a quick email to Tommy M. BTW, her voicemail also says that she will be away in September for a couple of afternoons!! Must remember that for the future!!!! Mange Tout!! BC:cool:
  20. That's right Willow, Not quite an all in one but a comfortable enemble in fetching disruptive pattern material....all the rage in the middle east at the moment!! In fact, not to get the jump on LivelyLad, but he's just PM'd me that he's been offered a full settlement by Cobblers following a well constructed "behave" letter! Well done him, I'm going to call Cobblers this pm and see what happens. Don't worry, I won't be holding my breath and I'll probably still be here tomorrow... BC:cool:
  21. Lucy, I have tried to converse with MsB with no success, the only person who can actually say that she exists is Martin. LivelyLad & I seem to get no joy with either 'phone calls or emithers. I'm tempted to email a copy of my latest schedule and see what happens, Court date now only 3 weeks away!! Eek:o BC:cool:
  22. LL, I'd wait to see if CAG have anything that could be used, ensures the right message is put out without getting too emotive. I've tried and I can't do it without sounding really cheesy. BC:cool:
  23. LL, at least word of mouth is effective, has your pal told anyone else and celebrated her windfall?? I always find it best to point out that even 1 charge a month over a year is £456, without interest, keep that going for a couple of years and it soon mounts up. It doesn't take much for people to get charged, as we well know. Maybe the SSAFA pages in Soldier Mag would be worth a quick article, this is public domain knowledge and we know that HMF are not the greatest of experts in keeping hold of their hard earned cash. Beats volunteering for OOA any day!! BC:cool:
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