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Everything posted by BigCol

  1. Good News!! Tomba90 has just won his case, little different to most but he's just been sent a full settlement by Cobblers/RBS!! Congrats Tomba, Get It In!! Garlic Bread, it's the future!! BC
  2. Bon oeuf! Tomba has just completed against RBS, well done him, the CAG juggernaught keeps on rolling!! BC:smile:
  3. Tomba!! Big smiles this end!! Well done, bet you can't wait for the cheque! Any stipulations put on it by RBS?? Roll on the rest of us!! BC:smile:
  4. Rebbecca, I got a very similar letter, regarding Cobblers' client - Nat West Bank Plc. So I sent a copy to the court and advised Ms B at Cobblers that her client should be RBS. From other threads, I understand that Cobblers are dealing with the Nat Wets claims too! Idioten! BC:p
  5. Now then Chaps, this is starting to get personal, as the voice of reason (on my own thread - I ask you), is it not enough for us to realise that the better person is the one that is currently taking on the Team RBS and beating them at their own game, via the great institution of the British legal system, one that has been copied and revered the world over!! Et tu Brute!! I feel enough satisfaction in the fact that little ole me is taking on one of the greatest financial institutions in the World and I am going to win. The pen really is mightier than the sword, and believe me, I can wield a sword if necessary!! Let's all take the higher ground with this and revel in the knowledge that both RBS's and Cobblers' reputations are being tarnished by our actions and thet WE may be changing the face of British banking for ever, making the future better for everyone.... Then again, it's my money and I want it back!! BC:p
  6. Now then chaps, let us not start getting personal!!! Surely the fact that we are 'beating' Team RBS and are forcing them to face facts about their regieme of fees and charges and hopefully changing the face of British banking for the better for generations to come is better. The pen is mightier than the sword, I feel so enlivened and, dare I say, empowered that I am taking on one of the biggest financial institutions in the World and winning hands down - yeah hA!! BC:p
  7. Clint, not only does it seem that simple, but it is!! I have only been using the 'simple' spreadsheet cos I've not had time or inclination to get my head around the complicated (advanced) one. But make sure that you identify the charge exactly as it is stated on your statement, this can then be identified against the Bank's own list of charges so that there is no confusion about what you are claiming. Having said that, one of Cobblers' delaying tactics is to ask for extra info on the charges, almost as if you have never informed the Bank and the Bank has not passed on this info to their own solicitor!! Make sure that when you send the Court your Schedule of charges you send a copy to the RBS Branch and then copies to Cobblers as required during MCOL stages, making sure you info the Court that you have done this!! BC:p
  8. DD, so long as you go about this in the way you have so far you shouldn't have any trouble. You've done the right thing by subtracting the £6, that's what I have done and others. Remember, if you get a 'charge' for a service, then you cannot claim it as unlawful/unreasonable. Bon oeuf! BC:p
  9. FB, we have to make them understand that they can't just fob us off. The best way of doing this is by making them pay. Maybe by all of this class-action we can improve the British Banking system for the benfit of all!! I wish! Good Luck BC:p
  10. Cor, I don't know, go "away" for a few days and look what's happened. Thanks for those kind words Martin, I'm just glad everone has been working together, we'll get 'em. Meanwhile back on Planet BC, I've heard nothing from Cobblers (but MsB may have sent something to my work email), but the Newark CC have just sent through my Hearing date (6 Nov) and a copy of my N244 Application. Apparently, the Judge will look at this on the day of the Hearing. Cunningly, I also sent a copy to Ms B so let's see if all of my charges will be sorted in one go.... I expect something from Cobblers early next week!! BC:p
  11. Predictable, who the RBS & Cobblers, never. I have just posted the following to Ms B at Cobblers: Dear Ms Burgoyne, Further to your letter of 13th September 2006 I am writing to inform you of the following: 1. You name your client as National Westminster Bank Plc, which I believe to be a mistake as my claim is against one of your other clients, namely the Royal Bank of Scotland Plc. 2. That I will not be accepting your client’s offer of £1,700 in full and final settlement of the above claim but as an interim payment and I will be pursuing the rest through the Court. If your client believes that their charges are ‘fair, transparent and reasonable’ as stated in your letter, then it will not be a problem for them to disclose to the Court how the charges are calculated. I am also unwilling to agree to the specific terms and conditions you have added to this offer, namely: 1. Not to disclose to any third party the fact of, or any details relating to, this payment; 2. Withdraw my claim; 3. That this payment of £1,700 is a full and final settlement of the claim. Yours sincerely, That's in the post now, and a copy to the Court too, although I haven't told Cobblers that, don't want to spoon feed them. We'll see if they do disclose it to the Court eh? Might even emither it to Ms B later....... I'm still waiting for the letter from the Court advising my Court hearing date too, the nice lady at Newark advised me it would be Nov, so Cobblers have some time to play with, but not as much as with some people. Ho hum, the waiting continues. Soon be Xmas!! BC:cool:
  12. Clint, that's spooky, same with me!! BC:cool:
  13. The N244 is on the HMCS website as well, easiest way to find it is search for N244 and it comes up with the adobe file, download it, save it and apply at your leisure!! BC:cool: DH goodluck with the N244, the Court will get mine tomorrow am.... BC
  14. DH, hope you're right, salthough I guess your money would be cashed whicever way. Don't mean to be the harbinger of doom or anything, I'm following you so I hope to God you're right......are you going to call the Court tomorrow to ask?? BC:cool:
  15. Ah ha! On the doormat when I got home last night was a letter from Cobblers: "Dear Sir, Our Client: National Westminster Bank Plc (REALLY!!!) We refer to the above matter. Our client considers that your challenge to its charges would fail in Court (What, just like everyone else's??!!) Our client believes that its charges are fair, reasonable and transparent. It considers that the amounts debited to your account have been applied strictly in accordance with your agreement aith it andits published tariff, which it is satisfied complies with all applicable laws and regulations. Our client is also committed to ensuring the transparency of the information that it gives to its customers about the operation of its products. As such, our client does not believe that your claim has any prospect of succeeding. However, as a gesture of goodwill and strictly on the basis that our client rejects any liability to you, it is willing to offer you a goodwill payment of £1,700. Acceptance by you of this goodwill payment will be in full and final settlement of your claim against our client and strictly on the basis that: 1 you agree not to disclose to any third party the fact of or any details relating to, this payment: 2 you write to the Court withdrawing your claim." So, a few interesting point there then. 1. There client now appears to be Nat West, would that suggest to anybody else that this is a standard template? 2. Why offer £1700 if they think that I would lose in Court? This has already been offered to me way back in June, why have we wasted so much time, effort and extra expenditure if the claim is going to fail in Court, just like so many other people's have done lately. Ah well, I've also posted to the COurt an N244 Application Order Form to increase my claim following extra charges since 12 July. Should I accept the offer?? No, I don't think so either!! Up yours Cobblers!! BC:cool:
  16. Peanut, not familiar with Augusta's thread, my reply is further back on this thread which seems to have been quite popular. BC
  17. Check out A+L online, they give a free £250 overdraft. it's all on line and seems pretty good so far. I'll PM you. BC:p
  18. Well, it's either that or somebody forgot to tell somebady else and they forgot to press the button that makes the thingamybob go round and make the widget wiggle. Oh no, that would assume that there was some form of manual intervention somewhere in the bank..... Bon oeuf!! BC8)
  19. Lucy, I can't be sure but I think there have been. It looks like Jenkellyxx is doing something similar so check out their thread, Davefirewalker's advice was to adjust it to less than £5k and then do them separately I guess. BC8-)
  20. I've been wondering the same thing....Mods advice I guess... BC:confused:
  21. Rebecca, you are so right. How many times do you see posts where people have just become too fixated on a little matter that is inconsequential in the great scheme of things. Reading other threads in between letters or actions has got to be the way forward. I have posted so many times almost exactly what you did ^, read posts, cut & paste into a word document, read some more, prepare, check, ask, print, check, post, and relax....Tea or wine is a very good option at these points. The RBS seems to be going through a fairly rigid procedure, and Cobblers even more so. Most of the 'big' threads on the RBS forum have the advice that you need, if it's any different or complicated, you should ask (the only stupid question is the one that doesn't get asked!!). At the end of the day, you are in charge, it is your claim and your timescale (until the Courts get involved and even then the timescales are fairly lengthy), there is no need to rush and get into a panic. Best of luck to you and everyone out there, it's your money and they WILL be giving it back!! BC:cool:
  22. Is that for taking cash out of an ATM, if it is then thats a charge for a service and you can't claim it back... BC:cool:
  23. Clint, referral charges are for when they have cashed cheques for you over your O/D limit and the like, so yes you can claim it. I haven't claimed for the interest charge, as the spreadsheet works out 8% anyway, but I believe one of the spreadsheets is set up to do it. BC:cool:
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