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Everything posted by BigCol

  1. Suzy, the quick answer is yes, however (why is there always an however?!) [and assuming that you reside in England or Wales] this means that you will be above the limit for the Small Claims Court (£5K before interest + Costs) so you may wish to package things up into amounts of £4.9k and £2.1K and either do them both at the same time or one after another. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages but at some point you may be able to negotiate with Cobblers (cos I guess it will go that far) to clump the claims together. Alternatively you could go for the full amount, but this may cost more and give you more grief. The one thing to remember about these amount is the Court Costs (can't remember off the top of my head, but >£100). Whatever, don't let that put you off. Things are 'quiet' on the western front at the moment but Cobblers/RBS may (think that they) have some breathing room with most of our Court dates not being until Nov, but they have to address the cases at some point. BC:cool:
  2. Stewart, some of the Jockinese threads, sorry can't remember which ones, talk about putting the first claim in and then discussing the whole amount with the Solicitors. A bit of research may prove useful for you! BC:cool:
  3. Rebecca, try this for Ms Burgoyne: 'lynsey.burgoyne@cobbetts.co.uk' I have emithered her a couple of times and never had a reply, but Martin has. BC
  4. It would seem that several of the County Courts are quite busy, for some reason. I din't realise that some Courts only have a Judge for a limited time per month, like one week per month!! My Court date is 6 Nov and I've been allocated a whole 15 minutes. I wonder if there's going to be anything on the door mat tonight, Cobblers seem to have gone very quiet lately, stringing things out methinks.....ho hum:rolleyes: Mange tout! BC:cool:
  5. Wise words! Lucy, I would try the tactic but I wouldn't hold your breath! If you are going for £5k in charges that is what you pay for, not the added interest and costs etc, they get lumped on by the Court once you win!! Have a think over a glass of wine this weekend, if you can hold out, go for the full amount, it is worth it in the end. You could still send the offer to Big Tommy and wait for a reply for a couple of weeks or press go on the MCOL and wait a little longer. Try to detach your emotional state post-crash from the fact that you want (and deserve) your money back, if you are claiming £5k and 'only' have a £2k OD then you'll be laughing, most of us end up just clearing our ODs. Think about it over the weekend, MCOL close Sat/Sun anyway so you're not wasting time. Mange tout! BC:cool:
  6. I have even astounded myself!!! :o Well done to Martin though! Maybe more people should use this version in the future, just to let Cobblers know that we mean business. Interestingly enough, it would appear that Cobblers deal with the Naff West cases too, I know this becasue one of my preprepared letters from Cobblers told me that their client for my case was Naff West and not RBS!! I'll happily take payment of NAff West and then carry on with the RBS though!! Martin (if you are watching), it may be worthwhile posting your letter on the Naff West forum too, no doubt Cobblers are employing the same bully-boy tactics there too! Bon Oeuf!! Mange tout! BC:cool:
  7. Try this: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/royal-bank-scotland-bank/35673-cobbetts-cpr-18-request.html My geek-powers are limited so don't know if the link will work so I will try and post the text in a moment!! BC:cool:
  8. Lucy, there is always another ledge just below you!! Best of luck with everything and I'm very glad you're physically well!! LoL BC;)
  9. PS, not sure if you can add anything in unless you've mentioned it in the original MCOL, however, if you wish to add 'extras' in (like subsequent charges etc) then you could go down the N244 application route, it will cost you an extra (non-claimable) £35 and it's down to the Judge if he/she will include it or not but it may be useful to you (the pdf is on the HMCS website). On the CPR 18 request reply, Martin3030 has a good letter as well, dealing specifically with the (more brief) legal aspects of CPR 18 request. Its short, sharp, and to the point. Take a look, I think it's great! BC:smile:
  10. DH & DNA, I sent my N244 application in and then quizzed the lady in the Court on the procedure. She said that the application had been processed and the Judge would review the N244 at the start of the hearing. As they have only allocated the hearing 15 (whole) minutes, it seems like they don't expect the decision to take long!! We'll find out on 6 Nov, if it get's that far. I haven't even heard from Cobblers yet about the N244, and I wrote to them special like. I feel unwanted now...........NOT! BC:smile:
  11. Congrats Stuart, satisfaction is all we want, if you're happy then crack on! BC:smile:
  12. Uni, no offence and none taken....you may find that your advice is more focussed on your thread, doesn't mean you can't flag it up here tho'!! Come back and visit, I'll be checking your thread out! BC8-)
  13. DD, don't forget to breathe!! Willow, who me.........BC........naughty........with my reputation?!?!! BC:cool:
  14. Unicorn, don't mean to be rude, but have you started your own thread? You may be better off announcing your news and continuing your fight there, at some point I am assuming that my thread will close with a nice win against Team RBS. Also I don't want new CAGers to get confused with this thread and protocol. Best of luck BC:p
  15. Easiest way is to address it to the Branch, that way it stays in England and they can't try and delay any more than they normally do!! BC:p
  16. Okey dokey, I started this thread on 19 June, nearly 16 weeks ago! My Court date is 6 November, and all is quiet on the Western Front. The claim is now £3246.70, plus £300.04 interest plus Costs (£250 ish), now £3796.74!! I can't even work out what that grows by each day!! If this is a standard month (which it more than likely is!) I can expect another £118 in charges before the end of this week (account charges + referral charges). I can't wait for this to be settled, oh how I will laugh!! Come on Tommy/Cobblers, do the decent thing! BC:cool:
  17. Without blowing my own trumpet, there's some good stuff on my thread, quite a few of us are into Round 2 on the MCOL, ie court date in the not too distant future!! BC:p
  18. Clint, yes and no, what level of Royalties are you at, you may find that this is your Royalties subscritption and OD charges, I have these so subtract the £14 Royalties subscritpion and book the rest against the spreadsheet. BC:cool:
  19. DH, I spoke to the Court and they are very helpful, not sure what the extra £30 is for. When I asked about the N244, I was told that the Judge would consider it on the day of the hearing!! Got my court date and we've been allocated a WHOLE 15 minutes!! BC:cool:
  20. Unicorn, nice letter, hope you gain satisfaction! Alibobsy, how LUCKY are you!!! I am VERY jealous, all I can think is that Cobblers have made a mistake somewhere!! BC;)
  21. DD, you could always phone up the bank and say that you are worried about the whereabouts of this cheque and ask to cancel it!! How would they like those onions!!??!! BC:p
  22. Unicorn, sup to you, depends how desparate you are for the £20 and how far you think AE will make you go? That's not a bad result for such a lesser amount, but is the extra hassle worth it for £20? You may wish to ask this question on your own thread so that you get specific answers! BC:cool:
  23. Stuart, it's up to you now, you can accept their payment and still go after them or you can thank them for their offer and state that as it is now £XXXX you want the full issue. However, you will only get what you asked for via MCOL unless you ask the Court to consider the extra charges and interest miscalculation. You will need to fill in an N244 form (from the HMCS website) and submit it to the Court for consideration. This will cost you £35 which you cannot claim back. The ball is in your court, you could: 1. Accept the offer and still go after them for the rest (can't rememeber whose thread the advice was on but the can make you sign anything they like about full and final, but it has not (real) legal standing. Or 2. Refuse their offer, stating that you now require £Xxxxx and informing them that you will be submitting an N244 to the Court for consideration. Or 3. Accept their offer wholesale and move on. (Not my choice of option!!) Sup to you!! BC:smile:
  24. Tomba was a couple of weeks ahead and a little more complicated than most (>£5K). But a win is a win!! Teamwork to make the dreamwork! There's no I in team (there's a me if you look hard enough tho'!!) BC:lol:
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