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Everything posted by BigCol

  1. Stacy, nice to see you still around, hope things have improved for you. Do you think we could claim for the coffee & biccies as costs?? LL, I 'spoke' to BF a couple of weeks agao about something similar. I mentioned Soldier (top mag, I wish we had something as good) and RAF News or even Station Mags etc. They are always desparate for articles. He said he would try and sort something out - Martin could I ask you to 'chase' that one, HMF must be a crowd worth hitting even us commissioned-filth have financial difficulties (wine, wimmin and contact lenses don't you know....baa!). The closest I got was an emither to all my mates with MSE and CAGs details. I know about 4 mate who are joining the fray becasue of it, funnily enough we're all divorced and had been fleeced by the ex-witches... Mange Tout mon braves!! BC:cool:
  2. Hmmmm, the force is strong in that one.....hmmmm. Must be careful you that the path tread you is not the dark one....hmmmm. Remember LL, no plan survives first contact. Who says just because we wear combat PJs we can't complain to the Press? So long as names, units etc are not mentioned it should be OK, we could always 'go together'.... Once more into the breach my friend....ouch stop sticking that thing in me, it's sharp...Sarge tell im! Mange tout! BC:cool:
  3. Lucy, I guess so, let's hope my luck is in, although I don't want the sort of end game that BlueRuby had to endure. In and out sharpish-like, get it over and done with and walk off to bank my check, wonder which bank I'll pay it in to..... BC:cool:
  4. PS, you will not really hear much from now, you may get an offer but don't expect anything more than about 50%, you'll also get the standard "our client believes ...right & proper....your case will fail in Court...." blah as well. Hopefully you'll get a Court date before Xmas. Cobblers will also send you a copy of their AQ, just for interest. But now is the time to practise waiting..... Mange tout! BC:rolleyes:
  5. Martin, invite them into my gaff, cobblers to that (see what I've done!!). Maybe we should just flood them with empty envelopes, surely one of the Manc CAGgers could pile a load of envelopes through the front door addressed to Ms B, just for a larf..... BC:cool:
  6. DH, glad you're still with us. Good news about the claim, wonder when you'll get an offer? I've heard nothing for a couple of weeks now, sounds like Cobblers are busy though, shame eh?! Go to Court on 6 Nov so can't be long off now. Mange Tout! BC:|
  7. Lucy, if I don't, are you lending?? I guess I'm just fed up of waiting now. Wonder what will happen if my stuff gets 'lost' and Cobblers forget to meet me at Court on 6 Nov!! BC:cool:
  8. DH, are you still there???? Any news??? BC:cool:
  9. Martin, if you need any chestnuts there's plenty round here I could send them, some of them are new ones too. Nice and shiny!! I do hope you've taken yourself away and given yourself a damn good pep-talk moderator-stylee. Just hope you get satisfaction sooner than I am. Anybody heard from Davidhanam lately?? Off to look him up. BC:cool:
  10. Oh Bugger! No, seriously CONGRATS!!! I wish I could achieve something by phoning him, but I'm guessing he'll just give it the "well if our legal team is processing this one then I'll leave them to it..." line. Mange Tout!! BC:cool: - My day will come............
  11. Willow, I'm sure you'll get yours!! BC:cool:
  12. Bon oeuf! Exactly right attitude, call him and he's on the back foot too!! BC:cool: Stike Hard, Strike Sure!!
  13. Funny you should say that Martin, they've even got the little layer of cream in too, yum! Just had a delivery of chocolate cake for the laydees too! BC:cool:
  14. Too late was the cry Lucy! I have the dubious accolade of being named after the Man City captain of the day, Colin Bell! BC:cool:
  15. Oops, it's still early and the Coffee shop is getting busy, sloppacino anybody, free biscotti! BC:cool:
  16. Martin, just occasionally I have them, in between sorting out the Banks, National Defence and trying to watch superleague on BBC. I must admit to being a Salford Reds fan, but Saints has always been up there, a Man City fan and a Sale Sharks fan. Although I must confess to having been to Old Trafford, but in my defence it was to watch the Silk Cut Cup Challenge Cup Final Cup Final Cup match!! BC:cool:
  17. Susie, back to the business of CAG, it still stands: a. Split the claim to less than £5k before costs + interest. b. Lump it together and go down the fast track route. c. Read up on the N1 route as Martin says. Good luck! Mange tout!! BC:cool:
  18. Lucy, sit yourself down and have a word. You've got this far, so long as you stay calm, firm and polite you can do anything. Just make sure you know what you want. Work out what you are owed, what you want to start off requesting and what you will accept as a compromise. Whatever happens, don't get angry just keep to your position and if you don't get resolution end the conversation with, "Well, it's a shame we haven't reached an acceptable compromise, I'm afraid I'm going to have to carry on and take this to the Court." It's not an empty threat, but it may loosen his bowels a little more... BC:cool:
  19. Dave, sounds like good advice, it's worth a try. If you know what you want from talking to Tommy, then give it a whirl, but be sure you know what you are willing to accept as a compromise. Don't let yourself go for anything less than what you are owed. BC:cool:
  20. alexandarhys, got to keep to your timetable, tell them sod off as Stewart says and press on with your claim. BC:cool:
  21. LL, nice to see you, to see you - NICE!! What do you fancy, a double sloppacino skinny latte on ice, it's todays special? BC:cool:
  22. Hello! Me again, yes, that's right, the BigCol of BigCOl45 v RBoS. Thought I'd put in an appearance!! Tomba, dude, I am still in the waiting for something from Cobblers point, Court date is 6 Nov so expecting negotiations to start some day soon, although from what Martin seems to be saying I wonder if they have lost my Case or transferred it to Naff West just like it said on my last letter from them.....:o Anyway, I spend most of my time trying to read up other peoples threads, I do appear occasionally on my own thread but it seems to have a mind of it's own somedays!! Just glad everyone gets some enjoyment and advice from here. I'm planning to open a virtual coffee shop on this thread with discounts for regulars. What do you think? BC:cool:
  23. Martin, how right you are, the trouble beijng that people get overfaced by the literature, which is not always the easiest to read or understand. All I can say is that it has got to be worth reading through both routes and deciding after the LBA. That gives you a significant amount of time to ask questions here or through CAB or a free legal-clinic. I think people panic early on (I know I had a couple of wobbles) and opt for the easy route, mainly due to the effect that the amounts being owed make so much difference to people. All you have to do is read people's threads to gauge just how much difference the £2k or whatever will make to them. People get themselves into debt, no arguement, but the banks don't discourage us once we get into debt. How many people have been offered loans to cover O/Ds and more and then increased O/Ds and Credit Cards. The way people get dealt with is atrocious, it's no wonder the UK has higher level of debt per person than across the rest of Europe. BC:cool:
  24. Ho hum, all of this waiting is beginning to get boring now. Especially as other people seem to be 'winning' without even going to the MCOL stage. Apparently (thanks Lucy & Suzanne) Mr Tommy at Head Orofice seems to be willing to negotiate with individuals and agree terms before going to Court. Interesting, I wonder if that is because he has realised that by agreeing at that stage he is 'saving' the bank Cobblers' fees. All I can say is that it must be worth a try before you get to the MCOL, once you submit to the Court I guess it is too late. But if you do give Tommy a call, make sure you know what you want and what you are prepared to accept by way of a settlement, this is where some form of compromise may have to be made - but nothing ventured, nothing gained. BC8-)
  25. Congrats Suzanne, what a result. Lucy, keep in touch, as soon as you get something from Tommy. I have got everything crossed for you! BC:cool:
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