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Everything posted by borisbeaver

  1. This story just makes me want to weep Daniel Pelka murder: Mother and partner given life
  2. Some eye drops in her tea will sort her out
  3. Glad to report that George has stopped spraying. He's also stopped humping the wife, the dog, our other cat, and anything else that moved. The squirty water bottle trick appears to have worked.
  4. Could you edit your post and put in some paragraphs. It's quite hard to read.
  5. Starting an 11 day course of activate charcol to ensure that my last drug for my arthritis has been removed from my system before starting on the sulphasalazine. Yukk..
  6. Does this sound a bit like sexual discrimination where the women can wear their hair long and men can't?
  7. I've already got a speed warning device in my car - the wife! I call her the Sat Nag.
  8. Do you have a key meter? If so, they normal take the debt of that - usually a percentage of the top up goes towards the debt.
  9. We tried squirting him with a water pistol when he was doing it - he loved the water.
  10. He'd been straying around the house for about three months before we decided to take action. We caught him and took him to the vets to see if he was chipped - he wasn't, so decided to give him a proper home, we lost one of our cats earlier this year to old age. The day we caught him, he must have been in one hell of a fight as he had a gaping wound on his shoulder. The vets cleaned him up free of charge. The spraying lasted two months now, just the humping. We thought about the water pistol, but it was so funny looking at Max the cat's face as George tried to mount him..
  11. We have just taken in a rescue cat, had him castrated, jabbed and chipped. He's stopped spraying, but he has a bad habit of trying to hump every thing in sight, the wife, the dog, the sofa, the other cat (who's male). Can anyone suggest a remedy?
  12. For parking PCNs issued on or after 31 March 2008, the Regulations in the Traffic Management Act 2004 apply. These are enforced as a civil rather than a criminal matter – a PCN doesn't result in a criminal record or points on your licence. You need to read your hand book pages 10, 15 and 16. Blue Badge Scheme Handbook Unless your blue badge is displayed, the CEO is not able to use the force to detect whether the driver or passenger can use the concession.
  13. Give them the appropriate amount of notice that you should give for a resignation. If you're sick stay signed off. Finally, if they fire you, then you've not lost out.
  14. There are new sign posts at a redesigned junction in Scorrie Redruth. They say A30 (with an arrow) - Ignore Sat Nav
  15. I never heard anyone use the Sales of Goods Act in this way before: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2340978/Nuisance-999-caller-phoned-police-complain-prostitutes-looks-meeting-flesh.html
  16. If they are quoting the Consumer credit act 1974, can we send them a CCA request?
  17. Here is the particulars of the claim: It's interesting to note that this debt would already have been statutory barred before it was assigned to them.
  18. She has no paperwork relating to this loan. As, I've said, she's moved four times since the account was last used. It's definately statute barred and am wondering if they are trying for a default judgment. It's cost them £300 to make the claim and they have to pay another £220 for it to continue.
  19. A s far a my colleague can remember, it wasn't an overdraft but a loan consolidation. The last time that the account was used was about 2002. She has made no written acknowlegement or made any payments into that account since then. She has also move house four times since then.
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