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Everything posted by borisbeaver

  1. I have had to officiate at three diciplinary meeting at my last job. I absolutely hated it, but I'm glad to say that I was able to be neutral and able to weigh the evidence. Two of the diciplinary's I found there was no case to answer, with one of the managers, in turn, being made to re-attend a staff relationship course. The third, a fraud case, was quite clear cut. The manager bringing the case wanted to involve the police, but due to the mitigating circumstances and an unblemished work record, the individual had his employment terminated. At the end of the day, you are only human and can do so much. Any company that is worth is salt and cares for it's employees will see the amount of stress you are under and it's affect. Stress can be very debilitating. I used to work for a big bank and I had to take 6 months out for work re-lated stress. I went to councilling and the chap running it made the following statement, and it's something that I stand by. "You are a survivor. You have had problems, but you are still here. There are opportunities everywhere." Once you stop enjoying you job, it's time to look to pastures new. Ask yourself this question, and be honest. "If I get through this diciplinary meeting, do I really want to stay with this company?" I know I'm rambling, but you have people here who will help, guide and support you. And remember. Don't let the ***** get you down!
  2. I thought I'd post a positive outcome of a problem I had with Nat West I have a Step account with natwest and in August I was able to open a current account. I have just started to use the new account and deposited £140 on Monday and wrote 2 cheques. I look at my on-line banking to see if the cheques had been presented and they hadn't yet. The problem I noticed was that there was a £4.71 charge on the 28th Sept and a £34.00 charge yesterday (31st Oct). I spoke to the 24 hour help line this morning and they put me in contact with their lending team to help explain the charges. It turns out that they had set me new account up with their Advantage Blue product. I already have this on my Step account. The £4.71 is a pro-rata value for August. The £34.00 is a combined charge of £6.00 for the Advantage Blue and a £28.00 un-authorised overdraft fee. The Customer services chap also found that there would be another £34.00 charge due to come out at the end of November. He agreed that as I already had Advantage Blue, there would have been no benefit for having it on the current account as well. And mentioned that this must have been mis-sold. He said that he will refund me the £4.71 and £34.00, should happen at midnight tonight, and cancel the next £34.00 charge. Very helpful chap. I wonder if he is in the minority.
  3. I had similar issue when I bought a car off a neighbour. Stupidly, I didn't do a HPI check until after I bought the car (I was given a free HPI check via a motoring mag). After getting the news about the outstanding finance, I got a letter from the finance company. I explained the situation and that the neighbour had moved. I explained that I paid £250 for the car, but had to have £600 of repairs made to it. The finance company agreed to write off their claim to the vehicle and pursue the neighbour for the outstanding amount. This was confirmed in writing. I was a bit peeved with the situation at first, but when I found his name and address on the internet, I had no qualms about letting the finance company know.
  4. I have recently scrapped a car and yesterday I received a copy of the DVLA confirmation of scrapping from the recyclers.
  5. Highway Code Rule 110: Flashing headlights. Only flash your headlights to let other road users know that you are there. Do not flash your headlights to convey any other message or intimidate other road users.
  6. Have you had the NIP yet? I wouldn't worry unless you get one.
  7. The only viable option is to have a card meter installed. If you on a low income, you may only have to pay £4.00 a week on the card towards the debt.
  8. You do not need to wait for the V5 to come back in your name to tax the car. when you bought the car, the seller should have sent off the old v5 with your details on in. You are supposed to keep the new keepers slip. On this slip is a bar code that the post office can use to tax the car. As long as you have a valid MOT and insurance certificate, you can tax the car. If the car is, however, left on the public road without a valid tax disk, you will liable if Mr Plod spots it. It's an non-endorsable £80 fine. When I bought my last car, it took the seller nearly 2 months to send the registration document in to the DVLA. In this case, I can use the new keepers slip plus a form from the post office to request a new V5.
  9. Which is why you need to retain the e-mail confirmation. This is mine:
  10. BBC NEWS | England | Bristol | Family's car clamped and torched Family's car clamped and torched Arsonists destroyed a family car when it was left near a park overnight after being clamped by the DVLA, who thought it was untaxed. Its owners claimed the £6,000 Vauxhall Zafira should not have been clamped, because it did have a tax disc. Martin and Caroline George, from Bristol, parked their car near Durdham Downs in the city on Wednesday. They said they had to leave it there overnight when DVLA officials refused to accept it was taxed and unclamp it. It was set on fire during the night and when Mr and Mrs George, from the Lawrence Weston area of Bristol, arrived the next morning they found only a charred outline of where their car had been. Receipt proof The DVLA said the case was being investigated. Mr George, 24, said: "It's a real nightmare. The car was taxed until the end of October, but they clamped it anyway. "We rang up the DVLA but they refused to release it and it was left overnight near the park. "We paid for the tax disc in May and have a receipt to prove it. There's no question it could have fallen down from the windscreen, it was securely in place. We even took a photo on our mobile phone of the disc after it was clamped. "We're gutted. We've got no car and we don't know if the insurance will pay out on it." The couple found just the charred outline of where the car had been because the burnt-out shell of the Vauxhall had been removed by the city council after firefighters were called out to tackle the blaze at 0100 BST on Thursday morning. A DVLA spokesman said: "DVLA is sorry to hear of the vehicle keeper's distress. "The Agency cannot comment on a specific case with a third party. However, I can confirm that the case is being investigated and DVLA will be contacting the keeper direct on this matter."
  11. You can SORN your car on line and you don't need the tax reminder. Go to: DVLA Online Vehicle Licensing | Home Enter the document ref number on your V5C and the registration number. The SORN is immediate and you have an e-mail to confirm it. It takes up to 4 weeks for the written confirmation to be sent.
  12. Absolutely right. If a trust were to be sued and it was found it had lost or had shredded medical records, then they would be in deep doo-doo. I believe the records have to be kept up to 20 years after the death of the person who records they are.
  13. Contact the PALS team from the PCT responsible for the Family Planning Clinic. They will be able to give you details of who is responsible at the PCT for medical records. Additionally, the PALS Team will be able to give you details who is financially responsible for the Family Planning clinic. Send them a letter, copying in the invoices still unpaid and give them 14 days. If no response, send a 14 day LBA. If no joy, then you will have to sue for the money. There is a strict complaints procedure within the NHS and complaints have a set timescale to respond to claims.
  14. Natwest seems to clear cheques in 2 days. In on Monday, withdraw on Wednesday.
  15. I've just tried, but it doesn't recognise my paper licence reference number or the photocard barcode number. Looks like it's the post for me.
  16. I have worked for the NHS for a long time and have always found their were too many managers. It seems the thing to put manager in someones job title even if they most they can manage without cocking up is a visit to the toilet. I left my first NHS post because of always being undermined. I had a break for 6 years then returned, be it in a different county.
  17. If you do go ahead, insist that you have the old part to take away before you pay.
  18. It is illegal for under 18's to gamble. By letting your son play, they have committed an offence.
  19. I have big hands and I find it difficult sometimes to can my hand in some shields and see what buttons I am pressing. And you know what they say about men with big hands? Big Gloves:lol: :lol:
  20. Unless the employee has specifically signed paperwork regarding the use of company vehicles, they employer cannot simply deduct the excess from his salary. I work for the NHS and have access to a works van. For me to drive it, I had to sign a set of terms and conditions which included paying any excess.
  21. All of the parties that the property was left to have an "interest" in the property. It cannot be sold without all being in agreement. The fact that someone else has spent a shed load of money on it is irrelevant. If the property was left to 4 people, then those people would get 25% of the net profits each. I say net profits as the solicitors and estate agent fees would come out the sale price. e.g. House sale price 120,000. Solicitors fees £1500, Estate agents fees, £1200. Net profit £117,300. Split 4 ways, £29,325 to each benefactor.
  22. If you are saying the house is left to two couples, then regardless how much money was spent doing it up, it's even shares. The house is in the control of the executor until sold.
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