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Everything posted by borisbeaver

  1. Contact your council's rent officer. They can give you great advise and confirm the rental value of the property.
  2. I have just sent the following preliminary letter to the ex-landlords. I think it is fair and will show the Judge, if it goes to court, that I have attempted to negotiate a settlement. One quick question though. What is the start date of the interest period? Is is when I first occupied the property, or when I vacated it?
  3. There is none. If you have infringed a parking regulation, they can ticket you on the spot. It's at the wardens discretion whether they wait a few minutes.
  4. The cheques are usually stolen, but it may take a few weeks for the banks to find out. The bank will then refund the original account holder leaving you out of pocket.
  5. I'm going to wait until the 28th before I do anything. This will have given the ex-landlord 28 days to return the deposit. One thing to mention is they run a post office. If I take them to court and win, will this cause them grief? Should I mention this court action to the post office?
  6. For evidence of residency, why not approach your local council for details of your council tax.
  7. The only industry that you would have a problem getting a job in if you have a ccj is the Banking industry - purely because they handle money and there is a potential of risk. I worked for a big American Bank in Dorset and, although I had defaults, I was ok. A fellow worker who had a CCJ but didn't declare it had his contract terminated and escorted off site by security.
  8. The other car will also need to have insurance against it.
  9. £7.50 is cheap compared to some I've stayed at. It's their hotel. It's their car park. They can charge what they like. Sometimes there is no where else and you have to pay. The blue badge scheme is not operable on private property. This includes supermarkets etc.
  10. Taking a jacket off and leaving it somewhere then losing it is careless. Even more so when it was not even yours. Do you know if the hire company insure it's jackets? If not, then they are quite within their rights seeking compensation for the loss. Also, don't bash the newbie. In a round-about-way he is probably saying what others are thinking.
  11. This thread is quickly going down the route of being petty and abusive. This sort of behaviour is what gives forums bad names. I suggest that you agree to disagree and stop posting on this thread.
  12. Still no sign of a return of the depost. The 14 days are up on Saturday. I have already drafted my LBA. Can someone please sanity check it. I have even gone to the point in drafting up my particulars of claim on MCOL. Can someone please sanity check this for me:
  13. There is no charge at my local amenity tip if you get it there yourself.
  14. Just an update. We have now moved out and am awaiting for the deposit to come back. Landlord says the property smells, even though the the carpets were professionally cleaned. It will be interesting to see what they send me.
  15. The issue is that although it was sold as new, it had been used. The money in the filter was a dead give-away.
  16. With regards to PPI, it won't pay out if you are dismissed.
  17. Colour is purely subjective and cannot be used as a defence to cancel the ticket. The ticket does not even have to be signed. There are loads of threads here regarding parking tickets and, unless it's a private ticket (or invoice), then you're going have to cough up. Looking at the ticker, it has date of contrevention, data of issue. It mentions the specfic act that the ticket is issued on (presumably the NI version of the RTA 1991).
  18. IIRC, the post office hold items for 21 days before returning to sender. You could have simply rang the postal office to verify it was their and made arrangements for re-delivery or collection. The suppliers response is absolutely spot on. I wish more suppliers were as sucinct in their correspondence.
  19. I'm sorry to say that their is probably not a lot you can do. It is down to the account holder to check their accounts regularly and highlight problems quickly. As this was 2 years ago, and have no receipts, you may have a problem. Others may know differently.
  20. Whether your tax is £15 or £150, this is a set fee. Normally, profit making companies absorb this cost, but some pass it on. Travel agents and ticket agencies do this all the time.
  21. Some of the overpayment would have gone as tax. Tell the DCA to chase HMRC and see how far they get with that.
  22. It's a scare tactic. CCA them and they usually back down.
  23. It depends on whether you are weekly or monthly paid. You will normally get paid on the normal pay day. Once this has happened, your P45 will be issued. I work in a payroll department and this is usual practise. This goes the same for dismissal.
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