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Everything posted by borisbeaver

  1. Watch out for these guys. If they agree to accept token payments, your interest won't be frozen, so a couple of years down the line, your loan will have doubled - at least.
  2. That's the serial number of the unit, not the model.
  3. Unless you were told in writing that the boiler was in working order, there's not a lot you can do about that. On most estate agents particulars, there is a phrase stating that appliance are not tested, or something like that.
  4. Contact your local council planning department. I used to live on dorset and I wanted to cut down a couple of trees to make a driveway. Apparently there were no trees in my area with the order.
  5. You should also check to see if the trees have a preservation order on them. Unless overhanging branches are less then head height on a public highway, then you can't touch them.
  6. Why not let the insurance deal with it. As you've already admitted the responsibility, then you may have a hit on your NCB, but she would have to stump up the excess, which normal policies start at £100.
  7. I returned a pair of shoes today for a no-quibble returns. I was presented with the receipt asking for name, address and signature. I did what I normally do. Made something up. It was largely intelligable - like me!!
  8. I got my reponse back from Lowell regarding Barclays bank. They confirmed that the "client" could not find a copy and were handing the account back.
  9. If you speak to the housing benefits nicely, they may be able to do emergency payments. They do stipulate that if you do not meet the criteria when the process is complete, they will reclaim benefits that were not due to you. I had this when I went from unemployed to employed. As my job was low paid, I was still entitled to the benefit. My benefit stopped completely whilst they were determining the new benefit. I spoke to the department and they were very good. In fact, the amount that was due to me was higher than the emergency payment so I had a rebate once it was all sorted.
  10. I've had this with Tesco. When I paid by card, NAT WEST, it was initially refused. Tesco tried again and payment went through. The next day, Saturday, I spotted that my account had been debited twice. I have to say that NAT WEST were brilliant. They informed me that although both transactions were showing on my on-line statement, only one was valid. The other transaction should drop off on the Monday at end of trading. This it did, but it did leave me short for cash at the weekend. The bank apologised and credited £10 to my account.
  11. You're on funny ground here. Being a public service, the NHS has a set response time to any claim as defined by government policy. I believe that you must have a response to any claim within 21 days of it being received - I'm sure people will correct me if I am wrong. This timescale is a response not a resolution. In the trust where I work, people are still waiting for their backpay from Agenda for Change and they are literally banging their heads against brick walls. You need to send your LBA to the Chief Executive of the Trust. You will probably get a reply, but you probably won't get a resolution. The NHS is a dinasour where money comes into it. The payroll team are usually the most understaffed and low-moraled people working there. Good luck.
  12. One poll suggested it was the third richest in the world. It's only a couple of square miles and each property is £1.5million+ It is lovely there and has a gorgeous beach.
  13. I think there are several points raised by this as general rule when buying any animal. 1. Visit the animal 2. If it's a horse, see it being ridden 3. Get a vet to examine the animal to confirm it's health 4. See all of the documention, passport, vaccination certificates, linage..
  14. As your contract is expiring, your employer does not have to re-employ you. Your employer is quite within its own right to employ a different contractor.
  15. We have one where I live. It's at the bottom of a dip smack on a crossroads. The road is bad. The problem with this sign is that it comes on at 25 mph instead of 30. I don't believe what I'm just about to say, but this in this instance I think it's justified. There have been numerous crashes at this junction in the last year and if there even was a case for a speed enforcement camera, it's here. Last week there was a three car collision at the junction. I am always seeing speeding vehicles overtaking at this junction. The road drops from a 40mph limit to a 30 some ½mile from the junction. The village is the other side, so traffic is normally slow from this direction. Additionally, there are a lot of stables in the area and we are only ½mile form the local landfill site, so we do get a lot of large, slow moving vehicles using this junction. Adding to the fact that there are no pavements, makes this part of the highway highly dangerous.
  16. I have a littlewoods account. I haven't signed a credit agreement, but I do get commission.
  17. I don't believe that the way the date contravenes regulations. As long as it is day, month, year, it's valid. For example: 10th April 2007 10/04/07 10/4/2007 These are Valid. If it was written 04/10/07, with the month a day reversed then this may be incorrect, unless it was the 4th October 2007. Good luck with your appeal, but if this is your only grounds, then you probably won't get far.
  18. The following is from governments official website: The Blue Badge parking scheme : Directgov - Disabled people The Blue Badge parking scheme The Blue Badge scheme provides a range of parking benefits for disabled people who travel either as drivers or as passengers. The scheme operates throughout the UK. Where the scheme applies The concessions only apply to on-street parking and include free use of parking meters and pay-and-display bays. Badge holders may also be exempt from limits on parking times imposed on others and can park for up to three hours on yellow lines (except where there is a ban on loading or unloading or other restrictions). Do you qualify? You may qualify if you: are receiving the higher rate of the Mobility Component of the Disability Living Allowance are receiving a War Pensioner's Mobility Supplement use a motor vehicle supplied by a government health department are a registered blind person have severe disability in both upper limbs, drive a motor vehicle regularly but cannot turn the steering wheel by hand even if that wheel is fitted with a turning knob have a permanent and substantial disability which causes inability to walk or very considerable difficulty in walking More about Disability Living Allowance Where the scheme applies The badges - sometimes known as disabled parking permits - can be used throughout the UK and while travelling abroad within the European Union (EU) and in some other European countries. The Blue Badge scheme does not apply to off-street car parks, private roads or at most airports. Your social services department at your council will tell you how to apply for a Blue Badge. Use Directgov's interactive tool to find Blue Badge parking bays near you, or across the UK. Find Blue Badge parking bays Find your local council A list of EU countries where the scheme applies London congestion charge Blue Badge holders qualify for a 100 per cent exemption from the congestion charge but you must register with Transport for London (TfL), before travelling. An application form is available from TfL. Telephone: 0845 900 1234 Minicom users: 020 7649 9123 Misuse of disabled parking bays Blue Badge parking bays It is an offence to park a vehicle which is not displaying a badge in a Blue Badge parking bay. If you see this, you should report it to a traffic warden (or parking enforcement officer), the local police or the local council (who are responsible for issuing badges). Police officers, traffic wardens, local authority parking attendants and civil enforcement officers have the right to inspect Blue Badges. It is an offence to refuse or fail to produce a badge for inspection, without reasonable excuse. This offence carries a maximum fine of £1,000. 'Off-street' disabled parking bays such as supermarkets Most disabled persons' parking bays in off-street car parks - for example, supermarket car parks - are not covered by Blue Badge scheme regulations. Car parks and parking bays like these are likely to be privately owned and managed by the individual business. The agreement, and any cost to use them, will be between the owner and the motorists/customers. If you are a disabled motorist (or passenger) and you complain to, for example, a supermarket that a non-disabled motorist has parked in a disabled bay, an employee of the store could ask the driver to move their car from the disabled bay but they will not be in a position to legally insist on it. If you think that people are unfairly parking in disabled bays, speak or write to the management of the store or car park. The government (Department for Transport) supports 'Baywatch' - a partnership between several major supermarkets and disability organisations - including the Disabled Drivers' Association. The campaign aims to end the abuse of parking bays put aside for disabled drivers' use. Misuse of the Blue Badge Local councils can take away a badge if the badge holder misuses it - for example, by allowing other people to use it or if a person's disability improves so that they are no longer eligible for the scheme. If you are a badge holder, it can only be used for your benefit. If a trip is for someone else and you are a passenger and staying in the vehicle, you cannot use the badge simply to let them benefit from free parking. Blue Badges need to be properly issued and displayed. It is an offence if a badge is not removed from a vehicle and people other than the badge holder take advantage of the parking concessions under the scheme. Misuse of the badge itself by a non-disabled person is an offence. The maximum fine if someone is convicted is £1,000 plus any additional penalty for the related parking offence. Road Traffic Act 1991 (go to section 35) The Disabled Persons (Badges and Motor Vehicles) (England) Regulations 2000
  19. If the letter was delivered to you with no problem, then its not fraud. It is accepted that the odd letter in an address can be transposed, or not even typed. This is more the case of those people with dyxlexia.
  20. AFAIK, unless you are charged with anything, the DNA and fingerprints taken have to be destroyed.
  21. I've just noticed in our local Iceland. It has a pay and display and the T&C's are displayed next to the machine. It states that vehicles parking incorrectly or without a valid ticket will be liable for a Civial Penalty Charge of £40.00. Presumably this comes under the same rules as other private car parks.
  22. Mr Brown? Mr Green? Good job there's no Mr Pink - or is there?
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