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  1. This topic was closed on 09 March 2019. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  2. This topic was closed on 03/07/19. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  3. I'd advise anyone who thinks this might happen to them, or who is worried about Identity Theft to consider Free ID Protection. Read the Media Links and the Pros & Cons, then compare it to CIFAS Protective Registration and decide which is for you.
  4. Re Frauds and [problem]s. You can get help and advice from the Action Fraud website (click here). They have a Free Phone number too - 0300 123 2040 If you use them let's know how you got on. Thanks in advance.
  5. It is more than likely that T-Mobile haven't reported this to the Old Bill. I'd still report it to Action Fraud and consider the link to prevent it happening to you again. You may also consider a Statutory £2 check of your credit files. Good Luck.
  6. Why not give Action Fraud a call on their Free Phone number: 0300 123 2040. This is what they say on their Web Site: We're the UK's National Fraud Reporting Centre. If you've been ripped off or conned, there is something you can do about it - get in touch with us. Click here for the Action Fraud website. Why not give them a call and let us all know how you get on? To prevent this happening click on this posting. How to beat ID Theft Hope this helps
  7. It's a long time since I posted on here. What prompted me was the CAG's Fraud Warning about bogus calls. I posted on this topic quite some time ago so here's a reminder: Here’s what YOU can do to prevent those who call, or steal your personal information by other means so they can pretend to be you for such purposes as: · Applying for credit cards or loans. · Opening Bank Accounts for Money Laundering purposes. · Applying for instant credit (i.e to purchase mobile phones etc in store) · Applying for any financial product or service which requires your signature. · Applying for financial services online. What to do: Use the facilities available to you at present for the cost of 3 x Envelopes, 3 x Letters and 3 x Stamps. There’s more information and templates available at www.freeidprotection.co.uk On the Free ID protection website you’ll find all the information you need including links to media articles from Radio 4s Money Box, TechWorld etc. Since its introduction 5 years ago, no one using the above system has reported being a victim of these types of ID Theft. Internet Fraud is soaring. Stolen card details, obtained by numersous means are being used to buy goods. This too is true from goods bought over the phone or by mail order. So how can WE the consumer prevent this from happening. Sure, the card companies will refund your money but there's the incovenience of phone calls, letters and general inconvenience, plus the added cost of fraud to ALL of us. There is no reason whatsoever why the above system (which is consumer driven) couldn't be adapted to deter this type of fraud. I'd like to speak to someone from the CAG about this.
  8. Quite some time ago. I made a posting informing readers how they could protect themselves from ID Theft (Free) and in particular Application Fraud. You can listen to the question put to a panel of experts on BBC's Monebox Live, Wed 5t May. Click here for BBC Money Box Live (5th May) : The portion to listen to is after 14 minutes into the broadcast. or check out http://www.freeidprotection.co.uk:wink:
  9. There's a recently formed new one-stop-shop where you can get free advice on fraud and ID Theft. There's even a Free Phone Number 0300 123 2040 Click here for the Action Fraud Website. To protect yourself in future consider the Free ID Protection System. Hope these 2 links help. You may like to tell us of your experience if you Phone Action Fraud.
  10. The Judge found in favour of the Halifax. Cliick here for more info and a link to download the Judgement. Chip & Signature anyone? Bin your PIN - you know it makes sense.
  11. Two recent stories of Petrol Stations. Basingstoke Somerfield, in Grove Road, fell victim to the [problem] after a till chip-and-pin machine was tampered with to record their bank or credit card account details. Click here. Medway Town Click here. As for ASDA: "Shoppers at Asda in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, last month reported that their cards had been used to make unauthorised withdrawals overseas after they had visited the store." Click here:
  12. On 30th April in Nottingham Crown Court, a victim of PIN based (Chip & PIN) fraud is taking on the Halifax. Details Click Here. More on Chip & Pin Securtiy and Liability Shift: Click here. Tip: Swop your Chip & PIN Credit Card for Chip & SIGNATURE then this won't happen to you.
  13. Picked this up just now: We would encourage anyone who knows of someone selling cheap or duty free cigarettes and tobacco from their house or place of work to contact the Customs hotline on 0800 59 5000 or email customs.hotline@hmrc.gsi.gov.uk.” I'd expect this includes counterfie ciggies too: For the full article click here:
  14. You should find what to do by clicking the following link below: What to do if You Have A Complaint If you've been offered or have bought counterfeit goods, report the matter at once to Consumerline on 0845 600 62 62. Consumer Line.
  15. From todays' Times: With the deployment of cards with a chip that require a PIN to be entered at the point of sale (chip-and-PIN), banks have shifted the liability for fraud. It is now easier for banks to claim that it is the cardholder's fault when fraud occurs. Previously a signature offered statutory protection for customers. Now cardholders are expected to prove to the banks' satisfaction that they have not been negligent. Yet given the number of ways in which criminals can obtain card details, there is no reasonable way for them to do so. Click here for article. Q? How can I reduce the chances of me being held liabile for fraud on my credit card? A. Get yourself Chip & Signature Credit Cards. You know it makes sense.
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