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Everything posted by jansus

  1. crikey - A&L claims seem to be getting more complicated- bumping your questions up. jansus
  2. oh dear sorry to hear you may have to go to court.I am not far behind you in the proceedure. Have you seen at the top of the page that you can get a "court buddy" that may be able to help you or maybe you should pm a moderator to help. in the meantime i am "bumping"your questions so I hope someone will come back to you. jansus:(
  3. The problem is that the insurance on loans/credit to cover (most) of these eventualities is available but very expensive /and optional and in the small print there are many exclusions- so a lot of people dont take out the options that would protect them - or it is mis-sold. If it was like car insurance or house insurance and compulsory - but a standard policy for all, the cost (IN THEORY !! I hasten to add) should come down - and peope should have one less thing to worry about in times of trouble. However this would not stop a lot of the claims here which are caused more by bad management by the banks when people do approach them at times when they need help - but are not treated as individual cases - just another problem, which then runs out of control. jansus
  4. my son and neice both in their 20s and very sensible with money both have they same problem. they have regular salaries paid in but their problem is because they have never borrowed money - they in effect have a low/poor credit rating - so the more you borrow and pay back the higher your rating -illogical or what.:grin:
  5. Lady actually - and yes I left in 1987 - my XXX (big clue there) Building society manager knew a lot of his customers and as I said we were always trained to help the customers not take advantage. Also we did not offer the huge range of mortgages / life assurance etc so it was less confusing for people to know exactly what they were getting.I am sure some people helping on the site that work for the banks are still trained in the same way - but by reading some of the stories I am not so sure. Getting back to this case I think that if the banks/building societies have made errors - they should be made responsible for consequential loss/stress to the customer - but I also think that as I said before a lot of people dont realise the risks they are getting into in the first place. Education is important jansus
  6. Waiting to be shot down in flames - but I used to work in the arrears department of a large building society many years ago - and the attitude then was completely different - we were trained to try and help people that were in trouble - and court was a very last resort. Although it was at the time of high mortgage arrears due to high interest rates the job satisfaction was not i assure you to see people out on the streets- but if you could help and come to some arrangement you felt you had succeeded in your job. Part of the reason i left was because the attitude of "the customer always comes first" changed to "sell what you can" We would never ever consider lending the high salary ratios that are available now - and also the shop credit cards and general easy availability of credit was not such an issue. I feel really sorry for young people now as i feel they really need a constructive lesson in school at a young age about borrowing/savings interest rates etc. I know they may think it is boring but it may make them realise what they are getting themselves into when every time they go into a shop they are offered more credit.Also there should be more instruction about what to do if you get into financial trouble - as there does not seem to be much help.We all tend to put our heads in the sand /not open post etc and get frightened- where as we need to ask for help as soon as we can. Before everybody fire bullets at me - I am claiming back my bank charges- I think this site is great - and I have been through some hard financial times in the past.I wish this site was around then - so my way of helping will be to spread the word to help others. But also I think that you should remember that some people on the site are also employees of these institutions and even they fall on hard times in their lives - they are human beings too. going to hide in my bunker now jansus
  7. go to FAQ then there is a section example step by step instructions jansus:)
  8. make sure you keep reading through the FAQ section and the section that explains all the steps - for the preliminary letter you do not add the 8% just list the dates and types of charges. Then on the Letter before action you mention the interest will be requested when you go to court-but dont actually state the amount. the letters are in the libary section. Make sure you keep to the timetable even if you get early replies to the letters- I did get replies- some people dont.Send all letters recorded or registered and keep all the post office receipts. My best advice is keep reading and find your way round the site so you are well prepared - read other bank threads as well. I have just done LBA and I am about to send claim.Hope this helps - as i am still learning myself best of luck jansus:)
  9. sorry - have you done the SAR - then preliminary request - then LBA - 3 letters in total - then have you allowed the 14 days from LBA? Not clear from your thread. Then you have to read on the instructions about the differences between filing I think N1 and MCOL - there should be something about whether you have to pay fees and how much in that section. Sorry if I am duplicating it is just your thread was not clear. Would not want you to fall at last hurdle. Jansus
  10. hi - we are at about at the same stage - I have done LBA and received standard bog off letter. next weekend I will be claiming by MCOL so will do my reading up in the week. Best of luck;-)
  11. there are threads in lloyds bank section bit worrying but may have slipped through by accident. :-? jansus
  12. been away from the site for a while due to family problems so have only just caught up with your thread. Crikey you have really been through the mill. Well done for sticking at it - hope its all sorted soon. Do you think you are the first to get bailiffs in to A&L? Dont think I have read of any others. Well done again. jansus( bit frightened now!)
  13. hi olivers mummy just wondering how things were going? I have just done my LBA. A bit behind with my schedule due to family problems - but I m getting there. What stage are you at? Jansus
  14. Question- I am just doing my LBA . I have been watching my credit report and have noticed that since I started the action A&L have placed two or three "amber warnings" on my account. As if i wouldnt have guessed they would:rolleyes: . I have never had these on my account before . They are not defaults but still affect the credit rating as they are obviously visible to anyone doing a credit check. As they are not defaults can I still make a request that they are removed ? Especially as I was only a few pounds over my limit before they added all the charges. And also taking into consideration I asked for a temporary increase in my overdraft whilst I transferred some money to my account? In other words can I add a personal paragraph to the standard letter??:? Thanks Jansus
  15. I have just seen this reply about the £12.00 charge on another thread on this forum as well so you are not the only one - its just that I have been reading on here a lot and had not noticed it before. It just seems unusual for them to make an admission in writing? I agree carry on as normal. Best of luck Janus
  16. Hope it all goes well:) jansus
  17. Yes I would have thought it is worth a letter words to the effect that they should see that you have already have been successful in one claim and are fully aware of the proceedure to reclaim - so it may save them some time and money if they refund the charges now. best of luck Jansus
  18. Is this a new reply??? Are they admitting in writing that the charge should be £12.00??? That surely would mean that we could all claim the difference without going to court? Has anybody else had this letter in relation to a bank account? (although as per other threads we know the charge should be £2.50 not £12) Confused from Oxfordshire:?
  19. How are you getting on ? Have you started your MCOL claim yet? Jansus:?
  20. Few days behind my schedule as have had a bit of a family crisis . But just doing my LBA now and making sure I have all my paperwork together. Will photocopy everything again and send recorded delivery tomorrow - then try and read up again on the next stage while waiting for one of their standard replies. I am going to go the MCOL route next . Thanks everyone for their messages of support. Now anyone got answers for a sister going through a messy separation who asks for advice and then does completely the opposite??!! jansus;)
  21. I am bumping up you request hoping someone will answer you. I also had someone pretend to be me but on a smaller scale - obtaining a sat nav and a phone. But they had used my bank details as security - I think you are owed a bit more of an explanation about what documents were used as ID and security? Who would lend that amount of money without some sort of security that it was going to be paid? Did they produce bank details for a DD? Have you checked your bank account ?ils. Have you reported it to the police - I know for small amounts they might not be interested but this could be happening on a larger scale and you may need a police report showing you believe this to be fraudulent if you need to take it further. Hope someone with more knowledge answers you soon. Jansus
  22. Fantastic - well done Friday 13th was not unlucky to you but reading this thread looks like down to hard work and determination. An example to us all. Hope your business now goes on to be a big success:D :D :D Would have put more grins -but only allowed 6! jansus
  23. I agree about keep complaining to paypal and ask for a full written explanation of why the monies were taken back . maybe threaten publicity about the paypal system that you obviously trusted. Personally I have found ebay/paypal to be helpful but you have to persevere sometimes. best of luck jansus:)
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