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Everything posted by jansus

  1. I am not sure of reply because i am not sure how you applied for re-mortgage - I am bumping up your request so you get a reply or try posting a new thread if there is a section for the company involved you have applied for the re-mortgage. If you have any doubts take care as there can be early repayment penalties and you should be clear of your APR and all terms before proceeding.Was it sold by someone coming to your house? Have you tried approaching your present lender for advice? Try money supermarket on line who have a section explaining all the different types of mortgage available. Maybe there is something in the small print about a cooling off period? Hope someone more knowledgeable replies soon.
  2. I suppose if the FSO rule that the penalties are unfair they will have to put a guide on what is fair? wonder if they will give a guide say £10 per charge? then we will only be able to claim the balance:? Wish I had started this earlier:-| Best of luck with your claim:)
  3. Best of luck - I am still waiting for my statements! So will be watching your thread with interest. Jansus
  4. they warn you of the unauthorised overdraft charge well in advance so i am afraid it may suddenly appear on your account- for some reason it is two lots of £25.00. By going over my overdraft in error i have incurred in one go 3 x 34.00 plus £50.00 and they refused a temporary increase in my overdraft although I have conducted my account well for some time. I am still waiting for statements although they have cashed my cheque (from another another account- to show them I have a parachute account) just hope they are not using delaying tatics while waiting for a final ruling on the bank penalty legalities which is due this month. I want to get started! Best of luck with your claim jansus
  5. read all the FAQ and threads under all the banks - not just the one you are claiming against.Use the libary template letters and start a thread under your bank section.Dont forget small things like sending recorded letters and keep copies of everything.read read and read some more so you are prepared. The site is busy tonight because of tv publicity so dont feel lost if yu dont get many replies. Best of luck:) jansus
  6. 1. the only reason people are reclaiming all charges is that the banks will not quantify the actual true admin cost they are allowed to claim lawfully. 2. The majority of people do not incurr charges deliberately - why would you? It is a waste of money and you have to pay it back plus the extorionate charges- there are some genuinely heart breaking stories on this site. 3) if the banks charged fair admin fees the service charges and overdraft interest charges will still apply as they are deemed lawfull so those who do mismanage thier accounts would still be penalised 4) the banks have antagonised customers by their non personal attitudes-caused mainly by cost cutting (to increase profits) 5) the courts are supporting these claims and the banks are not defending- just using bully boy tatics.If the ruling changes or they make a successful defence then this will all stop in an instant and all you other perfect customers can breathe a sigh of relief your "free banking" will be safe.And lets just genuinely hope you never make a mistake or fall on hard times because I dont think the banks will remember you and your support of them in their times of trouble;)
  7. They might not care but from what "bank fodder" says the ombudsman will.Unfortunately in his post it says you need a final decision from the bank before you take action. Would it be sweet enough revenge to have £125 awarded against the bank and then threaten more publicity on watchdog? I am watching carefully on my credit rating as A&L have a habit of using this when action taken - and I certainly will not tolerate that. jansus
  8. yes and no mention of Alliance and leicester being fined for closing account as a result of claiming charges. This must be a precedent for taking action.Check A&L forum for details. Maybe you can quote the case to assist your action. jansus:cool:
  9. See my thread - I have just recd questionaire. Having read other threads the time taken to send statements varies a lot - sometimes quite quick. As the next stage moves quickly it is a good chance to read up all FAQs and threads from other forums as well as they contain lots of good info. Best of luck:) jansus
  10. been away for a week - but on return have received a SAR questionaire form (two pages) and asking for cheque (already sent!) Will send back form with photo copy of cheque tomorrow. Keen to get things moving now! jansus
  11. I have today received the questionaire mentioned.just two pages - basically a check on who you are etc and asking to send the £10.00 unfortunately already sent this by recorded delivery with the letter and they dont seemed to have acknowledged this - so I am sure I have more problems sorting this out - luckily I photocopied cheque before posting it! jansus
  12. Have you had reply? not sure of answer but if you back to first general forum there is a section I think in announcements titled "SCOTLAND" try reading this?. If not this reply will bump you up to the top of the list again. Jansus:???:
  13. Thanks for that -getting the hang of it now.There is so much useful information out there. Just re-sent SAR recorded this time. Just want to get started now. jansus
  14. Another thought further to the good advice above- if you paid a £100 per month from your current bank -you should have some record of this ? And maybe a letter confirming you cleared the debt?Even if it did not go direct to the account because it was closed it would be proof you had the account? As per previous reply why dont you just carry on - if they can not find account details that is their problem not yours.Also what about getting a credit check as your account number should be on there. e.g Equifax? You would be surprised how far back the details go.I think Martin Lewis money guide guy has suggested I think you can get the details by getting a free trial. I paid £14.95 for mine - just so I have a record to prove I have good credit rating before I start - in case of retaliation action by A&L. best of luck:)
  15. best of luck- I would say by reading A&L threads compared with other banks you have a better chance than with other banks. I will watch with interest. (no pun intended):grin:
  16. have you had a reply yet? From what I have read I think you can add on charges on the court form as long as they have been taken from your account and not "future charges" But by answering I will bump you up the forum so if Iam wrong I am sure someone else will help. Best of luck:)
  17. hi we are at the same stage- I actually have re-sent my SAR as did not do it recorded first time - so no idea what the total charges will be yet. I have been reading all the other bank threads as well as FAQ in case it gets tricky - but seeing other posts today it looks as if A&L on the whole are fairly straightforward. fingers crossed:)
  18. Fantastic- encouragement for us all. well done:grin:
  19. fantastic -well done - encouraging for a newbie like me. I thnk you have to Private message a moderator to get the thread moved and also let the litigation concluded section know. Fantastic news - you must feel very proud to get such a quick result - especially as it now looks like A&L can not close account in retaliation.
  20. Best of luck -from some of the posts today A&L lok like of the easier ones- especially if you read some of the others eg Lloyds tsb threads:)
  21. glad you got reply - the A&L forum seems a bit quiet at the moment and mostly I am just reading in preparation for my next stage - but sometimes it just helps to hear from someone just to know that people are watching all the threads. Must admit it is a bit addictive - there are some some real successes out there but aso some quite sad stories. jansus
  22. have a look at thread by Ros2710 (on posts today ) and there are spreadsheets on other threads done by Vampire (vampyre?) I think hope this helps if not keep postting and someone more experienced will help:)
  23. if you get time read Mendzai & lucid v lloyds tsb - it makes A&l threads lok like a walk in the park jansus:o
  24. Best of luck I am just starting so will watch your thread with interest. A&L seem a BIT easier than some of the others from reading success threads.For an eye opener have you read Mendzai and lucid v lloyds?
  25. I have only just started my claim with A&L and am not sure of the answer but I would read the following thread as it has loads of info Mindzai and lucid v lloyds tsb. Also if you check other success stories under A&L you will find info. Also A&L have been fined for closing accounts in retaliation see announcements. Also I think if you Private message a moderator when you start litigation it helps. If this does not help keep posting and hopefully somebody with more experience than me. Keep reading I think it helps.
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