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  1. Reapstar, Surely, you must realise that you're going round in circles with this. It is what it is. If you care to look, experienced moderators on this forum have been dealing with these situations for a number of years. Don't you think that all legal options will already have been explored? Things are afoot to control the they, but there's been a bit of a bump in the road [Withdrawn] Private Parking Code of Practice - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) I think I've already said, you DO have recourse... Win in court, then pursue them with your own claim for breach of GDPR. You would probably have to put s
    3 points
  2. That is irrelevant as the issue of control oft the vehicle is not an element of the offence. Then how did you pick it up? How many hands do you have? Would you care to post it up here (suitably redacted) so we can comment. If you plead Not Guilty you will have to ask for the officer who made the statement to attend so that you can cross-examine him to cast doubt on his evidence (unless, as it stands, it does not support the charge). Do you feel able to do that? My view is that if there is evidence that you picked up the phone (and you don't seem to dispute that you did) then the court will find tha
    3 points
  3. we dont normally hear of anything further if simply refused travel on a card not yours by a driver, they dont appear to lead to attempted prosecution, that only happens if stopped by revenue officers or a ticket inspector. i suspect the 'gift' section was not completed properly, the buyer inputting their details and not yours if i remember the site properly. but that was moons ago. i doubt you'll here anything. dx
    2 points
  4. Well well well. The court has emailed me back today and said: "I can confirm that the case has been discontinued by the Claimant. I attach a copy of the Notice of Discontinuance for your records. Therefore the hearing on the 14th is now longer needed and the court file is closed." My case has been discontinued since mid June. They never sent me the N279! Bet they did it on purpose to keep me hanging and lead me on to think that it is still going ahead. Wasted my time preparing the Witness Statements and sending it over to the court. Glad I reached out to the court even though they were slow. Didn't want to waste my time turning up
    2 points
  5. Thank you Bazza. The thing is, Reapstar, I thought you were getting ready to go abroad for six months or more and wanted to wrap this up, have it sorted before you leave the country and take the pressure off your mum. Feel free to correct me if I've misunderstood. So do you want to try to get rid of the immediate problem by trying to get them to accept £35? What you're talking about a couple of posts up sounds like hours of work. Maybe you could pursue that later. You mentioned a few posts back about admitting that you're 'guilty' if you pay. It isn't a criminal issue, so no guilty or innocent finding possible. HB
    2 points
  6. run the PAPLOC reply till near the 30 days limit lets see. but the SAR, if your father hoards all letters, shouldn't have any bills within the correct time of issue in it, else he should have them .....
    1 point
  7. Don’t use passes bearing other people’s photos. Buy your pass(es) from the official sources. If someone offers to gift you a pass and you aren’t sure they are buying it from a legitimate source: Explain you had a problem once, ask them to send you the money, saying you’ll buy it yourself to ensure you don’t have problems.
    1 point
  8. More importantly (for your situation) : were you asked for / did you give your details? To answer your question on how it can be a crime If Person A wants to buy a pass for Person B as a gift : 1) the pass needs to have the photo of person B, not person A. 2) if the pass is fraudulent, both A and B commit offences i) Person A if they knew (or should reasonably have known) it was fraudulent ii) Person B if they do not show a valid ticket on demand. They still commit the offence but might persuade the bus operator not to prosecute if they can convince the operator they didn’t know it wasn’t a valid ticket. That would be
    1 point
  9. thanks dx i really appreciate your help and i will wait and see if they make another move or not
    1 point
  10. unless he turns off the power totally between tenants, there will be consumption, any landlord is responsible for use/standing charges between tenant contracts to any supplier. just ask any landlord.!! now why after almost running the statute barred to the end lowell want paying as they bought the debt years ago can only be answered by being greedy upon max potential court interest . the overriding remit here is the back billing rules util suppliers must abide by. you cant bill someone for energy use if you've not sent them a bill with 12mts of the debt occurring. unless the supplier sent him a bill within 12mts of this de
    1 point
  11. the issue here is going to be any guarantee/warranty is legally in the UK quite frankly not worth the paper its written on. it might be far better, with the evidence you have, inc the online stuff, to get them under consumer laws like the consumer rights act 2015 etc, its pretty much impossible to enforce a guarantee in civil court sadly. i would p'haps stop faffin around now, as you've experianced what they will do and continue to do...delay delay..trump syndrome and issue a letter of claim. i'm sure @BankFodder will pop in soon. dx
    1 point
  12. lowells wont follow through on a £240 util bill debt even if they do do court. its done to frighten mugs into wetting themselves. we need that credit file, its important to know if this shows against him for numerous reasons its all free so just use his details and get it please dx
    1 point
  13. No you don't need to enter a deemed contract. If you look at it all – and also if you understand the principle which is not unreasonable, if you take over a property then you take over the existing supply and there is a deemed contract. You can't use the energy that is applied to the house and then try to say well didn't actually enter into a contract so I don't have to pay anything. But you are right, if you look at the rules in the document referred to, it is fairly clear about information which has to be supplied. The question is whether that information was supplied. They will say yes. Your father will have no record because may
    1 point
  14. You can buy yourself a good scanner for about 60 or £70 and you have it for years. You will be able to use it for this case and loads of other purposes throughout the life of the scanner. That will help you to provide good quality scans which are easily legible and easily convertible into text. I don't think you have told us anywhere how much they are asking you to pay. You seem to have chosen to redact this important information from the document that you have scanned up. Also, although it be difficult – it would be interesting if you could calculate the difference between what might be owed under a deemed contract and what might b
    1 point
  15. Hi I’ll definitely make a donation. To update further I now have the car back, new turbo fitted and oil and filter changed, as well as the new vac pump. Halifax the finance company have also upheld my complaint in full. They rang me two days ago and have offered me £700 in compensation for the stress and time without my car. One of the main reasons they accepted the complaint is because of the oil sample results and the silicon. Thanks very much for all the advice.
    1 point
  16. @Martin244 - I'm just catching up with this thread after a time away, and it's wonderful news to see that things are now being sorted for you! If you think the advice you received here was valuable, maybe you would consider making a small contribution to the site. The whole site is run for free and by volunteers like the ones you engaged with here, particularly people like Bankfodder, DX, Honeybee etc. Any contributions make the costs of running the site that little bit easier to meet. If you feel like that's something you'd like to do, you can find the orange 'Donate' button by scrolling to the bottom of the page.
    1 point
  17. urm...2nd B2B cel default judgement / n244 set aside this week. pers id demand cel pay your fee too, they are obviously on the back foot. or ring the court and state because of the courts earlier error resulting in you having to file the set aside, the claimant has agree to the set aside by consent , but what happens to your fee? is it refunded as it was the result of their error?...not heard of that happening mind.
    1 point
  18. Yes – probably too complicated now. Don't worry and let's focus on getting your claim sorted out.
    1 point
  19. You were working on it for him... Praying to some deity? Pins in plasticine effigies? Witchcraft? Sending the boys round?
    1 point
  20. I didn’t as its against my religion, however in hindsight I should have and donated it.
    1 point
  21. N1 is the form for both types of claims part 7 or part 8 part 7 requires a stated value before claim, part 8 is determined by the court. All medical claims are part 8 so impossible to get a default judgment. I would seriously consider a NWNF (no win no fee Solicitor) for this type of claim they are very complex and will not add to the improvement of your health.
    1 point
  22. Please see my particulars of claim in PDF format Particulars of claim.pdf
    1 point
  23. HI, I have been unwell and been out of country since this. I have only just recovered and filed my claim with county court today. I will keep you posted on here.
    1 point
  24. Absolutely, I first tried calling and was left on hold for 40 minutes stuck in a loop of robots. I then sent a family member to the court to pay as I work in a different city, and she took the only document we had been sent, the small claims allocation form. The court told her she had to leave all the documents for the case there and then in an envelope if we wanted to pay, which obviously wasn't ready. they asked her to write her phone number on the empty envelope instead and they called two days later to take payment over the phone. I will send across my court bundle shortly.
    1 point
  25. Thank you Nicky Boy, your message is welcomed. I fully appreciate what you have said and trust the experience of the moderators here. It appears to me that this particular battle is not the time for full out war. I may have to stir the wasps nest another time, we will see what happens with the offer. Thanks again to everyone that has helped me through this. You guys are really lovely people. God bless you all.
    1 point
  26. Why not? depends what you mean / expect by “equality” Lady Hale’s speech is available on the Supreme Court website: https://www.supremecourt.uk/docs/speech-181029.pdf Since your post is one line, and I don’t know if your expectations are reasonable / your understanding of “equality before the law” is correct, here’s an (oft cited) image to help. http://i2.wp.com/interactioninstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/IISC_EqualityEquity.png?zoom=2&resize=730%2C547 expect equality. Expect some accomodation towards equity. Don’t expect full, unequivocal equity : especially in Small Claims Track (SCT) (So,
    1 point
  27. moved you to the piracy forum. 100's of threads here on these scammers simply type it solidworks in our enhanced google searchbox not the search top right. Programmable Search Engine CSE.GOOGLE.COM clickme^^ bottom line - ignore stuff and all anyone can prove or do to you. dx
    1 point
  28. You cant do both on the same Writ you either enforce using HCEO with a Writ of Control or you make an application for a Third Party Goods Order which is enforced through the court. /assets/static/govuk-opengraph-image-dade2dad5775023b0568381c4c074b86318194edb36d3d68df721eea7deeac4b.png Form N349: Apply to the court for a 'third-party debt order' - GOV.UK WWW.GOV.UK If you have a court order that's not been paid, use this form to ask the court to 'freeze' money held by a third party, such as the debtor's bank. .
    1 point
  29. Check with the DVLA and the CCBC tomorrow. Just ask the DVLA on which date vehicle XXXXX had its logbook address changed from XXXXX to XXXXX. You might as well e-mail the fleecers and suggest a set aside by consent. They are 95% likely to say no or to ignore you, but nothing ventured ... I've looked on their site and found an e-mail address dataprotectionofficer@ce-service.co.uk Dear CEL, Re: Claim form no.XXXXX, PCN no.XXXXX, VRN XXXXX (I presume you only have the last one, but put as many references as you can), I refer to the "backdoor CCJ" you obtained against me on 23 January 2023. In one week's time, 8 A
    1 point
  30. Hi Just to update I had the oil sample posted off and this was delivered to millers on Thursday. I also did the magnet test but didn’t find any metal attached to the magnet. Last Thursday afternoon Vauxhall customer care contacted me to say they will replace the turbo and carry out the repair covering the full cost. My car is at evans Halshaw awaiting the parts as apparently they’re on back order. Today I received the results back from millers and the results were no abnormal amounts of metal/swarf but they did find a high level of silicone/sealant likely from the engine replacement last year, their comments were
    1 point
  31. Please can you put these documents up in PDF format in the way that you would like to receive them if you are helping somebody free of charge. That means, properly scanned, in the right order, the right way round – everything that if we were charging you £300 an hour you would be pretty quick to do in order to save yourself some money.
    0 points
  32. There is a PDF but it only contains one page and not the one you are referring to
    0 points
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