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Showing content with the highest reputation on 26/10/22 in Posts

  1. The onus tends to be on the employee to show how the work can be covered, In all the applications for flexible working I see, maybe a third actually address this. What did your friend propose for the details of work getting done?
    2 points
  2. Hi Maybe it might be worth just given a bit of feedback to the owner suggesting that there is something in the Welcome Pack in the rooms about these and maybe when individuals book in at reception this is also advised by reception what these are to prevent someone thinking it may be hidden cameras.
    2 points
  3. Your welcome. See where it goes but no harm in starting to gathering evidence for witness statements and bundles. Just a thought do you have the item still. I ask as if you do you could take it to court and show the Judge the items condition etc. Anyway this is getting ahead of yourself. Just start printing off and putting in a folder anything you might need from Ebay and Paypal Most importantly the Listing as that will be evidence on the not described part. Oh and read around the forum to get some idea of how things will work come back with questions and updates.
    1 point
  4. Topic moved to Financial Legal Issues forum in view of the court claim.
    1 point
  5. Some one with a bit more knowledge will have to make this a bit better but the basics as l see it that would need to be pointed out 1 Yes, it is agreed that on date l did purchase a motor and foot control from Claimant 2 Yes l did open a claim mistakenly saying it as wrong fr the machine. I should have opened a not as described case. 3 Yes the claim was closed in claimants favour. 4 I did not do a charge back with financial institutions 5 I made a PayPal claim on xxx that the item as not as described. Item was clearly listed as new when it was not. 6 Claimant had 6 days to respond to my claim and fail
    1 point
  6. As The GodMother says, you just put a few brief details in the defence. The clock is ticking. That can all be fleshed out later in a Witness Statement
    1 point
  7. I Do Regularly pay for parking as there seems to be no free parking here and I am pretty sure I would have entered it correctly, however if there is no ticket to validate this, its anyone's guess
    1 point
  8. Is that worse than some people who are awaiting criminal trials or not, TJ?
    1 point
  9. Well how much of that is true eg did you open a ebay case saying wrong one. He states you done a charge back with the bank l am assuming. Did you do this. When did he make the phone call and when was the recorded letter received
    1 point
  10. moved. opps..stop following stupid freeman of the land twaddle !! simply sent them proof you paid. that should be then end of it.
    1 point
  11. you have posted on the Private Parking site rather than the Local Authority one. I have let the Site team know so you should be transferred soon. I wouldn't waste time issuing them with your own PCN. There is no lawful basis for it and as you want them to resolve the issue there is no sense in possibly annoying them. If that's what you want then leave it for after they have resolved the problem.
    1 point
  12. The Fair Credit Billing Act is a US law that doesn't apply in the UK. bankrate.com is a US consumer advice and comparison website and as far as I can see only advises on US matters. Do not use it for UK consumer problems.
    1 point
  13. Yes you should pay for the item or return it. The reference to items which have not been ordered refers to completely unsolicited items. Here is completely clear to you what has happened and it is obvious that your deepdown feeling is that it's not really yours
    1 point
  14. There is no such thing as a "register of next of kin", nor does next of kin have a specific meaning in English law, nor do next of kin have any automatic claim on anyone's estate. It is unnecessary anyway as he is named as the father on his daughter's birth certificate so agreed at birth registration he was the father. But children do not have an automatic right to a share of their parents estate. It's a complex area of law. I agree CMS probably can't help but I recommend starting with a call to them for any guidance they can give before spending money on lawyers.
    1 point
  15. Ok well both dramatic and anticlimatic ending. After sending my pics to police they agreed those looked like cameras and sent 2 detectives and 2 uniforms to meet me at the hotel, much to the owners chagrin. The detectives examined my device and concluded it was an infrared sensor and not a camera. I accompanied them as they explained what had happened to the owner, and I gave the owner back their clocks as well as a serious apology. The cops were pretty chill about the whole thing and told me I was right to have questioned it, though obviously I had to feel a bit embarassed. I dont know if this was a cautionary tale ab
    1 point
  16. Hi With the first question you mention the Company let everyone go due to Covid-19 Pandemic, my question on this is were you actually let go by the company therefore Unemployed or were you place on Furlough by the Company during this period? Furlough and the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme - Acas WWW.ACAS.ORG.UK How furlough was used to put employees on temporary leave during coronavirus (COVID-19), including pay and returning to work after furlough. As for the Employees Handbook I would contact then and as to be provided with a copy of this as you have asked on numerous
    1 point
  17. I ordered a electrical item but due to it taking too long for the order to be delivered, I cancelled and eventually got a refund having asked several times, then four weeks later the item turned up and they are asking for it back or full payment, In fairness I didn’t order it again as I’d cancelled, I was looking on bankrate.com and states: you won’t have to pay for products you didn’t order. Since you canceled your order and your vendor acknowledged the cancellation, you have effectively voided your order. If you do end up being billed for it, you can pursue your rights under the F
    0 points
  18. Somewhat off at a tangent but Now, the White House has introduced new intelligence into the public realm with a report that Iranian troops have been “directly engaged on the ground” in Crimea, where they are apparently supporting drone attacks on Ukrainian civilians and infrastructure. This news pushes the narrative of the conflict in a dark direction, representing the first open acknowledgment from the US that a third party is directly militarily involved rather than simply supplying the Russian army.
    0 points
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