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  1. Hi guys, Hoping all is well and this is correct sub-forum to post in. I am writing on behalf of my friend and looking to get advice. My friend was cycling last night over a busy junction. He was overtaking the car in front of him on drivers side due to slow moving. Suddenly the driver of the vehicle has decided to make a right turn through a double white lines and rammed my friend on bicycle. (See PDF attached with image of the details). He has fallen down, hurt his body in several places and damaged his bike. The driver of the vehicle did not provide his insurance details. However, he has got drivers name/surname, vehicle details, drivers address, contact number. Is there any way he can claim for damages caused and the harm that has been done to his body? If so, can you please advise the best cause of action to take? Many thanks and if any more information is required, please advise. 36331151_10209971615446004_4399732444681469952_n.pdf
  2. Update on General data Protection Regulations due to hit in may 2018 There is a overt permission of Data Subject to consent to processing of data, so a CRA processing John Doe's data without him knowing could fall foul. Likewise a DCA. Full implications are not yet known http://www.idgconnect.com/blog-abstract/26688/what-gdpr http://www.idgconnect.com/blog-abstract/24273/gdpr-probably-won-decimate-businesses-leave-burned Discuss?
  3. Dear All, I’m looking for some advice please. Some time ago I had a road traffic accident. When cycling a car cut me off. I didn’t have a chance to break and hit the car, went through my handle bars and hit the ground. The driver drove off from the accident scene but the registration plates were known to the Police because one of the witnesses took photo of that car. I had many injuries and was taken to hospital. After sometime Police sent me a letter and informed me that ..."the driver of the other vehicle registration number XXXXXXX was unable to be traced"... and that I can submit a claim to MIB. I have checked DVLA records and the registration plates numbers are registered in the database and the make and color of the car matches the one that cut me off. I don't know why Police having registration plates numbers informed me that the driver is untraceable. This is a mystery to me. 1. Do you think it’s possible to handle untraced driver/personal injury MIB claim yourself or a solicitor is required ? 2. What kind of challenges will I have to face if I’ll go at it myself ? 3. Is it possible that I could receive less compensation if I go at it myself ? Many thanks for any help.
  4. Four-time bankrupt hit with fourteen-year restriction READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/four-time-bankrupt-hit-with-fourteen-year-restriction
  5. A strain of influenza which hit Australia and affected 98,000 people, is set to come to Britain and could case our worst epidemic for fifty years. Will it or wont it.I am taking no chances how about you. The vulnerable groups include the over-65s, pregnant women, children from six to 24 months and those with long-term *illness such as *diabetes, heart disease and asthma. https://www.unilad.co.uk/health/deadly-flu-outbreak-in-uk-expected-to-kill-thousands/ Well i have not much time this morning to hang around. I am nipping off sharpish to the vets to have my Flu Injection. Adios must fly. Tawnyowl.
  6. Hi All. My partner was on the main road and pulled in to let the bus pass and the bus swung wide and scrapped the side of her car. He admitted liability on the spot and passed all the details on for the council. Question is what should she do till she can speak with them on Monday in terms of speaking to her insurance etc Cheers
  7. Could I please ask a bit of advice for a friend. She is only young and was hit by a car whilst walking home one night. She was on the pavement and the car insurer has obviously accepted full liability. She went to a Solicitor who has urged her to accept an out of court settlement of £5,500 She had head injuries and needed stitches Had 3 broken ribs Post Traumatic Stress Missed her exams Three weeks loss of salary Out of this she needs to pay her Solicitor 25% Does this seem a fair settlement?
  8. https://www.standard.co.uk/news/uk/selfdriving-lorries-to-hit-uk-roads-from-next-year-despite-experts-safety-fears-a3619651.html Dont panic,
  9. http://www.lep.co.uk/news/health/nhs-computers-down-after-virus-patients-told-to-avoid-hospital-and-walk-in-centre-unless-absolutely-necessary-1-8540798 Just spoke with someone at our local hospital and servers ate all being shut down - confirmed
  10. I was at Sainsbury's last week and sitting in my car in the car park, reading my emails before I went into the shop. Engine was off and I was stationary. Suddenly an almighty thump from behind. I jumped out thinking someone had reversed into me, but found that the car that had hit me had no driver. Turns out the dozy bint had parked her 4wd without putting on the handbrake, or put it in gear and just waked off into the shop. Plenty of witnesses, and video. The lady came back and admitted fault, but asked to send her the quote to fix to avoid having to claim on insurance. Got quote - about £1k. now she says thats more than she thought, so is "thinking about" claiming on insurance. Now, in the past I was a bad boy and have a drink driving ban (now finished) but my insurance is very expensive already because of this, and I don't want to make a claim, both because my excess is high and also because it will further hit my premiums. Also I AM NOT AT FAULT! Anyone have any advice on how I can proceed with this? DOnt report t omg insurance company, and instead do it through small claims court? Any other suggestions.
  11. It would appear that new tax rules will apply to Non Doms from April 2017. There is some information in the link below - but mostly all I could find was being reported by the FT - which doesn't like being linked. https://www.thebestof.co.uk/local/shrewsbury/community-hub/blog/view/shrewsbury-financial-adviser-warns-of-non-dom-danger
  12. Hi All, Just a word of advice....... If your ever are unfortunate enough to be hit by a driver insured with Royal Sun Alliance, Please make sure you DO NOT LET them try to resolve it even if they admit full liability..... Our parked car was hit by a RSA Client and you wouldnt believe the hassle we have had and is still on going...... * Failed to provide a loan vehicle due to various reasons (staff shortages / Needing to see the original cover note before letting you take car away but they couldnt confirm details of loan vehicle until we got to their pick up point, which meant you couldnt arrange cover note in advance so no chance of having the original when you collected the car...........) * Returned our car after 12 days with more damage than when they collected it - RSA cant explain what happened??. * Returned the car after another 3 days , 90% repaired but still not perfect - refused to let them have a 3rd attempt (Arranged proper repair ourselves and done in 1 day and looks like new again). * Total losses for the period was £2312 but only offered £650 in compensation.. ..., now going to legal dispute (lucky we had legal cover). * Refusing to supply documentation in respect of what work had been carried out on our vehicle. my advice is if your unlucky enough to be hit by a vehicle insured by Royal Sun Alliance DON NOT LET THEM REPAIR IT... ....., USE YOUR OWN INSURANCE COMPANIES 3RD PARTY CLAIMS PROVIDER..... Regards Jdmave NB Please pass onto your friends / colleagues as wouldnt want anyone else to have to have the same experience
  13. http://news.sky.com/story/tougher-fines-to-hit-serious-speeding-offenders-in-the-pocket-10740681
  14. http://news.sky.com/story/car-insurance-costs-rising-five-times-faster-than-train-fares-10740471
  15. Bit of advice please; My sister was in her car stationary at a set of lights when a child (teenager) cyclist came up the inside and collided with her mirror and knocked it off. This was outside of a school and the incident was seen by a teacher - the cyclist is a pupil at the school. Dos my sister have any redress against anyone ie child or parents, as she will have to pay for the damage herself if not which seems just a little unjust.
  16. as the title says, I need some advice. Last night I was playing taxi service to my Mum, a small price to pay for the 17 years she did it for me. On my way I came to a mini roundabout slowing down as, the left turning is blind and I could see headlights. The car then jumped into the wrong lane cut the mini roundabout and caught my car, scraping the front bumper with the side of his car. I was about 2 feet away from the give way lines on the roundabout. It was then the pursuing police car came shooting past, pursuing the other car. After stopping and checking on the people in the car behind me, as they were a bit shocked but not hurt or anything, having a cigarette. I called the police, they told me the vehicle was uninsured and based on what they said I don't think they caught the driver either. my question is, what do i do next? I know if I claim on my insurance, I'm going to end up paying increased premiums due to some little (won't say the next word) who was breaking the law. Is there anything or anyone else, do the police hold any liability due to them pursuing at speed in a 30 mph speed limit?
  17. I'm doing a online quote for renewal insurance does third party hit driver mean I got hit by a third party driver
  18. hi yesterday a car was driving like a nutter behind my wifes car with the young kids in it, she slowed down to let him pass and just as she done it he mounted the grass verge on the left and drove into the left front wing causing a dent, he shouted out of the window and drove off. my 16 year old daughter got the make and reg of the car which was a dark blue Vauxhall insignia, when we reported this to the police they said it must have had fake plates on as the car should have been a white Vauxhall insignia. this seems funny as the wife says it was blue and at 1pm in the afternoon I think she can see clearly. they said they cant do anything as its may be the wrong car? could he have changed the colour, it was a 12 plate car also. any help would be great thank you.
  19. Hi all, I am hoping someone can advise me of the likely outcome of this situation that I find myself in. My car was recently hit by our local recycling firm causing some damage to the bodywork - car itself is ok. No note was left by the driver, although he apparently got out and had a look at the damage before driving off! A note was left by an independent witness however. I have contacted the company in question and they have moved quite quickly so far. Called them on Monday, they came and viewed car on Wednesday and then called me on Friday to say their insurers would be in touch soon. The car is probably worth about the same as the cost to fix the damage would be, maybe less. My questions really are: 1) Do I need to inform my insurers? 2) What is the likely outcome? 3) Is there anything I should know about this process as it's all new to me!? I don't really want to lose the car but feel aggrieved as something of mine was damaged by a third party - and the fact that the driver left without reporting it. The company's rep was very quick to point out that they encourage all their drivers to stop and report incidents. This is probably because I mentioned the word 'criminal' in the conversations we had prior to his visit. Any thoughts would be much appreciated
  20. Hi All, would really appreciate some advice on the following that happened about three weeks ago now. I reversed my car into the entrance of a car park to a block of flats (during the day on a cloudy/rainy day), I could see the low level wall (about a foot high), but I did not see the rusty coloured metal room support joist beam that had been upended and placed at the end of the wall. There are no reflectors on it, it is not painted a bright colour, it is there to stop people hitting the wall - which it does very well indeed. However, it left a big hole in my bumper, and my car is currently being repaired at a cost of over £300 (using a second hand bumper). I believe this is an illegal piece of street furniture that runs next to a public footpath and road, and would like to make a claim against the land owners. I would also like it to be removed, as I fear that if someone tripped and fell onto this and hit their head, it could possibly cause life changing injuries or even death. I am not going through my insurance company as this will increase my premiums (which is who the land owners have told me to go through). am I now left with what do I do now? Even if I do not get a penny, I would hate to think of someone falling on to it and would like to know if the Highways Agency could help me. Many thanks - Sarah
  21. A staggering 96% of complaints resolved by the Energy Ombudsman last year resulted in an award to consumers, far exceeding other sectors. The figures reveal that more consumers are taking action against poor service, with a growing awareness that you have somewhere to turn if things go wrong. The Ombudsman tackled 61,019 cases – compared with 26,760 in 2013/14. Almost 9 in 10 complaints referred to the Ombudsman involved billing issues, with bungled supplier transfers and misleading sales contributing to most of the other complaints. Read more: http://www.which.co.uk/news/2016/04/energy-ombudsman-complaints-hit-new-high-440901/ - Which?
  22. http://www.itv.com/news/wales/2016-03-03/driver-hit-with-100-fine-after-putting-a-letter-o-instead-of-number-0-in-parking-machine/ Perfectly sums up what the PPC ' industry ' is about. And it is not managing car parking spaces...
  23. Mac users hit by rare ransomware attack, spread via Transmission BitTorrent app Mac owners who use the open source Transmission BitTorrent client are being warned that a version of the installer was distributed via the app's official website, infected with a new family of ransomware. It is believed that hackers managed to compromise the installer of Transmission version 2.90 on its download site on Saturday, March 4, in order to spread ransomware that researchers at Palo Alto Research have dubbed "KeRanger." The outcome is that if you were unfortunate enough to install Transmission 2.90 onto your Mac, your computer may now be the digital equivalent of ticking time bomb. Because KeRanger waits three days before awaking, encrypting your documents and data files, contacting its command-and-control servers, and demanding a one bitcoin (approximately $400) ransom be paid for your data's safe return. According to the researchers, the KeRanger malware also attempts to encrypt Time Machine backup files, no doubt in an attempt to make it harder for victims to recover their precious data without paying the extortionists. And don't imagine that OS X's built-in Gatekeeper protection would have saved you, as it appears that the poisoned KeRanger app was signed with a valid Mac app development certificate. A message on the official Transmission website confirms the threat to users, and advises that they "immediately upgrade" to version 2.92:
  24. Hello all. Today - when doing the school run, I parked the car near to the entrance to a Highways Agency weighbridge. The gate is normally closed, however today, it was open. I parked, walked kids up to school and returned to the car. I got in, looked out - nothing obstructing me, so drove off - to an almighty crunch and smash. Not visible from the car, I hadn't realised that the gatepost (for when they lock the gate) actually sits in the road. I'm not really one to claim, but I wondered if there's possibility to claim against either the local authority or highways agency for not making this post visible - in height or sign..? Any thoughts??
  25. This is probably similar to crazyhorse7 thread below. Some scroat smashed into parked cars and drove off without stopping (although they did leave part of their number plate at the scene). One car was a write-off and ours had minor damage. Police were called and investigations continue. Contacted our insurance but they said without id of person & vehicle then any repairs will have to be through our fully comp policy and will have to pay the excess and lose NCB. We didn't bother and told insurance to just mark it down as notification purpose only and had the repairs done privately at my own local garage. The police have since traced the part number plate and paid the RK a visit and turns out it was the car that hit & run and has since been repaired. We're still waiting to hear the outcome of the police enquiry but they did tell us that it may be difficult to prosecute as the vehicle is on a traders policy with apparently several people who could have been driving and no one is putting their hands up. We've waiting for police get back with any update but what I want to know is, If the police know the full details of the car involved and assuming there is insurance on that vehicle, even if the driver can't be identified can we claim our repair costs back direct from the insurance company who's associated to that vehicle even if the driver can't be identified?
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