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  1. Hi, Just after some advice and opinion. My better half's holiday year runs out at the end of March 19 and her employer operates a "use it or lose it" policy. She has asked for some time off, and they have said that they cannot facilitate her absence due to low staff levels along with others being on leave. They have also informed her that as she cannot use it, she will ultimately lose it. Is this correct and will she have no option but to lose out on leave entitlement, even though its the employer preventing her from using the holiday entitlement? Most years she loses between between 5-10 days leave, 1. due to her not being a huge holiday taker and 2. due to the fact that whenever she wants time off, its rarely approved or she is given less days than requested. I would just like to know where she stands, as I feel she always draws the short straw and I feel that they are not being entirely fair in denying the leave, also they could be doing it in order to make it lapse. Many thanks to all who offer comments. Regards, W4ter_Boy
  2. I rented out a property in 2017 for 12 months to a lady who had sold her house. Due to a poor credit rating she paid 12 month upfront. It quickly became apparent that she had sold her house to then expect housing benefit to cover the rental at the end of the contract. I served her all the correct paperwork telling her she would have to vacate at the end of the tenancy. She refuses to leave, she is not eligible to the amount of housing benefit to cover the rental. The housing benefit she is receiving she is keeping it herself so is in arrears. Last week we were in Court for a possession order. She was given notice in September 2018 but simply doesn't want to leave. I ticked the box requesting that the hearing be heard in my absence but was given a hearing date. The Judge on the day said she didn't know why this was and was clearly annoyed. It all went downhill from there. The tenant just stated that she wanted to stay, was told that it was not an option and must vacate. With the minimum 14 days to the maximum 42 days, the Judge gave her 42 something I thought was for extreme cases of illness. Clearly there was an error somewhere along the line and if the decision had been made when the possession order was looked at, the week prior, I would be 35 days into this period instead of 42. She has had over 3 months to find alternative accommodation but with a worse credit rating than when she started, housing benefit, no reference and only trying private landlords she won't be vacating anytime soon. I feel I have been unfairly treated by the Judge. I would have expected 28 days for her to vacate and the Judge to see through the obvious lies the tenant was telling in Court. Have I got a valid complaint about the Judgement, I understand it won't change but I feel my position hasn't been taken into account.
  3. UK first: Parents who lose a child entitled to bereavement leave READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/uk-first-parents-who-lose-a-child-entitled-to-bereavement-leave
  4. Hi Thanks in advance. I am looking for some help on my current situation at work. I have worked there for more than two years and have not been subject to disciplinary procedures. Last week I handed in my notice. The primary reason I did this was due to leave request being declined. In my letter i stated i would work my notice but would not be working the specific dates i requested. Later on my line manager informed me that i would be leaving the same day and to prepare a handover which i did. This was seven days ago. Since then i have not received any information regarding the terms of my departure. Two days ago i contacted my line manager's manager to discuss the situation. He told me he was busy but would contact me today. He didn't contact me so again i followed up with him. He advised that he was very busy as i had caused a serious issue. He said he would email this week. I responded to ask him to confirm whether i was on garden leave to which he replied he couldnt. I then asked whether i had been sacked on the spot to which he replied that he would email me this week. I would just like some opinion on whether i should be on garden leave? If they decline to place me on garden leave and say i have been sacked on the spot for gross misconduct, how should i proceed? Thanks a lot
  5. My GP has said I'm fit to return to work and has signed a sick note to this effect, but my employer's OH doctor recommends my employer commissions a report from a neuro psychologist prior to any return. As I'm fit to return I do not believe I should have to take any delay as annual leave and it can't be classed as sick leave, as I'm considered fit to work. What is the solution? Would this be "garden" leave?
  6. I have been granted a Tier 2 ICT Long Term Leave to Enter Visa valid for the next 5 years. I just wanted to clarify a remark which says 'Restricted'. Just wondering what restrictions apply to me in terms of employment. Can I continue working with my current sponsor and take an additional job in the same profession and at the same level as my main job for up to 20 hours per week?
  7. Hello i require help advice with a housing related issue i was domestically abused by the tenancy holder kn the property we cohabited for over 10 years (21/22 in total) i requested to take over the tenancy after the safeguardimg team got involved for which I have a crime ref number i contacted the housing assc to explain i am agoraphobic unable to leave due to ill health and was beimg domestically abused by rhe tenamcy holder (my father) who had to leave due to safeguarding issue thos was 8th sep 17 i have since made several requests to pay rent and be granted a tenancy here to set up rent payment etc. I had no choice in abuse and was unable to leave due to ill health some related to abuse of 30 years and ahoraphobia 10+ years ive been unab.e to escape i sought help when my GP discovered signs of abuse during home visit first responders told me a sjpport worker and councillimg and assesments for my known violent father were not in budget and tjat i should cope wirh abuse a little longer until my dad died this lack of help lead to safeguardimg then housing issues. I waish to stay as any dom abuse victim (non tenant) in same situation are granted tenamcy in these situations i payed my rent up to termination amd made every effort to continue to do so while i sought help for dom abuse its effects and my existing mental and physical health issues and get help to locate and identify a suitable property to move to in a structured safe way rather than in a crisis and incurrrimg court costs etc adding tonmy mental health issues and suicidal feelings. I can provide any info needed to assist, crime ref evidence of lack of help prrof of payment and requests for tenancy dated etc. I hope u can help as im very desperate court hearing in weeks.
  8. Please can someone give me some advice with regards to the issue of holiday pay entitlement if a person is working term time only on a zero hour contract? I currently work for a taxi company as a passenger escort for school runs. I work 39 weeks in term time only on a zero hour contract. I am not classified as self employed as I don't run my own business as they provide the work we do and they pay our tax and national insurance contributions. I only started employment with them on the 9th May 2016 and I haven't taken any paid holiday from that date to this year. I have been requesting about paid holiday since the day I started but they are insisting that I am not entitled to any kind of holiday pay. The reason why they say is because I am a zero hour contract worker. They also say that their business has been running for 5 to 6 years and all the other drivers and escorts who are on a zero hour contract are aware they are not entitled either. I have spoken to them on the phone a few times and have also sent them emails and they are saying that there is no point in keep on asking about it as I am wasting my time. Please can someone throw some light on this? Thankyou for any advice BF X
  9. Gran suffered heart attack at job centre meeting - but was too scared to leave as she feared losing benefits http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/gran-suffered-heart-attack-job-10458734 After leaving the meeting, the lady went to the local walk in centre where an ambulance was called and she was then hospitalised and stents inserted.
  10. I am looking for advice I resigned from my job a few weeks ago and have been placed on Garden Leave, I have another 4 weeks to work before starting my new job The problem is I am being put under great stress by my employer, and have been under pressure due to a family death recently to the point I'm not sleeping, not eating and generally affecting both my and my families life. It is that bad I am beginning to question if resigning was the right thing to do despite hating my job, that's how bad it has got. I must be on call during normal work hours should my boss call, and when he does he is very rude, angry and obnoxious, and also threatening to ruin my new career, I think the words he used were he would make me unemployable. You can see why I am stressed, it really is affecting my health. I am going to see the doctor tomorrow, and was contemplating asking for a sick note. I have no intention in starting work for my new employer until I am legally allowed to do by my notice period, and I know currently I would not be up to it. I am looking for any help on this matter, I feel my current employer will take any sickness I take as a ruse but I do not see at way out of this situation, I am at my wits end with the whole thing Thank you
  11. Hi All, Please bear with me. I was made redundant over a year ago, and as a single Mum, I've just started my own business, but am still relying heavily on benefits while I find my feet - financially. Our landlady's told us she's selling the house in June and as we've been here for 5 years and are so happy and settled, I'd love to somehow be able to buy it. The house is expected to go on the market for 220K. My mum recently sold her house and has a 30K deposit she can give us and I'm now considering the following options: 1. My ex, who earns a good wage (100K) can 'Buy to let' for us? This sounds too good to be true - what are the issues surrounding this? 2. Would my 71 year old Mum be able to re-mortgage her house that she owns outright? It's value is 200K. Is she able to do this at her age - how much could she raise - again - what are the issues surrounding this? I'm pretty convinced that our dream's not achievable, but I thought I'd ask here first - I've heard great things about this forum. Here's hoping, Many thanks in advance.
  12. I have drawn a complete blank! It's been so long since I've had to use this part of my brain and I'm not having much luck 1 of our employees who works part time (4 days per week) is going on Mat leave, her last day is 31st March Our annual leave runs from 1 Jan - 31 Dec She wants to know how much holiday she would be entitled to before she goes off Has anyone got a calculator or website I can use please? Thanks
  13. I had been with Virgin since it started in our area, around 10- 15 years ago, and always found them reliable and the bb was excellent.. Left them in September 16 owing to the appalling TV that didn't even let you watch FREEVIEW channels. Went to BT, and boy I am disappointed, and want to leave. the bb has been off/on, not able to reach sites and my mobile won't connect to BT Lodged a complaint which is still open after 3 months India kept phoning me 3 times a day to check this & that, and I couldn't understand them half the time. Phoning me in work hours, when I had no access to my bb, and now they have said they are sending out a new router, and THEY WILL NOT CHARGE ME, how dare they provide such a dreadful service, and then say as if I am not entitled to it, they will not charge me. The complaint is still open and I still really cannot get the smooth bb that I had with Virgin Media. How do I word my cancellation letter/email to them, under I presume the terms and conditions and compensation for no service.
  14. Hi All, Have spent about £40 today hanging on to talk to a hotel chain reception on a premium number. I've still not managed to speak with anyone. Can a service provider just leave you hanging on when you call these numbers? Thanks
  15. Hi all its been a long time since I've posted. I worked at this agency since 2014 and was suspended without pay over a safeguarding issue. Due to stress and anxiety I went on to statutory sick pay and the employer went quiet. I wrote to them recently and they responded that the case is on hold and I have to come off the sick for the case to proceed. At the moment I'm thinking along the lines of an Employment tribunal as I think that they are behaving very unfairly. I don't really want to stay with them over the way that they have treated me but I just don't know what to do next and am worried sick about having no money at all. Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.
  16. Hi, Really need a bit of advice before I make a mistake please. I run a small family business, not going to change the world but make enough to take care of life. Two years ago we needed a salesperson. We interviewed and against my better judgement my partner employed a, let's say, "woman of childbearing age" despite the fact that the other best candidate was male and very old, and of an "ethnic persuasion" that I don't think my partner is comfortable with, (that's a whole different story lol!) So, we trained her at great expense to the company in terms of courses, time off, certification, etc. But she was really good, made a lot of sales and I ate my humble pie. However. Sure enough, I was unfortunately proved correct and within 7 months of being in post she informed us she was pregnant. Great! Party cakes and baby showers and all the other BS we have to pretend to show we're happy employers! She took maternity leave back in May and we agreed to pay her full salary, despite her working here less than two years, but on the understanding we'd keep the job open for her. I've just had the text, (not even an ffing phone call or email) from [edited] saying she's not coming back. Sorry if I seem bitter, but I always said this would happen if you employ women in their twenties, but apparently it's not cool to ask the question at interview for fear of upsetting the little snowflakes. SO now I'm left with having to find another person for the job despite all the money I spent training her, and the free money she had sitting on her ass for 6 months breastfeeding my dollar bills to her kid. Anything I can do? Can I sue her for breach of contract? Can I claim back the training fees? I knew this would happen, or is the moral of the story once again never to employ a young female candidate or trust her word? Any advice would be really appreciated, (and I don't mind if you want to call me misogynistic lalalala, but anyone who runs a struggling small business will know exactly what I'm talking about.)
  17. Hi all, Hoping someone here might be able to advise my next step or point me in the right direction. Back in January 2016 I called T-mobile to provide my 30 day notice and request a PAC. I tried to terminate using the webchat but kept being advised that termination needed to be over the phone. I decided against keeping my number as I was receiving so many sales calls and random texts so just took out a new contract with Life mobile. A week or so ago I discovered that T-mobile were still charging me £32 a month, so emailed them for an explanation and a copy of the call where I provided termination. They have responded to say that they have cancelled the contract with immediate effect but can not refund the £32 a month for the past 8 months. I've protested saying that the termination notice was provided on time and again requested a copy of the call recording, thinking that as this is the only proof I've cancelled as they don't accept it in writing, they will keep it on record. Their response today is as follows; "Thank you for your email and I can confirm I have now cancelled your line with immediate effect as requested. A final bill will be produced in the next few days and I will make sure this shows as a nil balance so there is nothing else to pay. You contacted our retentions team on 13.01.2016 and requested to put in your 30 days notice to cancel but you also requested a PAC Code. You were advised on the text message with your PAC code that if you didn’t use the PAC code then your line will stay active and continued to be charged. You didn’t need to request a PAC code if you did not intend to use it. You could have just told the retentions team advisor that you wish to cancel your line and not keep the number which would have been happened after 30 days. Every call is recorded and I have tried to request this one from 13.01.2016 but it is unavailable. This is either due to the age of the call or because it was part of a transferred call which can sometimes cause problems with the recording. Due to this I am unable to send you a copy of the recording. I hope the above information is satisfactory but if you have any other issues then please do not hesitate to contact me again." I no longer have the phone I was using so can't check the text message they sent. However, I'm certain this was not explained at the time, and given that they state in their T&C's that it must be a verbal termination notice, I believe I have done everything correctly. Please can someone advise what I do next as I would like a refund of the monies paid since the 30 notice expired. Many thanks
  18. I went into a store in Birmingham today. They are a relatively small store, two or three branches at most. I won't name them at this stage. I've been there many times and spent much money. They are really good value. When I entered today the security officer told me that they have a new policy whereby they take your bag (or in my case rucksack) from you and keep it until you leave. I said "No thank you, I will keep it with me." Their response was "Well, you'll have to let me look inside it then." I refused, I continued to browse the store and make my purchases. I expected to be followed but I don't think I was. I saw other customers carrying their own bags (mainly women with large handbags). I wondered, had they refused like me, or were they not questioned? I completed my shopping trip and left. My reason for posting is to ask: Are they allowed to do this? They had a branch in Walsall a few years ago and they did this there. The fact that I simply refused and still went round suggests that they have no basis in law. Please share your opinions.
  19. GERMANY has provoked fury after a much followed TV show, Heute Show, has sent presenter Lutz van der Horst, to the streets of London, campaigning for the organisation called "Krauts for Brexit", which advocates Britain not only leaving the EU but also the Champions League. I don't know what these arrogant Germans want from us, but I tell you what, I'll do the opposite of what the Germans want and I'll vote IN!
  20. I kid you not. I do it all the time, this time there was a trout on the out of date shelf going for the pricely sum of 10p! So I decided to take a photo of it and post it on twitter with the line 10p trout! for a laugh, because I'm a bit silly. No sooner had I taken the photo though before one of the staff came up to me and said he was afraid he was going to ask me to delete the photo as they don't permit taking photos of stock or prices or something. I was like, are you have a laugh mate? Is Jeremy Beadle hiding round the corner? Nope, he was serious and when I said no he then said that he was going have to ask me to leave, and as I walked away he picked up his radio to call security. I whizzed round and pick up the item I was after, paid for it and left before security could apprehend me. Who knows what happened with security, I expect the guy was on the other end of the phone saying "you want me to what? Kick someone out for taking a photo of a fish?" So there it is, your funny That's Life story for the evening. Interesting to see if they let me back in, maybe I can make some money selling the story to The Sun. I suppose I was wondering as well, where the law stands with regards to this? I do this all the time, normally to take a photo of something I might be interested in buying. But the fish, no. I'm vegetarian!
  21. I find this story quite amusing. The Mother has said she was made to feel like a rubbish mum - but instead of a quiet word of complaint to the Manager/Head office - she rushes off to the Newspaper ? Was the store right to ask the Mother and child to leave ?
  22. Hi, I wonder If someone can give some advice. My friends daughter had her baby a month ago and is on maternity leave. She has worked for her employer for over 6 years. Last week she received in the post a letter from the employer to say they are making her redundant. Are they allowed to do this ?? It is a major company and I'm not sure where she stands with the situation. Thanks in advance for any advice
  23. This whole nightmare started when I upgraded to a sim only contract but they got it wrong (third time) so I phoned to cancel the upgrade. When they cancelled the upgrade they also cancelled my contract which they are calling a glitch. I now have had no service for 2 days and just want to leave. The problem is as they have cancelled my number so a pac code cannot be generated. It gets worse though because when I asked to just cancel my contract they told me the early termination fee would be £540! This is because the cancelled upgrade will only be processed when my service is reconnected. I had less than two months left on my original £38 a month contract. They are giving me a refund of line rental for the days I don't have service and £10 for the inconvenience (how generous!) Originally they said it would take 24-48hrs to get reconnected and now they're saying 48-72hrs. I feel trapped and don't know what to do in this situation. They've also deleted my account so I can't see bills or anything and as my number is cancelled I can't even phone them as you need to enter your number when you call. I've ordered a giffgaff sim in the mean time but I'm so angry at how they've treated me and others. I kept asking to be let out of my contract without penalty but they just ignored me #11196366
  24. I took out a package with Virgin Media, that started on the 25th April 2014, for 18 months, that included Broadband, TV, Phone. It included an introductory offer, that has now expired and the package now costs me circa £70 p/m. I've grown sick of the poor TV and don't want to continue. I was therefore intending to either ask them to stop the TV service at the end of October when the 18 months is up, or leave completely. However, I received a letter from Virgin stating they are increasing my TV package by £3 per month, from the 1st September, because of a new channel they are including (BT Sport Europe HD). Somethng I have no interest in, let alone want to pay for. I found this article... theinquirer.net/inquirer/news/2324658/ofcom-rules-customers-hit-by-mid-contract-price-hikes-can-leave-for-free Which states that I can leave my contract without penalty. Here are my questions.. 1) Does that mean I can terminate my entire package, or just the TV aspect of it (it was bought as a bundle)? 2) If I can terminate the entire package, COULD i just ditch the TV service? 3) Could I terminate as early as the 1st of September then? (assuming I give notice in the next few days). Is there anything particularly I should / shouldn't say when I call up?
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