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  1. Hi, I August I went to a local camera shops and brought a Sony camera. In the shop it was advertised at £239, when I went to pay it came up at £279 I asked why this was and was informed that the price advertised was with a £40 cash back that I had to claim back from Sony after 30 days. When the 30 days had passed tried claiming the cash back and the camera was not listed. Spoke to the shop and they are not doing anything about this, sent them a formal complaint saying I was not happy about the service I received and have not heard nothing back. I paid via my credit card. Is there a way or seeing what a web site was displaying a couple of months ago, to see if they had the camera advertised then with the wrong information. Thanks JJ
  2. hi all i need advice on who to contact to get my issue resolved it all started with a parking which i thought was wrongly issued, i had parked on a street in front of a ticket machine that was faulty i walk round the corner to the next machine about twenty yards away, i bought a ticket and displayed it in the car and left to go to a jobs fair, on my return which was within the allotted time i found i had been issued a penalty charge notice , i emailed the address on the parking ticket explaining what had happened and that i thought that the ticket had been unfairly issued, i didn't receive a reply from nottingham parking authority so i assumed the explanation had been excepted , about six months later i am now receiving letters from equita stating that a notice of enforcement had been issues to me and my case is being prepared for enforcement action. i have have no letter from nottingham city council or equita prior to this, they are looking for 83 pounds for the debt and 75 pounds for the compliance fee making a total of 158 pounds. who should i be contacting nottingham city council or equita or anybody else, as i have already paid for a ticket to park i have no intention of paying any fines. p.s. I still have the ticket that i bought and a copy of the email i sent the parking authority. niyaman
  3. Hi I've just received a letter accusing me of fly tipping and feel absolutely sick. I have to go for an interview next week. As much as a caution and I will lose my job. They have apparently found evidence with my name and my nans address on. I have never lived at my nans but have had packages delivered before when I've been at work. The place they're accusing me of fly tipping I've never even been and have had to google Maps search to find out where it is. It's nearly 40 min drive from me and 30 mins from my nans in Manchester. We've had 2 skips the last couple of months but through a reputable company and I've contacted them to see where their waste goes if it's passed on etc but they said it all stays within Warrington where I live. I've absolutely no idea how anything of mine could have got there. I haven't had a delivery to my nans for a long time and don't remember throwing any packaging out recently. I really don't know what to do. Please help, thanks.
  4. We have motor trade insurance, with three named drivers on the policy to drive any vehicle. The police pulled one of our vehicles over as it didn't show up on the MID. It was explained that it was covered under the policy and I even drove down to meet the officer and gave him the insurance papers. The police officer misunderstood the policy and said the driver was not allowed to drive the vehicle but I was allowed, but he still ordered a tow vehicle and impounded the car. We got our insurance company to speak directly to the police the very next morning to say the driver was covered to drive the car. It cost us £170 to get the car released from the pound and I have contacted the police legal team to claim reimbursement for this amount. Their legal team have come back with, 'The police officer was in belief that the driver was uninsured and therefore right in impounding the vehicle, therefore they deny liability whatsoever in respect of reimbursement of any fees'. They also lied in saying we did not provide evidence of the driver being insured at the time of being stopped, which we did and we have another witness to prove that. I am so angry because we have not committed any crime, yet they are treating us like criminals and charging us for it.
  5. Hi All, Thank you in advance for reading my story. Back in February we had the meter reading guy taking the reading. For some reason he spent more than 10 min in the storage under the stairs. He left and after 2h we got a revenue protection investigator knocking on our door. He said a report has been received for meter tampering. After checking the meter he confirmed that a plastic protective cover is missing and this allows for the meter to be fiddled with. This was the first time that we were made aware of the issue and the investigator said it was not unusual with these type of old gas meters for the cover to get loose. The gas meter was changed in a few hours and a few weeks later we received a demand to pay £1400 for change of gas meter and gas used but not recorded by the meter. We had a couple of gas leaks when National Grid replaced the main gas pipes a year ago. We had many engineers coming and going trying to resolve the issue. We have no idea when this protective cover has disappeared and what has happened. We are being wrongly accused of tampering and the payment demands keep coming. I am speaking to a manager from SSE to try and resolve the issue but not sure where this will lead to. I have reading and bills from last 2 years and our gas consumption seems normal and in line with national average. Can anyone advise what further action we can take as last letter is a Statutory Demand and threatening with bailiffs and Rights of Entry Warrant, as this is really distressing especially when we have not done anything wrong. Thank you. Nick
  6. I received an NIP in late August early September for doing 36 mph in a 30 mph zone in July,got flashed by van. I admit that it was my fault and completed the document accordingly giving all of the required information and posted the form back to the relevant authority awaiting to hear what my punishment would be:|. I heard nothing until receiving a letter from the authority yesterday with my name incorrectly stated, requesting that I complete another NIP due to the fact that the original NIP was addressed to my company name as I operate from home as a sameday courier and my vehicle is leased. The covering letter from them states as follows: 'Thank you for returning the completed combined Notice of Intended Prosecution/Request for driver identity in response to the request by Sussex Police to supply information under section 172 of the Road Traffic Act 1988. Unfortunately you have completed the form in a way that does not satisfy the lawful request for information made by Sussex police. The reason for this is that the document was not addressed to you personally i.e. it was addressed to another person or a company. The person or company are required to nominate the driver at the time of the offence and then return the document back to Sussex police. On receipt of the combined Notice of Intended Prosecution/Request for driver identity,this office would send a request personally addressed to you as the driver,which must then be completed and returned. Therefore please find enclosed a new document now in your name,which you are required to complete and return within the specified period.' My point is that they admit to already having all my details on the original NIP form which I completed in good faith,it is not my fault that their letter was incorrectly addressed and I have never been in this situation before. I am inclined to return this 2nd NIP incompleted with a covering letter explaining my position as I fail to see why I should complete same again due to their incompetence. As I said they already have my details which I have fully disclosed so how can they accuse me of committing the offence of non disclosure if I return the 2nd NIP blank ?? Any advice/opinions would be greatly appreciated:-D
  7. She has just received A letter from bw legal regarding a PNC (Private Land) back in July 2013. They are using the court case of Parking Eye Vs Beavis as there main argument. She bought a ticket; she did not go over the allotted time. The reg plate was entered wrong. See the details below and hopefully it should be come clear Back in July 2013 a fiend of my daughter parked on a private car park run by excel parking. At the time the girl in question was young and being young when paying for her ticket instead of putting in her reg, as she should, she was a little mischievous and put in TIT HEAD. Well guess what happened next she got letter PNC through for £100. + £54 cost. By the time she had told me in December of that year it was a debt collection agency that was chasing her for the money. I sent a conditional acceptance saying that she did buy a ticket and we would happy except the fine if they could prove that the Reg TIT HEAD had not mistakenly been entered in their machine. And I sent a five pound Cheque to cover any loss. I said that she was not excepting any liability but was here staying honour and offering remedy. I said if this is not acceptable please return the cheque and with it proof of claim in the following. I asked 19 things like disclosure of all photographs. That Excell can show by the way of records that TIT HEAD was not entered on that day. A asked them explain what grounds they are making a claim. Is it damages for trespass, damages for breach of contract, damages for loss of income? So on and so forth in all I asked for between 16 and 19 pieces of information. She has heard nothing since until she received this letter the other day. Any advice please in relation to parking eye Vs Beavis and the above circumstances
  8. Hi all Got a letter from OPUS saying they were increasing my rate by 6% and using the reason "Pass Through Amounts" increase (PTI). Havent got a problem with that as we already pay the CCL etc so figured it was another one of those, however upon checking the bill there is no separate PTI stated, its just a set 6% increase on rates. I have checked the T&Cs and it states they can increase 2 ways. First, they can increase if the cost of the supply is more than the contracted rate. However this doesnt apply. Second, they can increase if due to a rise in the PT Amounts. However shouldnt PTA be separated on the invoice, ie like the CCL? To me it just looks like a rise for nothing? I have queried this again with them as my first dispute re this was before I got the invoice and then I was told it would be listed separately. Now I have the invoice I want proof this is a PTI. Anyone else had similar issues and am I right in challenging this? They have a clause stating that I can cancel my contract if they rise in breach of clause 8.1, ie if the cost of supply is more than the contract rate. Thx
  9. My mum was in Waitrose on Sunday afternoon, and was suffering from a severe confusion and memory loss because she was entering a hypo from diabetes. My mum couldnt remember what had happened, but told her husband that she had been banned from waitrose. An ambulance was called as she was very ill. She was rushed into hospital with hypoglaecemia and a suspected heart attack. While she was in Waitrose, from what we can piece together from what she can remember, she was thrown out for shoplifting a packet of lozenges. I phoned the store this morning to ask them if it had really happened, because my mum was incredibly confused, and asked them to shed some light on the events. The woman on the phone was incredibly rude and just kept telling me that my mother was in perfect health when she left the store. She told me they had my mothers details and that she was banned from the store. I asked my mother how they got her details, and she said she thinks she can remember them taking her driving license from her purse, along with her Waitrose loyalty card. The police were never called, and she was removed from the building and sent on her way. She was rushed into hospital by ambulance a short while later. I have contacted their head office as the branch was no help. They were very apologetic, but told me they could not discuss it without written consent from my mum. I explained that she was unable to do that at present as she is not a well woman and that I was concerned with how they handled an obviously incoherent and ill oap. They replied several hours later that they had spoken to their legal department and were told not to discuss the matter with me without written permission from my mum, despite me telling them that she was unable to do so. So, does anyone know if they had the right to go into her purse? What is the protocol for this kind of thing?
  10. Could someone help with this. I have been living in this property through the council for a month now. I claim income support. HB claim went through fine and they started paying my rent. Today though out of the blue I get a letter from them saying my HB has been stopped because I am no longer in receipt of income support. It's false though. I still claim both carers allowance and income support. Nothing has changed at all. The day after they said my suspension of HB started, I received my 2 weekly payment of IS to my bank account. They now want 2 months worth of bank statements (Why? They have my August bank statement already from when I made the HB claim), they want me to fill in a form titled "Use this form to claim housing benefit if your income support has stopped" (My IS hasn't stopped so if I did fill that form in, I would be lying to them) and proof of all income since I moved into this property. What can I do? Send them a screen print of the IS and CA when it next gets paid into my account? They have put me in the royal crap with rent because I am now in arrears. Thanks
  11. Hi, in 2013 my local council were having "technical problems with their system" and kept losing my Self Employed accounts etc - I was self employed since May 2009 but trading at a loss so claiming Working Tax Credits and Council Tax Credits (Full) from 2010. In May 2013 I was issued a Court Summons so I called the council and she explained that it was issued wrongly due to the technical error and that I should just ignore it. (I can't prove the content of the conversation but I have an itemised phone bill that confirms I was on the phone to the council for over 30 mins)! In November whilst I was at my office, I returned home to find a "Notice Of Bailiffs Attendance"! I called the number on the letter and explained the situation and he said I need to take it up with Council Recovery. I called CR who said that they were not informed that I didn't owe any money and transferred me to Council Tax- they said that they were not informed by CT Benefits so transferred me again and CTB said that they knew nothing and nothing was on my record about me handing all of my paperwork etc (for which I have stamped receipts from the council)! So I went to the One Stop Shop in person with all of my paperwork in hand! By this time I had a breakdown so for the first time in my life I went unemployed as I couldn't focus on work! I also visited CAB several times over this but cutting a very very long story short I am paying the Bailiffs a ridiculous amount of fees (around £600) still for a "debt" that I didn't owe in the first place. Plus a couple of months ago I received another Court Summons for "Non-Payment of Council Tax" because they said I owed £14.60 for my 2014/15 bill (that I had paid a couple of months previously) and charged me another £75 court costs! I have the receipt for everything- when I phoned them they told me that they had knocked the money (£14.60) off this year 2015/16's bill!!! So I had a deja vous moment. Currently I am on the sick with Anxiety, depression, hypertension and the other week I collapsed and smashed my head open and got a concussion for which I am still seeking medical help for. My question is- what the hell can I do about this before it kills me??? CAB said there is nothing I can do (they said the only thing I can do is to get the council to intervene with the bailiffs, but I have a written statement from a council spokesperson that "they cannot intervene as the bailiffs are not acting on their behalf" (because I never owed them the money in the first place)!!! I have tried to keep as brief as possible but do have all receipts and correspondence etc!
  12. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/motorists-entitled-refunds-over-wrongly-issued-pcso-parking-203555260.html#4TDwUhA
  13. Hi all, I'm not sure if this is in the right section or whether it should be in the motoring section. I had a car insurance policy with Tesco Bank but my vehicle had to be scrapped in June due to being uneconomical to repair following a breakdown. I wrote to Tesco on 14th June to cancel my policy and I cancelled my direct debit on 16th June. The first I heard back from Tesco was a letter from them dated 28th June in which they informed me that there was a problem with my direct debit and they said I needed to pay the outstanding balance or my policy would be affected. I wrote to them again on 3rd July and informed them that I had written to them on 14th June to cancel my policy and that I then cancelled my direct debit on 16th June. I received a reply dated 24th July once again saying that there is a problem with my direct debit but this time the letter stated that if I did not clear the outstanding balance, then they would cancel my insurance which would then make it hard for me to obtain car insurance in the future. I yet again wrote to them on 25th July but this time sent my letter recorded delivery. Surprise, surprise this time they finally acknowledged that they had received my letter but they deny that I have written to them previously. They also say that they have now cancelled my insurance policy and that this will now make it difficult for me to obtain insurance in the future. How can they cancel a policy that I cancelled myself 2 months ago?! To add insult to injury, they now want over £90 to cover the period between June and August for which they claim my cover was still active because they supposedly didn't receive my two previous letters! This has left me fuming! They have completely ruined the chance of me ever being able to get a car again due their incompetence! I have been biking it to work whilst it is warm and trying to look for another car but now, because they have cancelled my insurance, I won't be able to obtain cover in the future which means I am not going to be able to get to work and back through winter! Apologies for the long post but I wanted to put in as much detail as possible. Is there anything I can do about this?
  14. A marston agent attended my property and wrongly executed a warrant that had been dealt with by the issuing court. The court in question had not relinquished the warrant but I had all the relevant paperwork to prove it had been dealt with but the bailiff refused to take that s proof or let me call the court for them to clarify. I was not at home at the time but my heavily pregnant partner was, by the time she called me she was hysterical and in floods of tears. The agent had terrorised her with threats saying that he was going to remove goods unless payment was made in full and that he was not going to accept the paperwork that proved the warrant should not have been executed. I spoke to him and explained that it had been dealt with in court and a call to the court would get it rectified but he point blank refused and said that if I didn’t make payment now he would get the removals van. I felt that I had no choice as I was extrememely concerned about my partner’s condition being so heavily pregnant. I paid over £1000 over the phone and when I got home a quick call to the court proved I was right. It has now taken since January 12th 2015 to this day, still with no proper investigation or response from Marstons directly answering my complaints that I find myself at my wits end with them. I have 2 active complaints which are currently being ignored by their ‘customer care’ team, I have written and emailed their board and I am still to get any kind of response. I have notified CIVEA and they are fully aware but won’t act until Marstons have exhausted their 3 stage complaints procedure. I really do not know what to do now. All I want is my money and compensation for what I have reasonably incurred due to them not refunding my money and the financial distress it has caused me and my family. Can anybody help?
  15. please advice on what to do ... Around march/April I had some fraudulent activities on my account so had to suspend payments going out and made manual payments to my service providers including EE . . to my utmost surprise I checked my credit file 19th of may as I am in the process of applying for a mortgage and saw that ee had recorded a £35 missed payment on my file ..which dropped my points drastically. . I did call ee When I had the problem on my account explained the issue to them but they said I was not owing at the time and they could still see me being set up on direct debit.. I still made a manual payment .. and I called them again to confirm that the direct debit is back on I called to speak with them and they said they are required by law to report if you agree to make payment by direct debit and you don't do so *even if you make manual payment * !! This is is so so wrong ! I did explain the fraud situation ! I mean .. what else could I have done not to be hit harder ? .. Advise on steps to take on this unfair situation .. Thanks
  16. Hi Guys, I have recently applied for the mortgage and has been told there is default in my credit report. I checked my credit and found there is £54 default from Vodafone Gemini, which really shocked me. As i have been use vodafone for almost 15 years until now, as loyalty customer I paid my bills by direct debt, totally no idea how this default came from. Then i have contacted with Vodafone live chat couple of times since 10/03/2015. Every time I contacted them they said they had made request for me to investigate it and told me it will be removed soon. However, until now nothing changed and no one help to solve it! live chat customer service just waste my time, they let me wait for 14 working days and when i contacted them again they asked me wait another 14 working days:mad2: And I really wanna to make complaint about this, the default seems mistake made by Vodafone. How come I continue use the Vodafone until now and never been informed i have default in my account, and when i contact them no one actually come out to help to investigate. Even i post my problem on the Vodafone eforum as well, no one reply me!!! Really need someone give advice to remove this wrong default from my credit report. Thanks.
  17. Vodafone has ruined my credit rating for the past seven years RE: ACCOUNT NUMBER XXXXXX On or around the 28th of November 2008, I took out a mobile phone contract with Vodafone through an intermediary agent Dial-a-Phone. At the point of sale, I asked if my existing number could be ported over from T-mobile to Vodafone. The sales agent assured me that this was possible and that I should phone up Vodafone when I received the package and this would be done. After the phone was delivered, I contacted Vodafone to request my number to be ported, but I was told that this was not possible as it should have been done at the point of sale. Vodafone advised me to get back to Dial-a-Phone and have them cancel the contract and reissue a new contract. I did as I was told and called Dial-a-Phone, but I was then told that with Vodafone, porting could not be done. I then put it to them that they had mis-sold me the contract, as their agent assured me my number could be ported. They agreed to cancel the contract on the condition that I returned the phone and accessories including a Nintendo Wii gift which was sent to me. I returned the phone, accessories and gift to Dial-a-Phone as they requested. And I got an acknowledgement letter from them stating that I should contact my bank and cancel my direct debit and that they had instructed Vodafone to cancel my contract. I have this in writing from Dial-a-Phone. I cancelled the direct debit with my bank, but not before I was charged £90 by Vodafone. I phoned Vodafone and was told by an agent named Leon that this was the norm, but that it will be recalculated pro-rata based on my call charges and my account will be credited. In February 2009, I noticed that my account had been debited by Vodafone yet again, this time to the tune of £44.04. I called Vodafone (after no success at trying to contact Dial-a-Phone) and spoke to an agent called Sam who said he was part of the NES team at Stoke. He advised me to get to my bank and re-cancel the direct debit instruction. On the 11th of March 2009, not having received any credit from Vodafone, I called the customer services and was put through to Vodafone Collections Department and spoke to an agent named Garry. I explained to him what has been going on, and he requested that I faxed him the acknowledgement letter from Dial-a-Phone on fax number 01295815344. He promised to sort it out and I will be credited any amount due to me. He warned me that I may still get bills, but to ignore them while things were being sorted out. I sent the fax on the 12th of March 2009 and it was marked for the attention of Garry Collections Department, and the transmission was OK. I kept receiving bills which I ignored as instructed, until I got a letter from Vodafone on the 16th of June 2009, stating that I had defaulted in my payments and that I was owing in excess of £500. I was shocked and immediately called Vodafone at around 19:08 hours I spoke to an agent called Steve, who proved totally unhelpful and bullish and all he said was to pay the money and that there was nothing he could do. I asked him to reference my previous communications with Vodafone as there should be notes on the system. He said there was nothing written about the case. I told him this was corporate bullying and that I was going to take the case to the consumer protection section of Daily Mail Newspapers. Only then did he try to be reasonable, and even began to listen to me. Then the phone cut off (I believe he cut the phone off) and I tried calling back, but was told the department was now closed. It was past 20:00 hours. On the 21st of June, I received another letter, this time from a debt recovery firm claiming to be acting on instructions from Vodafone, threatening legal action if I did not pay up. In frustration and on the verge of tears, I again called Vodafone and after being transferred around between three agents in three departments, I was put through to Jessica, and after being on the phone for over two hours trying to explain. She doubted the existence of the letter from Dial-a-Phone, and if it existed, the authenticity of the document. She kept insisting we should call Dial-a-Phone and do a conference call to her to sort the problem out. This was not plausible and she knew it. I asked her to give me a fax number or an email so I could send the letter to her. She refused saying that the dept had no fax and she could not give out her own or her manager’s official email address. Upon further insistence, she gave me an email address for customer service. I asked if she had access to this email, she said no. This clearly demonstrates the attitude of Vodafone staff to the travails of customers. She said the people at customer service will deal with the matter. At which point I asked her if the two hours I had been on the phone with her amounted to nothing. She replied that there was nothing she could do. I asked if she could call them and tell them all that had transpired. The answer was negative. I asked to speak with a manager, to which she replied there was a 48 hour wait if I wanted to speak with the Manager. Anyway, I sent off the email to the address she provided, only to later get an automated reply from Vodafone that the email address was no longer in use. Upon further insistence to speak to a manager, I was then told the manager Michael Watson will call me the following day. He did call at the appointed time, but unfortunately I had a patient in front of me and apologised and asked him to call back, which he promised he would. I have not spoken to him since. I have called Vodafone repeatedly and luckily on the 6th of July, I got through to Leon who said he was going to leave a message for the Manager Michael Watson to get back from me. I still have not heard from him. Since then, I have gotten letters from Capquest, also acting on behalf of Vodafone demanding for money owed to the tune of £846.87.These letters have in the least been very distressing as well as embarrassing. I got a Lawyer to write to Capquest stating the circumstances and Capquest withdrew from the case, requesting we sort things out with Vodafone. At this point, I’d like to state that I do not have an existing contract with Vodafone and have not since December,2008 when Dial-a-Phone (the agent I took out the contract with) terminated the contract on my behalf. As at 30 of July 2009, I have spent over £90 on phone calls to Vodafone on this and I will be seeking compensation for my time, money and upheaval this has caused me. Vodafone went ahead and put a default on my credit account and stopped me getting credit for the past 5 years. I spoke with Experien credit Agency explaining the circumstances and Experian contacted Vodafone, but Vodafone insisted their entry was correct. However Experian agreed to put a note on the account stating the entry on the account was in dispute. Despite this note put on my credit file by Experian, I have had credit refused me over the years and it has become very embarrassing to say the least. I need help to get this sorted and for Vodafone to pay me the monies they owe me and compensate for the trauma and pain over the last seven years
  18. Hi there, I hope that someone can help me clarify a matter and advise on if there is anything I can do. I have been in a contract with Orange (now EE) for a good few years. In June 2011, I was midway into a contract when I registered a new phone via customer services. It was the Iphone 4 that had been purchased directly from the Apple store and I advised this to the agent I was speaking to. At the time, I was advised that the £6 a month Orange Care would increase to £12 a month as the new handset was a smart phone. Later I found out that the agent I spoke to also put a note on the account to say that the handset is a generic handset. There was no reason for me to question the £12 a month as I was led to believe that my handset was covered. About 2 weeks ago, I called up EE upgrades to negotiate a new deal for my contract. I told the advisor that I was thinking of buying another handset directly from Apple and was wanting to know the best sim only tariff that they could offer. During the conversation that advisor told me that if I purchased a handset from a third party, in this case Apple, then the EE care would not be valid on it and as it would be classed as a generic handset. I paused and then told her that my current handet is a generic handset and I have been paying the monthly £12. She was not sure why this was and told me that I would need to speak to customer service with regards to it. She also told me that there were notes on the account to state that they were aware that the handset was generic. I've tried speaking to customer services and feel like I'm being passed from pillar to post. When I eventually spoke to a team leader, he advised that it was wrongly applied and in the event that I needed to make a claim, they would have honoured it. My gripe is that at the time, the agent knew that the handset was generic and continued to apply the new insurance to my account. Had I been informed of the full facts, that the insurance does not apply to generic handsets, there would be no reason for me to continue paying for Orange insurance? Is this a case of 'misrepresentation'? Am I right in thinking that the insurance was missold to me? They have admitted that it should not have been added to my account but also that they would not refund me. What can I do now? Am I entitled to a refund? Any help would be much appreciated. TIA
  19. Help needed CAggers! I've got a situation on my hand that I need some advice with - I'm a tenant and have been for a few years under a periodic tenancy or month to month. I receive housing allowance and have paid that to the landlord in excess for the years that I've been in residency. The landlord is saying that I owe arrears however, based on the lease we signed when I moved in, the rent I pay the landlord is far in excess to the lease. The landlord wants to serve me notice to say that I am arrears (a section 8) but he claims he wants my employers to pay the arrears as my housing allowance is given to me by them. I find this proposed action a bit of a threat, considering my lease is not signed by my employers but by me! I have already written a LBA but he just keeps harping onthat my housing allowance increase is a rent increase! What do I do now? Serve a claim for my money? All attempts at negotiating has failed.
  20. A good hard working Polish friend of mine received an emergency phone call and had to leave work because his son was apparently seriously ill. The child (under 2 years) was dragging his leg, couldn't stand or walk properly. His mother had taken him to see a GP, and was advised to go to hospital straight away, that morning. Whilst they were in the hospital, they were seen by one doctor, then another.... then another, they took blood, did all sorts of tests etc, including taking X-ray's. After hours and hours they were still none the wiser and just a waste of time. It was said, that there was not much more that they could do as they couldn't identify what was wrong. By this time it was around 8-9 pm at night, when they were hungry, tired, and the child was crying to go home. They were told, that there isn't much more that the hospital could do, and so decided to go home. They signed the necessary paperwork and went home. About 11 pm, knock, knock at the door, its the Police ! They were being accused of abusing their child ! - after lots of upset, questions etc, the police went satisfied, that there was nothing wrong or untoward. The whole house was woken up, The neighbours finding out what had happened, His wife, very distressed, scared that her kids could be taken away, scared to leave them at nursery, compounded by the problem that her English isn't too brilliant and cant't defend herself properly. A day or so later, the symptoms disappeared, it seams that it was just a virus after all ! Now his wife is worried that they are now on some sort of list with Social Services, can't sleep at night and the neighbours think that they have hurt their child. Every knock at the door, his wife panics. What should he do ? Thanks.
  21. I took out a Vodafone contract for myself through MobilePhonesDirect as it was a good cash back deal that worked out at about £10 a month. It took a while to process to the point I thought it was going to fail a check. I went to another supplier and although the deal was still Vodafone I went ahead and tried it. I was accepted and the phone was sent out. A day later MobilePhonesDirect emailled me to say the phone I ordered with them had been sent out. My Dad decided he would take the first deal and would just transfer the ownership in a few months time. I was happy with that arrangement. the second phone arrived and I opened it up for my dad and put the SIM card in ; no service. I contacted MPD who said I had to return the phone due to a connection issue. As they were quite vague on the issue I got in touch with Vodafone who said I failed the second credit check as I had recently just joined them and wouldn't be eligible for a second line until I've been with them for three months so in other words I shouldn't have received the second phone. What are my rights here? Could and will MobilePhonesDirect send me the phone back out because it was opened and will I be forced to keep the contract if they somehow negotiate with Vodafone because the simcard was inserted albeit it didn't connect to the network? I also had to pay £8 of my own money to have the phone sent back to them tracked. Thanks for any advice !
  22. HP Mum

    HMRC issues

    Morning A friend lives abroad (moved countries regularly) and has occasionally stayed with me when back in the UK. I just received a letter addressed to my friend at my address. As I was expecting communication re my own tax return I opened the letter before realising it was for friend. The problem is that the contents scared the living daylights out of me ... it is a demand, with threat of bailiffs, for unpaid tax dating back many years totalling just under £200,000 !! I am aware that debts can be recorded against properties - and I really do not want a black mark against me/my property as I may wish to sell it later ths year - so what action should I take ?? Am guessing this is serious !! I have sent a message to friend asking what I should do, but so far have not heard back. I am also aware that it could be a big mistake - that hmrc have made estimates as no returns have been filed due to friend being overseas. But am really nervous....
  23. More than £18 million in benefits wrongly paid to prisoners for the past four years has not been clawed back, figures reveal. A freedom of information request by the Mail on Sunday found that between 2007 and 2011, overpayments as a result of "customers being in prison" were made worth £31.7 million. But the Department for Work and Pensions figures said only £13.1 million was recovered - a shortfall of £18.6 million, or £4.65 million per year. The newspaper said the problem had first been reported to Government officials in 1994 but it was not until February this year a new centralised system to cross reference files with the Ministry of Justice was created. Tory MP Philip Davies condemned the figures and told the MoS: "The fact prisoners are receiving benefits after committing crimes is so ludicrous it beggars belief. "You'd think they would be the one group of people who wouldn't be able to rip off the taxpayer in their situation." A DWP spokeswoman said: "Prisoners are not entitled to benefits and we always seek to recover any overpayments. "A more efficient system was brought in earlier this year to ensure that we are quickly informed when a benefit claimant is sent to prison and we can stop benefit payments immediately." The system was changed in February at the urging of Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How come they cannot get it back - they make sure we pay any overpayment back, regardless of what financial mess it leaves us in.
  24. This is long winded, but I will try to keep it short. This has been a nightmare! I married in 2001, and had my first child in 2002. Sadly, my turkish husband was not the man I thought he was(even longer story), and we seperated before my daughter had her first christmas. We briefly tried dating in 2004, then I found out he was living with a woman he was seeing. I then found out I was pregnant again (stupid). I barely saw my husband while pregnant, but he was there for the birth. While in hospital my car was torched outside my house. The newspaper came round to take a picture of myself with my two small children and put an article to try to help me find out who had done this. This terrified me, and because of this my husband decided to stay for a few days after the birth. Two days after, there was an early morning knock at the door. It was the benefits agency. I was questioned about my living arrangements with my husband. I was told that I was lying, that we had never seperated. I couldnt' answer their questions. My husband refused to give me his address. I was told that I must be lying because I had a child with him, and that it takes months to make a baby. I replied that it can take seconds, but they refused to listen. I had an appointment at the jobcentre a few days later for an appointment with a lone parent advisor. When I turned up the receptionist went to inform the woman that I was there for my appointment, and heard the woman exclaim loudly "you are joking! I am surprised she had the nerve to turn up!" It turned out that this woman was the one who had contacted the benefit fraud investigation team. A few weeks later I received the report for me to read. I read it through carefully, and typed my response. The point that I could barely believe was one that said "Her two year old daughter has a strong pronouced turkish accent". This was laughable. I have never heard a strong accent on a two year old, and why would she have that accent anyway, when she lived in bristol? I was asked to attend court, but this was a long distance from me, which I could not afford to get to, and I had two small children for who I could find no babysitter. As their accusations were so unfounded I was able to work my way through the document, and put my point across for each and every point. I though no more of it and posted it, fully expecting this to be sorted out. I was then found guilty at my appeal. Apparently my document that I had sent to the court didnt arrive until two days after the trial. Amazing, considering I posted it several weeks before. I wanted to appeal against their appeal decision, but was told that if I did this, they would have to stop my benefits for the duration of the appeal. What could I do? I had two babies to support. I had to give in . They decided to take £10 per week from my benefits, and have done since 2005. I will be paying them until 2016. The amount they wanted to recover WRONGLY is around £7000. Now, a few weeks ago I received a letter from my local council asking me to come in for an interview under caution about housing benefit. I went along, taking a legal representative with me. Apparently the was an overpayment of £1000 of my housing benefit when I moved. I was totally unaware of this. I went through the interview, recorded on CD. After the interview was over the interviewer told me that because I have previous problems with benefit fraud, that this could mean a criminal conviction for me! I was also told that if I accept responsibility, I only have to pay back the overpayment, but I would have a criminal caution on file. If I refuse to accept responsibility, then I have to pay it back but with an admin charge of 50% added on top. Fair? I really dont think so. I really don't know what to do. I really feel this is all so unfair. My children have gone without for so many years because of their mistake the first time. £4000 that I should have been able to spend on them has never been received. This "black mark" has gone against me when I did nothing wrong. I spoke to my legal representative after the interview, and he was disgusted by my story, and advised me to speak to a solicitor. I also plan to contact my local MP to see what he can do. Can anyone give me any advice. I have done nothing wrong!
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