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  1. HI, I had been given a ticket on my car for parking at 4 CHURCH ROAD, ASHFORD - TW16 2UT When I got to the car park I had gone to buy a ticket, because I didn't have the right change I quickly went into a convenient store to get some, roughly in about a minute when I come back to pay for a pay and display ticket I see someone taking pictures of my car I approach him he said that I was being fined for not displaying a valid ticket. I explained that I was on my way to get one and that it had barely been a minute since I parked. (keep in mind this car park is almost empty) He insisted that I go online to make the payment and there was no point in displaying a ticket... With frustration I left the place without buying a pay and display from the advice given I ignored the letters from the debt recovery companies, which spelt my name wrong on the title.. I've now received a letter from Gladstones Solicitors, dated 19th April which i received today (24th April) it states: Re: Our client: Parking Control Management (UK) Limited Amount due: £160.00 Vehicle Registration: XXXXXXX You have previously been written to questioning the settlement of a parking charge. Due to the absence of payment or a valid appeal against the charge, our client has instructed us to recover the total amount due to them as shown above As all other attempts have failed, out client may now instruct us to take legal action against you in the County Court. To prevent such action, we invite you to make a payment immediately or confirm to us in writing your proposals in respect of this debt. In order to avoid any further action you should pay the full amount outstanding within 14 days of this letter. You can make a payment online (Cant insert the link here) or by calling 03330230049 It is important that you understand that if the judgment is registered against you then this could seriously affect your chances of obtaining credit in the future as this information can be made available to any interested parties via the Register of Judgments, Order and Fines, and will remain there for 6 years. If you are unsure about anything contained within this letter, you should seek advice from a solicitor or contact one of the following organisations who may be able to help you: Yours sincerely Gladstones Solicitors (NO SIGNATURE)
  2. https://www.thesun.co.uk/money/3143151/france-emissions-sticker-117-fine/ Hopefully the UK are going to reciprocate this in the UK for French vehicles ?
  3. Plusnet, a BT owned company, has today been fined £880,000 by Ofcom for continuing to bill more than a thousand ex-customers. http://tinyurl.com/lgdmhyl
  4. I set up DD with DVLA 2015. DVLA confirmed DD was set up and supplied a letter saying so. Thinking my car was taxed, and having comfort DVLA would take payments as needed, DVLA has not requested/taken payment. Car was not, therefore, taxed. I discovered this with a lovely man put a wheel clamp on my car, with £260 release fee (£160 later refunded once taxed) but then 2 weeks later, letter from DVLA with fine of £216. Replied to DVLA fine letter saying it's their fault. The DD letter from DVLA in 2015 says exactly 'you do not have to do anything'. I am fuming.
  5. Well Theres No Surprise....
  6. recently received two 90£' fines' from minister baywatch for parking in a hospital carpark where i was doing placement as a student. They are for 2 days in a row, i only remember getting a ticket for one day This carpark has different sections some you can park there all day, some are limited to 4 hours, but you dont have to pay to stay there at all. I didn't know there was a difference. I was informed by many people in the hospital that they were a cowboy operation and that no one pays their 'fines'. When given the tickets the carpark wasnt full and they dont even charge anyway. I also had no idea between the different carparks and their time limits and have no idea how its possible to enforce a 4 hour limit like that when you dont have full time parking attendents. there is also no parking rules or and notices inside the carpark , there may be a notice about the 4 hour limit but i never remeber noting a difference what should i do guys?
  7. Complaints from people bombarded with spam texts and nuisance calls have today helped the ICO fine two companies a total of £100,000. Separate investigations into Omega Marketing Services Ltd and Vincent Bond Ltd were both triggered by complaints about nuisance marketing. Now the firms have been fined £60,000 and £40,000 respectively. The ICO receives around 13,000 complaints about spam texts, emails and nuisance calls a month. It is currently investigating 167 cases. Report nuisance calls at ico.org.uk/calls.
  8. ScottishPower has been fined £18 million by regulator Ofgem for customer service failings. The energy firm "failed to treat its customers fairly" when handling calls, dealing with complaints and billing, the watchdog said. Dermot Nolan, Ofgem chief executive, said: "Scottish Power let its customers down during the implementation of a new IT system. When things went wrong, it didn't act quickly enough to fix them. "This created frustration and worry for many customers, who also wasted a lot of time trying to contact the supplier by phone." ScottishPower was blasted for "unacceptably long call waiting times", with the company receiving more than one million complaints between June 2013 and December 2015. Ofgem added that thousands of Ombudsman rulings were not implemented within the required 28 days and ScottishPower's failures resulted in more than 300,000 customers receiving late final bills. This meant many customers did not receive money they were owed. However, the regulator also said that, since it opened the investigation, ScottishPower has improved its customer service. Up to £15 million of the fine will be paid out to ScottishPower customers affected by customer service issues and the remainder will go to charity https://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/scottishpower-hit-18m-fine-failing-063035164.html
  9. The largest-ever fine for cold-calling has been handed down by the Information Commissioner's Office. Brighton-based company Prodial was fined £350,000 for generating more than 46 million spam calls. More than 1,000 people complained to the ICO about the automated message calls they had received from the company, which related to PPI claims. Information Commissioner Christopher Graham said: "This is one of the worst cases of cold calling we have ever come across. "The volume of calls made in just a few months was staggering. "This was a company that knew it was breaking the law. "A company director admitted that once the ICO became involved, the company shut down. "That stopped the calls, but we want to send a clear message to other firms that this type of law-breaking will not pay. "That is why we have handed out our highest ever fine." https://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/company-fined-350k-46-million-155618593.html
  10. Hi My son was walking through sainsburys car park smoking a roll up and absently mindedly dropped it on the floor (he knows he's a very naughty boy etc) then from no where pops up a woman in uniform armed with a camera telling him he'd been filmed littering which is an offence and he is to be fined £60 to be paid within 11 days or it goes up to £80 or court Whilst I agree littering is bad. ..nothing worse then takeaway wrappers blowing all over the place or having to tip toe through dog dirt in the park but I've never had in issue with cigarette butts.. ..but yes..litter is litter & he did a naughty thing ...my issue is not with that, on reading the government guidelines for these 'litter enforcement officers' it seems to state that a person should be given the opportunity to pick up their litter. ..but I suppose thats the up to the officer and on reading they get some kinda commission for their fines, unlikely they'll be letting people off... .so my other issue is the car park is private property shared with sainsburys, homebase, argos & McMucks. ..NOT council land.. .the gov website also states that they are not permitted to issue fines on private property, even if used by the public without permission off the landowner. I contacted sainsburys to enquire why they have allowed their customers to be intimidated, humiliated by uniformed people claiming to be council workers loitering outside their store entrance armed with CCTV filming their customers!! Disgusting:-x!!! However, sainsburys HO don't seem too happy about it either and they contacted my local store who have assured me that they had no idea of what was happening in their car park and they are looking into it for me. ...now I'm wondering if this fine inflicted on my son (a student and forever skint) will stick ...of course i want to get him out of paying it. ..I have done the online appeal thing to raise my concerns with the council on his behalf. ..has anyone had success arguing the toss about fines on private land??? Thanks
  11. Please help!!!! This is a long story so please bear with me. My sister hired a car last year to move home. She was on the hire agreement with my Dad as a free driver also. My Dad was caught by a speed camera while moving her stuff to her new house in the hire car. My sister put her current address on the hire agreement The address she was moving from NOT to as she stayed there until two days afterwards. She did not pay for mail forwarding but asked landlord to forward any mail. A NIP was sent a few days afterwards to old address as this was provided by Enterprise hire company. She changed address with DVLA three weeks after moving and recevied confirmation four weeks afterwards that they held her new address Six months afterwards she hears from the DVLA that they have given her 6points and £900 fine for not attending court and providing driver details. She obviously did not know as everything went to old address. She went to court again as she explained she didn't know about it. She was told she did not need legal representation and just to take my Dad and explain he was driving. They both went and my sister pleaded not guilt to speeding (As it was our Dad) and not guilty to providing driver details as she felt she had changed her address in the correct time frame. It is now going to trial and she has been told lots of different things regarding whether she was right/not right to plead not guilty. Apparently the hire company should have told her to provide a forwarding address?? is this correct? The agreement doesn't give her the opportunity to do so. Advice would be VERY most welcome as my sister and my Dad are both very upset
  12. Energy giant E.On is to pay a record £12m penalty, following an investigation into mis-selling by the industry regulator. Ofgem said it was the largest penalty paid to date by a UK energy supplier. Its investigation found "extensive poor sales practices" amongst staff selling on the doorstep and by phone. E.On has apologised to its customers, and has promised to pay compensation to anyone who was mis-sold an energy package. The company has estimated that the bill for compensation payments is likely to be between £3m and £8m, on top of the £12m penalty. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-27433428 Not to worry though, they'll soon claw that back from their pensioner customers: Energy giant E.ON scraps 25% discount for hard-up pensioners despite making £2m a day profit Energy giant E.ON is hitting hard-up pensioners with huge price hikes while raking in profits of £2million a day. Tens of thousands of elderly people face a bill shock after the supplier said it was scrapping a 25% saving for some of its poorest customers. Those affected have been given just six weeks notice before price soar. http://www.mirror.co.uk/money/city-news/eon-hits-tens-thousands-pensioners-3541842#ixzz31rogFIiT
  13. Surprise surprise http://www.bbc.com/news/business-35129788 But will it make any difference? No sign of it so far. I wonder what Kenneth Radley Davies Smadley Bradley Madley Mavies - their alleged in-house legal assistant and Npower's tame solicitors Wilkins Chapman will make of this. I wonder how many of Npower's victims have they frightened and bullied over the year simply in order to keep Npower's shameful dishonesty and incompetence from being revealed to the public. Of course, £26million is a drop in the ocean and no doubt their execs are all enjoying their bonuses and Christmas parties. Spare a thought for Npower victims? Not likely
  14. A claims firm that bombarded consumers with more than 1.3 million spam messages has been fined £80,000 as part of a wider crackdown against companies behind nuisance calls and texts. UKMS Money Solutions (UKMS) used lists of mobile phone numbers it had bought from data brokers to contact people encouraging them to make claims for payment protection insurance (PPI), the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) said. It said the fine issued to the firm was the first of three penalties totalling £250,000 it will issue this week to companies behind nuisance texts and calls, bringing the total number of fines issued over the last four months over nuisance marketing to £1m. The ICO said Birmingham-based UKMS did not check that those it called had agreed to receive marketing texts – something it was legally required to do. It said a total of 1,442 people complained during the nine-week campaign between April and June this year. No one from UKMS could be reached for comment. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/claims-firm-fined-nuisance-calls-crackdown-122734812.html#HWCuKKU
  15. My father passed away in May of this year and left his car behind. The insurance ran out in the same month. Having very little knowledge about cars as I've never owned one and am still quite young I phoned up the DVLA who instructed me to send them a letter explaining the situation, that the car was being kept in private property, wasn't being driven, and that I would inform them once a decision had been made with what to do with the car. I did this, and a week ago received a letter from the DVLA containing a fine for £100 telling me that if I do not pay it soon I may be prosecuted.. . I'm wondering if someone has any advice for how to deal with this?
  16. She appealed to Smart with the same mitigating circumstance and they told her to pay. A complaint to the principle who hired the [problem] gets the charge cancelled.... http://www.itv.com/news/meridian/2015-09-23/mother-fined-70-because-she-stayed-in-asda-car-park-after-doing-her-shopping-to-breastfeed-baby-daughter/?ref=yfp
  17. A firm selling call blocking devices has itself been fined for making unsolicited calls to those who have opted out of receiving them. Cold Call Eliminations, based in Chichester, made calls to the elderly, including cancer sufferers. One was said to have been left "badly shaken". They were registered on the Telephone Preference Service (TPS), so should have been exempt from such calls. The company, which has been fined £75,000, refused to comment. BBC Oops
  18. A claims company has become the first to be fined under new powers after making millions of "nuisance calls", the government has announced. The Hearing Clinic, based in Derby, has been fined £220,000 following hundreds of complaints about speculative calls regarding hearing loss claims. It was the first fine issued by the Claims Management Regulator. Many of those called by the business had subscribed to the Telephone Preference Service (TPS), indicating that they did not want to receive unsolicited calls. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-33788527
  19. I paid for parking via mobile and received a penalty notice for non payment. The appeal went to POPLA, and APCOA then agreed in their statement that they had received payment but not my vehicle reg. I stated that I entered my vehicle reg with my payment details. APCOA claimed that they sent me a separate text message asking for vehicle reg. They did not. I did however receive a voice mail from them saying that payment process was complete and I was entitled to park for 24 hours, so I assumed that everything was in order. (APCOA haven't denied this message). POPLA denied my appeal, the assessor stated that I hadn't entered my reg details (even though I disputed this) so payment wasn't valid. What did I pay for if it wasn't parking? I followed exactly the instructions communicated to me and APCOA didn't have any loss of income. I cannot understand the assessors decision.
  20. Taken from the BBC http://www.bbc.com/news/business-28015456 Payday lender Wonga must pay £2.6m in compensation after sending letters from non-existent law firms to customers in arrears.
  21. For those who have had bad treatment from Harrington Brooks then this may offer some comfort. http://www.fca.org.uk/news/firms/debt-management-firm-harrington-brooks-redress
  22. I like the decision to give the fine to the CAB. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-32157906 HB
  23. My wife entered a private pay and display car park in Blackpool, and drove around looking for a free space. After about 20 mins of waiting for a space to come free, she gave up and drove out. Some time later we received a parking fine for £100 (£60 if paid in 14 days). Their evidence was a photo of the car entering the carpark and leaving 21mins later. We obviously felt this entirely unjust as she never actually parked! We apealed in the first instance directly to Parking Eye, who rejected it and said we should appeal to POPLA if we wanted to take it further, which we did. We have just now received a rejection from POPLA saying that as there is proof that she spent 21mins on the car park, and that "it is more likely than not that the appellant deliberately stopped the vehicle for a significant length of time. This means that the appellant parked, whether or not they left the vehicle." They say that we must now pay £100 within 14 days to avoid any charges. We are furious about this and are determined not to pay for Not being able to park. Any ideas what we should do next?
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