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  1. Had 250ltr of our hot water tank leak through the ceiling recently. There was a little damage there before (shower leaked a few years ago) but it was too much hassle to fix. Now the damage is much much worse. The insurance are paying for the flooring but are refusing to pay for the ceiling saying I've not experienced any financial loss because it was damaged already? Is this normal? Surely its like saying you can't have a new carpet if its wrecked because there was a fag burn on one corner?
  2. I'm about to buy a (relatively) low cost item from a small-time online manufacturer who usually sell in large quantities to tradesmen. They have applied a 'low order fee' to make my order up to £50. Are they allowed to do that? (I suspect yes). I noticed in the Shopping Basket breakdown that VAT then also got applied to this fee - are they allowed to do that? Thanks.
  3. Hi, Happy holidays. I am looking for some guidance. Just returned home with nice letter from HMRC about VAT return of £571. This is for period of 27th July to 31st Oct. I have bought some items to flip on amazon back in June/July total 120 units, that cost me £1080 in total. I have sold them all for £2,395.93 - the amazon fees. This was sold during 6th July to 27th to be exact. Then I decided to open a VAT account and look for some distributor accounts, however never been able to find good products and decided I need to close VAT account as the only way to get in with distributors was to have VAT account. I have closed my VAT account, however never filled VAT return and did not think anything of it now. I would like to pay the VAT, but I don't believe 571 quid is the right amount. How can I work out how much I have to pay and file the return? It says I have 30 days from the date of letter to file or there may be penalties. Please see picture attached of the letter. Thanks Scannable_Document_on_28_Dec_2018_at_21_38_16.pdf
  4. Hi I am self-employedand VAT registered, my certificate says my name followed by my trading name. I am now venturing in to a new industry, totally differentto the one my normal line of self-employment is in. I still have to charge VAT? It will be alittle suspicious for customers if for example they were being charged VAT on atree surgery job but the vat name was a motor trading company (That is just anexample, not my lines of work). Do I just get theHMRC to amend my trading name to simply my name? Is that possible? Or do I needa new number? I looked online but couldnot find anything relevant. Cheers J
  5. HMRC calls on online marketplaces to sign agreement tackling VAT fraud READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/hmrc-calls-on-online-marketplaces-to-sign-agreement-tackling-vat-fraud
  6. It would appear that Ebay is to start charging 20% VAT on fees when it changes it corporate structure later this year. Sellers with a turnover under £85,000 will not be affected. https://tamebay.com/2017/05/ebay-uk-spring-2017-seller-release-ebay-to-charge-vat-on-fees.html
  7. I have received a couple of letters from DHL, requesting a payment of £11 for Duty and VAT following the delivery of my order from China. "In the event that we do not hear back from you within the next seven days, this matter will be passed to a debt collection agency working on behalf of DHL for further action, resulting in an administration charge being added to the account, If you have already paid this sum please accept our apologies for this communication." Are we entitled to be provided with proof of payment to HMRC by DHL ? Upon further investigation, i can confirm that the Chinese retailer displays the following message on the product page of the purchased item: "VAT Included! We have made arrangements with shipping courier to pay all VAT and import fees on behalf of you. The price at the checkout is FINAL."
  8. An interesting one that could end up with severe consequences if found out to be true.
  9. Hi, We (the family) are undertaking a project to convert an attached brick building into a utility area and a wet room for use by a disabled member of the family. The contractor (who is non-vat registered) has requested that we purchase and supply the wet room fittings that we would like. We are happy to do this and in fact would prefer to do so. But we would like to claim the VAT Exemption on the eligible items. I know that in order to claim the exemption that we would need to provide a letter from the contractor confirming that the wet room is for use by a disabled person and also a HMRC VAT Exemption form completed by the person concerned. I have contacted various suppliers about how to claim the VAT Exemption and been amazed by their responses. Wickes responded with: "I can confirm that full prices including VAT must be paid through Wickes however once you have made your order you can claim the VAT with receipts through HMRC directly." Wrong, HMRC website specifically states that they will not refund VAT. VictoriaPlum responded with: "In order for you to claim your VAT back, we would require proof of disability from HMRC and also a plumbers report to advise items have been fitted for a disabled person". How the hell would HMRC know whether someone was disabled? Top Marks to ToppsTiles, who got it right. "To claim back disability relief VAT, you will need to complete a 10.1 form. This form will be located on the Hmrc.gov website. We will also require a copy of your sale receipt and written evidence from your builder. The written evidence from the builder must include that the goods and work being undertaken are used in the adaptation of premises for a disabled person." My question is: Has anybody else had to go through a similar process and did they find suppliers who were able to deal with this (online and in-store) and if so, who? Many thanks, Jedicris
  10. Hi, I,m a self employed book reseller or what is known as a BOOK MAN, I require advice on whether i can set up an offshore company as i do not actually purchase any stock i respond to my customers order and most of my stock comes from abroad.I ,m told this is Sale or return. I would also like advice on reclaiming the VAT since most of my sales are Vatable which i collect and at the moment pass on to the wholesalers, However if i was VAT registered i could claim some of this back ( i gather its an admin nightmare but is it possible if i base my company off shore? } NI contributions is another area where i have gaps in my knowledge, AS a single parent the inland revenue in their wisdom have classed me as a HOME MAKER and as such i should not have to pay any N I contributions to insure i get a Basic state pension until my children become 16 years of age. HOWEVER last year on my self employed returns which i do on line my earnings were above a certain level that i had to pay around £300 pounds NI or they were going to fine me.IS there any way of finding out what my obligations are regarding N I for working single MALE PARENTS who are classed as HOMEMAKERS by the INLAND REVENUE without getting confused by some faceless bureaucrat who specialises in talking in circles and only does the job for the pension when they retire ie most of the civil service
  11. Hi I want to buy from china 1000 plastic phone cases the cost is 170 USD in GBP is about 111 the seller is offering me free delivery by DHL, can I know of anyone on this situation before could let me know how much tax do I have to pay, do i have to pay DHL services and Vat and Duty, there is only 1 charge, even that the seller is offering me free delivery with DHL is DHL going to charge me anything extra for delivery and also vat + duty, can anyone please let me know is the first time I buy from china and I know nothing about this, thanks a lot
  12. Despite the new bailiff regulations having been in force for over 18 months, it is very worrying to see that a number of the 'Beat the Bailiff' Facebook pages continue to advise the public that if an enforcement agent is enforcing a judgment that has been transferred to the High Court, that the agent cannot charge VAT on bailiff fees. Such information is inaccurate and highly misleading. In April 2014 the Taking Control of Goods (Fees) Regulations 2014 were introduced and provide for statutory fees that can be charged by enforcement agents. In relation to county court judgments transferred to the High Court for enforcement, the statutory fee scale provides that the enforcement agent can charge the following fees: Compliance fee: £75 First enforcement stage: £190 (plus 7.5% on amount over £1,000). Second stage enforcement: £495 Sale or disposal fee: £525 plus 7.5% on sums over £1,000 The Taking Control of Goods (Fees) Regulations 2014 were laid before Parliament on 4th January 2014 and came into force on 6th April 2014. It was not until shortly after the regulation had been laid in Parliament that HMRC finally resolved the issue as to whether or not VAT should be added to bailiff fees. On 26th March 2014 (two weeks before the regulations came into effect) the Ministry of Justice released their official guidance on VAT. This followed official HMRC approval and agreement. HMRC amended their internet guide a short while after.
  13. If I buy a recliner chair for a disabled friend who would be allowed VAT exemption and store it at mine for when they vist, could VAT exemption still be claimed..
  14. A supplier has written off a number of invoices as Bad Debts, and reclaimed the VAT element. He has then issued a claim for payment in Court at a later date, and added interest at well above base rate. Is this permissible?
  15. I thought that all clothing was vat free or am I wrong? we where buying some building supplies from a well known building merchant and my other half saw some work clothes they where a sweat shirt at £9.99 and some trousers at £19.99 both were plus vat. I did ask at the shop and they said we always charge vat so are they right? cheers
  16. This one is complex, I’m hope somebody can offer guidance… I entered an IVA that subsequently failed on the 13th of October 2008. No acknowledgement or payments have been made by me and as of the 13th of October 2014 I consider the debt to be Statue Barred. I have a letter from the accountants managing my IVA dated 13th October 2008 that the IVA failed, along with a ‘Final Report’ that there have been no distribution of funds and that there was ZERO balance in my account. All monies I paid went into paying the accountant. Just as the debt (in my view) became Statue Barred the DCA contacted me after almost a two year silence - I replied with a standard Statue Barred template letter. It now transpires that as a result of the Paymex Limited vs. HMRC (VAT refunds on IVA’s) a bulk payment to the DCA from the accountants included a £14.36 VAT refund of my IVA that has been distributed across the accounts the DCA hold dated 11th December 2012. Naturally the DCA now claim that the debt is not Statue Barred. I would beg to differ. The Paymex vs. HMRC case was completely out of my control. I was not informed that the accountants would make the VAT refund to the DCA. In my view they (the accountants) acted independently, and my relationship with the accountants terminated on the 13th of October 2008. As such the debt is Statue Barred. I hope that somebody can provide any guidance on this issue – and what my next steps should be in responding to the DCA.
  17. I am sending an invoice for £800 to a travel company for some work I done on a holiday brochure. It is actually the first invoice with the completion invoice to be sent in the new year. I am full-time employed now, but just done some work on the side. I have used a template from online to make a quick invoice, but do I need to add anything for VAT?
  18. Hi All. My Father is nearly 80 and relies on his landline. He recently reported a problem on his line to his provider (Post Office) who confirmed there was a fault and advised him BT would be out to have a look. BT arrived a couple of days later and the engineer says there is a fault caused by water ingress and he needs a new connecter box in the house. He replaces this box and disappears. Next thing my Father is being charged by the Post Office £144 + VAT for this tiny box! No-one, not the engineer or the Post Office at any time suggested there would be a bill, let alone one for £144+VAT, they just did the work. He thought, as it was their box and their line, there would be no charge. Question is can they just do the work without advising him there would be a huge bill? Surely they should have quoted him for the work? Not only is he on a pension and can ill afford the cost, he is quite upset about it as he feels conned. The irony of it is that the water ingress came from the hole where the cable entered the house and wasn't sealed properly originally, so it is actually their fault anyway. Thanks in anticipation of any advice.
  19. Hi, I was wondering if anybody knows what the legal amount of admin fees can be taken for a VAT refund - and the law or directive that deals with it? I was recently visiting the UK and shopped in 2 stores. One takes a 5 GBP admin fee, and the other a 40% admin fee (in this case 25.63 GBP). I have previously used other stores and the maximum I have been charged was 10 GBP. I think 40% is a complete rip-off. (Before anybody suggests I don't use this store again, they are one of the only retailers, and the only accessible one near to where I stay with the products I want.) Thanks!
  20. Ok, so I cannot get my head around what disbursements are for the purposes of vat. Could someone in the know please advice where we stand. My friend runs his own sole trader company fixing/repairing garden equiptment (Lawn mowers etc etc) He rents a commercial Unit approx 2000 sq ft. His landlord purchases Buildings insurance on the unit and charges my friend (the tenant) but also charges 20% VAT on top. Now I understand that Buildings insurance is exempt from VAT with only an IPT able to be charged. Now, the landlord pays £1011.89 for the insurance and passes this exact amount on to the tenant with vat added on top so a total of £1011.89 + VAT at £202.38 TOTAL £1214.27. Is the landlord right to add vat or wrong? I don't know if it acts as a disbursement or not, and if a disbursement is vatable or not. Could someone please clear this up as the hmrc website (700) at section 25 is baffling me. thanks in advance thepalace1
  21. Hi, I recently ordered some flyers from an online printer. I uploaded my file and paid through Paypal, around £70 The flyers arrived last week, no problem. However, today I received an email from the printer stating that because the flyer contained an application form on one side I now owe them a further £17 in VAT. Their website references no mention of VAT rules or what is or isnt allowed on a flyer. Where do I stand regarding this VAT bill? Thanks in advance.
  22. upthecreek!


    Vat ive started a new company and investing in equipment to hire out, my question is, im vat reg and im spending a lot on vat in buying the goods and renting them out, so the vat income is far less than my outgoing vat amounts,,, can I claim back the vat? if so for how long? many thanks
  23. upthecreek!


    ive started a new company and investing in equipment to hire out, my question is, im vat reg and im spending a lot on vat in buying the goods and renting them out, so the vat income is far less than my outgoing vat amounts,,, can I claim back the vat? if so for how long? many thanks
  24. With the likely introduction of the new fixed fee scheme under part 3 of the TCE Act would it not be sensible for the government to make these fees zero rated for VAT? With this so called Value Added Tax currently set at 20% it forms no small part of what is payable by debtors. Has this been considered by the Advice Sector?
  25. Hello all! :)I am a tenant living a flat above a retail premises.My electicity meter is located in the shop below and is a sub-meter to their main meter. My share of the electricity bill is divided up, charged to me every month and paid alongside my rent. Now then! I have recently recieved an email from my landlords property manager stating that my share of all previous bills did not include VAT and therefore I owe them additional money.After asking why the bills were not issued inclusive of VAT, I was told that the electicity account with Utility Warehouse is a business account and therefore VAT is not added to the amount.I swiftly rang Utility Warehouse and asked if this was correct. They confirmed that the bill comes with 2 pages; the first is totalled without VAT and the second is totalled with VAT. That said, I assumed that the bills had been worked out from the front page total by mistake.HOWEVER, should I be paying VAT on my share of the bill anyway? The business will surely be able to claim back the VAT through their accounts, right? If this is the case, am I effectively just paying my landlord more rent?All help welcome, thanks in advance
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