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  1. Indigo - not listening. Need your advice all. To cut a long story short: My wife drove in to Harlington station, picked me up and drove out 5 mins later. The next morning she drove back to the station and dropped me off and left 3 mins later. Indigo have taken the picture of her driving in in the evening, and out in the morning and claimed that the car was parked at the station without a ticket. They sent two tickets addressed to the owner of the car (not me or my wife) - both with the same date and time (the exit) We appealed, both tickets explaining what had happened and they rejected the appeals. We then sent in Google maps log showing my wife driving to and from the station in the evening and in the morning. They have said the appeal has been rejected and can't look at any more evidence. They also said we should complain to the BPA. I see from other posts that that is a waste of time. HELP. What should we do?
  2. Hello Guys, I'm new here and any help would be greatly appreciated. Over the past 2 years i have received around 35 parking tickets from UKPC, the majority of which have been issued in my work place office car park. So far i have not replied and ignored any correspondence from UKPC and their debt collection agency. Previously they have been sending all 'debt' letters separately but in July 2018 the debt collection agency have issued me with a letter accumulating the full amount (£5000+) and stating 35 tickets have been issued and that if i don't reply by 08/08/18 they will inform their 'client' to take legal action. It is now 23/08 and nothing has happened. While most people online tell you to simple ignore them as speaking to them in any capacity makes you agree to their 'terms' and by ignoring them they have no power, i have since had a colleague in the same situation for a smaller amount £1500 had a CCJ taken out against his name and his car clamped! This has now panicked me a tad bit and want to resolve the issue ASAP! I can think of two options and would like to know what is best or if you guys have any other advice for me. 1). Call UKPC and negotiate to pay half the amount over the period of a year, or something. Saying i was not the driver (cannot give driver details as i don't know who was driving on the given dates) but would like to settle the issue regardless, not accepting fault but wanting to settle this none the less. Do you think it is likely they would agree to these terms? Also how on earth do i get into contact with a person at UKPC as they have no number and hard to find someone to get into contact with! I don't want to go through the number provided on the debt collector as i assume they have no power and will request the full amount. 2). As i said the majority of tickets were issued at my place of work, if i am able to get a email on a headed page or headed paper from the building manager/security guard who is employed by the property management company who look after our office, who i assume engage UKPC, saying that there was an issue with my permit and that i shouldn't have received the tickets (along the lines of this) then forward this to UKPC. Again i have the issue of trying to contact someone at UKPC and then i can say i will pay any other tickets issued at another location but i want may void any of the ones issued at my place of work. Sorry for the lengthy post but quite a large amount of money of which i neither want to or can afford to pay. Is there any advice you guys could give me about what to do and how to get hold of a person at UKPC. Many thanks, Kyman595
  3. Hi folks, I know there are a couple of threads on similar topics, but this one is specifically about Scotland where rules may be different. I received a letter from sheriff's court demanding payment for 20+ parking tickets (almost £2500) issued in early 2015. These were for on street parking in Dundee city centre where I was living at the time. I didn't get any ticket on my car at the time, nor any correspondence in the post either at the time or at any stage over the past 3 years. They all occur over a 3 month period (March - May 2015), and I was still resident in Dundee until August 2015 so surely I should have received something? Where do I stand with a demand like this? Surely they would have had to send me some sort of correspondence over the past 3 years? What proof should I ask for that the alleged offence actually took place when they say it did? All they've sent me so far is a list of dates and a final demand. The car itself was written off in an accident in September 2016 so I no longer own it. Anyone got any suggestions? Thanks in advance
  4. I've got two parking tickets in two days. I work in the railway and we have started working around the Wimbledon area. The first ticket was an honest mistake. Issued on Elsenham Street. We usually move our cars at 13:30 but I forgot and they pounced. The second was today from Merton Council. I had a good look around as I parked but for the life of me couldn't see any sign. I came back and there was the ticket. I then had an even better look for the sign and saw that it was a long way away, in the photo it's about four car lengths and was blocked by a lovely pink tree from my view on the kerb. Wondering where to go from here? The Silver car is for Wandsworth (Elsenham Street). The Van (mine) and sign is for Merton (Home Park Road) Wandsworth.pdf Merton.pdf
  5. Hi All, I enquired about a ticket for an event in Amsterdam last year through a Danish company, they sent me an invoice for 445euros and I decided not to go. They phoned me and resent the invoice to which I replied that I would not be attending. They sent me an email stating that if I didn't pay they would be offering the ticket to someone else and I responded saying its fine I am not coming. Then a year later I get a letter from a UK debt collection agency - is it just me or is this as ridiculous as it sounds? I tried to speak to them on the phone but they are ridiculous and seem to feel justified that I hadnt cancelled it in time and they were ok to pursue me.
  6. hi, i was wondering if anyone could advise on the legal situation of a suspended chief constable still having his name on the bottom of NIP forms? Surely he is not able to do this if suspended? my thinking is that any form issued with his name and signature (not PP'd or on behalf of ) should be considered non enforcable. thanks and apologies if this hase been covered before.
  7. This might be a stupid question. I noticed transport companies like First Bus offer a discounted monthly fare for people who buy their ticket via a smartphone. The users then use their smartphone to show their ticket to the driver or place it on a reader. The question is, what happens if the phone stops working due to a fault, they can't get the ticket to show on the phones screen or the battery powers runs out ? You then can't use your ticket to get on a bus or if you are stopped by an inspector, you can't evidence having a ticket. Do people with these tickets stored on their phones print off a copy to keep with them to avoid any potential problems ? If had such a ticket, I would always keep a copy on paper just in case. This would be the same with train fares etc.
  8. Nasty one in the Mail http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4702178/Nurses-pay-150-000-parking-fines.html County Court judge upheld all the tickets.
  9. Following the Manchester bombing earlier this year several concerts have been cancelled. The show I was due to attend this coming Friday 14th July however has had the venue changed. At tht time all of the tickets were cancelled and new tickets issue for the new show, with a pre-sale on Thursday 22nd July for people who originally purchased tickets. I repurchased my tickets through Eventim as that was my original retailer, however I am still waiting for my tickets to be delivered. Every other retailer (ticketmaster, gigs and tours, etc.) used an online e-ticket system, however eventim have opted to post tickets out. Whenever I call them they tell me that the tickets will be posted on Monday and if not I can have them re-issued for box-office collection on the day. As the venue is an outdoor square in Manchester city centre there is no box office, however they've told me there will be a pop-up box office. After spending £200 on 4 tickets I don't feel too comfortable waiting until the day to collect them, especially as eventim and their staff don't really seem to know what's going on. As I've paid for standard delivery (£2.50) when placing the order, will I be eligable to cancel the order due to breach of contract as they have not sent the item out and now seem to want people to collect them in person, negating the need to pay for postage on top of the booking fee. If not, is there any other way I can cancel my order and re-order through a different service?
  10. Our car was clamped last week. The agent said we had 7 tickets and everything had been through court. We had NO IDEA of any of this. car still registered at our old address (we moved 3 years ago and post not forwarded after initial 3 months) so maybe this is all true. We paid £500 to have the car un-clamped and was told this covered ALL 7 actions. They promised to send through list of all tickets. But did not. I am complaining about this. My question is: I may well have 7 tickets (but from various jurisdictions - congestion charge, speeding, parking etc. how do I know? Is there a central register? Any other ideas? How do I know I will not run the risk of clamping every time I go out in the car? Clearly if I had known of the tickets I would have paid (or challenged) at the time. And having no notice, when we failed to register the car at our new address, is no defence? Thoughts?
  11. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4488560/Shoppers-trapped-car-park-100-fine-overstaying.html
  12. Hi Guys, Back in 2013 I was being harassed by both NCP and UKPC due to being the registered keeper of a vehicle that they were claiming had had several parking tickets issued against it (3 for each company, 6 in total). Being in Scotland I followed the advice that was applicable at the time and ignored them. The matter was passed between various debt collectors and I haven't heard anything since early 2014. I moved address last year and have had a royal mail redirection in place since then as I didn't want them gaining a default judgement in the event that they issued court proceedings. The redirection is due to finish shortly and I am considering contacting each of them to advise them of my updated address details. Just wondering what peoples thoughts on this are? If it is advisable to do this what is the best way to approach this?
  13. Hi All. I wonder if anyone has encountered a similar situation. I booked some tickets for flights with Arik airlines on the 9th Feb. Arik have since suspended all flights from the UK since they are in financial trouble. After contacting travel trolley numerous times, I have been told that i cannot get a refund until they hear back from Arik airlines. So far, all their queries to Arik have gone unattended (so they say). I booked these tickets with a visa debit card. Where do i stand in terms of a refund? The thing about this all is that i need the money back so i can re book those tickets with another airline, and i am due to travel in April. What is the best way around this??
  14. I'm due to visit Glasgow in a few weeks time. As someone who lives in England, I'm not entitled to use my bus pass up there, which means having to buy bus tickets for travel. Anyway, I'm flying up. I've done some Googling and have a few questions: - Traveline have pointed me in the direction of First who have a selection of daily, weekly and monthly tickets. Do the weekly tickets start on Monday? Or can I arrive on the Thursday (as is the plan) and buy a weekly ticket? - Can I use my weekly ticket on the 500 service which takes me from the airport to the city centre (ish) ?
  15. I'm not entirely sure this is the correct sub-forum so apologies if this needs to be moved. Quite a simple question, but one I couldn't find an answer for. I bought a ticket for a convention this month. When I purchased the ticket in November 2015 the dates of the event were Thursday - Sunday - 4 full days. The cost of tickets had increased by 43% over last year, but because they were advertising an additional 1.5 days for the event (last year it started at 1pm on Friday), this seemed a reasonable increase. SEVEN months after ticket purchase and just two months before the event, the organisers slashed the length of the event back to Friday - Sunday instead. They offered no refund and instead just gave everyone a free picture worth £5. I want to know if I'm within my rights for a refund on the ticket based on this change of T&Cs? I'm pretty angry that the cost is now so high for essentially the same event and feel I've been duped into accepting the hugely inflated cost for the event. But essentially I'd like to know if I am entitled to a refund based on the fact I won't be getting exactly what I was sold? Thanks, Claire
  16. Just renewed my entitlement to this and it's worth doing if you only go to see one film. It only costs a couple of quid to take out a one day travel insurance policy for a UK trip through Compare the Market and this qualifies for 12 months of midweek 2 for 1 cinema tickets.
  17. I am shocked to find I received 2 speeding tickets this morning (16-02-16). 1) Dated 02-10-15 doing 36 mph in a 30 mile road 2) Dated 11-12-15 doing 35 mph in a 30 mile road. Since its 16 February 2016 the first ticket is over 4 months old. Obviously I have no recollection dating back that far. The "speeds" are so minor over the limit and I would welcome any advice on whether it it possible to challenge these tickets fairly. Amazingly the only memory I have of this particular road is being stuck in between lorries in traffic jams where a 10 min drive would take you up to an hour - seems rather strange and weird, unless a gap appeared and I moved??? On the letter its says pay £100 fine and then talks about a speeding course does it mean do one or the other or are you supposed to do both. Never had a speeding ticket before so quite shocked. Any advice welcome. Thanks
  18. went into Nottingham town today parked on the road paid the fee and walked into town. noticed a car had a ticket on the window thought that's a nice Christmas box for someone. when I came back saw he/she had another on the window so being nosy looked in the window to see if he had a parking ticket and they had but it had run out nearly 2 hours ago. so is this legal? and if so how how many tickets can you get in one session?
  19. Hi, From reading a few posts on here, I see that a) this is a serious situation b) this group seems entirely helpful without being too judgmental and c) what I have done is not without a reasonable amount of precedent , so hopefully there will be some help out there. The situation in short: My wife is on Maternity leave, and I used her rail ticket. It's a £14.50 return trip for the journey I was to make. I had the photo id with it and when about to board the train, showed the ticket and was asked to show accompanying photo card. I did (I, to my embarrassment, fibbed and claimed to have picked the wrong card up, when in fact I don't have one. I quickly admitted to this and said sorry). The card was taken and I was questioned at the site, under caution (interestingly that appeared to be her just saying, you're under caution. I sort of thought it would be the whole, "anything you say" shebang... Now the mitigating facts. 1) 2) 3) Ok, that list was short. Hands up. I knew what I was doing and got caught. A prosecution and criminal record seems a high price to pay, but if that is what the cost is, then as I say, mea culpa. As with everyone else I had no idea of the gravity of the offence. If I sound flippant, I am not, just with a new born at home and the perspective to life the events around his birth gave me, I am not going to let myself give in to self imposed stress for an action that I caused. A criminal record is very serious and we can't really afford a punitive fine, however I did it, so if that is the cost, we'll find a way. Slightly more serious case for the defense. I've been back at work 2 weeks, since birth of new born first child. I have most definitely not used the ticket every day. Some days I cycle in, some days, when I've not been rushing, I have purchased a ticket. Annoyingly I used cash but do not have the tickets and if honest, I used the wife's ticket on the days I caught the train more than I didn't, as usually leaving the house was a rushed affair. I make no comment if my wife knew or not. It just wasn't discussed. Questions I would ask me. What did I admit to? I admitted to using the ticket as my wife was on mat leave I answer the question "if I had not been stopped would I have used the ticket to travel?" by admitting that I would have. I did not admit, nor was I officially asked, (I.e it's a bit hazy but it most certainly was not written down) having used the pass before. Did I travel? Eventually, having purchased a valid ticket, yes. I did not board the train using my wife's ticket. I will gladly admit to and pay for any trips made using it (are they recorded with a paper ticket? I genuinely do not know when I did or didn't use it. The last few weeks are all very hazy) I suspect out of a max 9 days since returning to work 4 or 5 were made using the ticket). I will happily agree to make recompense for admin costs etc but I am keen to avoid a criminal record. Am I sorry? Yes. What I can't work out, is am I sorry because I got caught and the offence is so serious? I am a hypocrite. I think fare dodging is not cool. Theft is theft and goods and services should be paid for. I am a loud and passionate, albeit sometimes flippant, advocate of doing the right thing, however, I did this with a clear mind and as the ticket that was being used had been paid for, at great expense, didn't equate it to fare dodging. I accept that legally I am wrong. I can't work out if the guilt/sorrow I feel now is legally based or morally based. I guess it doesn't matter, but I don't like being a hypocrite, so will work that one out myself. For now, the simple answer is, "Yes I am" From previous threads I can see the first advice is: wait and see what their correspondence is. I shall do that. I guess the point of the post is to ask, if people have a feel for how the TOC (SW trains) will play it. Should I speak to CAB or a lawyer? Work have an employee assistance scheme, worth giving them a call? (Although I'm only here (work) for 2 more days as I am moving jobs at which point the ticket would have resided in the draw gathering dust as there is not enough time left on it once Mat leave started for any meaningful refund) Thanks in advance.
  20. According to parking prankster.com. + moneysaving expert.com. some clown in devon is making up there own non enforcable parking tickets, please be aware. Prankster has best coverage.
  21. Tickets for centenary commemorations of the Battle of the Somme have been made available by ballot. Residents of the UK, France and Irish Republic can now apply for free tickets for the ceremony at Thiepval Memorial in France on 1 July 2016. The Somme was one of the bloodiest battles of World War One with more than one million casualties over 141 days. The online ballot will be open until 18 November - the day the battle ended in 1916. READ MORE HERE: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-34361335 This is the direct link to register for the ballot: http://somme2016.org/en/tickets-somme-centenary/
  22. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/motorists-entitled-refunds-over-wrongly-issued-pcso-parking-203555260.html#4TDwUhA
  23. My friend's mother and brother received two tickets on the same day for parking in his private car park. They were delivering items to help him move in. They parked on a single yellow line within the private car park, not in allocated spaces. The car park belongs to the residents including my friend. Rather than respond directly, the tickets have been dealt with by my fried who has written to them to say that they had his permission and were only making a delivery. They seem to treat this as appeals made by his mother and brother and keep writing back, each time with a more discounted amount to pay. It has gone from £160 per ticket down to £15 each. Should my friend pay this? Failure to pay up, they say, will result in the demand going back to £160 and possible court claim. Thoughts
  24. Hi everyone I was hoping someone could help as I have gotten myself into a conundrum. I received 2x parking tickets that were issued in October 2014 from the council where I live for £60 each. I ignored them and just forgot about them, a few letters were sent saying I owe them money for them but again, just ignored. Heard nothing for about 6 months, fast forward to now and I have a letter from Equita about the tickets for a total of £350. I can't afford to pay in full, and I've emailed the council to ask about the tickets as I've totally forgotten about them and don't even remember why they were issued. Should I just continue to ignore? I've had alot of parking tickets and usually just ignore them and nothing serious happens, but I don't want to scare my partner when I get the threatening letters. They are [removed] , using fear tactics to try to extort you. I would gladly just not pay and wait it out until they leave me alone, but was wondering if there is something else I could do? thanks
  25. Hi I bought a VIP ticket for a concert in Germany. The ticket was shipped over and Royal Mail decided to send it back to Germany. It has been held in Germany for several months and it doesn't look like it will be shipped back. I paid for the ticket through Paypal. However, the 45 day limit has passed and they don't allow refunds on concert tickets anyway. I have asked the company I bought the ticket from if I can have a refund and they have told me that if the ticket isn't shipped back in time, they will place my name on the guest list on the day of the concert. There is obviously some risk involved here as the company selling the tickets were an online shop, making them a third party. So when I get there, I might find that my name isn't on the guest list at all. The ticket might also be delivered while I am in Germany, which will mean that my name won't be on the guest list and I won't have access to the ticket. I have asked if being on the guest list will give me the same treatment as if I had a VIP ticket and based on their response, it doesn't look like it will be the case. The VIP ticket comes with two benefits: 1. Priority entry. If you are first in the VIP line, you will be first in the concert. 2. Chance to meet the artist. I have asked if I will still get both of these without the VIP ticket. I have been told that if I am first in line, I will have to explain the situation once I am inside and they will then look into it. While this is happening, the people who were behind me in the queue will be entering ahead of me. Depending on how long it takes them to sort out, people who only paid for GA tickets might get in ahead of me too. They completely ignored my question where I asked if I would still get to meet the artist. I also sent another e-mail where I only asked if I would still get to meet the artist and, unlike the other e-mails where I received a prompt reply, I didn't receive a reply at all. It doesn't look like I will get to meet the artist without the ticket. They have told me that according to EU directives resp. § 312b German Civil Code (BGB) does not apply, so any sale for concert tickets with any regular ticket outlet in EU is final. Is there anything I can do about this to get a refund? At the end of the day, I haven't received the ticket and their alternative offer isn't what I paid for.
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