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  1. Prices of Imperial Tobacco products increase in price from Monday 4 February 2019 Cigarettes +35p RYO 30g +50p No doubt others will follow
  2. Saturday 23rd June 2018 took a 14ft pool to the till marked up at £99.99 with the correct item being displayed on the price tag, when we got to the till they entered the code from the price tag clearly stating £99.99 to be told it was £199.99 after disputing they had to sell it at the marked price which was on the tag they called the manager to be told she was the deputy manager and that they didn’t have to sell it at the marked price as it was incorrectly priced, there was another 3 marked up at the same price also in the shop, they said there was nothing they could do and the best they could do was offer us 10% off the correct price, so we ended up paying £180 for a pool that was price marked at £99.99, we took the price tag and asked for head office details and have kept the receipt so we can prove that we have paid more for an item than what was priced, how do we get the difference back and what do we do now? Any help greatly received. ?
  3. I signed up with The AA in 2015 for £99 a year (paid monthly). I just always assumed it was £99 as the website didn't state otherwise as far as I could see. I've checked it today and found I have been paying over £204 a year ever since the first year was up. I called them to complain, and the person said I would have had confirmation of the price in the post before it was due for renewal, and if I didn't call then I wouldn't get a better price (Why do I have to call!?). I don't recall getting these letters, and I keep everything, but I don't have that letter. I for sure check every letter I get, and I wouldn't have accepted a 100%+ price increase! I called back to their complaints to a guy who spends his life listening to people complain, and he just dismissed me saying I agreed when I took it out. I asked for a copy of the document several times but he just kept saying it would have been on the website at the time. I told him that the person I spoke to before said about it being in the renewal letters and then they relented and said they would send me copies. I want to dispute that I ever gave permission to a 100% price increase as I don't recall ever doing this, they seem to be unable to provide me with the terms and conditions I apparently agreed to. Realistically, what are my chances of getting my money back?
  4. Hey, A friend of mine went to a TKMAXX store earlier and got the label of a cheaper pair of shoes and attached it to a more expensive pair of shoes and managed to get away with it on the til and left the store. This friend of mine is now extremely paranoid and he said he would like to return the product to the shop but fears of getting prosecuted. I would like some advice to give my friend as this person is extremely distressed right now.
  5. Hi, My ex came over to see our daughter. My elder daughter lent him her car whilst he was here. It's registered to her and was SORN at the time as she was intending to sell it. My ex got stopped for DUI and the car was taken to a garage. My daughter wasn't told about this at the the but found out 2 weeks later, we went to the garage to retrieve the car only to be told that the police had sold it! Is this possible? Thanks Rebecca
  6. http://www.mirror.co.uk/money/supermarket-petrol-price-war-10708857
  7. Probably not the right place for this.. however... Health professionals for years have said that Butter is bad for us - Dairy farmers cut back on their herds and/or went out of business whilst consumers turned their attention to low fat spreads or margarine. Now... Meanwhile, thanks to the scaremongering - small dairy farmers have gone out of business and the Consumer is now forced to pay higher prices for not only the raw product - but anything that contains it !
  8. Hello, so the story goes like this: My girlfriend walked into a TK Maxx and swapped a price tag on a pair of shoes. On the till the lady there called the manager who explained to her that this tag is wrong and provided the correct price. The lady on the till wrote something down and my girlfriend played naive and paid for the shoes the actual price and walked out of the store. Note that she paid with her visa registered in another country (not a UK bank) since she is just visiting here. I have already read all the threads regarding similar issues but in most of them, people are getting caught when actually swapping the tags. So my questions are: Could the police be called in after reviewing the CCTV records, considering she paid for the full price? Does it make any difference that her visa card was not from a UK bank? Thank you.
  9. I guess there is always the telephone book? I have Yellow Pages and a local directory delivered every year. For the full story :- http://www.mirror.co.uk/money/great-118-rip-could-end-10410058
  10. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-39077957 Royal Mail say this is necessary in order to continue with its Universal Service, where it delivers letters across the whole of the UK for the same price.
  11. I bought a Jacket from 'Trespass' of Glasgow online advertised for £24.99. When I received it it had a price tag on it of £19.99. I contacted Trespass who said they would investigate. I sent them a photo of jacket with price tag attached. I have had various emails stalling, asking for photo again etc. Do I have any legal rights here to claim the £5 difference?
  12. I put another sticker on top of a house ornament at tkmaxx then got that and a couple of other correctly priced items to the till. Assistant noticed and removed said sticker I paid correct price for all and left They did not say anything to me at all but kept the other sticker and were eyeing up their colleague Will they review cctv and I get in trouble? What could happen please help I will go to another branch and return everything later. I am quite panicking. Again I paid all as I should. Please help Help me
  13. Just checked my credit file on Noddle. Hitachi Capital have run 2 searches on me, 1 in February and again in August. Feb. was marked "Administration Review" and August search was marked "Price Comparison Hdd". I have never had any dealings with Hitachi, and have never had a price comparison for anything that I am aware of. Why have these searches been done? Should I be concerned? I have had no direct contact from Hitachi. Thanks t
  14. From April 2017 insurance companies have been ordered to make it crystal clear in renewal notices how much they are increasing their premium from the previous year. The move, a new rule announced by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), is aimed at stopping sneaky eye-watering raises that customers often don’t notice and simply pay on auto renewal. From April 2017, insurance companies will have to display last year’s price in a prominent position on renewal notices The FCA says the move could mean customers save up to £103 million a year simply by spotting the big rises and deciding to use a comparison site to shop around for a better deal. The renewal rule will apply to all forms of insurance, so motoring, breakdown cover and home insurance. https://www.aspokesmansaid.com/money-and-insurance/stories/content-9129/no-more-sneaky--rip-off-insurance-rises-as-companies-ordered-to-clean-up-their-act
  15. So EE are putting prices up AGAIN this year (September) and because they are not changing the monthly fee they are telling me there is nothing i can do about it! I use Picture messaging quite a bit as certain friends refuse to use other apps, so this will increase my bills a bit. There are increasing prices for 'out of bundle' charges, so call charges when minutes end,mms etc etc Are they correct, is their really nothing i can do?
  16. Ladies & Gents, Yet another reason why any Vodafone Customers must think about if Voda is the right choice for them. New Charges are listed below at this link;
  17. Does a car dealer have to display the price at which he or she is selling a particular vehicle for ?
  18. Received an email from BT confirming that my contract will be increasing by £3.50pm from July 2016. I understand that even though I am in contract I can still refuse this increase and leave the contract early, can anyone confirm? Their email states "if you're within your minimum term and want to cancel, you'll need to give us a call within 30 days of getting this email to avoid paying a charge for leaving early.". I assume if I call they will offer to remove the £3.50pm, does anyone know if I can still reject this and leave? I am looking for a way out of this contract so this seems like a golden opportunity. Thanks, J
  19. Not sure where to start with this as it's a bit complicated. I recently changed banks and there was a mix up with my DD so I ended up on the phone to them to sort it out. So I was told I was eligible for an upgrade to 50Mbps, which I didn't need really but it involved getting a new router and my old one was maybe starting to fail (not sure) so I went for it anyway. They told me it would be £25.70 per month, nearly £5 less. They didn't tell me this would tie me to a new 12 month contract or that would be a connection fee. Anyway, I got the fee waived after complaining that my bill had gone up by about £1 instead of going down. They agreed to compensate me by taking £10 of my next bill so I would be paying the same at least and I accepted. Then, after not receiving the £10 credit on the subsequent bill and on the bill after that getting charged £36.something (which included a £5 charge for a failed DD payment that they agreed to waive) I called them again. This time I was less negotiable and demanded that they reduce my bill to £25.70 like I was told in the first place, or else I'll walk and after some bartering they came back and offered me £25.25 per month, and next month is to be about £12! So that's all good IF they stick to what they told me they were going to charge me! I'm not happy about being tied to another 12 months though, and I have 14 days to cancel this. The reason I'm not happy about this is because I may at any time over the next year move to an area where there is no coverage and then I will be liable to disconnection charges. My 1st question is - where do I stand with the 12 month contract thing? Can I dispute this? I've been with them for 5 years, and they also didn't tell me about this when I agreed to upgrade. If I don't sign the paperwork and send it back will I still be tied to the 12 months contract and they disconnect me? I'm not sure what my other questions are because I'm still waiting to see if they stick to their side of the deal this time. There are other providers out there offering better deals to new customers so I'm tempted to cancel this within the 14 days they say I have and sign up elsewhere. But the internet has always been pretty reliable and there's no cap on downloads.
  20. Friends have been raving about Lidl for ages, but I've yet to bite the bullet. What is the quality of the meat and fish like? I know it's cheap, but is it cheap for a reason? Not sure where they source stuff from. Any thoughts anyone?
  21. sorry if this is in wrong section, today Argos were selling on the site a dining table and chairs for £19.99. (was £215.59 £19.99) plus £8.95 deliver charge, seeing this bargain i have purchased it using my paypal account to pay. A friend also was trying to purchase this online but couldnt get through to her basket so called argos customer service line who told her "its a pricing mistake and will be taken off the site ASAP). checking my paypal account it tells me the payment is pending ...... This is a temporary authorisation to make sure your funding source will cover the payment. Your funding source will be charged when Argos Limited completes your order. my question is this, can argos refuse to honor the sale and simply not complete the order, its their mistake and the item has been on the page for well over 4 hours now. many thanks in advance
  22. Hi hope you can help About a year ago I discovered that SWALEC had increased the price of electric and gas on my bill without notifying me of this change. When I discovered this I contacted them and the representative said he was going to refund me the amount i had overpaid and put me back on a lower tariff. This didn't happen. In the meantime i've been dealing with a personal tragedy and have only just found the guts to face them again as I have gone from paying £30.00 per month to £105.00 in the last two years. :mad2: I live alone in a small house that has a very efficient heating system (underfloor heating downstairs) two radiators upstairs. I don't have a dryer or a bath (just a shower). I pay more for my little set up than my friend who runs a big four bedroom house, two bathrooms, dishwasher etc! I contacted SWALEC recently and made a complaint, they told me this : " We have investigated your concerns, I understand that you tariff wasn’t changed on 23rd October 2014 because the advisor you spoke to has noted that you were given a projection on prices however were going to consider your options and then call back. Since then we hadn’t had any records that you had called to change your tariff however I understand you had thought on the call on 23/10 that in fact you had changed tariff on this date. When changing a tariff we do have to go through terms and conditions however this was detailed in the note. Douglas has looked at the difference between the tariffs and I can confirm that if you had changed on 23/10/2014 you would have saved £23.90 on the gas and £29.20 on the electric, however we have offered £100 goodwill instead due to the fact your tariff wasn’t changed and you advised you were never informed of any price changes since your account opened. Please advise if you wish for me to add the £100 goodwill payment? Dougie will call you on Monday 14th December 2015 to progress your complaint". I am totally confused And feel completely overwhelmed and victimised by this company According to SWALEC I am in debt to them by so much that the £100 goodwill payment will leave with about £20.00 Is there anything I can do Thank you for your time.
  23. More than one million customers with RBS and NatWest will soon be forced to pay up to £2 extra a month for their packaged current accounts. From January 17, customers with the bank’s Black account must pay £26 a month for their deals. Those with the bank’s Platinum account will have to fork out £1 more, totalling £16 a month. RBS Black account offers worldwide travel insurance and access to airport lounges. The Platinum account includes travel and phone insurance and UK breakdown cover. Read more: http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/saving/article-3322929/One-million-customers-RBS-Natwest-face-price-rises-packaged-current-accounts.html#ixzz3rwIxQmWD
  24. There is much excitement over the coming Star Wars film and as expected there is a new game out Star Wars Battlefront. These are the prices: For STAR WARS™ Battlefront™ Standard is £24.99 For STAR WARS™ Battlefront™ Deluxe Edition is £54.99 And for STAR WARS™ Battlefront™ Ultimate Edition is £94.98 Are these prices fair? The game will be sold in many countries. I'm not convinced this is fair pricing and even £24 is too much. Is there any way to challenge this legitimately?
  25. Any ideas who this lot are?? And i do bank with Barclays Just had a new credit search on my credit file that i did not ask or authorise Exquifax say it is a credit broker company I realise this is probably a "Soft search" but who are these people, and more to the point why are they doing credit checks?? If this has anything to do with that Clearscore then i shall not be happy
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