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  1. I have been issued with a a PCN for parking at a local council NCP CAR PARK. I have been photographed leaving the parking site without paying for a valid parking ticket. I DO have a parking ticket for the time of parking but it does not display my vehicle reg number, I could not remember my reg number when I got the ticket,couldnt be bothered to walk all the way back to car, so just entered a series of 1111111 in order to obtain the ticket. I have appealed the charge but am expecting in to be rejected, because thats what they do. what will happen if I refuse to pay up.
  2. Some advice please. My severely disabled daughter (uses an electric wheelchair) and her carer used a car park in Exeter in a Smart Parking car park, but the carer only entered the last 3 letters of the car reg. This is most probably because in our local council car parks you only need the last three letters. The letter states we did not purchase a ticket or it was insufficient time. I still have the ticket and photographic evidence that we paid and parked, so I appealed on their behalf. The appeal was on the grounds that we did not enter the full reg and they are upholding the PCN!! Today we received a letter from a debt recovery company DRP. Any advice as to how to proceed would be appreciated as I feel that this is really harsh.
  3. Anyone trying to get in touch with the Legal Services Commission please be aware that this organisation closed in 2013 and was replaced by the Legal Aid Agency. The contact telephone number also changed. The office I work in took over the telephone old number (020 7759 1002) in 2012 and we are still receiving calls from members of the public who have recently received correspondence with no new contact details, so are looking back over old paperwork or finding the old number on forums like this. We are happy to redirect the people who contact us but would prefer not to have to! Here are the "new" contact details.... The Legal Aid Agency is now based at the offices below: Legal Aid Agency Unit B8 Berkley Way Viking Business Park Jarrow South Tyneside NE31 1SF The new number for general enquiries is 0300 200 2020
  4. Hi All, Any help would be greatly appreciated on how I appeal this parking Charge, I paid for the days parking via the PayByPhone app but selected my previous vehicle in error (same make and colour in list with similar number plate!). As per the sticky post here are my answers to the questions; 1) Date of infringement: 17/05/18 13:24 2) Appeal lodged: No (I have however opened the web page to do so!) I also have not received an NTK. 3) NTK Mention Schedule 4 PoFA: N/A NTK not received 4) Appeal after receiving NTK: N/A NTK Not received 5) Parking Company: SIP Parking Limited (SIPcarparks.com) 6) Car park: Tariff Street, Manchester. (Code 88841) I was parked legally in a marked bay and paid for the parking upon arrival, unfortunately I used my previous vehicles registration number. I have a history of using the car park on a monthly basis with receipts / records of each parking transaction and Reg number they are against. If paid within 24 hours: £35 7 days: £50 14 days: £60 Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
  5. Hi, I opened a credit card account with vanquis in September 2005 and stopped paying them around early 2008 as they were hammering me with charges and i'd pay them what they asked for and the next month there'd be another charge. Obviously they must have defaulted the account and sold it on to lowell. I've only recently been checking my credit file and noticed that the default date for the account is september 2013. The cynic In me feels that lowell.s may have done a bit of sleight of hand with the default date as I doubt vanquis would have waited over 5 years to put the account in default. I no longer have the account details for this, so is there a way I can Sar them without the account number and will this reveal the correct default date or would I need to request that seperately?
  6. Hi all, I have a lovely friend who made a naive mistake two weeks ago - she received a phone call from a 'very believable' fraudster who asked her for some info about her bank card to 'pass security', etc. Ultimately, on the Monday she lost £350. Even though she contacted her bank on the Monday, they are refusing to reimburse her. Please can I ask if she has any avenue to go down on this? Thank you.
  7. Hi Folks it's my first email post so be gentle with your comments please, The problem I have is that I signed up for a credit card a few years ago (2015) I was issued with a credit card and received my bills on line, my monthly bill was paid then in March 2017 I agreed to pay less than usual which took me up to June 2017 and after that I have never paid another penny, the current status is £2300 but when my life changed in March 2017 I did inform them of my situation and my limit went down to £2100 from the £2500. Now the main problem I have is that I applied over the phone for the card (so I was never asked for a wet ink signature. The digital signature contract has what states my account number 16 digits , on the paperwork I requested Regards a copy of full accounts, they have the account number as a 19 digit pan.number which is the same number they have as my account is entered in all credit reference agencies . As well as this they also have another account stating Requested Account Number which is a different number entirely and 16 digits long. What I would like to know is where do I legally stand with regards to the whole situation, this is only for 1 account and I have made the company Aware on various occasions
  8. It's only a niggle but it's really niggling me. I have (had) and account with Orange many years ago where I paid £99 up front for a basic Nokia phone and then got billed at contract rates only for calls made. It was paid by DD so never a problem, never a missed payment. On my Noddle report there are number codes 2013 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2012 6 0 1 0 43 0 12 2 0 6 Everything is then at zero from Feb 2013 to the present day. Does anyone know what these numbers mean?
  9. I was wondering if you knew how the registration number is displayed on the parking ticket that you get from the machine & display in your window ? (Full Reg, Partial, etc) My mum initially received a letter, for the same car park, stating she didn't pay enough when we sent the evidence in they now claim she didn't enter her registration number correctly but haven't given us evidence. Her ticket only displays the last 3 digits & I wondered if that was correct or if it should show the full registration. Thanks for any help you might be able to give.
  10. Does anyone know when the government going to provide the free phone number for UC like they promised? I am still hearing about people being on hold for 20-30 mins or more and then getting cut off when they finally get through! Also why can we not claim back these wasted on hold phone calls? Or even travel expenses for repeated trips to the JC to repeatedly provide all the info they ask for then fail to record it correctly? So claimants have to repeat the trip to the JC to yet again provide the same info? I am hearing about some people having to go multiple times to provide the same info, one even went 12 times!
  11. Hi everyone i bought a new bike a few weeks ago for 10k from BMW , The dealer was great all the way through the sale and i rode away a happy man The dealer went through all the paperwork with me and sent the V5 off to be put in my name , I was then going through the service books and right at the back it says engine replacement 2k ago Now although some people might feel this is great as its a new engine they also updated the engine a year after mine was made i have a different engine with the newer clutch and gearbox , Also they did not update the V5 as i had that back the other day and now they don't match I called my insurance company this morning and asked if the v5 not matching was an issue , The lady i spoke to and the manager both said yes this could be an issue as if the bike was stolen and recovered then the engine would not match and with so many bikes being stolen and stripped for parts it could affect a claim , I then called DVLA and told the same story and asked how i go about getting this changed and was told that i need the paperwork for the engine swap and and to send to all off to DVAL , I had no paperwork , I have to add that its the same dealer that swapped the engine is the same one i bought it from so they obviously knew all about it I emailed the dealer this afternoon and told him of my grievance and the salesman reply was i have spoken to the manager and that i can just send the v5 off , WHY SHOULD I " To be honest i have lost complete looks on the bike and trust from the dealer and feel they have been dishonest about the whole thing , I know a lot of people would be happy with a new engine with less miles but i wanted the bike i paid for with the original engine and i feel i should of been told that the bike had a replacement engine and then i could of made my own mind up to proceed with the purchase , The bike only had 13k on it anyway so its not as if the bike had high milage Do i have any rights to return and get my money back or another bike with all the correct engine and V5 , Its a lot of money and I'm absolutely fuming
  12. Hi all, After transferring a private number plate off my old car and buying a new one, I waited till my V5C came for my new car. Goes online to try to transfer the private reg but comes up with error message "cannot transfer this number online". So use the online chat to speak to DVLA giving all the details and they say "vehicle does not meet the criteria for transferring number plate" and that this has been passed to the relevant department to see whether or not its possible.... Bizarre, so now having to wait a few weeks to learn the outcome...anybody had this before ?
  13. Just a brief overview.. I received a PCN from ES Parking Enforcement about 10 days ago. I attempted to make the payment a couple of days ago now, both by calling the number provided and on their website. It is saying that the number I have entered isn't recognised. They don't seem to make it easy to contact them, as they provide no email address (just an online form, which stated for business correspondence only. . and directs you elsewhere if you want to dispute the ticket - IAS? - but I don't want to appeal it I want the correct reference number!) I don't know how to go forward with this. I have no 'proof' I have attempted payment, so if it did go further it would be my word against theirs. I was thinking of writing a letter requesting the correct PCN reference number from them, but how much information should I include on this letter? Should I put my car registration number and date and time of issue, or just the original number they've issued me and let them deal with it. I know that sounds awkward, but they don't seem to make it easy for you, and the more I have read about them the more anxious I am getting about their response, as I don't imagine they'll still 'honour' the £60 'discounted' charge as by the time I've written to them and received a response it'll be outside the 14 days. Do I have a right to refuse to pay the 'full' amount of £100 based on the fact they have (presumably) written the wrong number on the ticket? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  14. Hey was wondering if anyone can explain to me as to why my mum goes into job centre today and according to there system they have a wrong letter in her NI Number the advisor said a have never seen this before so she doesn't know what is going on as her letters the jc have they have the wrong letter as same as the system but the medical report she got was with her right NI Number does anyone know how this is possible to have 2 different NI Numbers?
  15. Hello all I'm going for my first signing on JSA after many years. I remember previously I had 3 different types of job titles that I was looking for - eg, care assistant, sales assistant etc. I'm wondering if that's still sufficient or is there a minimum number I need to list? I just want to know what I should expect really - bit nervous. I've been told to bring in my CV (haven't signed up for UJ) for my first interview - should I have it redacted? I'm very privacy conscious and I've read how very little I can trust the DWP with anything. Thank you - appreciate any guidance
  16. Today I have received a PCN from Coventry Council for driving in a bus lane. I do not live in Coventry and have not been there for years and years. The picture shows it was definitely my number plate so I assume it has been cloned?? I will report this to the police when I get home from work. I am obviously going to dispute this but surely the council and receive disputes all day long saying it wasn't me I have not been to Coventry for over 6 years, so surely they are not just going to say 'yep ok no problem we will scrap it'. Unfortunately it happened at 6.15pm so it was dark and you cannot see the colour of the car or any marks/features the car has or what make the car is. Does anyone have any experience with this type of thing? What are the council likely to say?
  17. Hello all, Am after some help with Mortgage Agency Number 4 LTD which I have seen mentioned a few times throughout the years on this forum. I'll try not to go on too much and keep it short, any pointers would be greatly received. In 2006 our mortgage mysterily changed from GMAC to Mortgage Agency Number 4 LTD. At the time we where on a fixed rate with GMAC and nothing had changed so we merely continued as normal. The real illusion came to light when our fixed rate was coming to a end and we called MAS No 4 Ltd to check what new deals there where (fixed rates, trackers etc). We where trapped, mortgage was going to their standard variable rate and with the downturn moving mortgages without a perfect clean file wasn't possible. We therefore changed it to interest only to bring the payment within affordability. In december 2015 I suffered a accident at work (work fault) and required emergency surgery over the Christmas period, further surgery in April 2016 and another November 2016. I wasn't able to weight bare between Xmas 2015 and April 2016. It has been a terrible year. Being given only SSP for 28 weeks, the mortgage company where advised straight away, however there help was none existence. They refused point blank to reduce the interest rate to stop arrears building up, they gave us payment breaks but this acheived nothing but create arrears quickly. Their operators just advised us to sell and move, careless in every manor, every option or idea we put through to them shot down within seconds. They where advised all the way how things where but persited in daily phone calls and letters asking for updates, answered them and few days later back to the same questions as if I have had a immaculate recovery over night. There harrasment is in no way helping my recovery, did I ask for this = no. Have I ever been out of work since I left school = no. We have kept every single letter sent and received by them and have also recorded and stored every single phone call with them. They have been advised in writing that we are recording their calls but this doesn't stop their "sell up" manor To prevent the mortgage getting endless arrears, a parent offered to cover our monthly minimum contractual payment for a few months (Nov, Dec, Jan & Feb) this was to keep them happy and prevent arrears building. As per this was not good enough for MAS, they said they see this as an additional income and therefore this should come off the arrears. As they where fully aware, we didn't have enough funds coming in to cover the mortgage let alone the arrears. Another obsticle put in the way. It seems like all they want possession of the property, they simply dont care one ounce. I asked if they could capitalise the arrears too which within seconds was told that will never happen. I'm at a total loss with them and the last thing I told them is what we have always told them, once I am either back at work or my injury claim is settled we would be in touch to have the matter settled. I have nothing to gain not contacting them when things have improved. I dont want to discuss work within this thread as this is a sore area #I'm just looking for pointers please on how and what we should do to deal with these bullies the best way possible? Thank you
  18. My wife used a car park at fistral beach in Newquay, she accidentally put a letter J instead of G when she entered her reg number, but there was no way of amending the mistake she carried on anyway. We have now had a fine sent saying we never paid, even though there were only about 2-3 cars in the car park. They can see by their records that it was a one digit mistake but they want their money. We did appeal, but they say they are correct in issuing a ticket even though the parking fee was paid. Any ideas?
  19. Hi, on 9th of Sep 2016 I contacted Vodafone to move one of our contract number to payAsYouGo and i was told it normally take 30 days. on 16th Sep i received an email if i paid £68.18 early release charge it will be as pay as you and I accepted the payment to be on our bill and received an email that the number was made as payAsyouGo and a sim is on the way. I kept on calling and going to VF branch but with fail, I spent minimum one hour to explain to each representative about my case but with. fai . I sent a written complain and followed by phone call and last friday11 Nov 2016 one of their call centre told me that I just needed to buy a new payAsyouGo sim with £10 credit and use it and call them back to port my old number to this new number. very simple and easy. I called today after spending one hour and half the guy told me that the number was cancelled and it is no longer with vodafone. but I can see on our last month bills as it was billed the with last amount. How can it be lost? Is there a place to make my complain and get back my old number? regards Said
  20. Not sure why this number has not been more widely publicised when we hear on the news it's not if but when 0800789321 The anti terrorist hotline if you hear or see anything you feel isn't right.
  21. Hi all I've been employed by the same company since April 15 I recently moved and thought I must change my address with the pension company so tried logging in online I kept getting a message saying my details were incorrect so I called the helpline and discovered my Payroll dept had given them the wrong NI number (1 digit is wrong) I then checked my payslips and yes, it's wrong on there too I've informed my payroll dept but do I need to do anything else? Thanks
  22. Hi. Parked at a Southern railway rail station today and used the phone number to pay the daily charge . I had used it before but with a different car and the system recognised my phone number did a fast track to payment confirmation . I didn't spot that the registration number quoted by their system was not that of the car I was using today (lot of background noise in the car park). There was a penalty notice issued by Indigo when I returned. What are the chances of success if I appeal? I can prove that I own both cars and that the one for whom they issued the ticket was not there today (it's in a garage for repair). Any tips on how to phrase the appeal in such a case? Thanks
  23. HI...Brand new to this forum but hoping for guidance. In 2010 I started to get correspondence from VCS stating I had parked outside the bays at Valley C entertainment Leisure Fund. I had no clue what this was about and wrote to them to explain my number plates had been previously stolen and that I suspected this was who had broken their parking rules . I even gave them the crime reference number. I still got letters and calls from them and some legal team I think but eventually they stopped. I presumed the message had finally got through. Today I get a lett from BW Legal saying VCS Ltd have instructed them in relation to the pcn....plus initial legal costs the demand is £174. I no longer have any of the details from 2010.. ..so any guidance on how to proceed would be welcomed. Thanks vry much.
  24. Hi all, a bit more than a month ago I received a 2 year old PCN from southwark that I had completely forgotten about. I noticed the letter had no house/door number. It looked like one of the neighbours put it on the envelope in pencil and then delivered. I ignored it as I believe I don't think that it is enforcable without having officially delivered and having my full address on it? As far as I am concerned it could be someone else on the street. The post lady however knows ofcourse that it must be me and keeps dropping them with my other mail. I have received a CC a few weeks ago and finally yesterday the OFR. The first 2 letters I opened, but the OFR I have not opened. Am I right in thinking that writing undeliverable - no house number on the envelope and returning it will get me out of this, or at least they realise they cannot chance it any longer and have to enquire with the DVLA to get my full details? I don't even have the vehicle anymore, which is probably why they cannot get the details and just rely on a vague memory from a previous PCN? Any insights into address field legalities would be much appreciated as I cannot seem to find anything online about it.
  25. Is there anything I or my phone company can possibly do to stop harassment and sometimes abusive calls ? I have logged times and dates and I have answered on a couple of occasions but can never quite understand the person talking. Now I have been receiving calls early morning and late at night. Always ask for the same person but incorrect name and when asked who I am speaking to its either Jon, Joe, Reggie, Ronnie etc and then sometimes followed by abuse if further questions asked
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