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  1. Hi all I'm wondering if anyone can help regarding a Single Justice Procedure Notice regarding driving without insurance. I was stopped by the police for having no insurance which they had checked on their database. I have not had insurance for a while as I cannot afford it. I have done my best to drive my car very sparingly, infact have only driven a couple of times. To summarise, my vehicle was impounded and has been scrapped. I received the SJN and have plead guilty within the deadline of 21 days. I did not write anything in terms of mitigation as I feared it might be used against me. I filed my statement of means, which are very small as I work only part time (I am a student). I have a previous MS90 which I got by accident as I never received the SPN for very mild speeding but this charge is now spent. Will this affect the outcome? I am wondering what the likely size of the fine will be? And wether there will be any other consequences such as a driving ban? Thank you in advance for your help.
  2. Hi, TL;DR version of events: I received a SJPN. I believe I technically am guilty of the charge, but had ignorantly committed the offence out of sheer financial desperation, having had no money and just started a new job. I'm desperate to avoid a criminal conviction. I contacted TfL's IAP to apologise, explained my circumstances, and I provided proof for everything possible and asked to settle this out of court, and that I'm happy to pay the necessary fine. Today they finally responded - with a very generic response to say they wish to proceed with the case... However, the Revenue Control Inspector's statement is factually incorrect, has the date incorrect. The date provided is a date on which I can prove I had a valid ticket. Do I stand a chance at fighting this as 'Not guilty' in court, on the basis that their evidence is incorrect? Complete story: On Thursday 26th July 2018 - I was caught using my mum's 60+ freedom pass by a Revenue Control Inspector on my way to work. I had just started a new job 10 days before, on the 16th July. I had used the card between 18th-26th July (until I was caught) for my commute to and from work. I could not afford a monthly travel card at the time I had been caught as I had been unemployed for past 8 months; maxed out two credit cards, and had been borrowing money from my family to afford rent and food already. I only intended on using the freedom pass until I received my first partial paycheque at the end of the month. I'm not denying - it was a stupid idea, and I obviously hugely regret having used a card I had no right to use. I'm not typically a dishonest person, and this was my first and only offence. 5 months later, just after christmas, I received a Single Justice Procedure Notice, charging me for not having a valid ticket in a compulsory ticket area; 'Contrary to Byelaw 17(1) of the Transport for London Railway Byelaws made under paragraph 26, schedule 11 of the Greater London Authority Act 1999.' Understanding I was guilty of the offence, despite it having been committed out of sheer desperation. I'm also desperate to try and avoid a criminal conviction as I’m currently unemployed, and in search of a job again, and wish to avoid anything that might damage my chances of re-employment. So I emailed TfL's IAP email address, explaining my financial circumstances, expressing that this was my first and only offence, apologising and pleading for any way for this matter to be settled without landing me a criminal record for it would really damage my chances of getting employed again- supplying bank statements, credit card statements, providing anything and everything to support the facts I had stated. ... Today, I finally received a totally generic sounding email response from one of the prosecutors at the IAP department: “On the 27th July 2018 you were approached at ***** ***** station after using a pass to enter that activated the monitors. You produced a 60+ Oyster card that you admitted belonged to your mother. These passes are not transferable and therefore was not valid for you to use…” “…Transport for London intend to continue with the matter listed against you and I would advise you to complete the paperwork and return within the required timescales” I noticed that in their email response they have the date of the incident incorrect, (She said 27th July 2018 instead of 26th July 2018. On the 26th I was caught and cautioned, on the 27th, I actually paid for my fare and can prove it) Furthermore, the Revenue Control Inspector's statement says the incident happened on the 27th instead of the 26th. It's only on the second page of the SJPN under the "Statement of facts" that they have the date correctly stated as the 26th July. Do I stand any chance in fighting this case as 'not guilty' in court, on the basis that the statement given by the Revenue Control Inspector is factually incorrect, and if they were to pull CCTV from the 27th - they'd find that I'd actually used a valid ticket on that date? Any help or suggestions would be massively appreciated. I have 5 days to respond to the SJPN letter Many thanks!
  3. Justice Secretary announces victim compensation scheme review, scraps unfair rule READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/justice-secretary-announces-victim-compensation-scheme-review-scraps-unfair-rule
  4. Drink drivers face swifter justice with new roadside breathalysers READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/drink-drivers-face-swifter-justice-with-new-roadside-breathalysers
  5. There has been some thug called Carl going around, breaking into people properties near me for months, but the Police couldn’t catch him The weirdest thing about it all is he was breaking in just to ruin their washing machines by putting house bricks in them and then turning them on! really weird if you ask me.... Anyway, just read that he has been caught by the police drugged out of his mind in the local park and has been jailed for 10 years it’s nice on two fronts, first a criminal has been brought to justice and the second is that washing machines live longer with Carl gone.
  6. Hello All, I would request someone's help on how to proceed my case in the court. I have made overseas funds transfer from my HSBC account to one of my Indian friend account on Sep 1st 2016. I have received the confirmation from HSBC about my debits to my address but the transfer did not happen from their end. I understand there are some processes they have to follow it, but I feel which is not properly streamlined and it’s really putting the customer into frustration. It was an emergency situation that I need to support financially through this fund, but because of the issue and delay made by HSBC bank, I was pushed into very worst situation. I had come across lots of confusions and lost my reputation around my family and friends in my native place. The beneficiary did not receive my payment for more than a week, wherein I have received the confirmation papers from HSBC about my debits. I thought it’s a problem with beneficiary account and was in confusion. I waited for few more days but the situation was same, beneficiary lost the trust on me which I promised them to help on his emergency. They thought I did not do any transfer and I am just saying. I thought they have received the payment and they are kidding me. Later the situation went worst with multiple arguments between us. And I was really ****ed off and called HSBC on 8th September and I got to know my payment was kept on hold for some review. And I was completely upset and disappointed because of the bank issue it had created lots of problem in my personnel life. I explained them the situation, also I have questioned them why it was not informed to the customer when they keep their transaction on hold and there was no proper response from them for my queries. The customer executive promised me someone will call from payments team within 24 hours as this is an emergency transfer. But nobody had called me within 24 hours from the time I called them. I hope they tried to reach me after the timelines that they have promised to me but I couldn’t pick that call. Later no call back from them and emails from them. By this time I have lost my peace and my reputation was already spoiled with my people, as I couldn’t help the emergency situation; I couldn’t keep up my words and promise, Moreover my relationship bond with the beneficiary was broke because of this. I was completely upset, mentally stressed and hurt. Even after a week later there was no update from bank, I called them again on 13th Sep the situation was still the same, and they collected some information to proceed with the transfer. I have given all the information they wanted from me. That time my only intension is to prove the beneficiary that I really tried helping them. After providing all the information to the bank I requested them to release the funds as quick as possible. But no luck with that calls as well. I have called the bank again on 16th Sep (not sure on this date) to check the status and it was told by them the information’s that they collected from me was not good enough to release the funds, which made me mad. I questioned them then why did they collect those and when they feel it’s not good enough why can’t they collect the required information, but again no response. Later I told them to cancel the fund and put the money back into HSBC Advance account which got credited on 20th September. In between I launched a complaint also in HSBC around 13th Sep and I got a response for that complaint on 6th October 2016 almost a month later… Meanwhile I have arranged the funds in India through different source by paying the extra excess interest. And for almost a month I was mentally stressed because of the problems I had with the beneficiary as they are very close relation with me. I was fully upset and couldn’t concentrate on work or anything, which could have led me to life damaging event. And to solve these issues I have travelled to India on November by taking leaves.. And I have filed complaint with Ombudsman in November regarding this. After collecting all these information and multiple reviews they have come up with saying 250 GBP can be paid as compensation. But before even filing with Ombudsman, HSBC staff called me and tried to convince me with the compensation of 30GBP, for the situation that I have been put through because of their mistake. I detailed him because of the bank mistake what all issues I have faced and moreover I have arranged the fund in my native to help the beneficiary by paying extra interest money along with the principal fund. Then he tried to convince me by increasing the compensation by equalising with the extra interest I paid in my native, which is 120 GBP. I did not accept. But Ombudsman Took almost 9 months to drive and finalised 250 GBP, which is not fair. Here no body has considered because of bank mistake how much it impacted one personnel and professional life which has put them on mental stress, loss of relationship, loss of reputation, more I have spent extra amount on arranging funds in India, I have travelled to India on my own cost, I have used my vacation leaves for this purpose, I feel all the above factors to be considered for compensation. I have spent almost 350 pounds for my air tickets, 242 pounds as extra interest in India, ten days of salary 1000 GBP, so total of 1592 Pounds I have spent for fixing the issue, But the pain I went through for that duration, which damaged my life with loss of reputation, loss in relation, mental stress, all these are to be considered. Please advice on this
  7. Hello CAG Can you help. You have been very helpful to me in the past so i am wandering if you can help me with this situation. I have received a SINGLE JUSTICE NOTICE PROCEDURE i has given me 21 day to fill out and return the forms that was 25 day ago. yes i know i should have returned them but honestly i dont even open my post any more because it seem like there is somebody always chasing me for money..... to say the least i am feeling more and more stressed as time goes on and i have a "i dont care attitude" which i know is not healthy. I phoned the relevant speeding department and have asked what can be done....Nothing can be done. I was traveling at 37 mph and was court by : manned equipment charge sheet 1: fail to give information relating to the identification of the driver 2: speeding - exceed 30 mph on restricted road - manned equipment I haven't been working since Christmas as i closed my business down and i am living on a limited income.... Can you help...
  8. Hey, really hope someone can help me, around a year ago my boyfriend was driving my car and I was sent a speeding ticket, he has been very abusive to me and the police also have records of this, we are no longer together but at the time he threatened me regarding informing the police that he was driving the vehicle at the time, I told the police I didn't know who the driver was and wrote a random name which was silly of me but I was scared he would do something to me. Now I have received a letter from the police to plead guilty or non guilty for the speeding ticket and perverting the course of justice, I'm really scared and confused now I've never been in trouble with the police before, I'm hoping someone on here can give me advice, thank you in advance.
  9. At present, High Court Enforcement agents are only able to enforce judgments if they relate to non consumer credit debts and have a value of over £600. Judgements relating to consumer credit debts (typically, a debt relating to a bank loan, credit card debt, catalogue debt or any other finance agreement) may only be enforced by a County Court Bailiff. The High Court Enforcement industry has campaigned for many years for the law to be changed to allow them to enforce judgments in relation to 'consumer credit debts'. Earlier this year, the High Court Enforcement industry had their hopes raised that the law will be changed with the release of the Ministry of Justice's Civil Courts Structure Review that was chaired by Lord Justice Briggs. In the review, Justice Briggs stated that County Court enforcement is presently: “heavily localised, paper based, prone to error in form filling, and widely perceived to be slow, ineffective and expensive” A public Consultation was issued (now closed) and in the next few weeks a final report is due to be published. Today the Money Advice Trust issued the following release: http://www.moneyadvicetrustblog.org/2016/07/22/no-enforced-changes-some-thoughts-on-the-lord-justice-briggs-review/ A copy of their response to the Consultation is below: http://www.moneyadvicetrust.org/SiteCollectionDocuments/Policy%20consultation%20responses/Unilateral%20responses/Money%20Advice%20Trust%20response%20to%20the%20Civil%20Courts%20Structure%20Review%20Interim%20Report%20consultation%20paper.pdf
  10. So instead of giving them life with a minimum of 33 years and 17 years, he has given a paltry sentence which will see them both back on the street within 15 years. Might just as well given them an asbo.
  11. A barrister who dodged train fares for two years has been brought to justice Dr Peter Barnett, 44, was given a 16-week suspended sentence after swindling a rail company out of £5,892. Australian-born Dr Barnett, who won a Rhodes Scholarship to Oxford University, had been accused of avoiding £19,689. But his lawyer Angus Bunyan argued successfully that the figure – based on the full single fare for each dodged journey – was too high. http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/609167/Barrister-fare-dodger-two-years-sentenced-court http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/569758/Lawyer-prison-rail-fare?_ga=1.49340771.450238813.1443865536
  12. A surge in the number of people representing themselves in court has prompted legal organisations to draft guidelines for lawyers who come up against people who find themselves in court without legal representation. The guidelines have been developed by the Bar Council, Chartered Institute of Legal Executives (CILEx) and the Law Society in response to the rising numbers of people representing themselves in court without a lawyer as a result of cuts to legal aid, the increase in the small-claims limit and the introduction of employment tribunal fees. The practical guidelines are relevant to the civil and family courts and tribunals where there has been an influx of people who cannot afford to instruct a lawyer, have not been able to obtain free legal advice and often have no alternative other than to embark on 'do it yourself' justice. The guidelines discuss how far lawyers can help unrepresented people without this conflicting with their duties to their own clients. Lawyers are advised to communicate clearly and avoid technical language or legal jargon, or to explain jargon to the unrepresented party where it cannot be avoided. The guidelines are available to download below. Litigants in person: guidelines for lawyers (PDF 387kb) Litigants in person – guidelines for lawyers: Notes for litigants in person (PDF 116 kb) Litigants in person – guidelines for lawyers: Notes for clients (PDF 117 kb) A selection of relevant cases: June 2015 (PDF 109kb)
  13. Ministry of Justice amendments to Contracts for Court Fine enforcement. In 2006 the Ministry of Justice awarded contracts to private sector bailiff companies to enforce magistrate court fines. Over time, new contracts have been awarded and the current position is that only four companies are contracted to enforce unpaid criminal court fines with Marston Group and Collectica Ltd enforcing in the UK and Excel Ltd and Swift Credit Services covering Wales. In April 2014 the Ministry of Justice Procurement Directorate (as representative of the Secretary of State) made important amendments to each of the companies contracts to ensure that they were compliant with Part 3 of the Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007 which came into effect on 6th April 2014. In this respect amendments were made to Schedule 4 (Specification) and Schedule 5 (Price Schedule). In respect to Schedule 4 the following changes have been made to the contracts: The word 'Bailiffs' have been replaced with ‘Enforcement Agent’ ‘Distress Warrants are now known as Warrants of Control’ 'Taking Control of Goods' has replaced words, such as ‘Levy’ and ‘Distrain, Distraint and Distress’ ...
  14. Morning guys, I wonder if somebody can help me please. Would the above act for harassment include over frequent requests of I&E - i.e. Token payment accepted for a store card debt and company fully aware of circumstances of long term illness yet a request for a I&E be completed every 2-4 months Thanks
  15. The new bailiff enforcement regulations came into effect on 6th April 2014 and a short while later an individual made a Freedom of Information request to the Ministry of Justice seeking clarification on the legal basis for court fines to be covered by the new regulations. On 1st July 2014 I posted a copy of MOJ’s response on the forum and that thread received a lot of views. Unfortunately, there continues to be significant misunderstanding about bailiff fees for Magistrate Court fine and yesterday yet another video was uploaded onto YouTube regarding a debtor who filmed a visit from a Marston Group bailiff regarding two Magistrate Court fines and where the debtor had sought advice from the Beat the Bailiffs and the Banks Facebook page that paying the amount only of the court fine to the court (minus bailiff fees) would clear the warrant (which of course it does not). For public interest sake it may assist if I post the Ministry of Justice’s response once again together with some further useful information.
  16. Two questions: 1) What do we think of Prof Susskind's idea for "ebay" type justice? 2) Do you think that the CAG should be in charge of online justice?
  17. Hi All, You normally see myself talking about debt related issues but throughout end of 2013 to summer 2014 I have been put through hell via another matter. I’m trying to find out if I can claim anything back or get some form of compensation / charge removed completely. Background to the case. One Friday in August 2013, I left work and decided to travel into an area close to where I work as I had seen a car for Spares & Repairs on GumTree (My sun roof leaked and it was going to cost in excess of £200 to repair). I travelled into the area and must of spent 45mins looking for the street, about to give up I saw a police van approaching so I flagged him down and asked for directions, of which he gave and on my way I went. Got to the street, but the car was not there so I made my way home, going back the way I came into the area (as I didnt know the area at all). I was then pulled over by the same police officer. Being of nervous disposition I started to panic and wonder as to why I'd been stopped, had i been speeding, did I cut someone up? Nope.. He asked me to step out of the car and proceeded to tell me that there had been an incident of indecent exposure in the area and "I matched the description", that scared the hell out of me, and he asked if I would come do a voluntary statement - which I did as I had nothing to hide. At station answered the questions fully, cop asked why was I heading back towards work when I live the other way, not knowing the area was'nt a good enough reason. He asked me about my car, I stated it was a Renault Clio that is Bluey Green in colour. He begins to argue with me stating that the colour was just Blue and no way can be green, but I stood by this.. after 40mins, he asked would i be prepared to do a ID parade, again I had nothing to hide and agreed.. He then took down my details: Eye Colour BLUE, Shaved brown hair, light stubble not a beard, local accent, height 5'6". Clothing I was wearing: Black T-shirt with a Red V-Neck (no collar), Light blue denim jeans, black shoes. I then left, done the ID parade a week later.. 23rd September - I get a call from my solicitor stating that I need to return back to the station as I had been picked out on an ID Parade (wtf etc etc came out) and bring the top I was wearing, which I did with him that day. Back at the station I gave the officer the t-shirt, and my solicitor advised me to say "No Comment" as I had already gave details in previous statement. I was charged. Now I was not given any details as to the witness statement or anything. Waiting game commenced with the case going to the CPS for their decision, 26th Dec 2013, they decided there was enough evidence to take to court – again something I was completely shocked about, I then had to appear to a hearing in Feb 2014 which gave me a court date of 1st April 2014. Mid of Jan, I finally plucked up the courage to ask someone I had fancied and deliberately went into her place of work just to see her for 18mths!! and to my surprise she was head over heels about me – a perfect & blissful relationship commenced. 26th Feb 2014, I met with another solicitor from the firm, whom was assigned to my case. Without going through the paper work with me he stated “Prepare yourself for the worse!”. Stated I should not have said “no comment” in second interview, to which I replied that I was advised to by his colleague (he shook his head). Told me that the witness (17yr old girl) had stated the man in question was driving a small RED[b} car, also said that the man was wearing a black polo shirt and black trousers! Viewed my car on car park and asked questions about interior confirmed colour was a blue green but not metallic or even red yet did not write anything or take pictures (something that the magistrates asked if there was any). After this meeting – I told my girlfriend straight away, as to the whole details.. “Don’t look so worried, it’s clearly not you, I believe you.” That made me happy, “I’ve watched you since the first day you came into the shop, you don’t drive a red car, and your too damn shy!” and she stood by me all the way & came to the court with me on 1st April. From 26th Feb to 1st April, I had no contact with the solicitor despite leaving endless messages. On the day of court he said to me and my girlfriend “I do not want to put pressure on to the girl due to her age as it would look bad”, yet Prosecutor questioned her fully over the incident. He never once questioned the girl on the description of the man, only focused on the colour of the car. Though the girl was adamend it was “Red.” It was “Shiny Red”, every other question put to her was “don’t know”. The only thing that was going for me was the coppers description of me and that my car was not red. The magistrates then deliberated and came back and said “We cannot take into consideration the colour of the car or clothing as Miss X, was clearly distressed – therefore we find you guilty”. I looked straight at my girlfriend (now ex as you will see why) and was informed that I was to be placed on the Sex Offenders Register. My Girlfriend and self returned back to hers, and we said the appeal will prove the correct outcome. 4th April, my girlfriend told me how she had spoken with her 16yr old son that she wants me to move in with them so we can start a life together properly, and we agreed that I was to move in at the end of the month. 10th April, we both sat down and wrote a complaint to the solicitors at the poor representation. She was also not happy to wait that long as said “I want you to move in this weekend” as she was truly happy (something her friends have said before) 11th April, after spending most of the day with her, I return home and at 9:30pm, she informs me that the social services have been round – they had told her (not knowing she was at the court) that I had been found guilty of two offences and have previous. She informed them this is not the case and that “WE” are appealing.. The social worker stated that “he has no grounds for an appeal, you are deluded as you do not know what has happened. Therefore we have no alternative to ask you to break off the relationship OR we will take your son (16) into care..” Of course she did the right thing, and put child first. They also said there was a no contact order in place! 17th April 18:30pm, I get a phone call from the solicitors whom stated that they can no longer represent me any further (for the sentencing & appeal) as they were professionally embarrassed at my complaint sent the 10th. My sentencing was 24th April – I only had 2.5days to find a new solicitor due to it being the Easter weekend. They couriered the paperwork (witness statement / officers statement and mine) to me to hand to new solicitors on the morning of the 24th. (I quickly took copies of all of theses) 24th April – I was instructed to pay £500 compensation, £350 court costs, placed on the offenders register for 5 years, instructed to do 120hrs community service, and attend a sexual offenders rehab course! – whilst at the court new solicitors quickly read through the statements, and was shocked when I told her I had never read them through and that it was clearly not me the witness was talking about. Details contained in the paperwork: Witness stated the culprit had a New RED shiny Car, he had Brown Eyes, Birmingham accent, he looked like he was 30 but had a beard that probably made him look older than he was. Wore a black polo shirt with a black collar and black work trousers. Incident took place at 16:30 and lasted 5.5mins (she knew this by messages on her phone). The incident happened 0.8miles away from where I stopped the cop, he confirmed it would take about 3mins to drive that distance and that I flagged him down at 16:45. So that meant in 6.5mins I was able to change my car, change my clothing in broad daylight, change my eye colour and have a shave?? Both myself and solicitor drew up 8 A4 pages of differences. I was turned down for Legal aid for the appeal twice, and ended up obtaining a loan with the help of my parents and paying £3,500 reprensentation!! The Appeal took place 11th July 2014, (exactly 3mths since being forced to split). At the appeal, despite having the witness statement in front of her, change details of clothing, location (put it further away) and what she actually saw. As for the officer, when my barrister questioned him about the colour of the car, the two magistrates agreed it was Bluey Green and judge stated he would settle the argument and say it was turquoise… When my barrister asked to confirm the colour the accuser had said, he went “red” the Judge shook his head in disbelief. The officer even knowing the difference in colour could not provide a reason as to why he pulled me over, only said “for another reason that I do not recall”.. Barrister asked what bottoms did the witness say the man was “Black Trousers” and what was Mr X wearing “Light blue denim Jeans” he held up my jeans and said like these “Yes” again judge shook his head. After 15mins of deliberation, the judge said that it was clear that it was not Mr X and therefore uphold the appeal. I was immediately taken off the register. THANK GOD!!!! I apparently have no grounds for compensation or can not recover anything back. Costs was awarded of which I have been notified today that it is a grand total of £349.47 yes Three Hundred and Forty Nine Pounds Forty Seven Pence. That I will receive within the next 90days!!!!! So as a result, I’ve lost the woman I was in love with (her son now 17, is being a ****, but I do understand why - as it is a protection for his mom as it’s been them two for so long - which i do admire), I’m £3.5k out of pocket – well more cos it’s a loan that was taken out, and have had my good name dragged through the mud. I’ve recently found out that the charge remains on my file so I now have to declare this for jobs and also have to pay for visa’s to goto USA. I took this to my local MP whom, is a complete to55er, he’s basically said deal with it – it’s the law, despite showing his support for another MP to get all of their funds back? I’ve also been told that there is an organisation (charity law firm) that would take on a case of compensation – but they did not know the name of the firm. Is this true? Is there any thing else I can do as I have been well and truly screwed over on this? Thanks – and sorry it was a long post.
  18. A series of court cases has resulted in nine women in the Bristol area being convicted of conning about £20m from friends and family by running an illegal pyramid scheme:- https://www.gov.uk/government/news/nine-convicted-of-multi-million-pound-pyramid-promotional-scheme I started to take an interest in this story back in 2008 when it was reported in the Daily Mail. I feel sorry for all the people who have been conned out of their money.
  19. Hello All - Ist time post. In seeking further disclosures from the Respondent prior to ET, is the correspondence to and from them able to be discussed at the ET hearing?
  20. Hello Community I have lost all faith in the justice system having spent a lot of money and time "doing the right thing". When I was the victim of a fraud I did what I was told by the Trading Standards and took the case through the Small Claims Court fully expecting justice. When my case was won and the defendant made no effort to pay the fines the court imposed upon him/his company I turned to the Sheriff's to enforce the judgement. I have been sadly disappointed in them and this criminal will no doubt become even bolder in the way he cheats and intimidates his victims because he knows now how to circumvent the system. I have felt so threatened by this person that I have moved away from the area because he knows where to find me. I want to use my experience to help support others and to signpost them to appropriate help. The first step would be for me to set up a blog but I am a little concerned because I do not know what I can and can't say in a blog. Does anyone know anything about the "rules" I have to abide by when writing a blog outlining my experiences and allowing others to report on their experiences and problems? thanks
  21. The Ministry of Justice is planning to introduce Price Competitive Tendering for criminal legal aid. Instead of being entitled to choose a lawyer to represent them based on quality, they will be allocated one on the basis of whoever can do the job for the lowest price. Under the proposals, England and Wales would be divided into 42 procurement areas. Law firms would tender for a share in the right to provide most criminal legal aid services within an area. Clients would no longer be represented by a lawyer of their choice unless they had specific needs. No choice of lawyer for persons accused of crime (or, as Grayling has publicly described them, “criminals”). Criminal defence franchises to be allocated to the lowest bidder in a ‘race to the bottom’. All bids must be at least 17.5% less than existing solicitors’ rates (already slashed in recent years) but the lowest bid will win. Individual accused to be allocated to one of these “lowest bidder” franchises according to name, or date of birth, or perhaps postcode. No change of representative allowed save in exceptional circumstances. No incentive to do a good job: the contracts will guarantee the successful “lowest bidder” franchise a specified share of the work for 3 to 5 years. No opportunity for an accused to use a trusted family solicitor with a good track record. No access to legal aid for anyone with a combined household income of more than about £37,000 a year. Note that anyone who pays for proper representation and is acquitted after trial cannot recover their actual legal expenses, but only the derisory equivalent of legal aid rates. Advocates fees (already slashed for those doing the most serious work by about 40% from their 1997 levels: yes, 1997, a full 16 years ago!) to be slashed again, by about 30% in many cases. Any advocate acting for a defendant in a long trial to be, in effect, ‘punished’ by reducing their daily fee to a figure which can be as low as £14 a day. No-one of ability or experience could do a proper job and make a living on these terms. Shysters will flood in and deliver a “go through the motions” service: minimal ability, minimal effort, minimal cost. A sham of a justice system. Grayling’s own staff, at an embarrassing “road show” in Reading on 7th May 2013, were quite unable to point to any provisions in these proposals which were capable of ensuring quality of representation. http://criminalbarassociation.wordpress.com/2013/05/15/grayling-wrecks-justice-system-a-damning-indictment-from-peter-cooper/ Once you've read the above link, please please please sign this petition: http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/48628
  22. This morning the Ministry of Justice released the Government's response to the Consultation Paper on Bailiff Reform. This is a very detailed response which consists of 72 pages and can be accessed by way of the following link. You will need to scroll down to the bottom of the page under the heading of RESPONSES: https://consult.justice.gov.uk/digit...bailiff-action
  23. At least 1,400 soldiers have received unfair sanctions, including dismissal and missed promotion, because the Army spent several years wrongly disciplining anyone who received a police caution. Minutes and briefing notes from two Army Justice Board meetings show that the Adjutant-General, the Army’s most senior personnel officer, knew as early as 2011 of the problem, which is related to changes in the law on rehabilitating offenders. It is unclear, however, whether those affected by the mistake have been informed that potentially career-ending penalties should not have been enforced against them. One senior army officer told The Times that compensating for the error could cost millions of pounds and that the damage to soldiers’ careers would be irreparable. “The Army has unlawfully taken action in 1,400 cases, including dismissing soldiers — and they are covering it up,” the officer claimed. http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/news/uk/defence/article3649756.ece Full article; http://www.arrse.co.uk/current-affairs-news-analysis/192588-times-army-faces-huge-bill-victims-rough-justice.html
  24. Hello. I am currently running a group called Justice4jobseekers. We aim to help highlight the damage done by the current tyranny that laughably calls itself a government to those who are affected by unemployment and more specifically, the draconian and unfair changes to the benefit system. In time, we want to organise protests and other action across the UK. For now, we need to get the word out that we exist. Please offer your support by joining my page on facebook. You can find the link in my profile. Your help and support will be greatly appreciated.
  25. Hi everyone sorry for this but i am new to this, I lived in Oz for a couple of years and now live inbetween France and UK,i seprated from my wife in Oz and returned to the Uk so did my ex and i have a dept of $30000 which Credit corp has sent me a email demanding payment, The 2 cards were in my name so the dept is mine,i ran out of work so had to return. I have recieved a couple of emails stating that if i dont sort it out they will pass the it to a overseas agent, what can i do? and most important what can they do. I have assets in Europe which i had before i left uk. i returned back last year so the last payment was a year ago. great site. Thanks
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