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  1. Hello people, I am new on this forum so please have patience with me. Last year I was searching for insurance for my girlfriend's car so I went on money supermarket or confused (can't remember exactly which one ) I put the details on there HER being the policyholder and me as named driver on policy with the option for business miles everything ok i got quotes from a lot of companies and we have chosen GoSkippy from the whole list, made the papers put down details for direct debit insurance went on and i though I have a business insurance but I was mistaken. The problems started yesterday when she changed the workplace and the new company asked her for business insurance (she is a career). I phoned the company to ask them to put her also on the business insurance and then i had the surprise when they told me she has the business insurance, not me. I told them that they give me a quote for the business insurance for the named driver, not for the policy owner and they told me that they don't do business insurance for the named driver only for the policy owner and they gave the policyholder a phone call (after 2-3 month we made the policy) but no one answered, and they indeed acknowledged that they had the initial proposal with business miles for the named driver but they changed that and they dint told us. I asked the lady what was happening if the police caught me without the business insurance and they impound the car and she told me i with be to blame.I asked for a cancelation of the insurance she said ok but i have to pay some cancelation fees , and i told her i with not pay because its not my fault either they put me also on the insurance with business miles or cancel for free the insurance and she told me that neither one of my options are available. What options do i have here? Because apparently, i lose either way. Thank You PS : The lady from the phone aknoleged that the conversation is recorded and that they changed the original proposal with the new one without informing us. PS: Please excuse my writing, i am a foreigner i am learning now how to properly write in English. Thank you again for your patience.
  2. Hi all I'm wondering if anyone can help regarding a Single Justice Procedure Notice regarding driving without insurance. I was stopped by the police for having no insurance which they had checked on their database. I have not had insurance for a while as I cannot afford it. I have done my best to drive my car very sparingly, infact have only driven a couple of times. To summarise, my vehicle was impounded and has been scrapped. I received the SJN and have plead guilty within the deadline of 21 days. I did not write anything in terms of mitigation as I feared it might be used against me. I filed my statement of means, which are very small as I work only part time (I am a student). I have a previous MS90 which I got by accident as I never received the SPN for very mild speeding but this charge is now spent. Will this affect the outcome? I am wondering what the likely size of the fine will be? And wether there will be any other consequences such as a driving ban? Thank you in advance for your help.
  3. Please can you guys advise me what I can do. The Third party insurance making it very difficult and seem like they are looking for ways not to pay. If this is the case I will be liable for the costs, which would set me back in life. Background 1.I had a collision, and claimed for the damage to my car personal injury. (it was non-fault but the Third party claimed 50/50). The case went one. 2. Third Party gave me a cheque for half on non-prejudice basis. The day they sent this, My solicitor took the hire car back from me. 3. Cheques take some time to clear, However I saw a car I liked. I asked for a loan from my cousin, on the basis that I pay him back when the cheque clears. (he previously said no, as I had nothing to pay him back. A few months down the line my solicitor called me. They cant get a better offer than 50/50. Its his word against mine. I asked what will happen to the hire car fees. They said you will get half. The other half will be written off by the hire company. I agreed. I thought everything was done,. but 7 weeks later... Issues 1. Third party wants proof I brought a car (I give them insurance documents) 2. Third party checks my bank statements. They ask were is the transaction for the car. (The car was brought cash in hand, I gave them proof of the bank transactions of my cousin loaning me money, plus screen shots from his bank. And screen shot that he paid my insurance money. 3. Third party gets in touch again. Where is the cheque we gave you and why did you not borrow money earlier. (I sent a screen shot of the cheque in my bank and said no one wanted to give me a loan) but once the cheque was posted I had people willing to loan me money as I had means to pay them back. not heard anything back yet. Questions Why are they making it so hard? I just want this to over. My life has been put on hold. Because I am afraid of what may happen if they refuse to pay. I seen many posters around about the same situations, but never the final result. I just don't want to keep prolonging this. I have provided enough evidence to show the need for a hire car, plus they have my bank statements they know my financial situation. what more do you think they can ask?
  4. Having been on the wrong side of Insurance Companies and having my insurance voided through a careless error in filling out an online comparison application, I decided to start a government petition to try to get insurance voids time limited. Insurance voids can happen for many reasons, careless errors, unintentional omissions, financial difficulty, negligence, black box insurance contraventions. It's fair to punish offenders but not for life, this needs to be time limited like penalty points on a license. If this issue has affected you or anyone in your family please sign and share this petition. petition.parliament.uk/petitions/238286 Thanks
  5. Had 250ltr of our hot water tank leak through the ceiling recently. There was a little damage there before (shower leaked a few years ago) but it was too much hassle to fix. Now the damage is much much worse. The insurance are paying for the flooring but are refusing to pay for the ceiling saying I've not experienced any financial loss because it was damaged already? Is this normal? Surely its like saying you can't have a new carpet if its wrecked because there was a fag burn on one corner?
  6. Hi All. I am having a real headache at the moment with homeinsure.co.uk / Thames bank insurance. Background: I split up from my ex-wife some time ago, but as we own a property together (wholly on my name) and no one else lives at the property, i still left some of my contents there as it is the safest place for them. This included some photography equipment, cycles etc. Additionally, all the bills etc on the property are on my name as i deal with anything official in relation to the property. The building is insured via a block management policy. History: Back in 2016 i took out a policy with homeinsure.co.uk (Thames bank insurance (HI)), as it happened to be the cheapest via confused.com The policy cost in the region of £185 for contents only. At the time, i was not advised that the policy would automatically be renewed. At the point of renewal in 2017, HI sent me an email, which ended up in junk mail with the policy renewal details, additionally if i recall no credit agreement details were sent. Unfortunately, i missed the window to cancel the policy by a few days. The policy cost had increased, even though no claims had been made. Unfortunately, due to serious health issues i wasn't able to argue the point, so left the policy standing. I am sure I did however request the policy not be renewed again. This policy cost was around £255 (37.8% increase). Current - The issue Fast forward to 2018, i no longer use the email address they email on as it is full of junk mail. I only found out the policy had renewed after receiving a credit alert of a new finance agreement, after some investigation i found out it was with creation on behalf of HI. The new policy was around £310. I contacted HI 3 days past the 14 day cooling off period. I spoke to a really arrogant team leader who refused to cancel unless i paid the cancellation fees plus additional charges. I said i would discuss with my ex and call back. Again, i had not agreed to a renewal or a new credit agreement. I then received an email on 31st December stating my insurance would be cancelled with no reasons given. I called back again on 07/01/2019 to find out how much the cancellation would actually cost. I was advised this would be £105 (premiums + cancellation fee). I was then dragged into a call with the same supervisor as previous which dragged on for 50 minutes. During the call I mentioned I do not live at the property yet have belongings there and the insurance and every other bill is on my name. The supervisor then mentioned we would not be insured in the event of a claim. I stated she was on the policy documents as well. The supervisor then mentioned my ex would need to be on the deeds. Every time I came to a decision she would try to confuse the matter further - almost just to antagonise me. Two options where on the table: Pay £35 and change the policy into my ex's name only. Pay £105 and cancel the policy. After consideration, the customer service, HI's annoying staff , we decided to pay the £105 and cancel as a new policy elsewhere would have cost around £80, and at least I would not have to deal with their antagonistic supervisor again. The supervisor then demanded I pay the balance immediately. To which I refused and wanted a breakdown. A few days later I receive an email saying I owe them £170. Had we been made aware of this we would not have cancelled and just let the policy run on. So my questions are: They quoted me £105 to leave. Was that binding? I was never advised that I would not be covered if I did not live at the property, and having my ex's name on the policy wouldn’t change anything. Which means I was not actually covered since the inception of the policy. Do I have a right to claim the policy back? - I have requested the call recordings from the inception of the policy. And of the last conversation I had with them - not heard anything back. How long do they have to provide me with the call recordings - I want them for my complaint to the FCA. They added a £10 'set up fee', and the cost of £45 for emergency cover in the £170 Any other advise would be appreciated. Thanks
  7. Hi All Jut after bit of advice. I recently lost my pandora bracelet and 8 charms on holiday. I made a claim when I returned on my travel insurance. Limit for a single item was £300. My claim for the bracelet and charms was £490.00. They will only pay £300 as they say it was 1 item. Would you say this was correct? Charms were all bought separately over a period of a couple of years.
  8. I'm unsure where to post this, I added FLP to my home insurance I needed to call on this policy therefor, sought legal advice through my home insurance policy. The policy referred me to a company (outsourced but covered under the policy) Initial merit test concluded I had over 50% for a successful ET claim, a solicitor was appointed, whilst the solicitor was compiling an ET1claim form, I was advised to contact ACAS to obtain ET certificates, unfortunately, ACAS helpline failed to advise me correctly, this resulted in me completing an ET1 claim form in error. Realising my mistake, I rectified my error with ACAS &the ET service on the same day. Several days later, my appointed solicitor issued the ET1 claim they were in the process of compiling. 2 weeks after rectifying my error, I received a “withdrawn” certificate from the ET service claiming I had withdrawn my claim; I forwarded this onto my appointed solicitor for clarification. Turned out, the initial form I completed was an ET1 claim, I was unaware at the time, following me informing the ET service I made an error, the ET service read this that I’d withdrawn my claim. Under rule 51 & rule 52 ET, you cannot submit an ET1, withdraw, and then resubmit another ET1 The company my solicitor represents decided to cancel my FLP cover, citing I mislead them by not disclosing I made an ET1 claim, at the timeI filed the form out (ET1) I was under tremendous pressure, and under GP treatment due to the issues that instigated my ET claim. I explained numerous times to my legal appointees my error was based on the advice I followed from ACAS helpline, My legal appointees refused to budge, despite all the evidence (emails, telephone calls to ACAS / ET and my deteriorating health) my FLP was cancelled. I sought alternative legal advice, currently; I’m £7000 out of pocket. I went through my legal representatives complaints procedure, my formal complaint wasn’t upheld, again, citing I mislead them bynot disclosing the initial error I made, thus, chances of successful outcomehad dropped below 50%. Based on the actions of my legal representatives, I registered a complaint with the legal ombudsman (including official documentationof the appeal hearing) The legal ombudsman service does not uphold my complaint, agreeing with the legal company, i.e. I should’ve informed my legal representatives of my initial error, allowing them an opportunity to rectify it, in hindsight, I believed I’d rectified it. As my initial error was rectified the same day, I didn’tthink it was as important in comparison to all the other issues I was experiencing. As a footnote, I had to appeal against the decision made inrelation to the “withdrawal” certificate, that hearing went without issue, the respondents and the ET judge accepted, I made a genuine error, my appeal was upheld,allowing my ET claim to proceed. I genuinely made an error, accepted by the judicial system, albeit at appeal. Whilst I accept the decision of the legal ombudsman’s service, given my initial legal representatives were fully aware of my medical condition and anxious state at the time I made the error, I believe, morally, mycomplaint to the legal ombudsman should’ve been upheld. The question is, as the legal ombudsman has failed to uphold my complaint, is it worth me issuing a complaint to the insurance ombudsman?
  9. Help, Please can anyone advise me where to turn to. I bought a 3 year old approved used Mercedes from a Mercedes dealership on Dec 22nd 2017. I was told verbally that the car was being MOTed the day prior to my picking it up and I was giving paperwork listing the MOT date as Dec 22nd 2017 - Dec 22nd 2018. I was overseas for a while in Sept / Oct and left the car in airport parking. Whilst I was away my car was damaged with some scratching to the bumper. I returned to the UK and amongst the admin I had was a reminder for taxing my car. When I tried to do this I realised my car had no MOT. After multiple enquires with the dealership I have only been able to establish that the MOT expired in April 2018 and no one is able to tell me how this happened. To make matters difficult the dealership I bought from has changed ownership and the car was actually supposed to be MOTed in a different dealership as the car was not located at my local branch when I enquired about it. I have written confirmation from the dealership I bought from that the MOT expired in April 2018 and an apology. I raised a complaint with Mercedes asking for an investigation and hoping to find out what had happened and ideally correct the issue if it was an admin issue. I have got nowhere, Mercedes customer service immediately sent me a final response saying there was no harm caused. I pointed out I could not claim for the damage in caused in airport parking as I had effectively been uninsured. I also pointed out that I was very worried about the fact i had unknowingly been driving uninsured for several months. I got another final response which was very rude and again closed the matter. I asked to speak to the person who was writing these emails and they have refused my calls. I have written again and got another response saying Mercedes maintain there position - I do not understand what this position is. I am bewildered by all of this. I have written to the ombudsman but I think this process takes a while. Can anyone help me, do I have any legal rights here. I have documents saying my car had an MOT until Dec 2018 when I purchased it but it only had an MOT until April 2018. If I had been in serious at fault accident I would have been uninsured, if this had involved a personal injury claim I could have lost my house and if I was prosecuted for driving without insurance I would have been suspended for a minimum of 6 months from my job. I have not yet managed to sort out the damage to my car as I haven't resolved this issue so my insurance is still invalid. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!!!
  10. Hi, can anyone help at all. I received this letter from peter vardy recently. I purchased my car 12 month ago, and paid £399 for Gap insurance for 4 years. The letter is as follows "We hope you are enjoying your new car and would recommend us to your friends and family. As part of our commitment to forging a long-term relationship with all our clients we hope you will allow us to continue to look after your car long into the future. Whilst writing we have taken the liberty of attaching your status disclosure document relating to the insurance product you have purchased from us. We can confirm that you have a purchased GAP insurance policy which started on xx/11/2017. Our records show these details may have been omitted when you ordered your vehicle. You are not required to take any further action as a result of this letter, however receipt of this letter will start your statutory cancellation period detailed in your policy summary. Full information on the policy can be found in your terms and conditions, which you have already received. Please accept our apologies for this oversight. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Head of Compliance." Now to me this reads like the statutory cancellation periods starts from when I have received this letter, in November 2018. I phoned the number on the letter, and the call handler says no, that the notice period starts from when I took out the policy? any help appreciated.
  11. Hi all, I have been refused life and income insurance by legal and General after they rejected me based on my medical report. I had cancer 17 years ago, not an aggressive tumor and my consultant is positive it will never come back. It was a very rare tumor and only a specialist consultant would know the details. Basically they have took one look at my report and refused me. Can I appeal? Can I request to see their report (not my medical records but why they refused me) Can anyone recommend an insurance company? Thankyou!!
  12. Hi. This has become a talking point between me and my biker mates. Why are we asked to pay pillion insurance? My full bike licence entitles me to carry a pillion, and I do not need an insurance company's further permission. Car drivers are not asked to pay for passenger insurance. Several of us have asked our insurance companies, normally at renewal, what this is for. Answers range from "It's illegal to carry a pillion if they aren't insured seperately" to "It's so we can represent the pillion if they are injured." The first is obviously wrong, the second raises so many further questions that it is untenable. Would they really represent the pillion against their own insured if the insured were at fault? I know that drivers/riders can be liable if an injury is caused by their actions. We just haven't been able to find a definitive answer and I know that several people believe that it's just another way to get a few extra pounds from us. Thank you in advance for any interest.
  13. Name on my NI Card, is not in full as on my Passport I was given the NI card with a short version of my name. Anyway I've have applied for a job, where I need to show my NI card (which are no longer produced) or NI Record, which I believe is no online, can I go online to the HRMC site register and update my NI record, so my name is now in full as per my Passport? Its not a name change, but update to my full name as on Passport
  14. I am looking for some advice with respect to a PPI refund and compensation in connection with a former Endeaour loan. I had a compensation refund in 2015 which was based on premiums I had paid from 2002 - 2013. But I did not know if it had been calculated properly because although I had requested that the PPI be cancelled in 2013 all my loan account statements from Endeavour/HSBC and subsequently Sancopia Portfolio showed premium payments . I then spent 3 years trying to find out how HSBC reached their compensation figure and which premium payments were used for the calculation. Finally after escalating it to an FCA case I was sent the HSBC spreadsheet for the calculation which did not include any premiums from 2013 - 2015. HSBC say that the premiums from 2013 - 2015 were reversed and they have sent the FCA a screenshot form their internal systems which show that the premiums were reversed and refunded. FCA say they are satisfied that 8 of the 15 payments have been reversed. What I would advice on is whether this is correct if they are still showing on the loan account statement i.e if there is no corresponding reduction of the loan account to reflect these reversals. As a result of this long running issue, I have the internal HSBC PPI compensation spreadsheet with all formulas. I am more than happy it with the CAG if it can help others succeed with their claims. Advice would be much appreciated.
  15. I'm looking for some wise advice from those more experienced than I with insurance and subsidence claims. Our house (circa 1890 semi-detached) is on a small slope and had some evidence of small "historical" movements when we bought it 20 years ago. Very little has changed since, and a structural engineer didn't mention subsidence in an inspection 4 years ago. However, it seems the neighbour's house has developed cracks near the party wall in the last few years, and they seem to suspect OUR house is to blame as we are further down the (small) incline. They say they have inspection reports from the last 6 months, but we haven't seen anything yet. To complicate matters slightly, we are changing from our current landlord's insurance policy to a homeowner's policy in a couple weeks, as we will be moving into the house ourselves. We are worried about 1) raising the issue of subsidence on our current landlord's policy, as this might make our new (already agreed and paid for) homeowner's insurance invalid. 2) waiting until we move in to raise the topic, as our new insurance might balk at a subsidence claim if we make it shortly after the policy starts. 3) being stuck in a no-man's zone between the two policies, with neither willing to cover...if indeed there is subsidence. 4)the neighbours will take some sort of legal action and find a structural engineer that will pin all blame on us. Both our policies are with the same company, which will hopefully help. We don't even know if there is subsidence of course, but it does seem possible. Any advice from those who know more about how insurance companies would treat such things would be most appreciated. What is the best course of action? 1) Raise the issue immediately? 2) Raise it later? 3) Do our own inspection first and only then contact the company? (this will likely push us into the new policy period) Thanks in advance for any information or advice!
  16. Just to let people know about the trouble I have had with budget insurance. I took out van insurance with them in May this year, as well as the insurance I took out break down cover. This month I had purchased a new van , when I tried changing the insurance over to my new van Budget wanted to double my premiums even thou through an online comparison site they were quoting £20 cheaper than I was paying. When I queried this they said that was for new customers and not for existing customers and they would not budge. I decided to cancel the insurance and has to pay £50 cancellation fee as well as £48 for the break down cover as this was non refundable. I raised a formal complaint with them and they did refund the cancellation fee but they will not refund the £48 breakdown cover, so I am now paying for breakdown cover that I cannot use and cannot transfer. Hope this helps some one else JJ
  17. Hello group, I have had a letter from debt and revenue services saying they will visit my property ( i'm not unduly concerned as I dont live there ) However this is for a supposed debt of an auto renewal house insurance of £50 which they have now pushed up to over a £100 with their terms and conditions : I had previously told Admiral last year that I did not wish for them to continue after 12 months and cancelled my DD so they couldn't take it ( they tried) and I insured with another company. My question is ...does this situation go on and on ? are these idle threats? does Admiral seriously take people to court for this and win ? what is is the law on auto renewal? and should I just ignore this or write to admiral CEO ? Thank you very much for your advice and help ? Gem x
  18. I was stopped in a random police check point on a Saturday on my way back from the cash and carry locally to where I live. I was driving my brothers vehicle as mine was being repaired. We both have fully comp insurance and both are covered to drive other vehicles with owners consent. The officer that stopped me asked where I was coming from and going to, I replied from the cash and carry and on the way home. I was asked for my Insurance and I explained that the vehicle was my brothers. The officer went to his car and returned saying I was uninsured and he would be seizing the vehicle. I explained I had Insurance on my own vehicle and gave him the registration. He went back to his car and returned saying I was not insured and he would be seizing the vehicle, which he did. I made my way home with my wife and the contents of the vehicle by mini cab. I then contacted my brother to explain what had happened and he went to the compound with his insurance and paid and retrieved his vehicle the same day. I was give a seizure proforma form by the officer and when I got home and tried to read it, I realised that it was unreadable and could not make out a single word on it. I have now received a conditional offer of fixed penalty but I will not pay it as I was insured. Being the first time I have been stopped and treated in this way, I am finding it hard to see why both Insurances came back as not insured . I think the officer inferred I was a business but could not check the proforma form when I got home as I have already stated it was unreadable. There is also nothing on the conditional offer form other than that I used a motor vehicle on a road/public place without third party insurance. Contrary to section 143 of the RTA 1988 and schedule 2 to the RTOA 1988. Having spoken to my insurance company they say I am insured by third party cover. I have told friends about this and amazed how many have said they have had similar experiences with the police as if it is the new thing to raise fines and endorsement's. One funny point is that adding business use to your cover is sometimes cheaper even if you don't have a business, it just stops this kind of police targeting to stop. My question is how to fight this, do I write to the processing services or can I write directly to the CPS. I have 21 days left in which to either accept a £300 fine and 6 points or defend myself. Any help/advice grateful.
  19. Hi everyone, I am looking for some advice as to the application of the Consumer Rights Act or other relevant legislation to insurance replacements. The situation is as follows: I had an iPhone replaced under insurance in March of this year. It was replaced with a brand new, sealed unit in original Apple packaging. The phone has developed a fault 5 months after receiving it. On contacting Apple, they advised that they were not the retailer and that I should contact the people I got it from and request a replacement under the Consumer Rights Act. Apple did, however, completely accept that the fault was a manufacturing or pre existing fault and actually told me that if they had directly supplied the original phone, they would have replaced it no questions asked. I have contacted the insurance company and asked for a replacement and they have refused to replace the phone without me making a new claim and paying an excess. They claim that their T&Cs state they only offer a 90 day warranty and that the Consumer Rights Act does not apply to them. I argued that they supplied me a new item, which I have indirectly paid for as I pay the insurance premium that allowed the replacement and therefore I have consumer rights and they should replace the item. It is my opinion that they are acting in the same capacity as a retailer when they supplied the phone and hence should afford me the same rights. So, my questions are: Who is right? Should I pursue a claim or give up and pay the excess? Is there any other legislation that is relevant here? Do I perhaps have some rights with the O2, the original retailer of both the phone and insurance policy? Note that O2 Insurance is not actually part of O2 at all, they are actually Brightstar Insurance, a separate company. Thanks in advance! rune
  20. Hi I have received a letter from Zurich saying they have mis calculated my payments since 2004. Giving me two options a refund + interest or keep paying what I am and increase cover Can anyone send me link to interest calculator please had it on my old computer which is long gone. Smiles OSW
  21. Good Morning, I'm seeking some advice/direction from you for my mother following my fathers death in 2014. Her mortgage started in 2002 and was called a Natwest Foundations Mortgage, it was effectively an arranged credit line that allowed you to borrow up to the value of the property and pay off extra amounts when suited. Natwest withdrew this product and started locking peoples money in, there was widespread complaint online about this. At this time from research, many customers moved to other products offered by the bank however my father insisted he was staying on the product. Still to this day that mortgage is in place, it reached the 14 year term in 2015 and has rolled on a SVR extension for 3.5 years... I have drafted for my mother with her consent, the issues that she has with her mortgage. Some advice and direction would be greatly appreciated. Issue 1 - Natwest Payment Protector sold as Life Insurance with Mortgage Foundations Mortgage Account taken in 2002 – This was done 100% at home by an Natwest advisor called XXXXXX XXXXX. We have hand written letters that were included in the SAR that show this. Natwest say that they have no records to indicate he ever worked within the company. I feel this is crucial to my complaint as XXXXX XXXXX completed the mortgage with myself and husband at home and advised us on everything. We were advised we had to take a life insurance product called ‘Natwest Payment Protector’ in order for the mortgage to go ahead. From the beginning of the mortgage up until my husband’s death in July 2014, we were led to believe that the Natwest Payment Protector was Life Insurance on the house. It is proven that this is what we believed as when my husband had his first heart attack in May 2008, he contacted Natwest to try and freeze the account. At no point did he use the Natwest Payment Protector whilst sick, which is apparently what it was for! We both were led to believe this was Life Insurance. At this point, I am upset that Natwest did not inform us what this product actually did - If they had, it would have covered the payments whilst he was sick and also would have made us aware of the product they had mis-sold at a time when we could have done something about it. This has had a huge financial effect on myself. Natwest have produced after many letters to the bank, a document with my husbands signature agreeing to the costs and benefit of the NatWest Payment Protector… This was not signed by myself nor do I believe my husband signed this understanding what it was he was signing – I stress, the Natwest advisor forcibly made us take this product as part of the ‘deal’ and this product was ‘Life Insurance.’ Issue 2 - Failing to supply information under SAR My initial SAR request was handled carelessly and was to say the least, incomplete. It was missing huge amounts of information and the majority of what was sent was not legible. I complained about this and specifically requested it to be resent as well as information pertinent to the mortgage to be sent. Following this second request – there is still clearly information missing. Issue 3 - The original mortgage agreement/contract and terms and conditions Despite two subject access requests being submitted a Natwest complaints handler has informed me that – quote ‘A further search has been completed by the Mortgage Operations Centre and they have been unable to locate a copy of your original mortgage offer’. I find this un-acceptable and ask on what grounds this mortgage is enforceable under the CCA between 2006 and 2016? Further to this, despite two subject access requests and specifically asking via letter to the Chief Exec’s office on more than one occasion Natwest have failed to supply the original ‘Terms & Conditions’ of the mortgage. Nor have I been supplied a reason as to why these are not available. In fact, since asking for this information shortly after my husband passed away in July 2014 I have not seen any paperwork produced by Natwest that form an ‘agreed mortgage contract’ nor an ‘agreed credit arrangement’. Issue 4 - Status of mortgage agreement during the years 2002 to 2018 leading to issues surrounding compliance of the CCA in 2006 and FCA Regulations at the ‘supposed’ end of term. My understanding from recent research is that this mortgage is a pre-2004 First Charge Mortgage that was unregulated when put in to place in 2002. 2002 – 2006 Between these years the mortgage should have complied with the CCA, however from research it seems like the £25,000 barrier stops this from being required… In the Natwest supplied SAR upon opening the loan, I find it very convenient that there is a column entitled CCA (Consumer Credit Act) – marked with ‘NO’. I would like this explained to me as the bank deemed this important information to record however I was never informed of a regulatory body nor law that would be/become important… Is this a fair relationship? 2006-2016 Between these years the CCA was amended significantly and as this loan is a pre-2004 first charge mortgage, from my understanding it was subject to compliance with the CCA between 30th March 2006 and 21st March 2016 when the mortgage becomes regulated by the FCA – see PS17/6. During this period, several compliance failings occurred however two of which I feel are significantly important: Failure to send NOSIA – At no point was a specified notice of sums in arrears sent, by trawling through statements I can see that this should have happened several times. The first of which took within the 2006 onwards period is May 2008. Failure to do this would make the agreement 'unenforceable' until notice is given. Failure to send Annual Statements – None sent. Failure to do this would make the agreement 'unenforceable' until notice is given. During this period of time, my husband had passed away and I was completely unaware that the bank had these obligations to me. Further to this, I made several complaints via telephone and in branch as I didn’t even have access to my mortgage account online. Furthermore – I still don’t have access to this online now! (August 2018) Issue 5 - Product Extension Concerns June 2015 – August 2018 (Taking into account FCA Regulations enforced on 21st March 2016) It is my understanding that the verbally agreed extensions following the ‘supposed’ end of term mortgage are subject to the rules and regulations of the FCA now. This loan extension and all monies paid on this ‘extension’ should have been a ‘Regulated Mortgage Contract’ and there should be certain paperwork in place, such as a Loan Contract, Terms & Conditions, Key Facts, Annual Statements etc. There have been serious failings by the bank to comply with FCA regulations during this period. ----------------------------------- Thank you for any advice and direction in advance.
  22. Car repair cost amount to the approx. value of the car, your customer service tell me they can send salvage agent to collect ( then they will valve car and negotiate a value) how about don't be silly its going nowhere till any payment is agreed and cleared, or 2/ they can send an independent assessor out and I could then decide how I want to proceed and if he deems car a write off it will be categorised whether I claim or not (so your devaluing my vehicle if I don't claim but an assessor come to inspect it ( sounds like a bad joke) 3/ or I can choose a repairer of my own and my excess will be doubled (so a more reasonable repair shop you will pay less towards repair I will have to pay more seems my only option would be buy car back and get it repaired (which shouldn't be a problem as its still roadworthy (so local fiat agent tell me) seems that's a no go also, where does the comprehensive come into it, and realistically what can I do, because you're not working within the consumer rights as your excess policy is attemption to adversely affect my descision
  23. I recently rented a car via a 3rd party website. After the rental I found out I had been charged extra for damage and theft excess protection insurance by the 3rd party website on top of the quoted price. I don't need the extra insurance as I already have travel insurance on my credit card which includes this. Upon checking their website I see it is checked automatically but not included in the headline price. It's up to you to un check it and opt out. Unfortunately I missed this. I emailed them and asked for it to be cancelled but they refused on the grounds that the rental had already started. I booked the car 1.5 hours before pick up so there was no way I would have spotted this before I picked the car up as it didn't appear on my credit card statement until next day. I thought all these pre selected charges requiring an opt out had been banned now. Is it worth disputing the extra charge with my credit card company?
  24. So I need some advice. Long story short, I was working for a small lettings agent. I was given a company car however the owner told me to take out personal car insurance, stating that he would pay the monthly direct debit. This was the case and I was working their for a couple of months until unforntualy I had an accident in the car making it a write off. I then had to claim on the insurance, the car was paid out, after that the owner decided he didn't want me to work their anymore. I then lost my job, the owner canceled the direct debit for the insurance which then, in turn, caused Direct Line to cancel the insurance. I then, however, started receiving letters from Direct line insurance stating that I owed the £1809.71 for the rest of the insurance premium as per the terms and conditions. I ignored these letters for months, however, I am now receiving letters from Moorcroft Debt recovery LTD who have been instructed by Direct Line insurance to collect this £1809.71. I need some advice asap, I am currently not in a situation where I can pay off this debt and to be honest I don't really want to.
  25. Ace and Studio customers who purchased optional accidental damage and theft insurance are entitled to a refund Through our own review we have identified concerns with this insurance, which was sold through the Ace and Studio brands, and have notified the FCA. We concluded, along with the FCA that the insurance did not provide adequate value to customers. Therefore, together with Assurant General Insurance Limited and ANV (which is now part of AmTrust at Lloyd's) who were at various times the underwriters of the insurance, we wish to put customers back in the position that they would have been in had they not purchased the insurance. What we're doing to put things right We have designed and agreed a customer contact and refund programme and will refund Ace and Studio customers the premium they paid for the insurance together with interest. The average premium amount to be refunded will be approximately £38. We have identified approximately 330,000 affected customers. https://www.express-gifts.co.uk/looking-after-our-pp-customers And ... https://www.thinkmoney.co.uk/news-advice/bought-cover-from-a-catalogue-company-how-to-get-a-refund-0-8575-0.htm
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