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Found 17 results

  1. Hi all, I have been refused life and income insurance by legal and General after they rejected me based on my medical report. I had cancer 17 years ago, not an aggressive tumor and my consultant is positive it will never come back. It was a very rare tumor and only a specialist consultant would know the details. Basically they have took one look at my report and refused me. Can I appeal? Can I request to see their report (not my medical records but why they refused me) Can anyone recommend an insurance company? Thankyou!!
  2. Suppressed Cancer Cure-Court Case.19th November Southwark Crown Court near London Bridge 19th November. I keep coming across information here and there about this case and i began to wonder. When something bothers you or begins to best to put it down somewhere. I am just passing the details on for others to have their say. A few details,videos and much more on the link. [TABLE=width: 100%] [TR] [TD=class: Content MainText]9.30am on Monday 19th Nov 2018, to support DAVID NOAKES, as he faces the full wrath of BIG PHARMA's protection racket ... ENFORCED by the MHRA on behalf of Big Pharma & the UK Government! [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] [TABLE=width: 100%] [TR] [TD=class: Content MainText] LETTER FROM DAVID NOAKES To conceal GcMAF, the body's way of treating cancer, for another 25 years, the Medicines & Healthcare Regulatory Authority (MHRA) is prosecuting me ( David Noakes) and others at Southwark Crown Court near London Bridge, at 10 am on Monday 19th November 2018. GcMAF is a human protein, a human right, and the king of immunotherapies. It saves the lives of 75% of terminal stage 4 cancer patients, without side effects, at 1% the cost of chemotherapy. If it was put into the NHS it could save 120,000 lives a year, save the NHS £2 Billion on its drugs bill, and empty thousands of beds. It successfully treats over 50 other diseases. We treated 11,500 people; 239 doctors chose it, and 1,400 patients around the world have submitted feedback on their excellent results with GcMAF. If you know someone who has died of cancer, they could have had a 75% chance of life if the MHRA had not concealed, and then banned, GcMAF. Much more on the link,and have your say. LETTER FROM DAVID NOAKES https://myemail.constantcontact.com/Suppressed-Cancer-Cure.html?soid=1102206983512&aid=of7N-wulklU The question seems to be. Bye for now i will follow the court case closely. Tawnyowl.[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]
  3. A family friend is undergoing after cancer care treatment received chemotherapy etc. Has been in the support group for it. He received a ESA50 form recently to complete and got his GP to provide him supporting evidence about his cancer after care and inability to walk. The medical report was very detailed. I am now astonished that they have sent out an appointment for a face to face assessment? How on gods earth will a face to face interview prove someone has got cancer and also issues walking from a so called Assessment Adviser who has no medical expertise in such cases? I have spoken to Macmillian and they are shocked to hear this they have advised they must not have read the report and usually cancer cases are fast track with a decision without the need for a face to face? 1. Who do I question why they have decided to do a F2F for a cancer patient when they have clearly been sent the medical reports stapled to the form. 2. Is it correct cancer patients should not go through this rig-moral if they have evidence they are going through this. 3. Also I have read if a F2F is required who do I ask that he wants it RECORDED. The whole things looks a shambles and that they have just not read anything before even asking for a F2F. The cancer treatment is bad enough but this is a disgrace. I have read cancer patients should be fast tracked is this correct?
  4. Llanelli vinyl vendor jailed for selling illegal cancer drugs across the EU READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/llanelli-vinyl-vendor-jailed-for-selling-illegal-cancer-drugs-across-the-eu
  5. http://news.sky.com/story/cancer-often-being-diagnosed-in-ae-despite-patients-seeing-gps-10849984 Does not surprise me. Given that it can take 3 weeks to get a GP appointment and then they only have about 8 minutes to diagnose or refer for tests, it is most likely to be a Hospital A&E that finds patients have cancer. The last time i had a blood sample taken, between booking the appointment and getting the test result back, it was over a month. Two weeks before GP appointment, rebooked to see a Nurse to take sample a week later and then two weeks to get the result back. The NHS has gone backwards over recent years.
  6. Hi All, Just today it has been confirmed to me that my beloved male dog has a large cancer within the muscle wall near his hind left leg. We found the lump last week and immediately took him to be checked - the lump is huge and very hard. Prior to this he had been his normal bright self, not off his food, not losing weight so nothing to suggest he was poorly. We have been told he can have surgery to remove it however they would have to also take a substantial amount away from around the tumour and then it would be major reconstructive surgery to close the wound. There is about a 25% success rate that it would be removed with additional complications due to the nature of the site of the tumour. Has anyone else had to deal with this type of thing and if so did you / would you put your dog (or cat) through such a major surgery at this age or would you try to manage his pain as good as possible before putting him to sleep? Thanks for reading.
  7. This has affected two family members recently. The Macmillan website has come up with recipes donated by various people involved with treating cancer. They know that cancer patients don't always feel like eating and that chemo affects your taste buds and the recipes are designed to be nutritious, tasty and tempting. I hope the link is useful. HB http://be.macmillan.org.uk/downloads/CancerInformation/LivingWithAndAfterCancer/MAC11668RecipesDD20120813.pdf
  8. I was tempted to use 'discriminate against' in the thread title but thought that may have been a bit too strong. Ok, so my mum is currently on a trip to Dubai with my dad (He's already over there for work) and so we went to take out a travel insurance policy. She's done this trip (alone and with me) several times in the past few years so we've got a good bit of experience with buying Travel Insurance online, usually from the Post Office, and just printing out documentation at home within minutes. All nice and simple. So this year we sat down (She's not at all IT-savvy, so it's down to good old Son who works in IT to do something so 'complicated' for her ) and went to go through the process as usual, but this year there was something a bit different about the questions to answer/fill in, with more details on the medical side being requested. In the past there's never been any medical questions when buying travel insurance beyond the "pre-existing conditions wont be covered" type stuff. Now, unfortunately my mum was diagnosed with Breast Cancer nearly 6 years ago. Fortunately it was caught very early and through a combination of minor radiotherapy and drug treatments, she made a complete recovery and was given her all clear last December. Previously this has never been applicable to the questions that we've been asked when buying Travel Insurance online, but the new questions, or at least the new wording of the questions, meant that it did seem to fall into the 'relevant' bracket now, so when the following question came up, Along with. We had to click Yes, wanting to give an honest declaration that she had been for treatment, but that she was now all clear and no longer undergoing any treatment. On clicking Yes we were asked what the condition was, and Breast Cancer was an option. We were then given the following questions, Available answers were, "No", "Yes - spread to lymph nodes in armpit only" and "Yes - spread to other parts of the body". Fortunately, our answer was "No". "Under 2 years" "2-3 Years" "3-5 years" "5-8 years" "8-10 years" "More than 10 years" Our answer was "5-8 years" "Yes" "No" "Still waiting for surgery to remove the cancer" Now on this one, we selected "No", as there was never any surgery. However I'm assuming here that Chemotherapy and medication don't classify as 'surgery' as there wasn't what I could consider a surgical procedure involved. For this one we selected the option of 1 to 2 visits in the last 12 months, the last one being her final check last year before getting her all clear. Well, no she's not. Treatment is complete, but there was no option for that at all. There were only options for Chemotherapy, Surger, Radiotherapy, Tablet treatment, Other Treatment or No. So we had to pick no. So as you can see, there were absolutely no options to say "I did have cancer, but it was treated completely successfully without the need for surgical removal". So we put in those details, and then got prompted that there were no policies available based on the information. Hm, odd. So next we tried a comparison site, thinking that might be a bit better. We ended up on Moneysupermarket after prompting that there was a previous cancer case involved were directed to their "Pre-existing condition" quote site. Sounded good, something a bit more specialist. Went through that only to be prompted with word for word the same questions and answers. Obviously we put in the same information....and got the same results. No policies available. In the end, she had to phone up her bank and managed to get a quote over the phone since she could actually explain the cancer was now gone and she'd received her all clear. But why not have an option for people who have been successfully treated for Cancer? Why did we have to go through all that? Are insurance companies just of the opinion that once you've had cancer, you always have cancer?
  9. I am a store manager working on the east coast of the UK, who works for a large company I was diagnosed with an incurable cancer and have struggled with things like fatigue since making the decision to battle on and keep doing a job I enjoy I understand that I am covered by The Equality Act I am paid a basic salary and also receive OTE for hitting store targets My employer has been increasing my targets by as much as 60-70% vs year on year performance, I feel I am breaking under the pressure of trying to remain at work and also manage my team I have mentioned volume 3 of the Equality Act which mentions adjusting targets to my employer but they are saying they don't have to as they aren't "my" targets and my teams. But I am reviewed on them, I am paid when I hit them and feel this is an excuse to not make the reasonable adjustments and not increase my targets by such drastic way. Does volume 3 of the equality act (pay and benefits) apply to me and why would my employer state I don't have personal targets when I am paid on hitting them other than as an excuse to not make adjustments Any advice/ help / support welcomed
  10. Hi I wonder if some one can help advise me on what I should do about this. Six months ago my OH went to our GP as he was suffering from stomach pains, weight loss and passing blood. The GP told him to have a blood test and do a stool sample and that he wanted to referrer him to the specialist as soon as possible. He gave him some medication to help settle the stomach. My OH had the blood test and stool sample and took the medication. His stomach seemed to calm down and we heard nothing back so presumed the tests came back fine. 4 months later we receive a letter from the hospital with an appointment to see the specialist so my OH attends. The specialist was very concerned and urgently booked him in for a endoscopy and gastroscopy. When the specialist asked how long he had been experiencing these symptoms my OH told him he went to the gp 4 months ago. The specialist was shocked as they had only recieved the referral 3 weeks prior to this appointment and he said he should have seen him no later than 3 weeks after the GP appointment. The endoscopy showed a large stomach ulcer and my OH was given more medication for it but they had also taken biopsies. On Monday my Husband received a call from the hospital giving him an appointment to see the specialist which was today (yesterday actually now) The biopsies have shown that he does have stomach cancer and now has to have his whole stomach removed. The original GP appointment was around 6 months ago. I really feel that had he been referred immediatly like he was supposed to the diagnosis wouldn't have been as severe. To top it off my OH went to this same GP surgery not long ago with a chest infection only to find out that 3 years ago they diagnosed him with COPD which they failed to tell him of or to register it on his file. I feel so let down by our GP. My OH has always been in fairly good health since we have been together 13 years. We don't often visit the doctor maybe once or twice a year have never needed to but this year when my OH's health took a sudden turn we needed them to be there to do their job and it would appear they did not, resulting in a devastating and life changing diagnosis. Sorry if this is a bit of a rant, it has been a very emotional and stressful day.
  11. A health watchdog is warning that thousands of people have been sent hoax emails suggesting they have cancer. The messages appear to come from the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). It says the contents are likely to be distressing and has reported the hoax to the police. It is not clear exactly how many people are affected, but based on the high number of calls to the organisation it is thought to number thousands. NICE is advising people who have received the email - the subject line of which is important blood analysis result - to delete it without opening it and not to click on any links.
  12. MODS: Please move if necessary. After my sister contracting this recently and having a mastectomy and reconstruction, then several friends contracting this awful disease, I have found a simple read for MEN AND WOMEN regarding this issue to try to raise awareness. Please take two minutes to read something which could save your life: http://simply-wrong.com/breast-cancer-is-simply-wrong/ Thank you!
  13. Sophie Jones, 19, lost her battle with cancer on Saturday morning - her family say it should never have happened The parents have set up a petition in order that other young girls are not let down as Sophie was - you can sign HERE
  14. Hi everyone, Not sure if anyone can help or not. This morning I had tests on a lump I had found and I was told that it was 95% certain that the lump was cancer and I would need treatment for breast cancer. This afternoon I had an appointment with my adviser for a post work programme interview, it wasn't a signing day but they still insist on checking my jobsearch throughly. Because of what had happened in the morning I completely forgot to take it and they threatened me with a sanction. And made appointments for me to be at the job centre every day for the next fortnight at varying times, one of these clashed with my appointment at the hospital for my test results and I told them this. This set them off saying I was signing when I wasn't actively seeking work, that I needed to fill in a sickness form, this would be my second period of sickness and would mean I would not be eligible for anymore sickness until November this year. I said this to them and I was told in a roundabout way it was tough. Then things went from bad to worse, my adviser made me sign off saying I was not eligible to claim JSA as I was now sick as I had breast cancer. They have now signed me off and I am not getting anymore JSA apart from 3 days that are due to me. Is what they did right? I have read that ESA isn't payable for some cancers so that doesn't seem an option plus at the moment I would not be able to get a doctors note as nothing is confirmed so what am I meant to live on? This is a worrying enough time as it is without having they worry of no money for bills and food now. Any advice welcome Thanks
  15. I am not sure whether this is best place in here or special needs and disability. I also don't want to clog up the what made you swear today? thread in the Bear Garden. For those of you who have seen that thread within the last few days, you'd know that my Granddad has been given 2 years to live and has cancer in his spine and liver. He had mouth and throat cancer 3 years ago and was given the all clear 9 months later. Any support, advice, etc. would be appreciated please. I will also be using this thread to post what's going on with his treatment, etc.
  16. After many years of having 2 x credit cards with MBNA I started a second business that failed leaving me in huge debt. A couple of years later I sold my other business wanting to get out as the recession was hitting. I continued to pay the credit cards for as long as possible but what with my Husband being made redundant I soon ran out of money. With three children to care for I came to an arrangement to pay MBNA each month £1 towards each credit card. In August this year I was diagnosed with cancer and I have to admit I didn't pay the £1 to MBNA (mind was elsewhere). Since then however I paid the outstanding months and have gone back to paying £1 a month to each account. It appears that around December time MBNA sold my debt to moorgate who then passed it to Arrow Global who now have Moorcroft harassing me. I contacted MBNA explaining my illness, I continue to send them the £1 cheques each month which they continue to cash, I have sent a letter of complaint explaining I did not give them permission to sell my debt or give my details to a third party. Also complained about moorcroft phoning me despite my request to only be contacted in writing and told them to stop moorcroft harassing me. Response was they were not responsible for moorcrofts actions and that they have a right to sell my debt. These credit cards were taken out around 1998 maybe a year or so before. Previously solicitors had told me that the debt was not enforceable (although I understand this is very complex) As the original debt was with MBNA, are they responsible for the way in which moorcroft continue to harass me? Is there any paper work I should be asking for that entitles them to sell my debt? Can I find out how much they sold my debt for (then I would know what I am up against). As I am continuing to send the cheques for £1 each month as agreed can they take me to court and continue to send me threatening letters? I have no income other than the child benefit, we have been receiving council tax benefit and money is very tight on my husbands income. I do not speak to these people on the phone and today I lost it with the chap who phoned me, Told him he was not to phone me, I would report him, that my debt was with MBNA not him, I was continuing to pay MBNA so he should take it up with them and that he didn't have cancer I did. At that point I slammed down the phone in quite a hysterical state by this time. The bottom line is, I just cant cope with this on top of everything else I have been through the last few months, I am very depressed as it is and really struggle to get through a day without bursting into tears (due to my illness). I am desperate for someone to let me know what my rights are and whether just ignoring these people and continuing to send the monthly payments as I have been doing is sufficient.
  17. Surfer01

    Cancer Act 1939

    Most citizens of Great Britain are totally unaware of the 1939 Cancer Act which effectively prevents them from finding out about different treatments for cancer. See here Is the above correct and are we prevented from finding out more? I had never heard of the Act until this morning when it was mentioned to me.
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