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  1. So I take care of Gas/Electricity switching for my grandmother, so her account is linked to my e-mail address as I submit meter readings online for her and such since she's basically a technophobe for anything more than a TV, and when I checked my e-mails this morning I had one from EDF saying "Thanks for booking an appointment to have Smart Meters installed" I hadn't made any such appointment online, and my grandmother had made no such appointment on the phone either, so EDF had simply taken it upon themselves to book a Smart Meter installation for her in 2 weeks time. Fortunately I was able to login to her account online and find the not very obvious link to cancel the appointment (When you go into the appointment, there's huge buttons for rescheduling it to another time, but the link to Cancel is somewhat hidden. It's basically in a sentence that said "Or if you'd like you can Cancel your booking" with the word cancel just being a Hyperlink), but it's certainly worrying that they're now just forcing appointments on people without even asking and, had I not been able to check my e-mails due to being on holiday or away with work then in 2 weeks time some stranger would have just turned up at my grandmothers door telling her he was there to change the meters. The main reasoning behind not having smart meters at the moment is simply due to the number of stories I've seen in the past year or two about poor installation jobs leading to gas leaks, boiler breakdowns, electricity surges damaging equipment, etc. Last thing we want to risk right now is for someone barely trained turning up, rushing a meter swap and leaving asap and then a woman in her late 80s being left with no heating in the current weather conditions. Just thought I'd post this as a word of warning for anyone else with EDF to keep a lookout for.
  2. Hi guys, Hope you can help me with this please I had a call from assist claim management about ppi claim I gave them some details over the phone they came back to me after a week asking me to sign a letter of authority because they found 5 accounts eligible for ppi claim. i signed the LOA for them in may 2018. in September I came back from holiday I found over 10 letters from them some asking me to sign a questionner and a new LOA AND some of them threatening me with a bailiff or pay à fees of £300 for each account which make a total of £1500. the letters were all sent between 23 July and 10 August I came back home the 3rd of September a week later I received a letter from a bailiff asking for £375 x 5. i called them explained to them what happened they asked me to sign a LOA I said I’ve already signed one they told me it was invalid because I added some stuff with pen on them. i said if it’s invalid why are you threatened me with bailiff and I decided not to sign anything and do the claim my self. they send me new LOA AND A QUESTIONNAIRE to sign and they join a letter of T&C and one of the clause clearly saying I have 14 days to cancel. i did sign a new LOA AND THE QUESTIONNAIRE SEND IT THEN A WEEK LATER I’ve send an email to them to cancel the contract as stated in the T&C. the next day they send me email rejecting the cancellation because I’ve signed a LOA in may even it’s invalid. Today I received a letter from a bailiff again asking me to pay my debts to ACM. Hope I was clear enough if you want more info please ask me. Can you advise me please
  3. I got a pre action protocol letter with a form, from Restons for a next account which has been passed to Debt Managers (Services). I ticked box I and requested a copy of the contract, statement of account, details of any administrative charges, copy of notice of assignment and a copy of the default notice. I received a reply from them providing with a few details; date account was opened, address used (which is incorrect btw), last order date, last items ordered, last payment date and amount. The letter says I have not provided any information as to why I don't know if I owe the debt, and asking me to confirm 'why you are unsure if you owe the debt so that our client can understand your position'. It reads like a template reply to me, but I am unsure how to word my response. Do I need to give a reason why I am unsure under the pre action protocol, or should I write back simply asking them for the information I originally requested?
  4. Hi all, I'm currently going through a move (renting) and am being asked to provide my company accounts to letting agents for their credit checks. Now I remember this seriously bugged me the last time I moved, as I run a Limited Company and it's my gut reaction that the company accounts are and should remain private. I'm paid via payroll on a regular basis as any other employee would be. I don't even submit full accounts to Companies House, so why should these nosy parkers get to see them? Is there any legal justification for them asking this or can I politely refuse, offering my personal accounts / payslips only?
  5. I defaulted on a bridging loan and Receivers have been appointed. They have secured the property (changed the locks) and have asked me to book a time to remove my belongings (Torts Notice served). The property was and is my home and my only home but I have not lived there since taking out the bridging loan is because the loan was unregulated and I did not want to be in breach of the terms. However, it was never rented out; in fact, I never removed my belongings from the property. I have never desired to be landlord and the only reason for taking out the loan was to keep my home. This was declared to the lender from the very beginning; nonetheless, the product offered to me was an unregulated loan. As I was not eligible for a mortgage at the time and it was very unlikely that I would be by the end of the loan term, sale was my only option of exit strategy. This was a better option than having the property repossessed. The Receivers have said I must either remove my belongings or pay for storage. I have not abandoned my belongings or “left them behind”. I am in the process of remortgaging and they are aware of this, as I have kept them informed. The mortgage has been agreed subject to valuation which is due tomorrow. Can they force me to empty the property?
  6. Hi, With ref to : https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?483974-ADVICE-required-Defendant-insurer-refusing-to-pay-for-credit-hire-vehicle I was just reading up on hire company car issues and have found myself in a similar situation described earlier this year in the forum. I had a car accident a few weeks ago and I was not at fault and my insurance company have referred me on to the solicitors and they offered to repair my car and give me a hire car to use, which I accepted as I believed this was something I was entitled to since I was not at fault. I am now being asked to provide all my bank details and find this very bizarre. I have called the solicitors and they say that they plan to get all costs covered by the other person's car insurance, which brings me back to why am I providing my bank details?? I came across this forum and began reading your posts on the forum to get advice and see if other people have been in this situation. May I ask what happened with your situation? Did the solicitors manage to claim back costs from the other insurance company? Did you encounter any other further problems/costs? and were you happy to pass on your bank statements? I have never dealt with an insurance claim before and thought this was going to be a simple to ensure my car is repaired, but have realised there is a lot more to this. I read in the forum that you did pass on you bank details to the solicitors. Did you find this was a safe thing to do or did they make you pay for anything? Is this all a normal process??? Many Thanks.
  7. Hi, I was a victim of identity fraud in around June 2012. "Someone at the time took out loans in my name with quick quid and lending stream". It was a lot of hassle at the time ( I went through the police action fraud, recived a crime number and after a month or so I signed a couple of letters from both companies and the matter was cleaned up. I also opted at that time to put extra restrictions on anyone else trying to fraudulently take out any more loans in my name. "Let me just say that I have never ever applied or taken out any loan in my life other that a mortgage for our home that is now fully paid off". back in June 2017 I started receiving letters from MMF motormile finance now Lantern, stating that I owed them £250 for another loan from what turns out to be taken at around the same time as the other loans in 2012! I phoned them straight away and explained what had happened. But all this did was for them to send demanding letters on a weekly basis! I forwarded the police action fraud crime number from 2012 thinking that that would be the end of the matter. But all they do is keep sending me more demanding letters. Are these people above the law or what! They keep asking for very personal details e.g bank statements from 2012, my national insurance number, payslips, photo id from a passport or driving licence. I'm sure it would be reckless to send such sensitive information to a bad debt collecting company! (Do they cover their costs by selling on this very useful and very accurate information to third parties?) It would be very lucrative if they did as they would have all the information to take out a loan in my name!! What's going to happen in another few years, Am I going to get demanding letters form another bad debt company?? As much I want to clear my name I am very sceptical about about how they would use that information. I lay awake at night worrying myself to death, I am frightened about what they might do. I have been to Citizens advice bureau who just say go to police action fraud! its bonkers. If a company doesn't accept a police action fraud number and the evidence from the time of the identity fraud then they are surly acting above the law!
  8. Hi all, First post after hoovering up the info here, thought i'd as my query for clarity. I bought a new motorhome. Part of the deal was to PX my old one. I accepted the dealers valuation of my motorhome, sight unseen on their part. On the day of the exchange, we handed over our docs, full service history and importantly the habitation inspection reports done yearly one of the checks is to check and report for damp. These came back without issue and we have always been happy in the knowlege that the van is in good shape. we then exchanged paper work, and shown the van. overall there over 2hr 15 mins of which just 40 mins was the actual signing and showing. I asked if he had looked at out van and was happy. He said yes. Happily we drove off. over 2 weeks later and the dealer now saying there is damp in the van, we should pay to put this right. First news to me and came as a shock. 1) Are they allowed to demand more money long after the deal 2) If 1. is yes, how long does a dealer have to ask for more money? What if they then decide I owe them more later for other issues, am i liable? Thanks all M
  9. Hi guys, I wanted to get some advice before I part with my money to my Landlord. I'm in 12 month contract, no break clause with 5 months left but I've just accepted a new job abroad at the end of this month. I contacted the LL with a months notice and explained I'd get someone to take over the tenancy but they're saying as I need to give 2 months notice, they will need two months rent (my deposit plus an extra month). The LL is in the process of already getting a new tenant, probably giving them a fresh 12 months. Is the LL correct in asking for 2 months rent? In the agreement it states: If the agreement is not brought to end by either party on the above date, it will continue thereafter on a monthly basis until terminated by either party giving no less than 2 months notice. This is the only mention of '2 months' in my agreement. Thanks for your time.
  10. Hi there, looking for some advice on how best to handle this situation. We bought a new house, but rented it for 3 months prior to completion. We did not live in the house until the completion date, so the gas and electricity meters were started that day, with OVO energy, which was the same meter readings given by the previous owners, when they left. Unbeknown to me, the previous owner had given Eon (her supplier) my name and they have been contacting me to pay just over £300. I have spoken to EON on the telephone, to put them in the picture and have returned emails, but they kept sending the demands. They have now sent it to Arvato, who have strangely said that the balance is £40 They obviously have no signed contract or anything from me, as they only know my name from the previous owner. What is the best course of action? Thanks in advance
  11. Hello everyone. Back in June, I received a PCN from Indigo via ZZPS for allegedly parking without payment. In fact I paid but the machine did not register; I appealed and subsequenctly received a cancellation notice from Indigo. I have now received another notice from ZZPS claiming the penalty is unpaid and current balance is £170, and stating they will continue to persue the debt. Should I ignore this and just let them do what they want to do until it gets to court, get involved in correspondence with them, or what? I am inclined to send them a copy of the cancellation, tell them to sort themselves out and go away, but would appreceite advice from those more knowledgable than I. Many thanks.
  12. Hi guys, Read some posts here to get an idea of what I'm dealing with. I joined the gym late December and had 1 month free then my first payment went in January 2017 for £30ish. It was a 12 month contract. I cancelled my membership in January as I sustained an injury and was not sure when I could be back in. I messaged the gym yesterday who said to go contact Harlands (which I'm not doing unless suggested to me by you guys) The letter states This is the first and only letter I have received from them by the way. What should I do? Hope this won't affect my credit rating. Thanks for your replies.
  13. I bought a car in December, and found it was faulty the day after purchase. It had several issues and it turned out it was unsafe to drive for more than one reason. I sent a letter of rejection to the garage, and in that letter I told them they needed to pick up the car as it's not roadworthy at all, or we would hire a company to tow it back to their garage at their cost. They flat out refused to accept the rejection, so we took it to the card issuer, who has just approved our chargeback. We have kept the car unused in the driveway while waiting for this decision. We now need to get the vehicle off the property. We're moving thursday, and I really doubt the landlord wants a broken down car in their driveway until the garage decides they will pick it up. Because we stated we would hire a company to return the car if the garage didn't do it themselves, do I need to inform them again, or can we hire a tow company to collect the car and instruct them to bill the garage? Or do I have to send a letter all over again, telling them to pick it up?
  14. Thanks for the info. I have a letter from them about a 16k debt. They are threatening to repossess my house. Should I follow the instructions above in regards to a SARS and the CCA Request? Should I refrain from calling them? Thanks
  15. Hi, Recently stubbled onto the site and wondered if anyone could help me. I currently work at a supermarket and have done since August 2016, I started on a 12 hour contract over three days (per week) but have never actually worked only 12 hours. I am consistently working above and beyond these hours ranging from about 24 to something 38 and occasionally entering overtime at above 39 hours per week. This is great, an I am not complaining but I am wondering there were grounds on which I can ask for my contact to be raised so I will be guaranteed more that 12 hours pay per week. Does anybody know if there law or legislation that I could use to back my case when i eventually ask for my contacted hours to be raised? I have read a discussion on here refereeing to holiday pay in a similar situation.. .as I have a weeks holiday booked will i be paid my 12 hours or the average of the last 12 weeks work hours? If I am entitled to the latter if I only get paid the basic 12 hours can i appeal this somehow? Thanks in advance, any information anybody has would be of great helps Thanks a lot Justsaying
  16. Hi guys! This is my first ever post on here and I'm in desperate need of help. I was employed as an apprentice from June 2015 working towards my NVQ Level 2 in Customer Service. Originally, my NVQ was supposed to end in October 2016 but as my employer refused to let me work towards it (I was told that absolutely everything else in the office took priority over my NVQ work) the end date was extended by my NVQ assessor to October 2017. When my end date was extended, my NVQ assessor informed me that the minimum wage I was entitled to would have increased in June 2016 (after completing my first year of employment) and that my employer had been paying me below this amount for the past 4 months. My assessor told me that they would pass this information on to my manager and confirmed that they had done so via email. Four weeks passed with no mention of this at work at all. My NVQ assessor came into the office to help me get started on the next part of my course. At the end of the day, they asked me if anything had been said about my wage increasing and the money that I was owed. I confirmed that nothing had been mentioned. She went and had a word with my manager and came back and told me that my employer knows that they need to back pay me and that they were going to deal with it shortly. Two days later, my manager asked me to go to a one-to-one meeting where they confirmed that I was going to be back paid the amount of money that I was owed but that, due to a move-around in our department, my position no longer existed and that I would be out of a job this time next week. I was told that there were no problems with my performance, only that my role didn't exist anymore. A reshaping of our department had never been discussed, nor was I ever told that my role might not be there in the future. I was also only given 6 days notice when my contract said that I was entitled to a minimum of 3 weeks. Also, no-one else in the company has lost their job as a result of the reshuffle: I am the only person to have been negatively affected by this. I called ACAS and they told me to write down everything that I think my employer did wrong in a letter and then send it to my employer. The lady on the phone then said to wait 14 days and try to begin the early conciliation process. She told me that it sounded like what my employer did to me was illegal and I've gone through loads of other articles online posted by Law Firms which all seem to suggest that this I have been made redundant unfairly. I was just wondering what other people make of this? Has my employer acted wrongly and am I right in looking to escalate this? I'm really distressed due to the time of year where this has happened and I just want to make sure that I'm doing the right thing. Thank you all so much! Any help is greatly appreciated.
  17. Hi, I've received a very nice educated letter from capquest asking me for payment for a debt from 2005 on American Express. I know that the last payment I've done to American Express it was in August 2005. Can they do this? After 11 years? How should I proceed with this? Thank you for your help. CZ
  18. in may this year my daughter had a car accident and the car was written off (although we didnt think it was necessary). Two men have just knocked showed me a copy of my daughters registration doc asking if i knew the person, they were after the log book and they were driving the car that had been written off. I didnt have the logbook as logbook and reg docs had to be sent in to the insurance company. I hope we are not going to get some kind of come back over this
  19. Hi, was hoping someone can provide some advice for a family member, car was on finance, missed last 3 payments, did not receive any paperwork until debt collector arrived, offered to pay all monies owed as was an oversight, finance company refused to accept payment as stated monthly payments no longer affordable, car was taken immediately. A letter has just been received asking for an immediate payment of 3k or will be passed to debt collectors The offered payment would have taken payments over 1/3 of the agreement, we were given no other opportunity to settle the finance on her behalf and have received no other communication, what is the best action to take? Many thanks
  20. Hello, I left my last job nearly three years ago. I have chronic health problems and the long hours I was working were making things worse (I did around 10 hours a day - it was not unknown for my to be sending emails at midight on a Friday night, and any overtime was unpaid). When I left, I had to chase my former line manager several times for final payslips and my P45, which arrived a couple of months after I had left. Apparently he didn't know how to put them in the external post. Several months after I left, I received a letter to transfer my pension to a new provider - I had been in the previous scheme for less than a year - and put the letter aside, intending on filling it in. I was still battling with health problems and it several months later and after a change of medication that I started to feel better. (Health problems can be evidenced with blood test results and hospital letters.) A year later, I found the form and contacted both my former employer and pension provider to ask whether it was too late to transfer. After a bit of messing about and being given conflicting information, I was eventually told that it was too late and that a refund of my contributions had been made. I hadn't received any refund and it was then, nearly two years after leaving the employer, that I was told that I had been overpaid and they were demanding over £1000. I wasn't aware that I had been overpaid and received all monies in good faith, so this came as a huge shock. I asked for a breakdown and was given a convoluted spreadsheet. I've asked two people, one of whom works in payroll, to check the figures and they're also confused and suspect there are errors in the calculations. I asked for a further explanation but my former employer continued to send the same information and used phrases such as "you must pay". It was suggested that I claim estoppel, which I did earlier this year. My former employer then passed the case on to a debt collector who then tried to pick holes in how I couldn't have known that I was overpaid. They then passed the case on to what appears to be a sister company (same address, a couple of the directors are the same) and I have received my second demanding letter from them. This one gives me 21 days to pay the amount plus an admin fee, which seems to have reduced from £45 to £25 and says "our Client can progress with legal action without any further notice ...". I'm finding the situation quite stressful. Any advice would be gratefully appreciated.
  21. Our Landlord sent us this message last night, we moved out over a week ago and were told everything was fine at that point. None too impressed guys..I made no fuss or deduvtions for lack of cleaning but just gone to make up small room double bed and just realised you turned memory phone matress which covered in 'stains' ! New mattress will be certainly to tune of 150...I trust you will send this promptly! Rosie Implying that I flipped the mattress deliberately to hide "stains" (a glass of wine spilt during a tough essay time). This was not done, I left it on its side when we left the flat. can anyone advise on how we should proceed and where we stand? Thanks in advance
  22. I am currently opening a FlexBasic account with Nationwide - got the letter to ask for ID I provided this and they are asking for stuff from my previous address. I have been living at my current address for nearly 2 years and nothing with my previous address is valid as its out of date. I have P60's and various letters from people but nothing thats on thier list.
  23. Hi, Need some advice. I sent Vanquis a DSAR request over 4 months ago. I enclosed a £10 cheque which was duly cashed however they failed to provide me with any of the reqested documents (CCA, Terms & Conditions, Default Notices, Deed of assignment etc) I received a 3 page letter consisting of a demand for a further £1 for CCA and a 2 page document consisting of an abreviated table of transactions (I believe this is supposed to constitute a statement) Can someone confirm to me whether the £10 paid for the sar superceeds the requirement for an additional £1 for the cca. My understanding was the £10 sar fee covers ALL docs & data. Thanks
  24. My employer is telling me I need to go to see the doctor (I agree due to stress related migraines). He is also saying I need to show them a note to say I am fit for work, as in his own words (in email), he doesn't feel I am fit to work. 1. Do doctors even issue a fit to work note after a couple of half day absences? 2. If my employer is telling me he thinks I am unfit to work, should I be going to work? (He thinks I should ) 3. Can my employer force me to present a fit to work note from my doctor? Thanks
  25. Hi all, I recently CCAed all my creditors in order to try and sort out my finances finally. I have been paying £1 token payments to each, having defaulted on all over 6 years ago. I have moved house a few times since and have lost track of what has happened to them all. having sent a CCA request to Robinson Way, who I originally dealt with for a Halifax debt, I received a strange reply, returning my £1 PO, and saying that "the account is closed on our files, please contact our principal". This was written on a very unprofessional piece of paper that looked more like a memo than a letter! Has anyone got any advise as to how I should proceed with this? The 12+2 days are definitely over. As Robinson Way were dealing with this, is it still their responsibility to respond to my CCA request? Thanks AM
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