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  1. I signed up to David Llyods after speaking to a sales advisor on the phone who told me the contract was 3 months long and after then I could cancel anytime with a 1 months notice. The next day I rushed into the gym for a class I signed up to, signed the contract he prepared for me which was handed to me by the receptionist. After about 5 months I called to cancel my contract and was told I am in a 12 month contract, I argued this and said I was told on the phone it was 3 months and then I could cancel with 1 months notice at anytime. Clearly I didn't read the contract they gave me properly as I was in a rush but I was 100% missold on the phone, when I asked for evidence of this they told me they don't record their phone calls. Now I didn't have enough money to pay for any more months so I emailed them in writing, explained how I was missold and cancelled my direct debit. They replied saying they would compromise because of my situation and let me cancel with 2 months notice. So basically they acknowledged how I was missold but still didn't honour the one months notice that was supposed to be in the contract. I told them by email I can't afford to pay for 2 months which was true so I won't be accepting. Now they have passed my debt to Arc Europe Ltd who have called me everyday for the last month, multiple times per day on multiple numbers so I am now worried to answer my phone to any unknown numbers. I replied to one of their texts and spoke to their web team and told them my story, how I was missold by David Llyods and that I have already spoke to them and told them why I can't pay. I then told them to stop harrasing me and left the chat. They have not slowed down their efforts since at all and now I am being sent letters threatening legal action in court. Could someone please help me get out of this as it has made me furious that they are so dishonest and that a company like David Llyods would use scare tactics and a well known to be aggressive debt collector such as Arc Europe Ltd.
  2. Ok heres the deal. I signed up for a 3 month virgin active membership back around july, after one months use I wanted to cancel, they wouldnt agree and the idiot manager would not even agree to simply talk with me. I didn't use the gym in the last two months but they don't care and the contract doesn't of course. Arc debt collection has been dealing with me, I owed around £170 or something in total ive already paid £90 worth, maybe that was the wrong decision but I do not want to pay them the remainder. I've set loads of dates to pay and many I have not paid and we just rearrange one guy called saying the solicitors will get involved and court action if I do not pay, I do not want to pay them and i did not pay a payment recently. No doubt they will call me saying solicitor or court action will be taken. What should I do??? I know I should have came to this forum earlier. I do not want to pay these morons or go to court and be forced to pay this little amount and travel there since its out of london etc. ????
  3. 1 - Have we ever seen a case go to court with them? 2 - Am I right in thinking they only use Major Law? 3 - Safe to ignore Threatograms right?
  4. Back in January 2017 I switched banks. Everything seemed to transfer over with no issue until July 2017 when I received a letter from Kwik Fit Insurance Services saying I owed them £107 for a home contents insurance policy. On checking my direct debit list I discovered that no payment had been taken for the direct debit. I had two direct debits with Kwik Fit insurance at the time, one for car insurance the other for contents. I rang the bank who confirmed that Kwik Fit had never applied for the payments to be withdrawn from my account. I sent a recorded delivery letter to Kwik fit and followed up with another letter (again sent recorded delivery) three weeks later after I had heard nothing from them. A month after my second letter I received a letter from Resolvecall to recover the debt on behalf of Kwik fit. I telephoned Resolvecall and explained the situation and asked them to look into the matter. The girl I spoke to said she would and would email me within 14 days. I heard absolutely nothing and (stupidly) assumed it was the end on the matter. Four weeks ago I received a letter from Arc Europe who have now bought this debt and now a letter from Major Law with fees added. They are now asking for £130. Can anyone suggest how I should handle this? I am not denying that this money should have been paid, albeit by monthly direct debit, but I tried to communicate on several occasions first with Kwik Fit and then Resolvecall only to have my requests ignored. I can't take the chance that this could go to court as my job relies on me having no CCJs on my credit file. If I have to pay the money I will (though I wouldn't be able to pay all at once) but I don't think I should have to pay costs. Would it be worth sending a letter to my bank under the bank account switch guarantee? I'd appreciate any advice. Thanks so much in advance.
  5. Good Afternoon I've seen a lot of threads regarding unfair gym cancellations & would like to explain my problem with David Lloyd Gyms for some advice and reassurance. I joined a Virgin Gym in November 2016 it was really on the basis that I'm swimming the English Channel in a team relay & the rest of my team were already members at this Virgin Gym & the swim facilities were excellent & it meant we could train together. I have two teenage sons & they joined with me paying at £86 per month for the 3 of us. Although the facilities were great - I found it difficult to use the facilities as I would have liked as the gym is 30 mins drive from and back to my home however I knew I was contracted for 12 months & continued to use even if I felt I was getting my monies worth in view of the traveling time etc. During the membership period the gym was sold to David Lloyd gyms - in mid December 2017 I cancelled my DD as I knew my 12 months contract had been completed & my commitment to them met. I had in the post received a letter from David Lloyd giving me the options of different memberships which I did not complete or sign. I then received a call from DL head office about my DD not being paid & explained I had completed my membership of 12 months & no longer wanted to be a member. My contract had been with Virgin & not David Lloyd in my eyes but they did point out that in the T&C of the Virgin contract it states that if the club is sold then the T&C will pass to the new club. I have additionally explained about the difficulty in the time spent travelling which us already more than 10 miles from the club & also explained that I'm moving (house was on the market at this stage & since sold) and planning on moving even further away making this club not suitable for my training requirements. They are insisting that my contract then went over to a rolling monthly contract and that as i did not give notice that I owe two months membership - as you have give a complete months notice at the end of the month & my DD cancelling before the 1st Jan payment date didn't count. I have since had letters from Arc and telephone calls from Arc and today a letter from Major Law Solictors stating they will seek their clients instructions regarding County Court for recovery of £346.08 . This is very worrying letter to receive and very unfair - what do you suggest I do?
  6. Hi All, Apologies for creating another thread about these two companies, but I just wanted to clarify my position as it's a little different from the other threads that I have browsed over the past couple of days. I'll try to be as concise as possible. • Joined Bannatyne's in March 2014 on a 12 month Contract • Cancelled contract after a few months simply by cancelling the DD, something I was told was possible by gym staff (I have no evidence to support this though). • I get a few emails between 2014 and 2015, resulting in an 'Invoice' from Bannatynes for £180, which I ignored along with the other emails. • The last email I got from them was in December 2016 offering me the chance to settle my account for £100, again I ignored it. • I've had an email this week from ARC Europe saying that my 'account' has been transferred to them for 'account management' and asking to make arrangements to pay the outstanding £180. My gut feeling is to ignore it as it's for a balance from such a long time ago. But given the way that I cancelled the membership I have a lingering doubt that they have something on me or at least a reason to take this forward. I also have moved since then but am concerned about replying to them with my new address as that might provoke more harassment from them. Any advice would be very much appreciated.
  7. https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?485538-ARC-Major-Law-harassment-over-Bannatynes-membership-HELP!!&p=5105011#post510501 Hi Slick132 I am new to the forum, I have read a few other post and you seem to be an expert in these cases, wonder if you could share some knowledge. I have been following this forum over the past 2 days as I am in a similar situation to mrmotash but the only difference is that mine was a 1 month rolling contract and I only canceled the DD, however I do recall ringing the head office to cancel (roughly 2 years ago) but was advised to go into the gym to cancel which I didn't end up doing. Due to previous experience with gym memberships with puregym and thegymgroup, stopping the DD was all I needed to do to end my membership. However I have received a letter from ARC in Feb 2018 and then another one in Mar 2018 from Major Law, but these letters are going to an old address that I don't live at anymore (mums address). They are demanding a balance of £29, do you think I should just pay or ignore the letters as technically I've not received them? Any help would be appreciated
  8. Hi, back in June 2015 I signed up with Bannatyne on what I now know to be a minimum 12 month contract. What happened was, I was unable to find prices for memberships online, I went to my local branch and hastily agreed to the contract at £52 per month. Later that same day, I decided that the price was too steep for what the gym was offering. I emailed them asking to cancel my membership but was told this was not possible as per the terms of the contract. That my only option was to pay up (they offered me a 20% discount as a gesture of goodwill) or transfer the membership to a third party. I asked about the usual 14 day "cool off" but was told this was not an option as I signed on premises. In any case, neither of these options were agreeable to me and I made that clear. In addition, they took £39.87 (as payment for the first month) from my account before I cancelled my direct debit I did not query this payment and wrote it off as my mistake for signing in the first place. Also bear in mind that at no point either then or since have I used their equipment. I am aware that the contract does state that payment is due regardless of use. I heard nothing since but was contacted by ARC via letter about 2 weeks ago on behalf of Bannatyne still requesting this payment when I had assumed all was forgotten... This stated that I should pay the outstanding amount (£585.87) within 21 days or they would be forced to pass it on to solicitors. In a panic, I contacted them and relayed the whole story, which they said they would discuss with the client, ie Bannatyne. A few days later I got a call back saying the payment was still due with the 20% discount on offer (£468.69) and I should have read the T&Cs before signing! Still, I refused to pay. I have now received a letter from the solicitors (Major Law Solicitors, as threatened) who have advised me of intent to issue a county court claim against me with an array of further costs should it get that far, advising me to pay up to stop further action. Worried, I contacted my local CAB who have asked me to request a copy of the contract I signed (which I've done) but advised that for all intents and purposes, I am liable to pay as I had no grounds to cancel and they are within their rights to pursue me for the outstanding balance. I therefore resigned myself to having to pay before I stumbled upon this forum. What is the likelihood of being taken to court over this? I know it is a substantial amount of money but why wait 3 years to bring the issue back up again? Any advice on what my next steps should be? Thanks for your help.
  9. Morning CAG members, Wonder if you could give some advice please. I split from my wife last year and took all the debt in my name with me (which was roughly half) - unfortunately I wasn't able to keep up on any repayments as I'm not on a massive salary and now have to rent privately and pay all bills from one wage now. I explained everything to my creditors and so far so good. However, I received a letter from Nationwide in regards my loan which stated; "We recently identified an issue with some of our arrears statement" goes on to apologise for their error and says "in light of this error we will not pursue court proceedings to recover this debt" Further on it then asks if I want a "Notice of Correction" added which states that "Please note that this default relates to an agreement which the creditor considers to be unenforceable." Should I get this added to my credit file and due to my financial situation can I stop paying this? They've passed this onto ARC who have been sending me letter and called my place of work and recently sent me an income/outcome form to see what I can afford to pay. I informed them that i had a letter saying this loan was unenforceable and no legal proceedings will be pursued. They informed me that no legal action will be taken but they've been asked to collect payments by Nationwide. End of the day, do i have to do as ARC require, or can I just ignore this debt? If I can it would help me greatly as this is my biggest debt and am currently off my work with mental health issues. Thanks in advance for any advice.
  10. Hi, I have a similar issue myself regarding Bannatynes Gym and ARC Europe. I signed up for a 12 month contract to the gym in October 2015, after paying for 9 months I was relocated through work 310 miles away and my new nearest gym would be over an hours drive each way. I emailed Bannatynes to give notice that I would be cancelling my 12 month contract because I had been relocated and my financial situation had changed meaning that I could no longer access/afford to go to the gym. I received an email back in September 2016 of last year offering a 20% discount but that I still had to pay them £160. I emailed back to say that due to my change in circumstances I would not be paying. Fast forward to October this year, and I have moved house so wouldn't have received anything that was put in writing but I didn't hear from the gym again and have just started to receive calls from ARC Europe saying that I owe them money! How do I go about solving this? And do I actually owe them anything!? Please help!!!!!!
  11. Hi My problem is nowhere near as bad as some of the horror stories on here, but just though I would ask before I do anything! I joined a Bannatyne gym in February, I signed up online as I had previously had a 12 month contract with them and knew the gyms were decent. I only intended to go for a month I signed up for the "1 month contract" which is £10 extra compared to the 12 month contract. I went for a month then cancelled my direct debit at the end of Feb before any more payments came out and thought that was the end of it. I had previously been a member of a different gym where this was all you had to do to cancel and (foolishly) thought it would be the same with a 1 month contract at Bannatyne's. I have received a letter from Arc Europe saying I owe £57.00 for the notice period I agreed to when I joined the club. I haven't had any other correspondence from Bannatyne's prior to this. I have been on the Bannatyne website and the terms do state that you need to give 'one full calendar month's notice' when you want to leave. It seems like the only way to only be a member for 1 month is to give your notice at the same time you join. Just wondering if I have an argument here? It's not the end of the world if I have to pay I would just rather not! Thanks in advance
  12. Hi there, Thanks for taking the time to read this post. Long story short, brain surgery in Feb 2015. Got the all clear April 2016. 100% rehabilitation can take 3>5 years. My doctors advice re exercise keep trying every few months. Had a good relationship with the gym as had been a member for years prior to being ill. 2 x failed attempts (on a month by month contract) Then In July 2016 (2 months after all clear) went in to see about joining again. They had a great joining offer for 12 months contract. I talked at great length with the young girl 'Shona' who assured me if I did need to cancel, wouldn't be a problem. a low exercise regime commenced. Improvement was slow and steady. But tbh I was not happy with the cleanliness of the gym and my headaches started to come back. Admitted defeat in May of this year and cancelled the d/d. In truth I was too embarrassed to go in and cancel the gym yet again. As a result I have been hounded by phonecalls from Arc. I haven't had anything in writing from them but they keep leaving messages on my home phone, mobile and texting me demanding I call them. What should my first move be? Go to the gym, I should Imagine it's out of their hands now. Would be interested to hear your thoughts. Many thanks Chrissie k
  13. Hi people from the forum, I am in a situation where I would appreciate assistance. I am not a native speaker so apologies in advance for any mistake that might be in there! I got into a one-year contract with a gym in July, consisting of monthly payments of 60 pounds; in October I was accepted in a masters degree (which I had not applied for at the time I registered at the gym) in a foreign country. I enrolled and left the UK, but I left my bank account open and there was some money on it, I did not hear from the gym until January, when it turns out the money had been depleted and they had been unable to collect payment. I immediately contacted the gym and asked if I could cancel on the grounds that I now didn't have a job anymore (I had one prior to my enrollment but obviously had to quit) and wasn't even in the UK. I assumed this would be valid as an unforeseen change of circumstances. The person asked me for proof that I did not work anymore, so I directed her to my former HR. I did not hear back so I assumed everything was well, and I stopped the debit from my account. Two months later, another representative from the gym contacted me, notifying me that I owed two months. I referred him to my prior emails, and he showed me an email the first person had sent me, which I had not seen, where she stated that since I had quit and had not been fired, I still owed the money. I re-explained my situation, that I had no income now and was living in a different country, and the guy told me he understood, that he would put a note on my account and that I should notify him of when I would be able to make payment again. I told him next October (as my masters will be finished and I will have a job -hopefully), and thanked him for his understanding. I assumed everything was fine. Then last week my former roommate told me I had received a letter from ARC Europe (I asked her to open it in case it might be something administrative I had overlooked). Though I am two months late (120 pounds) and have gotten an email from the guy at the Gym that I would be able to resume payment later, a "J. Turner" requests I pay 299 pounds within ten days or he may go to court. Now I know this is more or less typical behavior from solicitors, but I don't really understand why they would come after me after the guy at the Gym emailed that I was fine, and why they'd ask for 299 pounds. What do you think of this situation? What is my best course of action, considering I will probably not be coming back to the UK in the near future, even after my masters? Thank you!
  14. Hi all, Wondered if anyone could help, Around half a year - year ago I signed up to virgin active on a 1 year contract. Long story short, Life caught up with me and I couldn't get there at all, I think I made the monumental mistake of cancelling the DD directly with my bank and not telling the gym. I understand this may have been the wrong way to handle the situation but I had a lot going on at the time (personal issues with my health). Arc Europe are now contacting me and are threatening court action etc and I am unsure the right course of action to take now... I am not financially fit to be paying back the money they're asking for (£280). Any help/ advice at all would be appreciated. Kind Regards Lo
  15. Advice needed - I had been paying an old debt (around £2000) which originated from an overdraft at Nationwide through Fredricksons at £30 per month, and it got down to around £1255. Then for some unknown reason Nationwide moved the debt to ARC (Europe). Just had my first contact with them on the phone, and asked them if they would be interested in a low settlement offer instead of starting up the low payments again (I have the money as in good shape now) I suggested 10% which they laughed at, but they came back with a 50% settlement offer which they are going to put in writing. And would be marked on credit file as 'partially settled'. Is it worth me doing this? I am trying to rebuild my credit file gradually in the hope that one day in the future we might be able to apply for a mortgage. I don't think this account has much of an impact on it as it falls under the closed accounts section, but for 50% I could make it go away and not be bothered by this new agency again. What do you think? Any advice much appreciated...
  16. I took out a payday loan with quickquid for around £200, couldn't pay back as I lost my job and fast forward to now, I owe ARC Europe £333.80, what is the best way to deal with this? Thanks.
  17. August last year i was struggling for money, stupidly i applied for a payday loan from QQ at the time of taking this out my credit rating was appalling. i made the first payment but after that found myself struggling to continue making the payments due to several factors. the loan was for about £400 but since then it has gone up to £700+ . i emailed them a number of times asking to consider writing of the debt and gave them the reasons why including low income, loss of benefits / job, stress of debts, bad credit score etc. I also pointed out that the constant phone calls and emails every couple of days could be perceived as harassment. with all the calls and emails i kept receiving i decided to send them a income / outcome sheet showing there was no way i could afford any type of repayment offer at present and asked yet again if they could put a hold on any action, but was constantly told if i didn't phone them they couldn't sort it out and they would proceed in trying to collect the money. in every email they sent i was told if i didn't offer pay the amount or offer a repayment plan by phone my account would be sold on i told them i would prefer to only correspond via email yet they continued to phone (even after i asked them to stop doing that) and emails still kept coming saying i hadn't made any offer of repayment or tried to contact them (even though i kept explaining my situation in emails!) at the start of January this year i wrote a complaint, that they acknowledged, i explained all my problems and also that if they had done the correct checks i would not have been granted any loan. I also requested the once again that they stop any action unfortunately their reply was they don't stop any action even when dealing with a complaint. today i get a letter from Arc Europe threatening county court action within 14 days of their letter if i do not pay the amount in full or make a proposal to pay off the debt. could someone please give me any advice as what to do now thank you
  18. Hi I would really appreciate some help and advice. In early March this year I enquiried via the website about joining Virgin active gym for me and my husband. I work for a large bank so could take advantage of corporate rates if I was able to prove my employment via bank slip etc. someone called me and gave me the price and asked me if I would like to go ahead, I said I would and gave him my bank details etc he then said I would have to go into my local gym to complete the paperwork etc. I then got some calls from the local gym pressurising me to go in and sign the paperwork, I had just had a baby and I couldn't agree a time for me and my husband to get in together. They insisted it had to be within the next few days so they could get their commission. I wasn't able to make it in to sign and didn't hear anything else from them at all. Roll on two months or so later, I checked my bank account and they had taken two DDs for £105 each. I called up the bank and got this refunded via the DD scheme. Thought it had all gone away, I didn't notify them that I was cancelling the DD. a few days ago, I received a letter from ARC Europe stating that I owe 236.80 and after that my gym membership will continue. So just to clarify, I have never signed anything, I have not received any paperwork at all and have not provided any proof of my employment status. I haven't even set foot through the gym doors and I am still breaking a sweat!! Can they have me for a verbal contract? What do I do now? Many thanks for any help in advance, Sarah
  19. Hi, I am a newbie to this forum so please excuse any ignorance! So, I was under a 2 year contract with DL where I was paying a direct debit monthly. After 21 months of being a member, I decided to cancel my direct debit as I was relocating to London for a new job role. I emailed the club to let them know in advance, and then shortly cancelled. I cancelled in Sep 15 (my contract was due to expire Dec 15). Unfortuantely, I didnt provide them with "proof of relocation" untill now - after recieving letters from ARC and consequently Major Law Solicitors, telling me I owed the final 3 months fees etc. Having spoken to the manager at DL Derby, they are having none of it. The bottom line being, I am being summoned to court to pay the outstanding amount owed, simply because I provided the 'proof of relocation' a few months late (after my contract had expired).I agree that is through no fault than my own, as they had told me they required this letter. Will Major Law Solicitors continue to take me to court over this matter? I have proof of relocation and against the date I cancelled. I also emailed the club to let them know. So is this fair?
  20. Hi, I signed up to LA Fitness in December 2014 under a 12 month contract, but was told this could be cancelled during the registration process. I used the gym a handful of times. I haven't been since February 2015. I paid my DD on time up until around October/November when I cancelled the DD, I didn't send a letter or anything to the gym. DW Fitness also took over this gym at some point last year which I was unaware of. I've now received an email saying they will involve ARC Europe to collect the unpaid payments. I understand I may be in the wrong here as it was a 12 month contract, but the fact I didn't use the service for the majority of the time aggravates me as they are after the last couple of payments. Where do I stand here? If I have no leg to stand on I'll just pay up. I just don't think it's very fair as I haven't used the service for the majority of the time. Any advice is appreciated!
  21. Hi All, I need some advice please. I had several payday loans from 2012 -December 2015, but this query relates solely to P2P/ARC I had a QQ loan, which I defaulted on back in 2012, reached a payment arrangement and settled in full around April 2013. Had a major issue and took out a P2P loan in/around November 2013 and they advanced £1050.00. I made 2-3 payments, but then defaulted. Balance outstanding is now £910.00, they have passed the debt to ARC Europe, who call daily from a 1000 different mobiles but to date I have ignored all calls. P2P advised the debt was passed on to ARC for collection, not sold. ARC last week sent me an email, which began with "without prejudice". they then went on to ask me to contact them to agree a much reduced settlement figure, or to agree weekly payments as low as £2.50 a week. The email went on to say that if I did not respond within 10 days the account would be passed to their solicitors for them to consider court action and there would be no further correspondence in this regard. Needless to say, they still call daily. Is there anything I should be doing, will I receive a letter before action from solicitors or would this letter constitute a LBA? Thanks in advance.
  22. Hi there everyone I would really appreciate a response as I a unsure what action to take next. I paid an upfront yearly fee to DL last July and verbally agreed that it was for just a year. I was away on holiday during the end of June and began getting phone-calls. When I arrived home I had a letter saying I owed 87.50. I phoned DL and explained this was incorrect as it had been agreed I was only joining for a year. They inisisted I pay and I disputed. I ended in some email ping pong - during the last one I requested a copy of my personal contract (I am well aware this is not filled in correctly with boxes not being ticked and a comment FINAL AMOUNT OWED £..... as well as no date next to the signatures). It is incomplete. I received an email back from DL last Thursday saing they were looking in the archives for my contract?? and would be in touch. I heard nothing and assumed they had misplaced it and hoped that was the end of it! This morning I got a phonecall from a mobile number - I unfortunately picked it up and it was ARC. They insisited on me giving information which I refused, I didn't realise they were calling about DL initially. They told me I had to pay the money immediately as I was in debt. I told them that infact DL were incorrect and I was awaiting my contract. I asked them not to call again. The post has now arrived and I have a letter from ARC saying I owe 377 pounds. I will not pay on principle as DL are wrong and I owe no money. I am quite able to cancel membership in the time period required. My questions are Do I reply to the letter from ARC or ignore?, if yes what would be the best response? Is there any legal action I can take re harassment? Thanks so much in advance I appreciate any advice. Best wishes x
  23. Hi, I received a letter today from ARC Europe stating that I have arreas of £85.50 from David Lloyds (Which I accept) however I have a balance of £332 apparently. I'm assuming this is all made up of some admin fees. Do I need to pay these? The missed monthly payment came from all my direct debits being cancelled and I've been offshore the past month so DL have not been able to contact me as I haven't had a phone signal obviously. What exactly can I do about this? I would like to just pay the £85.50 and move on ideally. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks
  24. From my favourite Consumer site in the whole world... Look carefully.... [ATTACH=CONFIG]58202[/ATTACH]
  25. Hi, I am facing increasingly aggressive demands from ARC Europe for payment of £320 (now threating to take me to Northampton Court with additonal fees) for a debt with LA fitness. Despite repeated phone calls to LA Fitness stating that I do not owe them money, and calls to ARC Europe saying the same, no one is listening to me and I am now have various threats stating that the amount I owe will be stepped up should I delay any longer. My monthly payment was only £50 so am not quite sure how they've arrived at such a high figure. I signed up for a 12 month gym contract with LA fitness in the middle of Jan 2014 and paid every month of my contract when it was due, up to and including the payment at the beginning of Jan 2015, and so was a paid up member until the end of Jan 2015. I cancelled the direct debit (to stop Feb's payment being taken) and told a member of staff in the gym that I would be quitting (in December) I'm fairly sure I called the head office as well, though it is six months ago now and LA fitness claim they have no record of the call. What is the best way to respond to their demands and should I do it by post or by e-mail? Many Thanks
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