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  1. Hi everyone, Last week I stole from a TKMaxx branch. This is the third time I am caught stealing from a shop, and third time I am told about Retail Loss Prevention (It has never been from the same shop/company.) The first time I received a letter and I paid the money that I was told "I had to pay". The second time I actually never received a letter, therefore I never paid anything. However, as this is my third time, I wonder what the consequences can be? Based on posts I've seen on here I shouldn't take RLP too seriously but as this is the third time I'm caught shoplifting I am a bit worried as to what RLP can do and if they can take any legal action. I wonder if they have a database with my information and previous offences? Thank you
  2. Hi everyone, I have an issue I am a little confused with, as in what to do about it and who to tackle. I purchased an item from Amazon, a router, sold by Ebuyer, via Amazon, this was on the 24th June. The router as it was not really working as advertised, such as, WiFi dropping, wired clients dropping, phones and tablets not being able to connect to the WiFi unless rebooted, and generally it was a poor experience, I updated the firmware as recommended by Netgear and gave it another week but not much seemed to change, so I made a request with Amazon for a return on the 30th July. Amazon informed me that it was a 'seller return' and I would have to wait for Ebuyer to basically OK the return, which they did on the 31st July, and provided me with an RMA number. I called Ebuyer on the 1st Aug as they had requested that I provide a day/date I was available for the collection, and to confirm the collection address, and the collection was scheduled for the 2nd Aug. On the 2nd, sometime around 1:30 ish, I heard a knock at the door, I was in the back room, and my house is small, so it took me no more than 15-20 seconds to put down what I was doing and get to the front door, which by the way, was wide open due to the heat of the day, upon where I see a guy walking up my short drive, back to his van. So I called out to him and he came back to the door, I handed him the parcel, he put a sticker on the box and walked off, I asked about a receipt and he mumbled I did not need one and he just carried on and got in his van and left. I was a bit worried about not having proof of collection and on the 6th decided to email Ebuyer via the Amazon messae centre and also called them, and the lady on the phone said, OK I will arrange another collection for you, as this was has failed. At which point I said, it has already been collected as I have already told you and she said, ooohhh... and then said, OK you better leave it until Wednesday, just in case it turns up, which is today of course. Now Ebuyer is saying that Yodel is claiming that they never collected the parcel due no one being available at the premises and that the GPS shows this as probable too, I have no idea how they can tell this from GPS though. So my question(s), what should I do? I have checked on Amazon and I believe I can now request Amazon investigate this but am kind of worried that I am going to get stuck at the, 'well the item has not yet been returned for a refund' and I am still over £100 out of pocket. I have told Ebuyer I am more than happy to report this to the police as theft and make a formal statement/complaint to Yodel about the matter, partly because I am happy to do this and plan to if the package does not appear, and partly in the hope it may help to suddenly and mysteriously 'find' the package. Of course, I had no direct contact with Yodel other than handing the package over to the driver, and it was Ebuyer who arranged the collection and chose the company, so figure they are at fault and they should be making efforts to get this fixed, but kind of get the feeling they are going to sit on it and let it look like the item was never collected. I am now concerned that I am going to be left without the package and no refund and ultimatetly be over £100 down with no way to address it. Any thoughts? Ideas? Who to tackle? What to say? Any input is most welcome and most appreciated. Regards
  3. Hello, i'm new here having only just discovered this site I have a residential property with a mortgage in only my name which is all upto date with no arrears. there is about £145,000 equity in it. However i have 4 other charges on the property ( so total 5 inc initial lender) these 4 arose out of BTL props that "went wrong", banks sold the properties off way cheap, leaving shortfall debt which they then turned into secured charges. the total of the shortfall debt is approx £390,000, yes i know , its huge, ( as i said the banks gave the props away) so i have £145k equity v £390k shortfall some questions: If i try and sell the property what will happen? ( from a maths point of view if i did sell the property the 1st (Original) and 2nd chargeholder would be paid in full but there would no be anything left for the others) and if i try sell the property, can the 2nd,3rd,4th or 5th chargeholder block it? what else could i do? TIA
  4. Good Morning everyone, My situation is quite complex so please bear with me and any help and uggestions would be greatly appreciated, i will start with a brief statement as to how this all started 15 years ago and then onto the problems i am now facing. In 2003 i applied to remortgage and take equity from my home, i was turned down, i checked my credit reports to see that i had several defaults and a CCJ from Barclays on my acc, after a few years i managed to get all of this sorted with apology letters from Barclays. In 2013 i was again chased for debts that did not belong to me, i tried every avenue possible to get this mistake sorted for a second time but eventually i ended up going to the newspapers and the FOS who then sorted out the problem with Lloyds and Experian with a pathetic £250 compensation, even though id spent 10 times this on phone calls and writing letters/emails etc . Now in 2018 this has all happened again, i have checked my report from all 3 CRAs and Call Credit and Experian are showing defaults, CCJ, addresses i have never lived at, they have even changed my electoral roll entry without any instruction by myself or legal documents to do this. All of this wrong information is for a person with the same first and last name as me and also the same date of birth, however this other person has a middle name and i do not. I received a letter from 02 on the 19th of March chasing a debt for this other person, i immediately checked my credit report, and there it was, 02 had already linked me and the debt/account to my address without doing any checks whatsoever to see if i was the correct person, i DONT have an account with 02. There is then the other accounts from 6 other companies in default that i have never had accounts with and a CCJ which i dont even know what it is for , i just know none of these belong to me as ive never missed a payment on anything or had any dealings with these companies. I have disputed all of this with Call Credit but they refuse to remove all of this wrong information, i have not spoke to any of the companies involved as from past experience they will not speak to me due to data protection when i say i am not the person they seek, but they also dont resolve the problem either, i have since joined checkmyfile and they are trying to sort things out with call credit , but say i have to sort out this mess with Experian myself. I am seeking advice as to what to do next, to be honest the companies reporting all of this wrong information in my eyes need to pay, i am busy renovating my home and considering an extension as my wife is 8 months pregnant but i am now reluctant to apply for any loans/remortgage etc as i know i will be turned down, and as you can expect for this to happen a 3rd time my stress levels have went through the roof. Companies listing defaults on my report who i have no dealings with at all and ruining my credit report because of there incompetence to check they have the correct person are: Lloyds Bank (again) Lowell Vanquis Bank Capital One Hoist Portfolio Home retail group 02 ( who reported and made the link with callcredit , even though this serial debtor has paid his bill now, so is not showing as a default, but its now to late as they have done the damage) Thank you kindly to anyone that can help. Luco19
  5. Hello, I had work done by a builder about a year ago, but since then I have had nothing but problems. The beams in the roof have not been installed correctly, causing major cracks in the loft room and below, the windows have not been installed properly and many other issues. Does anyone know if this sort of thing would be covered by a builder's product liability insurance? He built and installed my roof incorrectly and also installed my windows wrong, which in turn has affected by brickwork. Given that he built and constructed my extension, does that mean any faults found after he left can be claimed for, or would he have to claim for each and every fault that I have found. By the way the builder has accepted that he did bad, so I am going to assume that if the insurance company play fair, they will pay out.
  6. Veterans Gateway went live on 3rd April 2017 READ MORE HERE: https://www.veteransgateway.org.uk/
  7. In November someone drove into me and my car was written off. At the scene they admitted responsibility and I got the contact details of a witness who verified this. Following the crash the 3rd party decided to contest their liability which delayed my payout and meant that the case remained open, meaning that in the eyes of any prospective insurers I may possibly have been the guilty party... This meant that I couldn't afford to insure the car I'd been offered the use of over Xmas (thank you Ella Mullin x) so I had no wheels during the holiday period. All of this was bad enough but now... they've finally accepted liability, paid me out and I've got my ncd back again yet... I'm still being quoted twice as much for my insurance. I'm furious! I'm the injured party but my premiums have doubled - is this legal?
  8. On Wednesday, 4th Nov 15, a JobCentre Workcoach at Seven Kings Jobcentre, instigated a full scale row with me about my apparent job search failure, even though I applied for 33 vacancies for period 21/10/15 – 4/11/15 - so she's clearly insane and her judgement is off at best and worst she doesn't listen to reason nor pay attention to months of evidence. (This is my 2nd complaint against this particular Work Coach for bullying – the first complaint being the 10th September 2014) She battered me about why I hadn't secured interviews for the amount of jobs applied for, I explained that many job sites sold advert slots to recruitment agencies, and that many jobs aren't offered to me due to me being over qualified, and too old for entry-level posts. At precisely 12:40pm, she aggressively challenged me and said “If I'm so experienced, then I should be in work” - and she didnt mean it as a compliment either, she was goading me, doing her absolute best to wind me up, and she's clearly a lunatic of the highest order and unprofessional to boot. I mean, does she really think that repeatedly bashing out the same questions really helps motivate jobseekers or changes a job-market fluctuation situation that's completely out of my control – it doesn't. The 'Work Coach' also kept banging on about her 'job coach' credentials, she told me she was a qualified job coach (seems the majority of DWP staff do this too, but from what I've seen they don't have the skills/knowledge required to coach anyone) . Is the DWP sure they should be using self-appointed titles, as I thought their titles were Compliance/Customer/Client Advisor?? although the Work Coaches seems to think its fine to promote themselves and bully others.... (It seems the title of 'Work Coach' is an official title according to the DWP). She then turned to giving low-level CV tips, 'advising' that I should change it so its 'targeted'. Well, I've removed 4 positions to make it so – but this has now left a huge gap of 4 years employment that is tough to explain to interviewers, hmmm, great advice She then threatened to repeat the same pathetic questioning every time I attend my signing day, and I'm not being spoken to like that, nor will I stand for her ridiculous threats and told the Jobcentre, I will take this to the highest complaints level as this is the 2nd time these pathetic power games has occurred and the 3rd advisor complaint put forward by myself, although I couldn't be bothered to take it to the maximum complaints stage last time, but I will now.
  9. My Aunt died aged 94 in hospital from Alzheimers which she had for over 10 years during which time she never left her home . I and my father,(her brother) cared for her. I was executor and it was apparent that over the past few years there had been withdrawals of large sums of money from her bank : £13,000 £5000 £6000 etc a total of £75,000 in 6 years. Her outgoings were very small, under £300 per month. I bought clothes, food etc. There was no POA. The bank refused to state who had withdrawn these amounts but when my father died aged 92 two years ago it was apparent from his bank statements that he had been responsible for these withdrawals. The financial Ombudsman has been no use . The bank stated that they phoned my aunt and she agreed the withdrawals . Their security check was that she knew her telephone number and that they 'recognised her accent'. My Aunt didn't even know what year it was and was not capable of giving her permission . As she had never left her home in 10 years I don't understand how anyone from the bank could recognise her accent. The bank are refusing to acknowledge their mistake or to recompense . I now need to know if I can claim back this money from my father's estate or how difficult would it be to take the bank to Court? Thank you for any input.
  10. Hi there. I have wasted so much time and stress trying to get a good condition/new set of garden funiture from Argos. It's been 3 months since we ordered this Furniture set:http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/partNumber/6523835.htm We didn't get a confirmation email after ordering this furniture. After calling Argos they said that there was an issue with the ordering system which meant email confirmations weren't going out that day but confirmed the order was successfully placed. We ordered this furniture in mid March. The product page stated delivery within 14 days. We were given a delivery date for about 2 weeks after order date. Just before the delivery date, we received a call to advise that there was an issue and that delivery would be delayed by another 4 weeks! Finally, on 13th May we received the furniture. Now this furniture is BIG! The boxes they came in do not fit through a front door and so I had to get delivery team to leave the boxes on our driveway and I opened them after they left and we carried the all the furniture through the house and into the garden. Upon close inspection we found several scuffs on the rattan effect plastic weave: Here the weave has been done incorrectly. These strands should be tight. On the other sofa it is nice and neat. I had a live chat with a customer service advisor and sent them the photos. You can view the transcript (guy was a bit insensitive) if you're interested here: http://pastebin.com/CTv5W3d9 They confirmed that it shouldn't have arrived in that condition and that the weave was defective. I offered to accept the furniture if I could get a discount for the defect and damage. After initially offering £29.99 they said the maximum they could offer was £49.99 plus delivery charge so I rejected the offer and asked for a replacement instead. As I was about to go on holiday in a weeks time so the next suitable delivery slot for the replacement furniture was 14th June. When this replacement set arrived it had even more damage! So I did a video of it to show Argos: https://youtu.be/T7LW8qypRTc I contacted Argos publicly on their Facebook page with a link to the video. They replied and apologised and said that 'small' cosmetic damage can happen in transit. They arranged for another replacement to be sent. This 3rd replacement set arrived on 17th June at 3.30pm despite time slot of 10am-2pm and I was on school run at the time (more stress!). This set was by far the worst of the 3. Damaged in several places (broken rattan) and the middle section was clearly very used and filthy! Here's a video of the 3rd set's condition: https://youtu.be/lzF0kDACckw I complained on their Facebook page again and asked for a manager to contact me. They replied to say that I can have a replacement or refund. I asked again for a manager to contact me and they replied saying that my complaint had been passed onto management who would be in contact as soon as possible. That was 20th June and no contact but I think I won't hear anything more now. We will see. Obviously I could just get a refund but I really want this furniture set. It would look amazing if it was in new condition. There are many many 5* reviews on the product page so other buyers aren't getting the same issues as me. My reason for posting is because I would like to know what I can realistically ask for in compensation, IF I actually manage to get a set of this furniture I am happy with. Here's a summary: 1.Delivery took 6 weeks due to 4 week delay despite Argos quoting a 2 week delivery on product page when we ordered. 2. Three sets of furniture delivered. All damaged/second hand etc. 3. It's been 3 months since they took our money and we still don't have a furniture set that we can use. As a result we have had no garden furniture to sit on since April. 4.I have had to miss out on 3 days work for deliveries 5. Stress and inconvenience of the whole thing. Thank you for reading this far and I'm sorry it's so long. Any help you or advice you can give me is greatly appreciated
  11. See here >> http://www.derbytelegraph.co.uk/Bailiff-tried-television-says-Derbyshire-landlord/story-28724803-detail/story.html From Scoop
  12. I have a contract with EE. I was browsing facebook and clicked on a link. I immediately received a text telling me I was subscribed to a service costing £4.50 per week. Needless to say, I do not feel I consented to this. Certainly not enough to form a contract by simply clicking a link. I spoke to customer services at EE who assured me the charge was cancelled. However, they have let this company charge me for 6 weeks now and have now refused to refund the charges saying that it has nothing to do with them. EE have simply referred me to PhonePayPlus etc. I think we all know that the company in question are basically a [problem] company so I have no faith in them to refund me or cancel my subscription. My argument would be that my contract is with EE and so any charges I am charged by them should be justified by them. Im not saying they should be in possession of evidence to pass on, but there should certainly be more than an 'anyone can ask for money and we will just remove it from you and give it to them' approach. That said, this problem has been around for a while and I am not the first to suffer from it so there must be some reason why nobody has challenged a phone company via the courts. On what basis can they simply pass on this cost and deny contractual responsibility for it? I have a law degree and am considering pursuing this via the SCC. What legislation are they relying on that allows them to pass on third party charges unhindered? Surely any such clause in the contract allowing this would be an unfair clause as I am a consumer?
  13. Hi. I'm sorry if this subject is in wrong section! I have received a letter from a bailiff company with regards to a debt which is currently in a repayment plan. The issue is, on the reverse of the letter is a letter to another of their debtors, including names, address and details of the debt they owe. Do I ignore it? Should I contact the people on the letter? Do I make a formal complaint to the bailff company? My worry is that if I have received someone else's details, then they could have received mine. Is this a breach of confidentiality? DPA? Thanks in advance for any responses
  14. Hello, I am after some advise please to help with my defence as to whether I can seek and obtain copies of any transactions relating to my load account with Lloyds prior to the sale to Cabot and if whether the sell price can be admissible in the balance I should be paying to Cabot as opposed to what they've put claim in for. Recently been served with a CCJ for defaulting on installment repayment for an unsecured loan I obtained from Lloyds TSB in 1994. The agreement of sale points to this taking place in Oct of 2012. I need advise also on how and if I qualify for PPI , as this can perhaps be what I can repay the outstanding amount owed. The loan was unsecured.
  15. Hi there need some help urgently, i have a debt for 6k which has been statute barred for the last 6months when i say statute barred, the last payment was september 2008, and the default date january 2008. the dca 1st credit, contacted me in september, i requested statement of account, and they left me alone.. after which i never heard nothing again. about 2 weeks ago, i started receiving phone calls which i ignored from them. today in the post i have received a letter from the original creditor who sold the debt to 1st credit, that back in 2008 they applied a charge to my account when they transferred the debt to another company. and that they were refunding this charge to my account , and also gave me a cheque for the same sum aswell, as a gesture of goodwill. they also state that they have contacted 1st credit to apply this to my account. im in dire straights now, because the original creditor has done this, surely 1st credit can argue because a payment has been received, that this debt is not statute barred? even though its been statute barred since the beginning of the year. has anyone got any experiences in this situation... ive worked so hard to get myself sorted, and now this happens..... i may be panicking for no reason, but it all seems very convenient that since receiving these phone calls a couple of weeks ago, this happens.. hope someone can give me some advice... thanks
  16. hi, i have been awarded a CCJ against a company and so far i have been unable to recover the money that is owed. A HCEO has been to the business and stated that they do not have sufficient materials in their offices to cover the debt. I have submitted a 3rd party debt order which has come back saying that there isnt any money in the company account to cover the debt. I am just wondering what if anything i can do next. Any help and advice would be most welcome.
  17. Hi all, Hoping somebody may be able to shed some light on my question.. I have a judgment against an individual. I have come to realise his name is misspelt on the judgment. Have been advised by the court to make a formal application to correct this using an N244 form 'Notice Application'. My question really is regarding what court fee I am supposed to pay. Ive read the official fee guide but it doesn't make it very clear regarding this type of application. Any thoughts? Ive already emailed the courts to ask but thought somebody may have the answer on here. Thanks in advance
  18. Hello, Before I jump in accusing the other solicitors I wonder if any of you had any advise on what act or code this would come under? I'll keep it brief. Ongoing personal injury claim, my own solicitor is excellent. Defendants solicitor has just taken 4 statements from managers at my ex employers. Which is fine however my concern is all 4 use very similar language but most worryingly they all include 3 facts about my personal life they were never told about, while you say this can't be proved. Several facts weren't know about till months after I parted company with these managers, never to have spoken to them again. A partner's redundancy didn't happen till 5 months after I left the company - so for all 4 do include the same personal info that simply couldn't be predicted when I knew them (they all claim I told them) I was unaware as these were future events. This to me shows that the defendants solicitors must've leaked several parts of my personal life personal data for their statements or have all 4 could've seen into the future at the time yeah right I left that job in the Feb of that year so was unaware of a future redundancy and relocation for my partner and I, they have a letter to prove this was later on in the year. I'm not happy at several parts of my personal life has been leaked - what can be done? Surely it's a breach under some act? The personal life info above and other personal stuff mentioned is not relevant to the ex-colleges.
  19. Hi all! i am seeking a bit of advice on behalf of my friend. a few months ago they were caught shoplifting from TK MAXX and was stopped after leaving the store by store security and asked to go back to the office. When they got in to the office my friend was asked why they had taken the items and everything was recovered in a fit for re sale condition (all tags still on items and un damaged) my friend explained that it was completely out of character, expressed how deeply sorry they were and had no idea why they had done what they had done. After searching my friends bag they found some tablets and asked what they were for and my friend told them they were antidepressants and they are currently under going regular counselling (which is true) The Police weren't called but they took a copy of my friends passport, name, address and place of work and he was aloud to leave. Obviously my friend was distraught and was worrying that they were going to contact his work over the weekend, so, in result he wrote his notice and was ready to hand it in Monday morning first thing. Unfortunately, TK MAXX had called his work and he was called in to the office after he had handed in his notice and they said he can either A) leave with immediate effect or B) have a full investigation carried out regarding the incident. He decided to leave with immediate effect not knowing what could come of the investigation (he'd rather leave on a voluntary basis than be investigated and then ASKED to leave) A week later he received a letter from RLP saying that,in short, pay up £157 for compensation to there client or the matter would be escalated to court. he told me about this and I had a little look on the Internet and after reading pages and pages of posts and advice from people who had also been contacted by the RLP gave him the advice to ignore the letter as it was just a speculative invoice with no legal basis and that they are just using scare tactics to suck money out of you. he took my advice and a second letter came through the post (as expected) with pretty much the same as what the first letter had stated but worded differently with a few scary words added in. Again I reassured him and sent him some links to forums for him to read to help with his anxiety and he ignored this letter. so next up, you guessed it, a third letter has been sent through today. i worry that I am falling in to there fear trap and my friend is too and he is uncomfortable with ignoring these letters anymore due to what they are saying. i know there has been a lot on RLP but every case I have read has been under different circumstances I.e they're under 18 or currently jobless some advice would be much appreciated i still believe that there is nothing they can do and to just ignore it but I wouldn't forgive myself if I gave advice to him that was bad and that got him in to avoidable trouble! Thank you! Turns out I can't send links to the letters, ill post as soon as my post count goes above 10
  20. Last week I ordered a delivery of kiln dried logs in a 2m crate enclosed by plastic sheeting to keep dry. Delivery driver delivered next day but due to his incompetence dropped the whole lot on bonnet of my car!! Contacted relevant insurance companies and the car was deemed to be a right off without even looking at the damage via pics etc. Salvage company collected the car last tuesday and my insurance company told me to send the log book off to the DVLA with salvage details. I have just had a phone call from a repair shop saying that they were called in to assess the damage as the car was a higher value than first thought and maybe repaired, but they can't look at it until sometime next week. I have been without the car for over a week now and and could be a lot longer. I feel as through no fault of my own I have been left without a vehicle and not received the goods that I ordered as the logs were no longer dry and were not covered until I managed to get enough plastic to do so myself. Is there anything else I can do apart from wait . Thanks
  21. Hi I had an accident in April, I was on a roundabout had been on for aprox 150 feet, going right round the roundabout, indicating to pull off, when another car pulls in front of me from a side road. Now the 3rd party insurers is offering to settle on a 50/50 basis, I feel it was 100% the other drivers fault, if he had given way to the right, and given-way to the car already on the roundabout then it would not have happened. Question is do I accept the offer, if not what happens, do we go to court and see what happens, hope the other drives ins co folds? Thanks in advance
  22. Yes folks - it's the BC Slayer going for the jugglier again. After BC failed to produce the SAR information requested earlier in the year, I took them to court and they finally provided the information and I won nominal damages. I submitted a new claim to them for PPI on an old account operated between 2002-2004 at the beginning of the month and although I have received an acknowledgment, it isn't clear as to what they are acknowledging because I also sent (in seperate envelope) a claim for unfair charges. They have since written to me with their final response in respect the unfair charges claim and said 'GO AWAY' or go to FOS but I haven't received anything in respect to PPI. Therefore, I will be now submitting my lba giving them 14 days and preparing my N1 claim ready to submit to the CCMCC next month. They obviously do not realise who I am so bring it on BC. The BC Slayer:
  23. Follows claims of £40m savings achieved by restructuring. The price reductions affect all passports and services -At a glance; 32 page adult standard down £5.00 to £72.50 ( Fast Track down £9.50 to £103) 48 page adult standard down £5.00 to £85.50 (Fast track down £9.50 to £111) Adult Premium 32p (4 hour service) down £1.50 to £128 Adult Premium 48p (4 hour Premium ) down £1.50 to £137 Child Std down £3 to £46.00 Child Fast track down £9.50 to £87.00 Child Premium (4hours) down £3 to £106.50 http://lifeintheuk.net/index.php/news/price_for_passports_to_be_reduced_from_september/
  24. I purchased a pair of expensive noise cancelling headphones from a 3rd party via Amazon at the end of January 2012, delivered in February. About two days ago one of the headphones suddenly stopped playing while listening to music, in what seems to be an internal electrical fault (cracking sound, swapped cables same thing). The headphones came with a hard case, they have been treated with a lot of respect and never dropped which can be easily observed by looking at the product. I wrote to the seller through amazon and told them the problem is clearly a failure of the product and not a result of misuse, so I would like to assess my options of getting a replacement. They supported it has been over 6 months I am using the product and there is nothing they can do. They suggested to try asking amazon for a replacement. Now all this sounds rubbish to me. The product broke down after 6 months of use...well, I expect headphones to last a bit longer than that! Before contacting amazon I wanted to understand better their role as an intermediary and my rights with SOGA? Also, the manufacturer appears to offer two year warranty with their products in the EU. However I have had some bad experiences going directly to manufacturers before and want to see my options with the retailer first. What are my options here? thanks
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